Basic HDV Workflow (newbie question)

I recently purchased a Canon HV20 and I'm using iMovie HD 6 on a PowerMAC G4 Dual 1.25.
Can someone please recommend settings that can be used to produce a movie that looks as good as (or very close to) what I see in the full screen preview in iMovie, when played in Quicktime?
I tried various custom settings for exporting to quicktime movie, but results are disappoiting - jagged edges where there is movement.
Even when I play the captured clips from the media folder in Quicktime I see the same jagged edges.
Thanks in advance.
PowerMAC G4 Dual 1.25   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

try these settings..
export to quicktime movie:
Video settings:
H.264 encoder
millions of colors
30 FPS
Audio settings:
Stereo (L R)

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    Message was edited by: David_x

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    hi Paul,
    You are right you can do much of the things Motion does in FCP, but Motion takes them further and often makes them easier to do.
    Briefly whereas FCP is generally for editing moving pictures from rushes to a coherent whole, Motion is used to composite or layers of moving pictures to make a new coherent whole picture.
    So i plain words, you can meld different sources of video, stills text and other sources together to make a new end peice. You can animate text, warp pictures, create fires, smoke, hide bits ( masking), animate graphical elements. In short whenever you need to layer up multiple sources of imagery Motion is your man. Sure FCP can handle a lot of this, but Motion is designed specifically and only to do this, and does it very well. ( You would not want to edit in Motion!)
    In your 90 minute example you could do it all in FCP and make it look very nice. But you might need to go the extra mile with the title sequence, perhaps the captions will have some kind of generic strap line ( lower third) under All these things could be done easier and better in motion. However you would not want to import the whole 90 minute programme into Motion and start throwing captions on it. Rather you would want to build each element ( strap line, animating titles, opening sequence etc) in Motion and then import them into FCP for the final mastering. Motion is for short sequences, and FCP is used to collect them all into one programme.
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    You aren't installing something from a dmg file are you? The dmg is a disk image – kind of a virtual CD. So when you double click the dmg and then get the little disk/hardrive/custom icon on your desktop that is the same as if you had mounted a CD. You then need to drag the application off of that "CD" into your application folder. Then it is truly installed.
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    Sorry for the newbie question... but it's been a long time since I have done this

    Just define your site in DW as always.  For a static site, that's all you need to do.

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    Your questions are completely off-topic for the forum.
    These SunOS forums are for questions on <i>"how do I install my OS"</i>
    You particular question is in the <i>"how can I install Solaris while using the CD drive"</i> forum.
    So, if you had a question on how to edit the /etc/inet/hosts file to establish a FQDN on the computer, then it might be appropriate for the forum.
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    Newbie Question:
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    Matt Donnelly

    Rule of thumb: newer and faster is better. But, depending the complexity of your needs you may be OK with an older Mac. Some glitches that happen in a live performance are due to loss of communication with USB or Firewire inputs, so make sure they're secure. I recently upgraded from a 2010 Mac Mini 2.6 dual core with 16 GB RAM, which was used live for nearly four years, to the latest Mac Mini 3.0 i7 with 16 GB RAM and a 500 GB SSD. I was getting an occasional stuck note with the older one. The new one is rock solid. Some of my patches may have up to a dozen channel strips mapped to three keyboards. The Mini is mounted in a rack next to a MOTU Ultralite Hybrid. It is a good idea to map a panic button on your keyboard to controller # 123(all notes off). Also, you might want to invest in a battery backup power supply(APC, Cyberpower, etc.-$40-$60) to protect your Mac against power loss, which can damage you hard drive.

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    Greetings..this is a newbie question
    We have 48 versions of JRE running in on XP IE6 in our company.
    Some version beat up other JAVA applications.
    It's a mess.
    How can anyone manage this many versions?
    Can we consolidate down to a few versions?
    I saw some posts on changing the JRE dynamically or perhaps using a wrapper with a product from "sourceforge".
    Are these viable?
    Thanks in advance

    We have 48 versions of JRE running in on XP IE6 in
    our company.
    Some version beat up other JAVA applications.
    It's a mess.can you elaborate on how some versions "beat up" other apps?
    How can anyone manage this many versions?you don't, each computer should periodically upgrade (IMO) but you shouldn't care. if you do, tell your users to load the latest version
    Can we consolidate down to a few versions?sure
    I saw some posts on changing the JRE dynamically or
    perhaps using a wrapper with a product from
    Are these viable?i have no idea what this is, but I have doubts about your problem, if it exists at all

  • Workflow design questions: FM vs WF to call FM

    Hereu2019s a couple of workflow design questions.
    1. We have Workitem 123 that allow user to navigate to a custom transaction TX1. User can make changes in TX1.  At save or at user command of TX1, the program will call a FM (FM1) to delete WI 123 and create a new WI to send to a different agent. 
    Since Workitem 123 is still open and lock, the FM1 cannot delete it immediately, it has to use a DO loop to check if the Workitem 123 is dequeued before performing the WI delete.
    Alternative: instead of calling the FM1, the program can raise an event which calls a new workflow, which has 1 step/task/new method which call the FM1.  Even with this alternative, the Workitem 123 can still be locked when the new workflowu2019s task/method calls the FM1.
    I do not like the alternative, which calls the same FM1 indirectly via a new workflow/step/task/method.
    2. When an application object changes, the user exit will call a FMx which is related to workflow.  The ABAP developer do not want to call the FMx directly, she wants to raise an event which call a workflow .. step .. task .. method .. FMx indirectly.  This way any commit that happens in the FMx will not affect the application objectu2019s COMMIT.
    My recommendation is to call the FMx using u2018in Update tasku2019 so that the FMx is only called after the COMMIT of the application object.
    Any recommendation?

    Yes, in my first design, the TX can 1. raise a terminating event for the existing workitem/workflow and then 2. raise another event to call another workflow.   Both 1 and 2 will be in FM1. 
    Then the design question is: Should the FM1 be called from TX directly or should the TX raise an event to call a new workflow which has 1 step/task, which calls a method in the Business object, and the method calls the FM1?
    In my second design question, when an application object changes, the user exit will call a FMx which is related to workflow.  The ABAP developer do not want to call the FMx directly, she wants to raise an event which call a workflow, which has 1 step/task, which calls a method, which calls the FMx indirectly.  This way any commit that happens in the FMx will not affect the application objectu2019s COMMIT.
    My recommendation is either call the FMx using u2018in Update tasku2019 so that the FMx is only called after the COMMIT of the application object or raise an event to call a receiver FM (FMx).

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    you can do it in just one loop, going through all the image
    tags in index_content and for each tag fill the values of all four
    for (i...) {
    get the appropriate child of index_content
    first_array[ i ] = value of first tag
    second_array[ i ] = value of second tag
    no need for multiple loops.
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    you work with xml a lot.. I wrote my for work, so I can't show it
    to you, but it's not very complicated to do

Maybe you are looking for

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