BASH completion problem

i have "bash-completion" package installed but when i do this:
$ xine
and press TAB, it does not show me list of files. sometimes it shows the files but most of the times it does not. same with all others commands:
$ rm -v
here too it does not show any files, as i said sometimes it does but most of the times it does not. if i do
$ cd
and press TAB then it always shows the directories,. never fails with directories but not the same with files.
what could be the problem ? i have no problems like this with ZSH.

prim wrote:You have to run bash as a login shell.
well i used "chsh" to change my login shell to BASH and when i tried to this script:
if [[ -o login ]]; then
    echo "Welcomoe to BASH as login shell"
    echo "NOPE..... NOPE.... NOPE..NOPE"
i always get "NOPE...NOPE...."
i use "rxvt-unicode" and my "~/.Xdefaults" file says this: 
! rxvt-unicode settings                                                                                                     
urxvt*loginShell:               true                                                                                         
urxvt*saveLines:               10000           
i still do not undertsand my the tab-completion system doe snot work and why BASH is still not the login shell

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    host foo
    user foobar
    host foobar
    user foobar
    When we try to type
    ssh foo<tab><tab>b<tab>
    the console just freeze and we can't type anything, everything we type is ignored, but after about 30 seconds the host is completed.
    This works a some time ago, so some upgrade make this happen. Anyone can reproduce this?

    quigybo wrote:
    Actually thinking about it, rather than using the semi-dodgy fix posted on the bug tracker, we can just test if the daemon is running since we are not on MacOS X. It is cleaner and 250 ms quicker.
    --- bash_completion.orig 2010-09-14 05:33:22.000000000 +0930
    +++ bash_completion 2010-09-14 05:45:04.000000000 +0930
    @@ -1316,10 +1316,12 @@
    # contains ";", it may mistify the result. But on Gentoo (at least),
    # -k isn't available (even if mentioned in the manpage), so...
    if type avahi-browse >&/dev/null; then
    - COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]}" $( \
    - compgen -P "$prefix$user" -S "$suffix" -W \
    - "$( avahi-browse -cpr _workstation._tcp 2>/dev/null | \
    - awk -F';' '/^=/ { print $7 }' | sort -u )" -- "$cur" ) )
    + if [ -n "$(pidof avahi-daemon)" ]; then
    + COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]}" $( \
    + compgen -P "$prefix$user" -S "$suffix" -W \
    + "$( avahi-browse -cpr _workstation._tcp 2>/dev/null | \
    + awk -F';' '/^=/ { print $7 }' | sort -u )" -- "$cur" ) )
    + fi
    # Add results of normal hostname completion, unless
    This is the same test as was used in bash-completion 1.1.
    Thanks  quigybo, I use your patch, the issue is gone
    Why does so many packages depends on Avahi? Maybe make it optdepends is
    my laptop $ pacman -Qi avahi
    Required By : gnome-disk-utility gnome-vfs libcups mpd sane

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    /etc/bash_completion.d/git: line 123: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
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    Looks like this thread:

  • Problems with Bash Completion

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    For example:
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    mv Dow[tab]
    mv Downloads/
    Now, it's like this:
    mv Dow[tab]
    mv Downloads
    (with a space after 'Downloads')
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    mv some[tab]
    mv some\ file.txt
    mv some[tab]
    mv some file.txt
    Pretty annoying too. mv doesn't work anymore because of the space in the filepath.
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    anyone knows how to make it faster?
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    I didn't believe you in #bash. ;)
    Anyway, you can try set -a or export -f function_name (lots of functions in bash_completion so exporting them one by one isn't practical).
    Putting set -a in ~/.bash_profile will export everything. This could be a solution since that file is only sourced during login shells, meaning it'll only load it once per vc. Now instead of sourcing bash_completion from bashrc, do it from bash_profile.
    The trade-off is that now these functions/variables are available in non-interactive instances like scripts, which shouldn't be a problem since good scripts define their functions or source them at runtime.
    Edit: make sure SHELLOPTS is not exported, else the -a attribute gets inherited.
    Last edited by pwd (2009-12-28 01:41:46)

  • Bash completion of alias

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    alias yq='y -Q'
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    Yes, but it doesn't work. The problem is that yaourt by itself has no tab completion. It requires arguments so that it knows what type of completion it is: ie. installed vs not installed programs. I would prefer to get it to work in bash, but if not, I'll take a look at zsh.

  • Bash-completion for archlinux (ready for testing)

    EDIT (20031013): new url & version 1.0 is out
    Hello all,
    I've created a bash-completion script for AL.
    Get it from : … ion.script
    Then :
    pacman -S bash-completion
    copy my script as /etc/bash_completion.d/archlinux
    source /etc/profile
    or log out & back in to enable auto-completion.
    Then simply try pacman -S [tab] to check it.
    So far it auto-completes the init scripts (try /etc/rc.d/network [tab]...), makepkg & pacman.
    Please test it & report any problems or suggestions so that it could get included in the bash-completion pkg.

    sud_crow wrote:Im not chassing you, i swear!
    I begin to feel like a dot in pacman .
    sud_crow wrote:Can you post some explination about its use?? what it does exactly (i know what auto-completions is, but,  what auto-completes and how?)
    Auto-completion is the best thing since fresh bread . You already use it, when you press [tab] or (ie pac[tab]) and it completes the rest of the word (ie pacman). The bash-completion pkg provides some more advanced completion features, like man pac[tab] and it completes it to man pacman, or ssh [tab] and it completes using the hosts included in ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
    My script provides these features for ArchLinux. Simply try pacman -S [tab] and enjoy the list of all available packages for installation on your system. Or pacman -Q -l [tab] that completes from packages installed in your system. Then try /etc/rc.d/network [tab], it will list 'restart start stop'
    (ps. [tab] == pressing the 'tab' key on your keyboard btw.)

  • Bash-completion works only with X

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    Any clues where to fix this?

    I've always had the same problem as the OP, just never got round to posting about it. A solution would make my systemctl aliases much more useful.
    @Trilby, you need the bash-completion package installed.
    Last edited by slithery (2015-01-06 21:50:34)

  • [SOLVED] Make Bash Completion Error (Command Not Found)

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    $ make s[tab]bash: 23:set: command not found
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    $ make s[tab]bash: 23:set: command not found
    ched.[tab]bash: 23:set: command not found
    [tab]bash: 23:set: command not found
    sched.1.gz sched.tar.gz
    $ make sched.
    I've never seen anything like this.  I've tried reinstalling bash completion and make to no success.  The Makefile itself is fine and functional.  Other programs' bash completions seem to work just fine.  Help!
    Last edited by goakley (2014-03-23 13:56:50)

    It seems the problem no longer occurs.  The only change that seems to have happened is a bash-completion upgrade that happened yesterday.  I'm a bit disappointed to have not found the actual issue.

  • [SOLVED] Slight issue concerning pacman & bash completion

    Hi all,
    I've come across a small issue when using the -Rs option with pacman.
    The auto completion doesn't appear to be working for the first package name passed after the -Rs option.
    For example, when issuing the command
    pacman -Rs firefox
    and pressing tab twice, it will not show any options or auto-complete. However, if I add another package to be removed:
    pacman -Rs firefox chr
    and hit the tab key twice, autocomplete will work, and it'll autocomplete to chromium.
    Bash-completion (2.0-3) is installed, and the rest of the system is up to date. Am I missing something here, or have I stumbled upon a bug?

    I don't know so much about it, but I'm under the impression that bash-completion for pacman (once enabled in ~/.bashrc by adding "complete -cf pacman") works by default by checking the user's PATH variable, i.e. it will offer to complete pacman commands with the name of any executable in the user's PATH's () as well as the contents of the current directory. ... which means: if firefox isn't installed, it won't find it; if it is, it will offer this completion; if there's a file called firefox in the current directory, it will also offer it.
    but as I said, I'm not an expert on bash-completion

  • Netcfg2 with bash-completion

    I've written a script to support bash completion for netcfg2.
    Here it is: … on/netcfg2
    Just download it and place it in /etc/bash_completion.d, log out and login again and give it a try.

    MAC!EK wrote:
    Since the script was quite old I replaced it with a new version on that site: … ion/netcfg
    or … on/netcfg2
    uastasi if you want the completion to work with 'n' command add a line at the end:
    complete -F _netcfg n
    Awesome, thank you :)

  • Bash completion broken since upgrade

    since I did an upgrade the bash autocompletion behaves strange. Completing directories will end in a space instead of an slash. Eg you enter "/et[tab]" and it completes "/etc " instead of "/etc/". This makes navigating directory hierarchies a PITA. Can anyone confirm this? Any known workarounds?

    For those still looking for a solution to this:
    Comment by: vl981 on Fri, 31 Dec 2010 03:57:13 +0000
    For those who use this package and bash completion in same time:
    remove the _filedir function from the '/etc/bash_completion.d/acroread'
    file provided by the package. See
    P.S. Updated PKGBUILD and respected acroread files one may found here:
    Last edited by kontax (2011-02-11 10:52:20)

  • Bash-completion upgrade conflicts with pacman

    pacman warned me that /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/makepkg would be overwritten.
    pacman -Oo said then that it's part of bash-completion 1.99-1, but there's already bash-completion 1.99-2 that hasn't any more included that file cause now as it seems, the file move into the new pacman package. … 50dbc12ba0
    So following process to not corrupt anything:
    1) Move the file out of the way:
    # mv /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/makepkg /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/makepkg.bak
    2) Upgrade pacman
    # pacman -S pacman
    3) Upgrade bash-completion (this step will remove the file)
    # pacman -S bash-completion
    4) Reinstall pacman again, to not loose the file.
    # pacman -S pacman
    5) Now, you can remove the backup.
    # rm -f /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/makepkg.bak

    toofishes wrote:
    defcon wrote:
    i've seen that pacman 3.1 has it's own bash completion file
    i installed the new pacman, but bash_completion doesnt work....
    Did you source it or logout/login? It doesn't magically do that itself.
    . /etc/bash_completion
    both, i reload it with source ~/.bashrc  and later i logged out/in

  • Bash completion upgrade breaks pacman bc

    today's bash completion upgrade deletes the archlinux file under /etc/bash_completion.d/.
    pacman's bash completion doesn't work anymore. i've seen that pacman 3.1 has it's own bash completion file.
    is this somehow related?
    ps: i'm not using testing.
    Last edited by DonVla (2008-01-10 17:50:15)

    toofishes wrote:
    defcon wrote:
    i've seen that pacman 3.1 has it's own bash completion file
    i installed the new pacman, but bash_completion doesnt work....
    Did you source it or logout/login? It doesn't magically do that itself.
    . /etc/bash_completion
    both, i reload it with source ~/.bashrc  and later i logged out/in

  • Bash-Completion notice

    I already flagged bash-completion several days ago in the packages system, but i wanted to stress the need for an update, here is the extract from the developer's site:
    bash 3.1 is now available. Initial reports suggest that there are some minor incompatibilities between this version and the 20050721 release of the bash completion code, which many people are still using. Please ensure that you upgrade to the 20060301 release, which is believed to fix these issues.
    As you know, we have bash 3.1 on current for some time now, and well, i just wish i could use bash-completion again
    I dont know where to post this, packages forums changed since the AUR and well... this is the best place i could find.

    sud_crow wrote:
    Hi iphitus,
    i flagged it out of date, i didn't know the consequences of that, that issues a bug-tracker ticket?
    just as a side note:
    i thought on posting it because i know that the flag doesn't necessarily mean the update is important, but as this package didn't work anymore, i wanted to let know it was a pretty important update... although its not a base package and i / it can wait!
    No, the flag emails the developer.
    What i meant is that, most devs dont read the forums, but most do check the bug tracker, and would take notice if you issued a bug ticket to inform them.

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