Backing up iPhoto Library to EXD

I know this has been discussed LOTS but I would like to make a one time back up of my entire current iPhoto library to an EXD (the library is huge). I have TM but want to leave a copy of all my photos in a safe place. I have all the photos on CDs/DVDs as well but want access to the entire library.
Is it really as simple as clicking & dragging the iPhoto Library icon in Pictures (in Finder) to the EXD? I'm afraid I will corrupt my Library if I do this. Or is there some method whereby I can copy the photos & structure in my iphoto library - albums/keywords, etc. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I am about to switch from my older desktop to a whomping 1TB so am anxious to make copies - just in case.
Thank you

Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
Then yes, it is that easy.
However, with a large library doing this time and time again gets tedious as copying that huge library takes time. Consider getting a back up utility that does incremental back ups. Such an app will make a full copy first time, thereafter it will update the back up with changes in the source files. There are many apps that do this. Search on MacUpdate
Regards  TD

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    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
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    It sounds like the restored database is damaged.
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
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    Copy the iPhoto library intact to the EHD  --  or use a incremental program so you can update it without recopying everything - I use Carbon Copy cloner - Superduper is another good one - there are others

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    Right click on the iPhoto Library and "Show Package Contents" a folder opens a inside folder called "Originals"
    Open that and copy in sections until you find the corrupted file(s), then remove them from iPhoto or replace with good copies.

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    Hi Lori;
    Thanks to you for your support as well. I have tried dragging the iPhoto Library both directly from the Pictures File in Finder, and from a copy of the iPhoto Library folder on my desktop. I get the same non-result in both cases: "One or more items can't be copied. Do you want to skip them and copy the remaining items?" It doesn't specify what items can't be copied, and when I click yes (to continue) nothing gets copied.
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    Most Simple Back Up
    Drag the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to another Disk. This will make a copy on that disk.
    Slightly more complex:
    Use an app that will do incremental back ups. This is a very good way to work. The first time you run the back up the app will make a complete copy of the Library. Thereafter it will update the back up with the changes you have made. That makes subsequent back ups much faster. Many of these apps also have scheduling capabilities: So set it up and it will do the back up automatically. Examples of such apps: Chronosync or DejaVu . But are many others. Search on MacUpdate

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    By default Time Machine will backup all locally connected disks.  so if the iPhoto library is on a locally connected disk it will be backed up.
    To double check that the disk with the iPhoto Library is not being excluded open System Preferences->Time Machine and click on the Options… button.
    If the disk with the iPhoto library is in the excluded list remove it.

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    Yes you can move the book but not by exporting
    The book is just entries in the iPhoto database so the only way to transfer it is ot transfer the entire library it is in - you can make a "mini" library containing only one book to make the transfer easier - see Old Toad's tutorial #9 -
    You also can save a PDF of the book and transfer that but you can not edit pr process it

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    Thanks Terence!!!  I received a reply back from Chronosync.  I will be purchasing their sounds pretty slick
    Here is their reply to the same question I asked here:
    ChronoSync Express will back up the contents of whatever volume or folder you target as your source target to the volume or folder you choose as the destination target. As long as you can access the volume or folder via Finder of your Mac, ChronoSync Express can access it as well. You can create a sync document that targets your iPhoto library and nothing else on the My Book Studio and backs it up to the Time Capsule then schedule it to run automatically.  

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    I hope my explanations are OK !!

    Welcome to the Apple user to user assistance forums
    my iPhoto library and my files with originals photos wich have not been "imported" into iPhoto : menu "prefs/advanced/Import/copy in the iPhoto library is not checked".
    You are running a referenced library - which is not recommended for a number of reasons including it makes things like new hard drives and computers more difficult
    One way to accomplish your desired move is to use alias herder - - to convert your library to a managed library - then you can simply quit iPhoto and drag the library where ever you want it and launch iPhoto while depressing the option (alt) key and point to it
    Since the key to a referenced library is that the path to the photos does not change it may be possible to move the referenced library to your internal drive leaving the original photos where they are - I've not seen this but it seems that it might work - easy to give a try - quit iPhoto and drag the iPhoto library to the pictures folder on the internal drive and launch iPhoto while depressing the option (alt) key - if it works you have a partial solution - if it does not simply launch iPhoto with the option key and point back to the library that still exists on the EHD and delete the one you just moved to the internal drive
    And note that you have imported your photos into iPhoto - you simply have not copied the originals to the iphoto library - the importing process is much more than just copying the photo - it involved updating all of the iPhoto database pointers
    Message was edited by: LarryHN

  • Back up iphoto library

    Hi-I'm trying to backup my iphoto library to free up space on my 2009 13" 250gb Macbook.  My library is about 25gb in size and I have a 1.5tb western digital external HD.  I have already moved the "iphoto library" package file to the external HD.  All of my pictures are still in iphoto and I want to delete them.  Other discussion posts talk about choosing a different library when you open iphoto - I don't understand what the purpose of this is or how to do it correctly. 
    So my questions are:
    1.  Is it now safe to delete the library package file from my Macbook since it's on the external HD?
    2.  How do I restore that library to another computer at some point?
    3.  Can I access the backed up library (on the external HD) from iphoto?
    Thanks in advance...

    Post in the iPhoto forum.

  • Using a backed-up iPhoto Library - HELP!!

    Hi all. I'm looking for some guidance on how to recover photos that were recovered from a failing hard drive. My wife had a collection of digital photos that were originally imported in to Aperture 2.0. A while later, she started using iPhoto 09 for new photos. Eventually, she imported all of the photos from Aperture into iPhoto 09. Her collection is just over 2,500 photos. Well, last week, her hard drive started to act up and she asked me to back up her pics, and to do it from iPhoto as that's where the total photo collection then resided (Aperture + iPhoto). So I did, and we eventually had her hard drive repaired. After reinstalling iPhoto, I planned to just put the original saved iPhoto library that I backed up for her back into her pictures folder. I did, but now, when we open iPhoto, we are presented with the error message "unable to locate original" and the options are "cancel" or "locate original." So now you see our delimma (the originals went away with the bad hard drive).
    Can someone please advise as to how to proceed? All of the photos are there, in the copied library, however, we are unable to use them as they are. Is there a way to convert them so they will work (hopefully without loosing all of their new attributes, e.g. "place", "faces", etc.)
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Regards, bamarich.

    What do you mean when you say:
    All of the photos are there, in the copied library, however, we are unable to use them as they are.
    So now you see our delimma (the originals went away with the bad hard drive).
    It sounds like iPhoto was running in Referenced mode.* Was it?
    If the actual photos “went away with the bad hard drive“ then they are gone.
    *If you're running a Managed library, then it's the default setting, and iPhoto copies files into the iPhoto Library when Importing
    If you're running a Referenced Library, then you made a change at iPhoto -> Preferences -> Advanced and iPhoto is NOT copying the files into the iPhoto Library when importing.

  • Moving back my iPhoto library from an external drive to my computers drive

    I moved my iPhoto library file to my external NAS but when I then opened the file I couldn't see previews of the photos, they were just empty with "frames" around them.
    I had to click each picture to see what they looked like, I guess there isn't enough bandwidth to preview all pics? It's gigabit (1000MBit) LAN but it does not seem to suffice.
    Anyway, I tried to move my iPhoto library back to my computer but I keep getting this error message (this is freely translated from swedish so it might not by word-by-word but I guess you get the message anyway)
    "Could not complete the transfer since there already is an object with the name "iPhoto Library""
    I tried to rename the iPhoto Library file on my NAS but regardless what I rename it to (test, library, 123 etc.) I keeps saying ".......object with the name "insert name here""
    I tried to create a new library on my computers HDD and drag an drop the iPhoto library file in iPhoto but I don't get all the metadata then and I don't get all my pictures.
    Please help!

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    iPhoto needs to have the Library sitting on disk formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Users with the Library sitting on disks otherwise formatted regularly report issues including, but not limited to, importing, saving edits and sharing the photos.
    My guess is that the format of the NAS has damaged the Library and that's giving rise to these messages.
    Try restart the NAS and the Mac, see if that makes a difference.
    To move Photos/ Albums /Events between plus associated metadata between Libraries use iPhoto Library Manager.

  • Backing Up iPhoto Library

    I have decided that it's time to back up my computer somewhere other than my house. Principally, I am concerned that I have a redundent backup of my family photos. I am looking at a service called Mozy. My question is this: if I want to backup the photos I have imported into iPhoto library, is there a single file I can serve to the remote server or do I have to export all of my albums to separate folders and then upload those to the remote server? Thanks in advance.

    One caveat is this: If you have for some reason imported photos to your iPhoto library without copying files to the iPhoto library.
    When I first switched that seemed like a non-distinction. I didn't want duplicates so I imported photos from an external HDD to the library *+without copying+* them to the library. With this setting the iPhoto file referenced in this thread will only contain links to the actual photos on the external HDD and backing it up will not actually back up the photo files.
    It's a long shot but I thought maybe worth mentioning.

Maybe you are looking for