Basic question about JFrame

How to display a jframe maximized ?!!! so the user doesn't have to click on the maximize top right buttom.
// this is not working out
Thanks in advance


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    You can manually delete the earlier request by going in the Manage option of the cube. select the request and click on delete icon at the bottom.
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    Data target tab --> 6th column Automatic loading / deletion of similar request. --> click on the blank icon --> you will get a pop-up --> select the radio button - "delete existing request" --> Select Conditions --> Infosource are same, datasource are same and source system are same, --> selections are "Same or  More Comprehensive "
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    Venkata Devaraj !!!

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    sudont wrote:
    I have some very basic questions about compiling source on 10.6. BTW, if the unix discussions still exist, they've hidden them pretty well, so I hope I'm in the right place for this!
    This is the place for UNIX discussions. If you have developer-related questions, there is a forum dedicated to that as well: Developer Forums
    First off, you simply cd to the source dir, wherever it may be - in my case ~/Downloads/source/  - and during the install process, everything will be installed in its proper dir, right?
    Yes. Hopefully the project you want to install follows standard conventions. If so, you can do "./configure", then "make", and finally "sudo make install" to install the software into "/usr/local".
    How do you know which compiler to use? There seem to be several: make, gmake, gcc, g++, etc...
    The make file will figure that stuff out.
    Once you do figure out which compiler to run, the process is supposed to go like this, right?
    make (or whatever)
    make install
    Yes, with the addition of "sudo" before "make install" because "/usr/local" is owned by root.
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    $ ls ~/Downloads/arm
    arm? You mean "arm (anonymizing relay monitor) - Terminal status monitor for Tor relays." You really don't want to be messing with that stuff. The only people involved with Tor that are trustworthy are US Navy intelligence who have their own uses for it. If you don't understand it as well as they do, best stay away.

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    Hi - I am presently using an external display.
    To answer your questions in sequence:
    1. Yes you can use the external display as your main display. The way to enable that mode is to put your MacBook Pro to sleep, attach the external display. Wake up your MBPro with the lid closed and you will see the external display as you main display. You can alternatively set the external to "Mirror" your notebook by using preferences/display.
    2. The external display will run at its resolution although you can adjust and calibrate it using Preferences/Display.
    3. Not true. You get max resolution on both displays. Of course you may have to tweak as mentioned above.
    4. Not at all. I use this mode all the time. Just make sure you initially set up as mentioned above and your LCD on the MBPro will stay off.
    5. I have not seen any performance degradation whatsoever.
    Hope this helps.

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    Certainly using multiple IP addresses is in the capability of Cisco IOS routers. How they can be used depends on the relationship of the IP addresses. I am assuming that we are talking about IP addresses assigned for the user to use and that the IP address for the ISP connection is not one of these that we are talking about.
    If both of the IP addresses that you have been assigned are within the same subnet then you would assign one of the addresses to the router interface to establish IP communication between the router and the ISP and to enable Internet connectivity for the devices inside your network that will use the router as their gateway to the Internet. The other address that is assigned can be used for address translation and in particular for static address translation which would make one of your devices inside to be reachable for connections initiated from the Internet (if that is something that you might want to do).
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    I do not have much expertise with online gaming, but I would think that either the Cisco 881 router or the 890 router might be appropriate for you. If 100 Mb connection is sufficient then probably the 881 would be the one to look at. If you need Gig connection then look at the 890.

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    You might look at the AfterthoughtSoft-Secure product at It is designed to do just that and will easily allow you to connect to users/group repositories that are in anything from a simple text file all the way up to Kerberos V.
    You can contact the author of the product (me) at bart dot jenkins at gd-ais dot com.

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    Thanks, M

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    This is a user to user forum, with the space provided by Adobe
    This is not official Adobe support... I think you need to contact Adobe

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    I would recommend that you first read the JavaMail design specifications
    Then, download JavaMail. It comes with a reference implementation of the API and also very good samples.
    Those samples should get you started very quickly on how to send email from Java program.

  • Basic questions about JRE installation

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    JRE 1.5. If not, what doest NOT take effect? (Actually in many cases, it seems to work even if not reboot the computer).
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    1 where is the registry entry written in windows?
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    Just click on this link

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    2.What is the tools01.dbf datafile used for?
    3.What is the undotbso1.dbf datafile used for?
    Thanks in advance,

    1. The archive log location needs to be specified in your init.ora file. By default, Oracle will place the archive files in either ORACLE_HOME/dbs or ORACLE_HOME/database.
    2. The tools01.dbf file belongs to the tools tablespace which should be set as the default tablespace for system. It primary purpose is to hold Oracle Forms and Reports database objects, however, it should also be used for holding other non sys database objects such as the perfstat (statspack) or other third party database schemas e.g. quests sqllab.
    3. undotbs01.dbf file belongs to the undo tablespace.

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    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    iTunes for Mac doesn't support .wma files.
    If you can use a PC to convert them, you can use one of many freeware applications. Google for 'wma to mp3'.
    For the Mac there's the shareware program EasyWMA that can convert them.
    Hope this helps.
    17' iMac fp 800 MHz 768 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   Several ext. HD (backup and data)

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    Here's a very basic question about 2 TB external drives and Time Machine.
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    I tried searching around on the new Apple discussion forum, but I find it much harder to use than the old forum I used to use.

    The problem with terabyte drives is that that a 3 TB is about as big as you can get without going into RAID territory. Ideally, a Time Machine drive should be 3 times as large as all the drives you are backing up. So, if you have 2.75 TB of internal storage, you should have 8 TB of Time Machine space.
    Of course, that is "should". If your TB drives are mostly empty, then you can get away with something 3 times the size of your used disk space. Just remember that you are pushing it. Linc is right about Time Machine needing space to work.
    It is unlikely that you have regular churn on 2.75 TB of disk. I suggest identifying which drives and folders have the most activity and excluding those drives and directories that don't change much. It would be better to archive the data that doesn't change often and keep it out of Time Machine. Then you may be able to get away with a 2 TB Time Machine drive.

  • Some basic question about SCM Installation

    Hi Folks,
    Could you please advice me about some basic questions about SCM and its installation -
    Q1. Do I need to have an R/3 System to be able to practice OR demo the SCM system?
    Q2. If, yes, which version of SCM is compatible with the ECC 5.0?
    Q3. What are the basic requirements to install SCM (version compatible with ECC 5.0) and ECC on a oracle db and windows OS?
    Q4. Does SCM have APO and BI as an inbuilt functionality OR does the user need to purchase these as an Add-On?
    I know these are some basic questions, but these will help me give me a direction.
    With best wishes,

    Hello Krishna -
    Q1. Do I need to have an R/3 System to be able to practice OR demo the SCM system?
    ---> There are various Modules in SCM Like APO (Sub Modules  DP (stand alone), SNP Needs Master data from R/3 and has to pass on transactional Data to R/3, PPDS same as SNP, GATP same as SNP), ICH needs Data from R/3 to work with. Core Interface (CIF) connects R/3 to APO for transferring data.
    Q2. If, yes, which version of SCM is compatible with the ECC 5.0?
    -->For thorough understanding explore the following links
    Q3. What are the basic requirements to install SCM (version compatible with ECC 5.0) and ECC on a oracle db and windows OS?
    -->Refer Above
    Q4. Does SCM have APO and BI as an inbuilt functionality OR does the user need to purchase these as an Add-On?
    --> APO comes with a small BI inbuilt functionality. you can only perform certain functions using that BI.
    Hope this helps.
    Suresh Garg

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