Badi ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST Sample Code required for changing the values

Dear Friends,
I am new to the Badi technology. We would like to populate/change the standard field values, (Purchasing group) during Purchase Requisition creation/change.
Method --> PROCESS_ITEM.
I tried the following code, but system blnaks out all the field values entered during PR creation.
Appreciate, if you could provide me some sample code which can be of help.
Sample code----
METHOD if_ex_me_process_req_cust~process_item .
DATA: k_mereqitem          TYPE mereq_item,
        om_data              type mereq_item,
        om_datax             type mereq_itemx,
    k_mereqitem = im_item->get_data( ).
    check im_count = 1.
    if k_mereqitem-bsart = 'ST' and
       k_mereqitem-loekz = ' '.
    om_data-pstyp = '5'. " assign default item category code
    om_data-bnfpo = k_mereqitem-bnfpo.
    om_data-WERKS = k_mereqitem-WERKS.
    om_datax-pstyp = 'X'.
    call method im_item->set_datax
         exporting im_datax = om_datax.
    call method im_item->set_data
         exporting im_data =  om_data.

Hi Kumar,
i have not a special solution for your case, but i use this BADI with great effort
As my comments in example are in german lg. i explain in short words what i do:
X) define data
1) select data from base item
1a) header-data
1b) item data (easy)
1c) accounting data
2+3) check field values, post warning message + mostly change values + sometimes set cursor focus on field
Have a look and give me some points if my example increased your BADI knowledge
METHOD if_ex_me_process_po_cust~process_item .
* Business-Add-Inn ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST
* Jörg Sauterleute - 23.12.2005
* Ablauf:
* 1. Datenbschaffung
* 2. Feldänderungen prüfen + Warnung ausgeben
* 3. Feldinhalte prüfen + evtl. ändern u. Hinweis ausgeben
  DATA: ls_mepoitem TYPE mepoitem,
        ls_mepoheader TYPE mepoheader,
        ls_mepoaccounting TYPE mepoaccounting.
* Interfacereferenz auf <if_purchase_order_mm>
  DATA: header_obj TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_mm.
* Interfacereferenz auf <if_purchase_order_account_mm> über Tabelle
  DATA: it_accountings TYPE purchase_order_accountings, "Tabelle
        accounting_obj TYPE purchase_order_accounting.
* Include für Ausgabe von Meldungen
* im BAdI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST niemals ABAP-Statement MESSAGE verwenden!
  INCLUDE mm_messages_mac.
* Hilfsvariablen
  DATA: h_change_mepoitem TYPE c,
        h_text TYPE string.
  IF sy-sysid = 'HLT'. break sau. ENDIF.
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* 1. Datenbeschaffung
* Kopfdaten
  header_obj = im_item->get_header( ).
  ls_mepoheader = header_obj->get_data( ).
* Positionsdaten
  ls_mepoitem = im_item->get_data( ).
* Kontierungsdaten (Accounting) über Tabelle it_accountings
  it_accountings = im_item->get_accountings( ).
* ...IF eingebaut, weil sonst später Abbruch, wenn sy-subrc <> 0
  IF NOT ls_mepoitem-knttp IS INITIAL.
    LOOP AT it_accountings INTO accounting_obj.
      ls_mepoaccounting = accounting_obj-accounting->get_data( ).
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* 2. Daten prüfen -> Warnmeldung
* Feld Empfänger (Kontierung) prüfen -> Warnmeldung
  IF ls_mepoheader-ekorg = '1000' AND
     ls_mepoheader-bsart = 'IB'.
    IF NOT ls_mepoitem-knttp IS INITIAL.
      CASE ls_mepoheader-ekgrp.
        WHEN '500' OR '501'.
          IF NOT ls_mepoaccounting-wempf IS INITIAL.
            mmpur_metafield mmmfd_recipient.       "Warenempfänger - Cursor setzen
            mmpur_message_forced 'I' 'ME' '303' text-011 '' '' ''.
* Warnmeldung wieder aus Protokoll entfernen.
            IF ls_mepoaccounting-wempf IS INITIAL.
              mmpur_remove_messages_by_id ls_mepoaccounting-id.
              mmpur_business_obj_id ls_mepoaccounting-id.
        WHEN OTHERS.
          IF ls_mepoaccounting-wempf IS INITIAL.
            mmpur_metafield mmmfd_recipient.       "Warenempfänger - Cursor setzen
            mmpur_message_forced 'W' 'ME' '303' text-010 '' '' ''.
* Warnmeldung wieder aus Protokoll entfernen.
          IF NOT ls_mepoaccounting-wempf IS INITIAL.
            mmpur_remove_messages_by_id ls_mepoaccounting-id.
            mmpur_business_obj_id ls_mepoaccounting-id.
* Ende Feld Empfänger (Kontierung) prüfen -> Warnmeldung
* Ende test
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* 3. Positionsdaten prüfen/ändern -> setzen
  CLEAR: h_change_mepoitem,
* Kennzeichen Wareneingang prüfen/ändern
* Belegart 'NB' immer mit "Wareneingang" wegen Log. Rechnungsprüfung
* Belegart 'IB' immer ohne "Wareneingang" weil Einsatz Workflow
* (Kennzeichen 'WEPOS' setzen/nicht setzen)
  IF NOT ls_mepoitem-knttp IS INITIAL.
    CASE ls_mepoheader-bsart.
      WHEN 'NB'.
* Prüfung ob gesetzt
* Wenn nicht, dann setzen und Daten übergeben
* Cursor auf Metafeld (aus Typgruppe MMMFD) für Fehlerbehandlung
        IF ls_mepoitem-wepos IS INITIAL.
          ls_mepoitem-wepos = 'X'.
          h_change_mepoitem = 'X'.
*           im_item->set_data( EXPORTING im_data = ls_mepoitem ).
          h_text = text-001.
          mmpur_metafield mmmfd_gr_ind .       "WE-Kennzeichen - Cursor setzen
*           message erst später ausführen!
*           mmpur_message_forced 'I' 'ME' '303' text-001 '' '' ''.
      WHEN 'IB'.
* Prüfung ob nicht gesetzt
* Wenn doch, dann entfernen und Daten übergeben
* Cursor auf Metafeld (aus Typgruppe MMMFD) für Fehlerbehandlung
        IF NOT ls_mepoitem-wepos IS INITIAL.
          ls_mepoitem-wepos = ' '.
          h_change_mepoitem = 'X'.
*            im_item->set_data( EXPORTING im_data = ls_mepoitem ).
          h_text = text-002.
          mmpur_metafield mmmfd_gr_ind .       "WE-Kennzeichen - Cursor setzen
*           message erst später ausführen!
*           mmpur_message_forced 'I' 'ME' '303' text-002 '' '' ''.
* Ende Kennzeichen Wareneingang prüfen/ändern
* Kennzeichen aut. WE-Abrech. (Rechnung) prüfen/ändern
* (für autom. Gutschriftsverfahren Verpackungseinkauf)
* Kreditordaten
  DATA: it_lfm1 TYPE TABLE OF lfm1,
        wa_lfm1 TYPE lfm1.
  IF ls_mepoheader-ekorg = '1000' AND
     ls_mepoheader-bsart = 'NB'   OR
     ls_mepoheader-bsart = 'KA'.
    IF ls_mepoitem-xersy IS INITIAL AND
       ls_mepoitem-umson IS INITIAL.                    "kostenlose Lieferung
               WHERE lifnr = ls_mepoheader-lifnr AND
                     ekorg = ls_mepoheader-ekorg.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        READ TABLE it_lfm1 INTO wa_lfm1 INDEX 1.
        IF wa_lfm1-xersy = 'X'.
          ls_mepoitem-xersy = 'X'.
          h_change_mepoitem = 'X'.
*          im_item->set_data( EXPORTING im_data = ls_mepoitem ).
          h_text = text-005.
          mmpur_metafield mmmfd_ers.       " Kennz. aut.WE-Abrechnung - Cursor setzen
*            message erst später ausführen!
*            mmpur_message_forced 'I' 'ME' '303' text-005 '' '' ''.
* Ende Kennzeichen aut. WE-Abrech. (Rechnung) prüfen/ändern
* Kennzeichen WE-bezogene Rechnungsprüfung (Rechnung) prüfen/ändern
* (für autom. Gutschriftsverfahren Verpackungseinkauf)
* Kreditordaten bereits deklariert
*  DATA: it_lfm1 TYPE TABLE OF lfm1,
*        wa_lfm1 TYPE lfm1.
  IF ls_mepoitem-knttp IS INITIAL.
* nicht anwenden bei kontierten Bestellungen
    IF ls_mepoitem-pstyp = 0.
* nicht anwenden bei gefülltem Positionstyp (z.B. 'L' = Lohnbearbeitung, Preis 0,00 EUR)
      IF ls_mepoheader-ekorg = '1000' AND
         ls_mepoheader-bsart = 'NB'   OR
         ls_mepoheader-bsart = 'KA'.
        IF ls_mepoitem-webre IS INITIAL AND
           ls_mepoitem-umson IS INITIAL.                    "kostenlose Lieferung
                   WHERE lifnr = ls_mepoheader-lifnr AND
                         ekorg = ls_mepoheader-ekorg.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            READ TABLE it_lfm1 INTO wa_lfm1 INDEX 1.
            IF wa_lfm1-webre = 'X'.
              ls_mepoitem-webre = 'X'.
              h_change_mepoitem = 'X'.
*          im_item->set_data( EXPORTING im_data = ls_mepoitem ).
              h_text = text-006.
              mmpur_metafield mmmfd_gr_based_iv.   "WE-bezogene RP - Cursor setzen
*            message erst später ausführen!
*            mmpur_message_forced 'I' 'ME' '303' text-006 '' '' ''.
* Ende Kennzeichen WE-bezogene Rechnungsprüfung (Rechnung) prüfen/ändern
** Kennzeichen Auftragsbestätigungspflicht prüfen/ändern
** (bisher nur Natec)
** Infosatzdaten (Konditionen) deklarieren
** Verweis of Tabelle mit Kopfzeilen immer mit TYPE TABLE OF
*  DATA: it_ekomd TYPE TABLE OF ekomd,
*        wa_ekomd TYPE ekomd.
*  IF ls_mepoheader-ekorg = '1300' AND
*     ls_mepoheader-bsart = 'NB'   .
*        i_ekorg = ls_mepoheader-ekorg
*        i_esokz = '0'                                       " '0' = NB
*        i_infnr = ls_mepoitem-infnr
*        i_lifnr = ls_mepoheader-lifnr
*        i_matkl = ls_mepoitem-matkl
*        i_matnr = ls_mepoitem-matnr
*        i_werks = ls_mepoitem-werks
*      TABLES
*        tekomd  = it_ekomd.
*    SORT it_ekomd BY datbi DESCENDING.
*    READ TABLE it_ekomd INTO wa_ekomd INDEX 1.
*    CASE ls_mepoheader-ekorg.
*      WHEN '1300'.
**     Anforderung Natec: wenn Infosatz-Kondition
**       a)  leer o. nicht gültig  => AB setzen, wenn fehlt
**       b)  älter       2 Monate  => AB setzen, wenn fehlt
**       c)  nicht älter 2 Monate  => AB entfernen, wenn gesetzt
**     Hilfsvariablen
*        DATA: h_vgldat   TYPE sy-datum.   " Vergleichsdatum
*        DATA: h_ergebnis TYPE c.
**     Alter der Infosatzkondition ermitteln.
*          EXPORTING
*            currdate   = sy-datum
*            backmonths = '002'
*          IMPORTING
*            newdate    = h_vgldat.
*        IF wa_ekomd-datbi < sy-datum OR    " gefunden Kondition nicht gültig oder
*           wa_ekomd-datbi IS INITIAL.      " keine Kondition gefunden
*          h_ergebnis = 'a'.
*        ENDIF.
*        IF wa_ekomd-datab < h_vgldat.
*          h_ergebnis = 'b'.
*        ENDIF.
*        IF wa_ekomd-datab > h_vgldat.
*          h_ergebnis = 'c'.
*        ENDIF.
**       Prüfung ob nicht gesetzt
*        IF ls_mepoitem-kzabs = ' ' AND
*                  h_ergebnis = 'a' OR
*                  h_ergebnis = 'b' .
*          ls_mepoitem-kzabs = 'X'.
*          h_change_mepoitem = 'X'.       "Merker setzen, geändert wird am Schluss
**               im_item->set_data( EXPORTING im_data = ls_mepoitem ).
*          h_text = text-003.
**               message erst später ausführen!
**               mmpur_message_forced 'I' 'ME' '303' text-004 '' '' ''.
*        ENDIF.
**       Prüfung ob gesetzt
*        IF ls_mepoitem-kzabs = 'X' AND
*           h_ergebnis        = 'c' .
*          ls_mepoitem-kzabs = ' '.
*          h_change_mepoitem = 'X'.       "Merker setzen, geändert wird am Schluss
**               im_item->set_data( EXPORTING im_data = ls_mepoitem ).
*          h_text = text-004.
**               message erst später ausführen!
**               mmpur_message_forced 'I' 'ME' '303' text-003 '' '' ''.
*        ENDIF.
** Ende Kennzeichen Auftragsbestätigungspflicht prüfen/ändern
* Bestell-/Bestellpreis-Mengeneinheit prüfen/setzen
  DATA: h_txz01 TYPE mepoitem-txz01.   " Materialkurztext
  IF   ( ls_mepoheader-ekorg = '1000' OR
         ls_mepoheader-ekorg = '1500' ) AND
         ls_mepoheader-bsart = 'IB' AND
     NOT ls_mepoitem-knttp IS INITIAL.
* Vergleichen ob eingegebene Mengeneinheit in Kurztext "avisiert"
    CONCATENATE '(' ls_mepoitem-meins ')' INTO h_txz01.
    IF ls_mepoitem-txz01 CS h_txz01.
      IF NOT ls_mepoitem-meins IS INITIAL.
        mmpur_metafield mmmfd_unit .       "Steuer-Kennz. - Cursor setzen
        mmpur_message_forced 'W' 'ME' '303' 'ME' ls_mepoitem-meins
                                                 text-031 ''.
* sonst standarmäßig 'LE' setzen wegen Problemen bei Obligo
      IF NOT ls_mepoitem-meins = 'LE'.
        ls_mepoitem-meins = 'LE'.
        ls_mepoitem-bprme = 'LE'.
        h_change_mepoitem = 'X'.
*      im_item->set_data( EXPORTING im_data = ls_mepoitem ).
        h_text = text-030.
        mmpur_metafield mmmfd_unit .             "Steuer-Kennz. - Cursor setzen
*      message erst später ausführen!
*      mmpur_message_forced 'I' 'ME' '303' text-030 '' '' ''.
* Ende Bestell-Mengeneinheit prüfen/ändern
* Steuerkennzeichen prüfen/setzen (für EK-Gruppe 500,501)
  IF ls_mepoheader-ekorg = '5000' AND
     ls_mepoitem-matnr IS INITIAL.
    CASE ls_mepoheader-ekgrp.
      WHEN '500' OR '501'.
        IF ls_mepoitem-mwskz IS INITIAL.
          ls_mepoitem-mwskz = 'V4'.
          h_change_mepoitem = 'X'.
*    "      im_item->set_data( EXPORTING im_data = ls_mepoitem ).
*          h_text = text-020.
*          mmpur_metafield mmmfd_tax_code .       "Cursor Steuer-Kennz.
*    "      message erst später ausführen!
*    "      mmpur_message_forced 'I' 'ME' '303' text-020 '' '' ''.
* Ende Steuerkennzeichen prüfen/ändern
* zu 3.
* zum Schluss noch die geänderten mepoitem-xxxx setzen
* + gleiche Meldungen (I ME 303) ausgeben
  IF h_change_mepoitem = 'X'.
    im_item->set_data( EXPORTING im_data = ls_mepoitem ).
    mmpur_message_forced 'I' 'ME' '303' h_text '' '' ''.
* Ende Daten prüfen/ändern -> setzen

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    Use the BADI INVOICE_UPDATE and try with this. Otherwise you try to create Enhancement point to implement your code.
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    Hi Digvijay
       these are some of the enhancements/badi's which is related to t-code va02. just check it out
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         Enhancement/ Business Add-in               Description     
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    Hi Sandeep,
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    Dear expert
        you can use f.10 or f.08
    2.  GL Account Balances (Totals & Balances )             S_ALR_87012301
    3.  GL Line Items                                                            S_ALR_87012282
    4.Display of Changed Documents                                  S_ALR_87012293
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    Alternatives for Help Resetting Security Questions and/or Rescue Mail
         1. If you have a rescue email address or a Security Questions issue, then see:
             If you forgot the answers to your Apple ID security questions - Apple Support.
             Manage your Apple ID primary, rescue, alternate, and notification email addresses - Apple Support
         2. Fill out and submit this form. Select the topic, Account Security. You must
             have a Rescue Email to use this option.
         3. This is the only option if you do not already have a valid Rescue Email.
             These are telephone numbers for contacting Apple Support in your country.
             Apple ID- Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security. Select
             the appropriate country and call. Ask to speak to the Account Security Team.
         4. Account security issues almost always require you to speak directly to an
             Apple representative to securely establish your identity as the account holder.
             You can set it up so that Apple calls you, either immediately or at a time
             convenient to you.
                1. Go to
                2. Choose Contact Support and click Contact Us.
                3. Choose Other Apple ID Topics and choose the appropriate topic for
                    your issue.
                4. Follow the onscreen instructions.
             Note: If you have already forgotten your security questions, then you cannot
             set up a rescue email address in order to reset them. You must set up
             the rescue email address beforehand.
    Your Apple ID: Manage My Apple ID.
                            Apple ID- All about Apple ID security questions.

  • Require to change the address in the Work address view of the contact

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement in which the user access a Contact. In it he access the Work Address assignment block navigates through the "EDIT" button.In that view the Address field is non editable, which remains editable only when the user is assigning the new address. When i make that field editable on the event of EDIT button also then it becomes a dropdown and on selecting a value other than the saved value, and on saving the same it does not saves the changed address although all other changed values of other editable fields are saved successfully.
    Can anyone suggest any other approach for changing the same address on that particular view? or any suggestion for saving the same value.

    Hi Sharad,
    to change the address of the contact you must change in "Main Address and Communication Data" view. The work address view is responsible for storage the address of main account.
    Caíque Escaler

  • SPEL? make REASON field required if user has changed the value in SALARY

    I have a requirement to make REASON field required if user has changed the value in SALARY field. Is it possible using spel? what are my options?

    You can change the Rendered Property through personalization.
    But in your requirement you need to attach the Spell through personalization & extend the existing CO to set the value of the SPELL based upon the condition.
    Note - Refer this thread If you have worked on SSHRParams kindly help the user.

  • Dump when changing the value for a field (of 13 decimals) in alv grid.

    Hi Group,
    Its giving a dump when user is trying to change the value.
    dump description: Unable to interpret "70,000 " as a number.
    what is happening here is, the original value is 50,000 and he is deleting 5 and replacing it with 7, here its throwing the dump.
    If he removes the complete number 50,000 and then gives 70000 its  taking the value.
    I tried to use, the decimals options in alv field catalog but to no joy.
    Please can you give me an advice on this.
    Many Thanks.

    the problem is the comma in the 70,000....that's an alpha character.... Normally, we expect SAP to display numeric fields in a appropriate format, based upon their numeric type, but trying to forcibly insert '70,000' into a true numeric-type field can generate an 'unable to interpret xxx,xxxx  as number' error.
    You could experiment with changing your ALV column to a char17 (or appropriate width) and putting your numeric value into that to display, then converting back to type P, or other field type in the table, in a column that is not displayed, when the user changes the value....  essentially two columns, one not displayed with a routine to copy/convert the numeric field into the alpha field and the reverse when the field is changed.
    But, the better solution is probably for the user to understand that they're seeing a formatted numeric field, and that they need to replace the entire value with the only possible punctuation being a decimal and (if necessary) a negative sign.

  • Scripts for changing the address of the user when they have been in the box for 6 months

    Scripts for changing the address of the user when they have been in the box for 6 months
    If users are in a folder for deactivated users and disabled users in Active Directory, and been there for 6 moths do: change email address in exchange to existing email address.old 
    Anyone have suggestions on how I can go about it?

    What is this "box"?  What is this "folder" you're asking about?  You'll likely get a better answer if you use standard terminology.
    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

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