BAM ICommand Export

Can any one please let me know how to export all data objects contents from BAM into a file leaving 14 days of data
Condition - I need all the contents leaving 14 days of data not exported
I know for Export all we use the following command. but how should I export only data older than 14 days?? any parameter needs to be passes? please let me know how
icommand -cmd export -type report -all -file C:\temp\TestAll.xml

I don't think this is possible (maybe I'm wrong...)
In my opinion all you can do is to delete your old data via sql commands and then export the data object afterwards.

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  • ICommand export diffculties

    I am trying to export all the data objects and reports while getting ODBC exception:
    C:\EXPORTS>iCommand cmd=EXPORT file="" all=1
    Oracle BAM Command Utility
    Indigo Prerelease (Indigo 3) [Build 3 4 5109 0, ADC Version 862.0]
    Copyright (c) 2002, 2005 Oracle. All rights reserved.
    All rights reserved.
    Exporting Data Object "/Call"...
    Error while processing command "EXPORT".
    [ErrorSource="ICommandEngine", ErrorID="ICommandEngine.Error"]
    ADC Server exception in OpenViewset().
    [ErrorSource="ActiveDataCache", ErrorID="ADCServerException"]
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    Hi user526834. It sounds like you are trying to export the contents of an External Data Object, and the connection to the external data source is failing.
    If you can live with just the structure of the data objects, then try this:
    icommand.exe cmd=export file="" all=1 dataobject:contents=0Good luck!
    -- Matt

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    Please help me on this.

    Use the Excel View Widgets in BAM Studio.
    About Excel View
    The Excel spreadsheet view displays columns containing rows of data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This view enables you to save the content externally (outside of the Oracle BAM applications) in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
    The Excel view requires that Microsoft Excel version XP, 2003, or 2007 is installed on the client computer.

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    Hi Bhaskar,
    I don't say we can't run/execute multiple operations.because BAM Icommand supports Multiple Parameter Targets.please read document and get finalized. in this doc see this section "How to Specify Multiple Parameter Targets"
    To more about I command
    my suggestion is create a bat file or any script file based on your OS inside script file you can configure multiple parameters.
    In BAM Icommand we export/import folders too if its DataObjects or reportrs or alerts too.
    Siva Sankar

  • Problems trying to import and export alerts

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    D:\Fabricas\1-Fabrica_BAM\4-BAM_11g\1-Types\1-Export\5-Rule>icommand -cmd export -type Rule -name "1-Deletar dia anterior todos os dias as 5 pm" -file Deletar24_11g.xml
    "C:\jdevtp4\jdk\bin\java" -enableassertions -Xms128M -Xmx512M -Djava.util.logging.config.file=bin\ -Doracle.bam.debug=false
    -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=oracle.xml.jaxp.JXDocumentBuilderFactory -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=oracle.xml.jaxp.JXSAXT
    ransformerFactory -cp lib\java\internal\oracle-bam-icommand.jar;lib\java\internal\oracle-bam-middleware.jar;lib\java\internal\oracle-bam-adc.jar;lib\j
    ommons-logging.jar;j2ee\home\lib\concurrent.jar;j2ee\home\jps-internal.jar;jlib\rds.jar;pcs\lib\pcsagent.jar;drm\ons.jar;lib\java\internal; oracle.bam
    .icommand.Application -cmd export -type Rule -name "1-Deletar dia anterior todos os dias as 5 pm" -file Deletar24_11g.xml -DEFAULTPATH "D:\Fabricas\1-
    Oracle BAM Command Utility [Build 2616, BAM Repository Version 2013] Copyright ⌐ 2002, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Exporting Rule "1-Deletar dia anterior todos os dias as 5 pm"...
    BAM-02514: There is no Rule named "1-Deletar dia anterior todos os dias as 5 pm".
    [ErrorSource="ImportExport", ErrorID="Export.Rule.NotFound"]

    I seem to be getting there now and have discovered the renaming presets on the right hand side of the import panel. It's actually all working rather well but I'd like to find out more about the various IPTC fields to see if there is more information I should be adding.

  • BAM Database Object Archiving

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    I would like to do data management in BAM database object. Hence please answer the belwo questions.
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    Q2.How to archive the BAM DO?
    Please help me out as soon as possible.
    Ritesh Jain
    Edited by: [email protected] on Aug 27, 2009 10:08 PM

    Please explain the purpose behind data object archiving so that I can suggest proper solution.
    Otherwise, the easiest solution for archiving dataobject and its contents is through icommand command line utility. See the documentation of icommand export to see how you can export data object definition and its contents to a file. As this is a command line utility, you can put this in your script/batch file to execute it periodically to take the back up of the dataobject contents.

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    Please help me out as soon as possible.
    Ritesh Jain
    Edited by: [email protected] on Aug 27, 2009 10:08 PM

    Please explain the purpose behind data object archiving so that I can suggest proper solution.
    Otherwise, the easiest solution for archiving dataobject and its contents is through icommand command line utility. See the documentation of icommand export to see how you can export data object definition and its contents to a file. As this is a command line utility, you can put this in your script/batch file to execute it periodically to take the back up of the dataobject contents.

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    I would really appreciate if someone could give me a solution regarding this.

    Post Author: cjmorris1201
    CA Forum: Exporting
    Are you using the "pull" or "push" method for your crystal reports?  If you are using the "pull" method (the report itself executes the sql) then I believe there is no way around having the query execute twice since it is fired off each time you open and export the report.
    If you use the "push" method, however, then you can just create the recordset/dataset and then set the datasouce once for the report.
    Here's a broad overview of push and pull though the Crystal Report Viewer is used.  The viewer may or may not be applicable in your case:
    Regards, Carl

  • Problem exporting/Importing alerts

    Hi all,
    We have alerts that calls the same plan, each alert passed a different parameter to the plan.
    When trying to migrate from one environment to another (using icommand).
    When exporting the alerts using Icommand, the internal plan id appears in the xml file.
    As a result, import of alerts fails since when importing the plans they are issued new internal ids).
    We tried using mode=preserveid on import, but it does not help since the plans do not contain ids.
    Any ideas how to solve this ?
    Thanks in advance,

    I tried to reproduce the problem but found that the Icommand export of alert refers to the plan by name.
    What exactly is the error you were getting.
    Created a plan and an alert that runs the plan, exported both, then deleted both and imported them which worked

  • [INFO] SOA Suite Patch Set #7272722

    SOA Suite의 각 component에 대해에서는 아래와 같은 bug들이 fix되었습니다. PatchSet은 기존의 10.1.3.x 버전들의 패치들을 모두 포함하고 있으므로 한 번에 업그레이드가 가능합니다.
    자세한 설치 방법 등은 Metalink와 patch document를 참조하시기 바랍니다.
    2.4 Oracle ESB Bugs
    =================================================== 6133446 Not available 6028985 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SUBSCRIBERS FOR QUEUE ORAESB.ESB_CONTROL 5997936 ESB FAULT DOES GET PROPAGATED TO ASYNC BPEL PROCESS WHEN FAULT HAPPENS. 6158128 Basic Authentication using HTTP binding will be supported with this fix 6166991 Accessing WSIL URL like "http://<host:port>/esb/wsil/TOLL/TestBPEL?wsdl" shows NPE at startup Also In BPEL-ESB scenario, ESB fails at startup due to undefined WSDL. 6316554 When Consume functionality of JMS Adapter for BEA Weblogic fails with XML parsing error
    2.9 Oracle BPEL Process Manager Bugs
    =================================================== 5262020 BPEL Compile fails to validate any of XSD GROUP Elements. BPEL Compiler fails with Erros like: Error(155): [Error ORABPEL-10057]: invalid query .. 5642667 NPE While Invoking a BPEL Process from SOAP Client. 5956575 AQ Adapter deadlocks when activation instances are high. set flag 'useDefaultConnectionManager="true" in oc4j-ra.xml for AqAdapter, to make this patch effective. Set this flag only for inbound AQ Adapter. Always set this flag to "false" for outbound AQ Adapter. 6000957 WS SECURITY HEADERS PASSED VIA PARTNERLINK CAN BE 2002/07 COMPLIANT IF OASIS2004COMPLIANT PARTNERLINK PROPERTY IS SET TO FALSE 6070345 When the console is used to clear the wsdlCache, in a load-balanced Clicking clear WSDL cache from the console will now propagate the message to the other nodes in the BPEL cluster. Previously, clicking the button would only affect the single node. 5842365 When user worklist is accessed via Portal page, with status=ASSIGNED, a prior ity = value other than "ANY" in the filter fetches null resultset, even thoug h qualified tasks are assigned to the user. 5937320 NULL POINTER EXCEPTION was thrown when we validate a xml which has null values inside it. 6132141 PROCESS_DEFAULT TABLE STILL CONTAINS INFORMATION FROM UNDEPLOYED PROCESSES 5956575 AQ Adapter deadlocks when activation instances are high. set flag 'useDefaultConnectionManager="true" in oc4j-ra.xml for AqAdapter, to make this patch effective. Set this flag only for inbound AQ Adapter. Always set this flag to "false" for outbound AQ Adapter. 6073311 Under certain circumstances, when multiple callbacks are received at the same time, the first callback will be processed but the remaining callbacks will throw a "scope not found" error. Fixed by serializing the callbacks. 6141259 BASICHEADERS NOT PUTTING WWW-AUTHENTICATE HEADERS FOR HTTP BINDING IN BPEL 6240028 Release Notes: WEBSERVICE THAT DOES NOT CHALLENGE FOR BASIC CREDENTIALS CANNOT BE INVOKED 6316613 RELEASE NOTES: a. change process state from active to retired b. Restart bpel server c. Make process state active again. d. Induce a midprocess activity; activation agents do not fire. . RELEASE NOTES: a. change process state from active to retired b. Restart bpel server c. Make process state active again. d. Induce a midprocess activity; activation agents do not fire. . 5926809 Release Notes: If no instance is created due to XPath expression errors then this bug has been hit. 6005407 With this fix. Any unhandled exception during a sync call will be returned to the caller. 6086281 Release Notes: An arrayindex out of bound exception is thrown during outbound execution for SignZoned data types. 6073117 Release note: With a task assigned to a group, when it gets acquired by a user who also is an admin, the user cannot do any other actions except "release" and thus the user experiences an infinite loop of claim->release->claim states. 6148021 Release Notes: BPEL NATIVE SCHEMA FOR COBOL COPYBOOK WITH IMPLIED DECIMAL GIVES IMPROPER OUTPUT. Release Notes: BPEL NATIVE SCHEMA FOR COBOL COPYBOOK WITH IMPLIED DECIMAL GIVES IMPROPER OUTPUT. 6086453 DOMAINS CREATED IN A CLUSTER GETS NOT PROPAGATED TO NEW OR EXISTING NODES 5945157 design time BAM sensor action wizard not resposive, hangs after clicking OK 5919412 If we try to invoke a bpel process via Axis client api, then we get an AxisFault and client does not fetch info properly. 5990764 ></com:Note> MailActivationAgent not able to process XML documents when send as as mail attachment with content-type="text/xml". 5747361 BPEL MESSAGES IN MANUAL RECOVERY QUEUE AND LOG FILES SUGGEST ERROR IN JDBC BATCH UPDATE 5999832 Decision Services using a WebDAV based rule repository might fail with a null pointer execption under heavy load. Decision Services using a WebDAV based rule repository might fail with a null pointer exception under heavy load. 5262020 BPEL Compile fails to validate any of XSD GROUP Elements. BPEL Compiler fails with Erros like: Error(155): [Error ORABPEL-10057]: invalid query ..
    2.12 Oracle Web Services Bugs
    =================================================== 5962677 Removed unnecessary response soap envelope in the case of one-way invocation. 5841127 Deployment fails with compilation error for a topDown assembled webservice application. 5968831 Throws CLASSCASTEXCEPTION for accessing security enabled webservices. Throws CLASSCASTEXCEPTION for accessing security-enabled Web services. 6041249 Deployment of webservices fails with UnsupportedCallbackException. 6051357 Certiface for encryption not found while encrypting SOAP response . Certificate for encryption not found while encrypting SOAP response
    2.16 Oracle Application Server Integration BAM Bugs
    =================================================== 6086297 Not available 5936159 "Object expected" and "'m_bIgnoreChangeLists' is undefined" errors appear 6372620 BAM SENSOR CREATION - XML MAPPER MISMATCH Creation of the XSL map for a BAM sensor action fails when source variable is defined by XSD imported by a WSDL 6346871 Not available 6600005 Not available 6599959 Not available 6796978 Surface Prompts were not displayed if a report was opened via a report link in an iframe in an html page. 6476606 Opening a view on an external data object that is filtered on a date field would fail. 6080618 Active data in a Collapsed List view could result in an "Unknown method" 6911095 ICommand exports invalid XML characters. 6705910 Configure BAM with LDAP or similar custom authentication and try to assign folder permissions at the group level. The Active Studio design time will throw Javascript errors and folder permissions won't work as expected. 4933638 Plan Monitor stops working after ADC connection is lost 6130673 Drilling across to a target report with multiple views may only show one view when the target report is opened in a different window. 6930980 Create a new role ad add Administrator privelege to it. Assign a user to this new role. Login as this new user, click on Administrator webapp and try to add/delete users from an existing role. An exception window will pop up announcing that the user doesn't have permission to execute this action. 6355162 Stopping the BAM services can cause errors in the service log files. 6919957 BAM Active Data Cache does not start if BAM schema is upgraded to Oracle database 11g. 4935584 The report view log can grow quite large causing the list of recently viewed reports on the Active Studio home page to take a long time to appear or to not appear at all. 6845898 Create an External Data Source using Oracle BI Server and try to create an External Data Object using this external data source. Attempts to browse this external data object will hang or cause exception. 7116903 When enabling the Message Tracking feature in an Enterprise Message The problem is that the unprocessed messages will not necessarily be read 6012490 Not available 7111368 Enterprise Link plans could fail with a System.OutOfMemoryException error. 7044132 Even when a recommended version of MS Excel is installed , a message appears THIS VIEW REQUIRES EXCEL TO BE INSTALLED 7030316 Not available 7020905 This could potentially cause bottlenecks in overall performance and 5850246 Not available 5996213 In IE7, extra white space appears at the bottom of the Active Studio window when opening the window as a pop-up in a tab instead of in a new window 6499630 Not available 6778538 Using drill across as a drill through action always uses the parameter values of the first data object in a Chart view with multiple data objects.
    2.17 Oracle Web Services Manager Bugs
    =================================================== 6145544 Unable to use extract credentials step in OWSM client agent. 6206956 The certificate given to the OAM step is not the signing certificate from

    Ya, that may happen. When I login as a orabpel user to update Olite database, I forgot to login as a oraesb user.
    but I think that will definitely solve the problem. Let me try and revert to you back.

  • Prepare templates of the existing reports and data objects.

    I'm trying to create templates of the reports and dataobjects created in oracle BAM. I've created some reports on a server and i need the same reports with same dataobjects on other servers. Is there any method to create the template of existing reports and data objects.

    You will have to export the Data Objects and Repots and import in the other environments using icommand.
    TO preserve the report id's you can use option preserveid
    and also supposeyou have 1 report which internally calls three other reports you can export the main report using dependencies option with icommand export use dependencies 1 and this will export all ur sub reports with main report..
    If u need more help on icommand check this doc

  • Fusion Order Demo errors  server-setup-seed-deploy-test

    Hello everyone....I am new to SOA and new to this site as well. This is my first post. Facing a lot of hurdles deploying the FOD.
    I am stuck with errors at this point server-setup-seed-deploy-test. Can anyone of you be kind enough to guide me. Thank you.
    Buildfile: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\build.xml
    [echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
    [echo] Using mds-type : db
    [input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
    [echo] SOA Suite 11g version:
    [java] *****************************************************************************
    [java] Oracle SOA Server version
    [java] Build: 0
    [java] Build time: Wed Dec 14 13:55:57 PST 2011
    [java] Build type: release
    [java] Source tag: PCBPEL_11.
    [echo] soa infra mgmt home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [echo] Setting up mds store, deploying shared artifacts,
    seeding jms info, deploying to server, and running tests
    [echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
    [echo] Using mds-type : db
    [input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
    [echo] SOA Suite 11g version:
    [java] *****************************************************************************
    [java] Oracle SOA Server version
    [java] Build: 0
    [java] Build time: Wed Dec 14 13:55:57 PST 2011
    [java] Build type: release
    [java] Source tag: PCBPEL_11.
    [echo] soa infra mgmt home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
    [echo] Using mds-type : db
    [input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
    [echo] Creating ../.adf/META-INF/adf-config.xml for database backed MDS
    [input] skipping input as property mds.db.password has already been set.
    [copy] Copying 1 file to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\.adf\META-INF
    [echo] Using jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe for db-based backing, with user dev_mds
    [echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
    [echo] Using mds-type : db
    [input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
    [echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
    [echo] Using mds-type : db
    [input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
    [java] Starting local filesystem import into mds ..
    [java] 26-May-2012 00:53:46 oracle.mds
    [java] NOTIFICATION: PManager instance is created without multitenancy support as JVM flag "oracle.multitenant.enabled" is not set to enable multitenancy support.
    [java] Got target mds-instance: mstore-usage_1 from F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\..\.adf\META-INF\adf-config.xml
    [java] Creating mds connection to ./soa-seed/apps
    [java] --> F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\.\soa-seed
    [java] 26-May-2012 00:53:46 oracle.mds
    [java] NOTIFICATION: PManager instance is created without multitenancy support as JVM flag "oracle.multitenant.enabled" is not set to enable multitenancy support.
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/partnersupplier/Warehouse.xsd
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/orderbooking/OrderBookingProcessor.wsdl
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/creditAuthorization/CreditAuthorizationService.wsdl
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/store/service/common/serviceinterface/StoreFrontService.xsd
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/policy/fault-bindings.xml
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/store/queries/common/CustomerInfoVOSDO.xsd
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/partnersupplier/PartnerSupplierComposite.wsdl
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/policy/fault-policies.xml
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/store/service/common/serviceinterface/StoreFrontService.wsdl
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/store/queries/common/OrderInfoVOSDO.xsd
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/orderbooking/OrderProcessor.xsd
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/creditAuthorization/creditauthorization.xsd
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/entities/events/OrderEO.xsd
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/entities/events/OrderEO.edl
    [java] Local item: /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/store/queries/common/OrderItemsInfoVOSDO.xsd
    [java] Now transferring ..
    [java] 26-May-2012 00:53:46 oracle.mds
    [java] NOTIFICATION: import operation started.
    [java] 26-May-2012 00:53:46 oracle.mds
    [java] NOTIFICATION: import is completed. Total number of documents successfully processed : 15, total number of documents failed : 0.
    [java] Transferred size = 15
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/policy/fault-bindings.xml
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/policy/fault-policies.xml
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/partnersupplier/Warehouse.xsd
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/orderbooking/OrderProcessor.xsd
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/orderbooking/OrderBookingProcessor.wsdl
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/creditAuthorization/creditauthorization.xsd
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/partnersupplier/PartnerSupplierComposite.wsdl
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/creditAuthorization/CreditAuthorizationService.wsdl
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/entities/events/OrderEO.xsd
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/entities/events/OrderEO.edl
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/store/queries/common/OrderInfoVOSDO.xsd
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/store/queries/common/CustomerInfoVOSDO.xsd
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/store/queries/common/OrderItemsInfoVOSDO.xsd
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/store/service/common/serviceinterface/StoreFrontService.xsd
    [java] Transferred - /apps/FusionOrderDemoShared/services/oracle/fodemo/storefront/store/service/common/serviceinterface/StoreFrontService.wsdl
    [echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
    [echo] Using mds-type : db
    [input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property platform has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property host has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property port has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property user has already been set.
    [secure-input] skipping secure-input as property password has already been set.
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [java] calling FolderManager.initConnection(), m_platform= weblogic, m_host=localhost, m_port=7001, m_user=weblogic
    [java] Connecting to: service:jmx:t3://localhost:7001/jndi/
    [java] connection initiated
    [java] folderMBean=oracle.soa.config:name=soa-infra,j2eeType=FolderLifecycleConfig,Application=soa-infra
    [java] Following 2 partitions are currently available on the platform:
    [java] 1. default
    [java] 2. soaFusionOrderDemo
    [echo] Creating partition soaFusionOrderDemo? ${createPartition}
    [echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
    [echo] Using mds-type : db
    [input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\partitionList.dat
    [echo] Ant: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 Java: 1.6
    [echo] Using mds-type : db
    [input] skipping input as property server.password has already been set.
    [echo] SOA Suite 11g version:
    [java] *****************************************************************************
    [java] Oracle SOA Server version
    [java] Build: 0
    [java] Build time: Wed Dec 14 13:55:57 PST 2011
    [java] Build type: release
    [java] Source tag: PCBPEL_11.
    [echo] soa infra mgmt home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [echo] Building and compiling SOA Fusion Order Demo ..
    [echo] Cleanup of OrderApprovalHumanTask
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\OrderApprovalHumanTask.war
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\OrderApprovalHumanTask.ear
    [javac] Compiling 6 source files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\public_html\WEB-INF\classes
    [copy] Copying 191 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\public_html\WEB-INF\classes
    [copy] Copying 4 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\public_html\WEB-INF\lib
    [war] Building war: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\OrderApprovalHumanTask.war
    [delete] Deleting directory F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\public_html\WEB-INF\lib
    [echo] Step1: copy template ./templates/connections.xml.seed to ../../.adf/META-INF/connections.xml
    [copy] Copying 1 file to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\.adf\META-INF
    [echo] Step2: setup descriptor, soa-only? false, modifying ../../.adf/META-INF/connections.xml
    [echo] replacing ws-endpoint with localhost:7001/StoreFrontServiceHooks/StoreFrontService
    [echo] replacing ws-binding with {}StoreFrontServiceSoapHttp
    [mkdir] Created dir: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\adf\META-INF
    [copy] Copying 2 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\adf\META-INF
    [echo] Creating custom adf config for customization of connections.xml - datasource: jdbc/mds/MDS_LocalTxDataSource
    [mkdir] Created dir: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\lib
    [copy] Copying 1 file to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\lib
    [ear] Building ear: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\OrderApprovalHumanTask.ear
    [delete] Deleting directory F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\adf
    [delete] Deleting directory F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderApprovalHumanTask\deploy\lib
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [echo] deleting F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/..//deploy/sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\deploy\sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [echo] Running scac-validate in F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/..//composite.xml
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [scac] Validating composite "F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/..//composite.xml"
    [scac] F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/..//composite.xml:170: warning: Failed to Find Binding "CreditCardAuthorizationService":"{}CreditAuthorizationPort" in WSDL Manager
    [scac] F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/..//composite.xml:163: warning: Failed to Find Binding "PartnerSupplierService":"{}ExternalPartnerSupplier_pt" in WSDL Manager
    [scac] F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/..//composite.xml:180: warning: Failed to Find Binding "StoreFrontService":"{}StoreFrontServiceSoapHttpPort" in WSDL Manager
    [scac] OrderProcessor.bpel:223: warning: <from> value type "{}long" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
    [scac] OrderProcessor.bpel:310: warning: <from> value type "{}decimal" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
    [scac] OrderProcessor.bpel:310: warning: <from> value type "{}integer" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
    [scac] OrderProcessor.bpel:390: warning: <from> value type "{}decimal" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}double"
    [scac] OrderProcessor.bpel:390: warning: <from> value type "{}string" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}boolean"
    [scac] OrderProcessor.bpel:429: warning: <from> value type "{}boolean" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
    [scac] OrderProcessor.bpel:571: warning: <from> value type "{}integer" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
    [scac] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    [scac] >> modified xmlbean locale class in use
    [scac] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [mkdir] Created dir: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\dist
    [copy] Copying 142 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\dist
    [copy] Warning: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\src not found.
    [copy] Warning: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\SCA-INF\src not found.
    [copy] Copying 6 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\dist\SCA-INF\classes
    [jar] Building jar: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\deploy\sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [delete] Deleting directory F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\dist
    [copy] Copying 1 file to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin
    [echo] Setting up deployment plan, modifying orderbooking_deployment_plan.xml
    [echo] Replacing ws-endpoint with localhost:7001/StoreFrontServiceHooks/StoreFrontService
    [echo] Replacing soa server and wls server information
    [echo] -SOA: localhost 7001
    [echo] Replacing file adapter endpoint with /tmp
    [echo] Disabling global bam sensors? false
    [echo] Amending jndi destination for jms topic jms/DemoSupplierTopicUdd
    [echo] Replacing soa partition name with soaFusionOrderDemo
    [echo] Replacing values for bam connection in connections.xml
    [echo] Bam server host: localhost
    [echo] Bam server host: 9001
    [echo] Bam server user: weblogic
    [echo] Spring lib path: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../oracle_common/modules/org.springframework_2.5.jar
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [echo] deleting F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/..//deploy/sca_PartnerSupplierComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\deploy\sca_PartnerSupplierComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [echo] Running scac-validate in F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/..//composite.xml
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [scac] Validating composite "F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/..//composite.xml"
    [scac] PartnerSupplierMediator.mplan: warning: Case "ExternalPartnerSupplier.externalpartnersupplier_client.process" doesnt have any payload transformation Please make sure source and target message part name are same and of same type. Otherwise, target reference may fail to execute with error message like "Input sourcelike Null" or "Part not found"
    [scac] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    [scac] >> modified xmlbean locale class in use
    [scac] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [echo] deleting .class files of F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/..//SCA-INF/classes
    [javac] Compiling 18 source files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\SCA-INF\classes
    [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    [mkdir] Created dir: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\dist
    [copy] Copying 68 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\dist
    [copy] Warning: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\SCA-INF\src not found.
    [copy] Copying 6 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\dist\SCA-INF\classes
    [jar] Building jar: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\deploy\sca_PartnerSupplierComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [delete] Deleting directory F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\dist
    [echo] Spring lib path: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../oracle_common/modules/org.springframework_2.5.jar
    [copy] Copying 1 file to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin
    [echo] Setting up deployment plan, modifying PartnerSupplierComposite_cfgplan.xml
    [echo] Replacing ejb-name with WebLogicFusionOrderDemo-ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierJScaEjb
    [echo] Replacing file adapter endpoint with /tmp/quote
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [echo] deleting F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\bin/..//deploy/sca_OrderSDOComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\deploy\sca_OrderSDOComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [echo] Running scac-validate in F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\bin/..//composite.xml
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [scac] Validating composite "F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\bin/..//composite.xml"
    [scac] CustomerAndOrderService.bpel:254: warning: <from> value type "{}anySimpleType" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}integer"
    [scac] CustomerAndOrderService.bpel:359: warning: <from> value type "{}integer" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}long"
    [scac] CustomerAndOrderService.bpel:493: warning: <from> value type "{}integer" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}long"
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [mkdir] Created dir: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\dist
    [copy] Copying 12 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\dist
    [copy] Warning: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\src not found.
    [copy] Warning: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\SCA-INF\src not found.
    [copy] Copying 6 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\dist\SCA-INF\classes
    [jar] Building jar: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\deploy\sca_OrderSDOComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [delete] Deleting directory F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\dist

    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [echo] deleting F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/..//deploy/sca_B2BX12OrderGateway_rev1.0.jar
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\deploy\sca_B2BX12OrderGateway_rev1.0.jar
    [echo] Running scac-validate in F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/..//composite.xml
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [scac] Validating composite "F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/..//composite.xml"
    [scac] F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/..//composite.xml:48: warning: Failed to Find Binding "StoreFrontService":"{}StoreFrontServiceSoapHttpPort" in WSDL Manager
    [scac] F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/..//composite.xml:59: warning: Failed to Find Binding "OrderBookingService":"{}OrderProcessor_pt" in WSDL Manager
    [scac] B2BOrderProcessingEngine.componentType: warning: property "" may not be understood by BPEL component B2BOrderProcessingEngine - it will likely be ignored.
    [scac] B2BOrderProcessingEngine.bpel:188: warning: <from> value type "{}integer" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}string"
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
    [mkdir] Created dir: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\dist
    [copy] Copying 25 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\dist
    [copy] Warning: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\src not found.
    [copy] Warning: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\SCA-INF\src not found.
    [copy] Copying 6 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\dist\SCA-INF\classes
    [jar] Building jar: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\deploy\sca_B2BX12OrderGateway_rev1.0.jar
    [delete] Deleting directory F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\dist
    [copy] Copying 1 file to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin
    [echo] Setting up deployment plan, modifying B2BX12OrderGateway_deployment_plan.xml
    [echo] Replacing ws-endpoint with localhost:7001/StoreFrontServiceHooks/StoreFrontService
    [echo] Replacing soa server and wls server information
    [echo] -SOA: localhost 7001
    [echo] Replacing communication style, eventbased? true
    [echo] Replacing soa partition name with soaFusionOrderDemo
    [echo] Wls home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
    [echo] Oracle home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
    [echo] Wls home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
    [echo] Oracle home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [echo] global: true > ejb: ${use.ejb} jsca: true
    [echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
    [echo] Wls home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
    [echo] Oracle home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [echo] Cleaning up external partner supplier ejb project ../classes/../deploy
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb.ear
    [echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
    [echo] Wls home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
    [echo] Oracle home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [copy] Copying 5 files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\classes
    [javac] Compiling 6 source files to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\classes
    [javac] Note: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\src\com\otn\sample\fod\soa\externalps\test\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    [echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
    [echo] Wls home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
    [echo] Oracle home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [mkdir] Created dir: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\APP-INF\lib
    [copy] Copying 1 file to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\APP-INF\lib
    [echo] ../classes/meta-inf/
    [jar] Building jar: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\APP-INF\lib\ExternalPartnerSupplierScaModule.jar
    [jar] Building MANIFEST-only jar: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\empty.jar
    [ear] Building ear: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb.ear
    [echo] Deploying SOA Fusion Order Demo ..
    [echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
    [echo] Wls home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
    [echo] Oracle home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [echo] Deploying jsca shared lib? true
    [echo] Wls home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
    [echo] Oracle home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [wldeploy] weblogic.Deployer -remote -noexit -name weblogic-sca -source F:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\deployable-libraries\weblogic-sca-1.1.war -targets AdminServer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user weblogic -password ******** -deploy -library
    [wldeploy] weblogic.Deployer invoked with options: -remote -noexit -name weblogic-sca -source F:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\deployable-libraries\weblogic-sca-1.1.war -targets AdminServer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user weblogic -deploy -library
    [wldeploy] <26-May-2012 00:54:30 o'clock BST> <Info> <J2EE Deployment SPI> <BEA-260121> <Initiating deploy operation for application, weblogic-sca [archive: F:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\deployable-libraries\weblogic-sca-1.1.war], to AdminServer .>
    [wldeploy] weblogic.Deployer -remote -upload -noexit -name ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb -source F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb.ear -targets AdminServer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user weblogic -password ******** -deploy
    [wldeploy] weblogic.Deployer invoked with options: -remote -upload -noexit -name ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb -source F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb.ear -targets AdminServer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user weblogic -deploy
    [wldeploy] <26-May-2012 00:54:32 o'clock BST> <Info> <J2EE Deployment SPI> <BEA-260121> <Initiating deploy operation for application, ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb [archive: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\ExternalLegacyPartnerSupplierEjb\deploy\ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb.ear], to AdminServer .>
    [wldeploy] Task 24 initiated: [Deployer:149026]deploy application ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb on AdminServer.
    [wldeploy] Task 24 completed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application ExternalPartnerSupplierEjb on AdminServer.
    [wldeploy] Target state: deploy completed on Server AdminServer
    [input] skipping input as property scac.sar has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property scac.plan has already been set.
    [attachplan] attachPlan: Started for Composite SAR file = ../OrderBookingComposite/deploy/sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar using deploy plan = F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/orderbooking_deployment_plan.xml
    [attachplan] Load deployment plan file F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/orderbooking_deployment_plan.xml
    [attachplan] Done Load deployment plan file F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin/orderbooking_deployment_plan.xml
    [attachplan] Unpacking the Composite SAR to tmp folder F:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\soaear_14030.tmp
    [attachplan] Copy new plan file orderbooking_deployment_plan.xml to F:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\soaear_14030.tmp\soaconfigplan.xml
    [attachplan] Repacking F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\..\OrderBookingComposite\deploy\sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar file soaconfigplan.xml
    [attachplan] Deleting tmp composite sar folder ...F:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\soaear_14030.tmp
    [attachplan] Attach plan successful
    [echo] Deploying to http://localhost:7001/soa-infra/deployer
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property serverURL has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property sarLocation has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property password has already been set.
    [deployComposite] setting user/password..., user=weblogic
    [deployComposite] Processing sar=../OrderBookingComposite/deploy/sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [deployComposite] Adding sar file - F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\..\OrderBookingComposite\deploy\sca_OrderBookingComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [deployComposite] INFO: Creating HTTP connection to host:localhost, port:7001
    [deployComposite] INFO: Received HTTP response from the server, response code=200
    [deployComposite] ---->Deploying composite success.
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin\deployResult.dat
    [copy] Copying 15 files to F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\bam\dataObjects
    [java] Oracle BAM Command Utility [Build 16732, BAM Repository Version 2025] Copyright © 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64
    [java]      at oracle.bam.common.cryptography.Cryptor.decrypt(
    [java]      at oracle.bam.icommand.ConsoleController.readConfigPassword(
    [java]      at oracle.bam.icommand.ConsoleController.resolvePassword(
    [java]      at oracle.bam.middleware.icommandengine.Controller.go(
    [java]      at oracle.bam.middleware.icommandengine.Controller.go(
    [java]      at oracle.bam.icommand.ConsoleController.go(
    [java]      at oracle.bam.icommand.Application.main(
    [java] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
    [java]      at$
    [java]      at Method)
    [java]      at
    [java]      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    [java]      at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    [java]      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    [java]      ... 7 more
    [java] Java Result: 1
    [echo] Seeding bam adapter connection factory for fusion order demo (F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin)
    [copy] Copying 1 file to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin
    [copy] Copying 1 file to F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin
    [java] Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    [java] Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    [java] Type help() for help on available commands
    [java] Starting modification of BAM resource adapter connection factory ..
    [java] Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid weblogic ...
    [java] Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'dev_domain'.
    [java] Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the
    [java] server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or
    [java] Admin port should be used instead.
    [java] Configuring OracleBamAdapter - amending connection factory info for eis/bam/rmi and eis/bam/soap
    [java] Redeploying application OracleBamAdapter ...
    [java] <26-May-2012 00:54:57 o'clock BST> <Info> <J2EE Deployment SPI> <BEA-260121> <Initiating redeploy operation for application, OracleBamAdapter [archive: null], to AdminServer .>
    [java] .....................Completed the redeployment of Application with status completed
    [java] Current Status of your Deployment:
    [java] Deployment command type: redeploy
    [java] Deployment State : completed
    [java] Deployment Message : no message
    [java] <26-May-2012 00:56:00 o'clock BST> <Warning> <JNDI> <BEA-050001> <WLContext.close() was called in a different thread than the one in which it was created.>
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin\
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderBookingComposite\bin\BamAdapterDeploymentPlan_1337990090265.xml
    [echo] Spring lib path: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../oracle_common/modules/org.springframework_2.5.jar
    [input] skipping input as property scac.sar has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property scac.plan has already been set.
    [attachplan] attachPlan: Started for Composite SAR file = ../PartnerSupplierComposite/deploy/sca_PartnerSupplierComposite_rev1.0.jar using deploy plan = F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/PartnerSupplierComposite_cfgplan.xml
    [attachplan] Load deployment plan file F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/PartnerSupplierComposite_cfgplan.xml
    [attachplan] Done Load deployment plan file F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin/PartnerSupplierComposite_cfgplan.xml
    [attachplan] Unpacking the Composite SAR to tmp folder F:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\soaear_31767.tmp
    [attachplan] Copy new plan file PartnerSupplierComposite_cfgplan.xml to F:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\soaear_31767.tmp\soaconfigplan.xml
    [attachplan] Repacking F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\..\PartnerSupplierComposite\deploy\sca_PartnerSupplierComposite_rev1.0.jar file soaconfigplan.xml
    [attachplan] Deleting tmp composite sar folder ...F:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\soaear_31767.tmp
    [attachplan] Attach plan successful
    [echo] Deploying to http://localhost:7001/soa-infra/deployer
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property serverURL has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property sarLocation has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property password has already been set.
    [deployComposite] setting user/password..., user=weblogic
    [deployComposite] Processing sar=../PartnerSupplierComposite/deploy/sca_PartnerSupplierComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [deployComposite] Adding sar file - F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\..\PartnerSupplierComposite\deploy\sca_PartnerSupplierComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [deployComposite] INFO: Creating HTTP connection to host:localhost, port:7001
    [deployComposite] INFO: Received HTTP response from the server, response code=200
    [deployComposite] ---->Deploying composite success.
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\PartnerSupplierComposite\bin\deployResult.dat
    [echo] Deploying to http://localhost:7001/soa-infra/deployer
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property serverURL has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property sarLocation has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property password has already been set.
    [deployComposite] setting user/password..., user=weblogic
    [deployComposite] Processing sar=../OrderSDOComposite/deploy/sca_OrderSDOComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [deployComposite] Adding sar file - F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\..\OrderSDOComposite\deploy\sca_OrderSDOComposite_rev1.0.jar
    [deployComposite] INFO: Creating HTTP connection to host:localhost, port:7001
    [deployComposite] INFO: Received HTTP response from the server, response code=200
    [deployComposite] ---->Deploying composite success.
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\OrderSDOComposite\bin\deployResult.dat
    [input] skipping input as property scac.sar has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property scac.plan has already been set.
    [attachplan] attachPlan: Started for Composite SAR file = ../B2BX12OrderGateway/deploy/sca_B2BX12OrderGateway_rev1.0.jar using deploy plan = F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/B2BX12OrderGateway_deployment_plan.xml
    [attachplan] Load deployment plan file F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/B2BX12OrderGateway_deployment_plan.xml
    [attachplan] Done Load deployment plan file F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin/B2BX12OrderGateway_deployment_plan.xml
    [attachplan] Unpacking the Composite SAR to tmp folder F:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\soaear_42498.tmp
    [attachplan] Copy new plan file B2BX12OrderGateway_deployment_plan.xml to F:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\soaear_42498.tmp\soaconfigplan.xml
    [attachplan] Repacking F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\..\B2BX12OrderGateway\deploy\sca_B2BX12OrderGateway_rev1.0.jar file soaconfigplan.xml
    [attachplan] Deleting tmp composite sar folder ...F:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\soaear_42498.tmp
    [attachplan] Attach plan successful
    [echo] Deploying to http://localhost:7001/soa-infra/deployer
    [echo] oracle.home = F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\
    [input] skipping input as property serverURL has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property sarLocation has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property password has already been set.
    [deployComposite] setting user/password..., user=weblogic
    [deployComposite] Processing sar=../B2BX12OrderGateway/deploy/sca_B2BX12OrderGateway_rev1.0.jar
    [deployComposite] Adding sar file - F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\bin\..\B2BX12OrderGateway\deploy\sca_B2BX12OrderGateway_rev1.0.jar
    [deployComposite] INFO: Creating HTTP connection to host:localhost, port:7001
    [deployComposite] INFO: Received HTTP response from the server, response code=200
    [deployComposite] ---->Deploying composite success.
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin\deployResult.dat
    [echo] Importing and deploying b2b trading partner agreements
    [java] Commandline arguments 2: [import, ../config/]
    [java] Import with overwrite=false
    [java] *** Import operation completed successfully ***
    [java] Time elapsed:7703ms
    [java] Commandline arguments 1: [deploy]
    [java] *** Deployment operation completed successfully ***
    [java] Time elapsed:1500ms
    [java] Commandline arguments 1: [restartb2b]
    [java] Time elapsed:1094ms
    [delete] Deleting: F:\stageFMW\DEMO_DOWNLOAD_HOME\\CompositeServices\B2BX12OrderGateway\bin\
    [echo] Wls home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\/../wlserver_10.3
    [echo] Oracle home: F:\Oracle\Middleware\Jdeveloper\jdeveloper\

  • Icommand in BAM 11g

    m using BAm 11g.I am getting exception while importing the files.can u please guide me.
    D:\Fusion11g\Middleware_WLS\Oracle_SOA1\bam\bin>icommand -cmd import -file "D:\
    BAM-ExportedFile\SLA_Endtime_dataobject.xml" -username system
    Oracle BAM Command Utility [Build 6512, BAM Repository Version 2024] Copyright ⌐
    2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Enter Password:
    Importing from file "D:\BAM-ExportedFile\SLA_Endtime_dataobject.xml".
    "0" items imported successfully.
    BAM-02587: unsupported import file version
    [ErrorSource="ImportExport", ErrorID="Import.Version"]

    This happend when you export from an installation of BAM and try to import to another one.
    I had the same situation and I solved it changing the export file following this steps:
    1. From the BAM where I want to import, export any object.
    2. Open the file with an editor and look for the tag "OracleBAMExport" and the property Version. Keep this value in mind.
    3. Open the file you want to import with an editor and look for the tag "OracleBAMExport" and the property Version, change this value with the value in the previous file
    4. Import the changed file.
    Jorge Medina

  • Export from BAM with file?

    I've created an export file and when I run it i get this:
    C:\Documents and Settings\admesos>icommand cmdfile=DataObjectExport.xml domain=SVKTEST
    Oracle BAM Command Utility
    10g Release 3 ( [Build 3 5 5787 0, ADC Version 1003.0]
    Copyright (c) 2002, 2006 Oracle.
    All rights reserved.
    Error while processing command "Export".
    [ErrorSource="ICommandEngine", ErrorID="ICommandEngine.Error"]
    You are unable to connect to the Oracle BAM services. Contact your system admini
    strator if the error persists.
    [ErrorSource="ActiveDataCache", ErrorID="ADCServerConnectionError"]
    The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found
    Anybody know how to fix this?
    Regrds Eskil

    Hi Kapil,
    I'm trying to export all my data objects by using a xml file.
    It fails, I think it might be some security setting on the machine, ICommand seems to use another user than the one I'm logged in as.

  • How to Export BAM reports to other platform

    I have created reports in BAM Server.Please tell me how to export these reports into other formats like-PDF,Exel

    Hi Snehal,
    Use the Excel View Widgets in BAM Studio.
    About Excel View
    The Excel spreadsheet view displays columns containing rows of data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This view enables you to save the content externally (outside of the Oracle BAM applications) in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
    The Excel view requires that Microsoft Excel version XP, 2003, or 2007 is installed on the client computer.
    Best Regards
    Siva Shankar

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