Hi experts,
In my spec I am using the bapis:
It works fine, the def project are created, then it creates the element pep, the network and the activity. All items are created without errors. The components will be created after this proccess  done.
I am having problems to use the BAPI_PS_PRECOMMIT, showing dump error:  Exception condition "PSPNR" raised. Dump screen:
408 * end of ldst modification                                          
410 * old syntax (do that also if ldst not activated)                   
411         IF *proj-pspnr <> i_proj-pspnr.                             
------------           RAISE pspnr.                                              
413         ENDIF.                                                      
414 *       BEAKZ_PROJ initial: File completely unchanged               
415 *       BEAKZ_PROJ set and ARC_PROJ initial: Status change          
416         IF beakz_proj IS INITIAL OR                                 
417            arc_proj   IS INITIAL.                                   
418           arc_proj = *proj.            "-> Merken f. Aenderungshist.
This is my code
  IF NOT tg_defi IS INITIAL.
    SORT: tg_tran BY projeto,
          tg_resp BY elemento.
    LOOP AT tg_defi INTO wa_defi.
      CLEAR vg_erro.
      PERFORM f_bapi_ps_initialization.
      CONCATENATE wa_defi-letra
                  INTO vg_proj_def.
      PERFORM f_create_def_prj.
      CHECK vg_continue IS INITIAL.
      PERFORM f_create_pep.
      CHECK vg_continue IS INITIAL.
      PERFORM f_create_network.
      PERFORM f_create_activity.
      IF vg_erro IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM f_bapi_ps_precommit.
        READ TABLE tg_return WITH KEY type = c_e TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          PERFORM f_bapi_transaction_commit.
          READ TABLE tg_tran INTO wa_tran
               WITH KEY projeto = vg_proj_def BINARY SEARCH.
          CLEAR wa_cn33.
          PERFORM f_de_para_6.
          APPEND wa_cn33 TO tg_cn33.
          vg_errors = vg_errors + 1.
        PERFORM f_bapi_transaction_rollback.
        vg_errors = vg_errors + 1.
        wa_resumo-proj_def = vg_proj_def.
        wa_resumo-descricao = wa_defi-descr.
        wa_resumo-processado = c_n.
        wa_resumo-no_msg_erro = vg_errors.
        APPEND wa_resumo TO tg_resumo.
        CLEAR: vg_errors, wa_resumo.
      wa_resumo-proj_def = vg_proj_def.
      wa_resumo-descricao = wa_defi-descr.
      IF vg_errors IS INITIAL.
        wa_resumo-processado = c_s.
        wa_resumo-processado = c_n.
      wa_resumo-no_msg_erro = vg_errors.
      APPEND wa_resumo TO tg_resumo.
    PERFORM f_create_comp.
Please, if you know what is wrong and how I can do this, please tell me. I tried to do only bapi_transaction_commit, but it checks if the pre_commit is ok...
Thanks in advance.

Hello !
I have exactly the same issue.  Did you  have solution already ? 
Only I noticed following specific . When I execute following BAPIs  chain it works ok :
BAPI_PS_INITIALIZATION (Initialization of the Current Process Unit),
BAPI_BUS2001_CREATE ( Project definition),                         
BAPI_BUS2054_CREATE_MULTI ( WBS elements definition ),     
BAPI_BUS2054_CHANGE_MULTI ( Change WBS Elements Using BAPI )
BAPI_PS_PRECOMMIT -  Precommit for PS BAPIs                        
BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT - Execute external Commit when using BAPIs 
But when I added  u201CCreate network headeru201D BAPI :
BAPI_PS_INITIALIZATION (Initialization of the Current Process Unit),
BAPI_BUS2001_CREATE ( Project definition),                         
BAPI_BUS2054_CREATE_MULTI ( WBS elements definition ),     
BAPI_BUS2054_CHANGE_MULTI ( Change WBS Elements Using BAPI )
BAPI_BUS2002_CREATE ( Create network header  assigned to WBS ),   ***
BAPI_PS_PRECOMMIT -  Precommit for PS BAPIs                        
BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT - Execute external Commit when using BAPIs
I got dump  from   BAPI_PS_PRECOMMIT  :
  Function module  CJDW_PROJ_MODIFY  :
old syntax (do that also if ldst not activated)
        IF *proj-pspnr <> i_proj-pspnr.
          RAISE pspnr.
i_proj-pspnr = 999999999 but
*proj-pspnr =  00000229 ( itu2019s next after last existing project NUMBER. SAP assigned it )
Interesting that  added  BAPI_BUS2002_CREATE has not error messages  and executed  successfully .
Any ideas pleeeeeeaaaaaase !  

Similar Messages

  • Using function module BAPI_BUS2054_CREATE_MULTI

    Hello All,
    in PS we are using above function module to create WBS elements. The scenario is that we generate projects and WBS in reference to a sales order with copying texts and partners etc. After some manuel work of the users an other reports the status of the project will be set from CREATE to FREE. After this status change, we need it to assign costs to WBS elements, we want to add other WBS elements to the project.
    This is only possible by manuel work of the users but not by using the function module BAPI_BUS2054_CREATE_MULTI. In that process we get the error code BS 014 and CNIF_PI 074. In BAPI_PS_PRECOMMIT we get a dump as consequence.
    We are on patch SAPKH47025 and SAP note 664666 is still in the system.
    Is there any idea in the community?

    please, I am with the same problem
    Did you solve this problem???

  • Short Dump while using BAPI_PS_PRECOMMIT to set Project Definition Status

    Hi All,
    I am getting a short dump while using BAPI_PS_PRECOMMIT for setting the Project Definition status..
    The requirement is to create a Project Definition and then set its status to REL from CRTD. For this purpose i am using the BAPI's in the following sequence :
    The Proj Def creation is happening successfully in step2. Interestingly, when I debug the program and stop at PRECOMMIT BAPI the program does not give a dump. I have also tried to give COMMIT WORK / WAIT FOR n SECONDS after BAPI_BUS2001_SET_STATUS, to give BAPI sometime for DB update but nothing seems to be a permanent solution.
    Please give your views on a solution for this problem..
    Thanks & Regards,

    Can you please check how to post code in SDN ...
    I cannot read your code properly

  • Short dump Error in BAPI_BUS2054_SET_STATUS

    I am trying to set status of wbs element and have the following sequence of calls based on the
    Error in BAPI_BUS2054_SET_STATUS
    et_return = it_bapiret.
    return = l_return
    i_wbs_user_status = it_wbs_user_status
    e_result = lt_e_result.
    IF l_return-type EQ 'E'.
    gv_flg_error = 'X'.
    et_return = it_bapiret.
    READ TABLE it_bapiret INTO it_bapiret WITH KEY type = 'E'.
    IF sy-subrc =  0.
    wait = 'X'.
    I am still getting the short dump :
    Error analysis                          
        Short text of error message:        
        Precommit did not run successfully                                                                               
    Information on where terminated                                                               
        Termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLPS_BAPI" - in "CHK_PRECOMMIT".              
        The main program was "RS_TESTFRAME_CALL ".                                                                               
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 24                              
        of the (Include) program "LPS_BAPIF01".                                                   
    Any help to make this work is appreciated.

    you are always calling precommit after should call only if set_status is successfull.
    This is how we are calling for network status.
            call function 'BAPI_PS_INITIALIZATION'.
            call function 'BAPI_BUS2002_SET_STATUS'
                number                   = network
                i_activity_system_status = it
                e_result                 = itet.
            read table itet into wa_itet with key message_type = 'E'.
            if sy-subrc ne 0.
              call function 'BAPI_PS_PRECOMMIT'
                  et_return = etit.
              call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'
                  wait = 'X'.
             MOVE  wa_itet-message_text TO wa_error_tab-message_text.
             wa_error_tab-key1 = network.
             wa_error_tab-key2 = wa_itet-objectkey+12(4).
             wa_error_tab-object_type = c_activity.
             APPEND wa_error_tab TO e_error_tab.

  • Lock ups and dumping psyical memory!!!

    Hi i have just installed a new pc most of the stuff im useing is from my old computer so i know they work fine im running a:
    P4 3GHZ Prescot 800MHz, HT-Enabled
    865PE Neo2-P
    512 DDR-400 Twin moss
    ATI Radeon 9000 pro
    XP Pro
    My computer locks up alot when running intense games (games have worked before no problem) i also get a error saying dumping pysical memory, i have looked about and tried to solve this myself, i found that someone was haveing the exact same problem as me and he fixed it by turning the FSB down as his memory wasnt compatable with his motherboard if doing that works how do i do it ?
    Many thanks Jonathan

    Flappa, Your memory " clock" is fine and there is no need to "underclock it" as long as you did not mess with the Bios.
    I had the same problems. I could not even get thru a Clean install of windows as it would Blue Screen
    1- are you running in " Dual Channel Mode"?
    2- If so is your memory a " match Set"?
    some times memory even thought it has the same markings is not matched . Dual channel sets are matched and made to run together in "Dual Channel Mode"{
    ( Even though I had the same manufacturer memory my set would not run in Dual Channel without " Blue Screening" I bought a Matched Set of Kingston Valueram and have not had a problem since
    3- If it is not a matched set, pull one stick out and run it for a while , if it still bluescreens try the other stick
    4- raise your memory voltage to 2.7 or 2.8 ( which ever is the lowest that it runs stable)
    5- If all this does not work , run MEMTEST to see if there is a problem with both sticks
    6- you are running a Bios Version that supports the " Prescott Microcode" right?
    Let us know what your findings are
    Good Luck  

  • Report J_1IEWT_CERT getting cancelled, generating ABAP dump!

    A long running report J_1IEWT_CERT in background mode is getting cancelled after running for a while and generating the following dump :
    Error analysis
        When changing or deleting one or more lines of the internal table
        "\PROGRAM=J_1IEWT_CERT\DATA=PRINTTAB[]" or when inserting in the table
         "\PROGRAM=J_1IEWT_CERT\DATA=PRINTTAB[]", 0 was used as
        the line index. An index less than or equal to zero is not
        The error can occur when using the following options:
        1. "INDEX idx" for specifying the line number in the table
           where you want to change, insert or delete.
        2. "FROM idx" for specifying the start index when deleting a line
           area from or inserting a line area into the table
        3. "TO idx" for specifying the end index when deleting a line
           area from or inserting a line area into the table
        At the time of the termination, the table contained 17008 lines.
    How to correct the error
        If the error occurred in your own ABAP program or in an SAP
        program you modified, try to remove the error.
        If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
        find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
        If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
        "J_1IEWT_CERT" or "J_1IEWT_CERT_F01"
        If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error
        notification to SAP, include the following information:
        1. The description of the current problem (short dump)
           To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File
        2. Corresponding system log
           Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.
           Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes
        after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File
        3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP
        program: The source code of the program
           In the editor, choose "Utilities->More
    Tried searching for some SAP Notes to fix the issue, no success as of now, Please help me out...

    Have you checked these notes ?
    363107 Short dump occurs during TDS certificate printing.
      803806  Error while genrating TDS certificate 03.01.2005
      1066049  J1INCERT - Error while generating TDS certificate

  • Short dump 'Table does not exist in database'

    Hello All,
    When a report is executing it is going to short dump by saying 'Table does not exist in database'. As per the short dump analysis this issue is happening because of the following   Native SQL statement statement :
    Program :  %_T050N0 (This is a dynamic  program generating by SAP )
    Form Name :  DYN_LIC_SEL_TOT
    exec sql performing LOOP_MOVE_WRITE_ISAP.
    select single_plate, itm_num, ctry_code, model_lot,
    lic_hold_flg, qty into :dcat-lplate, :dcat-matnr,
    :dcat-werks, :dcat-charg, :dcat-holdflag,
    :dcat-qty from ZLICENSE_R2 where itm_num   = :p_matnr and
                    model_lot = :p_charg
    As per the customer this issue occurring since they migrated the SAP  back-end data base from Oralce to DB6. Here I felt that ZLICENSE_R2 is not migrated from the  Oracle to DB6. But as per the BASIS Team, even this table was not maintained in Oracle also. If the table was not maintained in the Oracle, this issue should have been there even before migration also.
    Following is the short dump details:
    Short text
        Table does not exist in database.
    What happened?
        The table or view name used does not
        exist in the database.
        The error occurred in the current database connection "DEFAULT".
    What can you do?
        Check the spelling of the table names in your report.
        Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.
        To process the problem further, contact you SAP system
        Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look
        at and manage termination messages, and you can also
        keep them for a long time.
    Error analysis
        An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
        The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_NATIVE_SQL_ERROR', was not
         caught in
       procedure "DYN_LIC_SEL_TOT" "(FORM)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING
    Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
    exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
    The reason for the exception is:
    Triggering SQL statement: "select single_plate, itm_num, ctry_code, model_lot,
    lic_hold_flg, qty from ZLICENSE_R2 where itm_num = ? and model_lot = ? "
    Database error code: "-204"
    Could you please  let me know what might be the reason for this issue.
    Many Thanks in Advance.

    Transaction SE11, input ZLICENSE_R2 for table name, and display the table. Did the table display? If not, that is the main problem.
    If the table displays, go to menu item Utilities -> Database Object -> Database Utility
    In the resulting screen, under the "Status" fields, you should see text "Exists in the database." If you don't, then the table exists in the dictionary, but doesn't exist in the database system. Click the "Create database table" button and then you should be able to run the program.
    You may need basis team's help to carryout some of these actions.

  • Short Dump while scrolling in a maintenance view

    A maintenance view has one field, defined as "Radiobutton".
    1) Select the radiobutton for one entry.
    2) Scroll down so that in the new page (i.e. the entries displayed in the new page) the entry selected in the first step is not visible.
    3) Select any radiobutton again corresponding to any of the entries displayed in the new page.
    4) On scrolling up again the short dump occurs.
    The short dump text says "More than one radio button is active".
    Any inputs in this regards are appreciated.

    that means you are trying to make two radio buttons active.
    parameters: ra radiobutton group g1 default = 'X',
                rb radiobutton group g1.
    ra = 'X'.
    and rb = 'X'.
    in your case so obviously it will dump.
    check your coding..
    and show your code...

  • Is it possible to create manually a dump?

    Dear all,
    I have a question about Dumps created in SAP while programs run with unpredicted errors.
    I have a specific table defined in the dictionary which has two coloumns progId and path.
    The first one is a unique identifier given to a program and the second column is an absolute path on the
    unix server where SAP is installed.
    For example
    MyProg | /usr/tmpbatch/data/E200
    Means that the ABAP program named 'MyProg' will run and its output file (the output of the program) and the
    log file are created in /usr/tmpbatch/data/E200.
    In each of my programs, first of all I check the content of this table in order to ensure that the path is defined for the
    given program (and therefore I may be able to create avec success both output and log files). If there is no entry
    in the table for the given program, I leave the program by calling the STOP instruction.
    My programs run at night, so the next day the corresponding users read the content of the generated output/log files.
    As a result, if the path is not defined properly for a given program in the table, the program is not run and therefore
    there will be no output/logfile the next day.
    My question is How can I inform the user who arrives the next day observing that one program has not been run? How
    can I tell him by some kind of system message that the program exited because the path for the files had not been defined in
    my table?
    Each morning, we can analyse the dumps which were produced during the precedent day. So that we may know
    (approximately) what went wrong. But as far as I know, dumps are generated automatically by the system. Is it possible
    to generate a dump (by calling some fucntion) with an appropriate error message for my problem?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hello again,
    First of all I would like to thank everybody for their attention to my problem and
    for spending time for answering my question. Thank you all very much.
    Currently, Thomas' solution about MESSAGE_TYPE_X seems to work pretty well
    for my problem. As all of you mentioned  that, there should be softer methods to inform
    users. One main problem is that the program which lanuches my programs during night
    is not a sap user, it is a Unix scheduler (please forgive me I don't know these administration
    details and how they work) so  according to what the administrator told me it is not possible
    to send email. As a result, I think I may go with MESSAGE_TYPE_X until I found another proper way.
    Once again, thank you all for your help.
    Kind Regards,

  • Error while importing a dump file in Oracle 10g R1

    Hi all,
    While trying to import a schema using Data Dump, I am facing the following issue -
    UDI-00018 - Import utility version can not be more recent than the Data Dump server.
    Following is the version information of the source and target DB and the utilities :
    Source DB server :
    Export utility :
    Import utility :
    Target DB server :
    Export utility :
    Import utility :
    I can figure out the cause for the problem, but don't know how to resolve it.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Gitika Khurana

    How did you get thre DMP file created and how are you trying to import the dump file? Could you post the commands you're using, please?

  • Error_Exception dump while opening the report in RRMX

    Hi All,
    When User trying to open the report Error_Exception dump is coming for few Info Providers. Please find attached dump for your reference.

    Issue is res loved,  We have analyze the short dump ,when loads were running and at that if time user executed the queries then that dump was occuring.


    Hi Gurus,
    I have got a short dump while executing DTP the Error is as Follows.
    Runtime Error: MESSAGE_TYPE_X.
    Reasons for Error: 1.The installation of the SAP GUI on the present server is faulty or obselete
    2.There is a error in the application program
    And i have sent the sreen shot of the Short Dump to BASIS TEAM and they have replied me that they have to install some patches and it will take some time.
    But i have no much time and i have to someway or the other execute the DTP and load the data.
    Is there any shortcuts for this i mean to say without the involvement of Basis team that i can do in th BI System

    Hi Amar,
    If the problem is with with System itself, how can we all have a short cut in that case. You may give it another trial, but you have to wait for the patches to be applied. Ask your basis team to get it done ASAP.

  • Dump error while creating a new page in smartforms URGENT pls!!!

    while creating a new page it is showing me a dump error , that the superior program execption was not intercepted , i have even given the next page field also correctly, i have attached a mainwindow to that page and a text element to that . .

    Hi Deena,
    This error:
    "[2012-07-10T14:50:30.005+05:30] [wls_ods1] [ERROR] [] [] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JXkC9dU3FClqwsJb6G1FyhO000003D,0] [APP: odsm#] Server Exception during PPR, #7[[
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not initialize class"
    is known issue
    Go to metalink, article: Unable To Connect To OVD 11g Webinterface Using ODSM. [ID 1282757.1]
    You need to apply that patch.
    I hope this helps,
    Thiago Leoncio.

  • New iPod Touch 32gb stalls after starting sync, error 54, manual synce gets dumped

    I just got this thing at Walmart last Sunday and its been driving me nuts all week! It's the brand new iPod Touch 32gb 4gen. When trying to sync it will start to load music then stall. Sometimes it gives error code 54, sometimes says it cant convert song, cant find song, or just stalls. If I wait anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour it will finally un-freeze and dump everything or say the connection has timed out. I've ran repair on iTunes from control panel, no help. Un-installed iTunes and re-installed it then tried synce, no help. I un-selected everything in the iPod summary so that it wont try to synce when I connect it and selected manual synce. Then I could sync a few songs at a time, but it still stalls after only loading a few songs on iPod. Tried dumping everything out of the ipod and start over, several times, no help. I've been 6 days, all day, every day, and half the nights getting a few songs at a time on this dam thing. I found when it stalls if I turn the iPod off to force it out of iTunes I can then restart iTunes, reconnect the iPod, manually select 15 to 20 songs and drag them to the iPod. A few times I got over a hundred to sync but usually 20 to 30 songs then it stalls. Then I have to do the whole thing over again. I had a little over 1200 songs out of the 1877 songs, 11.28gb, in my music library when the last time it stalled, it dumped everything. 4 or 5 days of manually syncing a few songs at a time, GONE. Just poof, all that work for nothing. The only thing left on it is 92 of the hundred something songs I've bought from iTunes. I'm ready to take a hammer to the dam thing and send it back to Walmart where I got it.
    I'm using a Dell Studio 17 inch laptop that's about 4 yrs old running Windows 7 that I installed 2 years ago. I had a iPod nano 2gb that worked fine with this computer & iTunes untill it died last spring.
    Why do you have it set up so that one little hickup and the dam thing dumps everything thats on it? I cant even stop it from starting to sync when I connect it because I need to see the settings in the summary for the iPod to change the settings, but I cant see that until I connect it, but as soon as I connect it, it try's to start the sync and stalls feezing everything.
    Can anybody help me before this thing drives me completely over the edge!?
    The ColoradoHermit

    I have a older Dell Optiplex desktop computer running Windows XP. I copied the iTunes  folder on my laptop to an external drive and plugged that into my desktop computer. Then connected the iPod Touch to the desktop. For some reason or other the computer thought the iPod was a camera and wanted to know which photo program to open with or for it. I never did get iTunes on my desktop computer to "see" the iPod and had to give up that idea.
    When going into the My Computer or Windows Explorer - which is the one I like to use for working with my files-  when I connect the iPod to my computer in Windows Explorer it will show the iPod. Open that and it shows Internal Storage, open that and a folder with DCIM shows below it, open that and a folder with 860OKMZO on it shows below that, open that and it has the 40 or 50 photos I saved from Facebook. That's it, there isn't anything else shown in its storage. The iTunes on my old Desktop doesn't see the iPod Touch either.
    Even if the iTunes on my old desktop would work with this iPod Touch it wouldn't do me any good. I read in a post that once it is connected to a iTunes Library, if its connected to any other iTunes Library on a different computer it will dump everything that's on it. Which is totally stupid but I think they - iTunes - have it that way so that you cant share your music with somebody elses computer. But that also makes it so I cant manually sync one thing at a time with my own iTunes Library. I tried syncing my music first and after I got some of it on the iPod, in its summary I deselected the music sync and selected the movies or video's so I could manually synce a few to it to see if it would work. Bad move. As soon as I did that it dumped everything that was on it, then said that it could not sync the movies because the files could not be written. HUH? Why a video from YouTube could not be written beats me. But why did it dump all the music?
    The last thing I did with it was put all the options in the summary in iTunes back to default, removed everything on the iPod that was left after its last dump, then disconnected it, closed iTunes, and rebooted my laptop and started over from scratch. Started iTunes, connected the iPod, after iTunes found it I opened the iPod summary, made sure everything except sync photo's was selected, then started the sync function. It immediately listed all the songs and the songs info in light gray under music on the iPod. It only got 2 songs copied, then stalled. I just left it alone to see what it would do. I opened the Windows Task Manager to see what it was doing. Even though the iTunes program appered to be stalled it was using 50% of the CPU. After about 15 minutes it showed a popup window saying the song could not be writen then another saying its connection to the iPod had timed out, then iTunes stalled and "not responding" showed in task manager and at the top of the iTunes window. After 30 minutes I had to force it to close with the Task Manager. By then it was after midnight and had been another 12 hours wasted messing with this thing.

  • Define Service Desk Destination in the Solution Manager System (Dump creen)

    in SPRO when i click on Define Service Desk Destination in the Solution Manager System
    i got dump screen with the error below 
    any help?
    Runtime Errors         SAPSQL_EMPTY_TABNAME
    Except.                CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SYNTAX
    Date and Time          13.07.2008 14:05:57
    Short text
        A dynamically specified FROM clause has an unexpected format.
    What happened?
        Error in the ABAP Application Program
        The current ABAP program "SAPLSHI2" had to be terminated because it has
        come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    Error analysis
        An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
        The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SYNTAX', was not
         caught in
        procedure "STREE_READ_NODE_GENER" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a
         RAISING clause.
        Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
        exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
        The reason for the exception is:
        The running ABAP program attempted to execute an Open SQL statement in
        which a FROM clause was specified dynamically in the field "TABLE_NAME". In
        FROM clause, either a table name after a join operator is missing, or an
         alias name after the key name "AS". The field "TABLE_NAME" could be empty as

    I am facing the same problem. What is SP15 ?
    Is there any SAP Note that can be applied to correct this ?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Mounting and unmounting drives

    Do you have to un-mount an external firewire drive in OS 9 like you do with OS X? Normally in OSX you unmount the drive before powering it down. Does the firewire drive auto mount when you connect it in OS 9? I run OSX but my Dad still uses OS9.2 and

  • Linux Performance Monitoring Scripts

    Hi Friends, My boss ask me to give weekly reports about the performance of the server. He wants the report in excel formant. I heard about vmstat, iostat,sar Are these the only command I need to monitor the performance of linux? Can you share me some

  • Best practice for business rules

    Our business rules have Fix ( [Cost Center] ) to extract the user's Cost Center from his form so that it runs faster. What is the best practice for running that same Business Rule but for all Cost Center? Will it be to put that Business Rule in a men

  • Catalog Staging in Layman terms? SM30 - COMV_PCAT_REPL

    In CRM 5.0 with SP11 product catalog staging becomes available.  Can someone describe with this would be advantageous in layman terms? In COMV_PCAT_REPL we had to switch back to setting A (old functionality) as it seems there were a bunch on new note

  • Has anyone ever had their Iphone 3GS jsut shut off repeatedly?

    My Iphone 3GS has begun shutting off for no apparent reason. I can be surffing the internet and have sufficient battery and it will just shut off. Has anyone else experiences this?