Basic questions regarding the behavior of tables

I have a table formated with four columns of fixed widths. Lets say, 20, 100, 200 and 80. When manipulating this table graphically I can sometimes added and delete rows very nicely but then, out of the blue, deleting a row causes all remaining rows(columns)  to jump to equal widths, 100, 100, 100, 100. This will happen almost always if I delete the last row but never happens if I delete the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Using CS6 in a Windows 7 enviroment.

Hi Murray,
Here are the code portions for the Index and the three frames. It is the FrameCenter that is at issue.
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            <p class="header2">July 21, 2010</p>        </td>
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    Hi S Kumar Dubey,
    In SSIS, the Excel Source and Excel Destination natively use the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider which is installed by SQL Server. The Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider deals with .xls files created by Excel 97-2003. To deal with .xlsx files created by
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    2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components or
    Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable or Microsoft Office suit.
    The drivers listed in the ODBC Data Source Administrator are ODBC drivers not OLEDB drivers, therefore, the Excel Source/Destination in SSIS won’t use the ODBC driver for Excel listed in it by default. On a 64-bit Windows platform, there are two versions
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    Hello Christian,
    is this a 1-1 correlation? So you have just one sender system and one target system? It might be better then to implement the flow in your sender system and only call single interfaces on PI. While it is technically possible to do everything in PI there is no real added value to do so. BPM is most benefitial when you need to aggregate information from different sources and when the process contains decisions that lead to alternative process steps.

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    Hello Roy,
    I think that <a href="">this</a> topic should answer all your questions :).
    Hope that helps!

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    I will address your second question.
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    Hey humble user. Errr I'm trying to understand what ur trying to do. U want to create a section of a region destructively from an existing region right? If so select the option convert to new region (opt-comm-R or selecting it by right clicking). Check your audio bin to make sure. Whats the "merge" function? Are u refering to the glue tool?

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    /*line 957 error */
         public void select()
              for (count = 0; count <= p; count ++ )
                   if(P[count] != null){ /* validation */
                   m = (int)(P[count].getX());
                   n = (int)(P[count].getY());
                   if (Math.pow(-1, m + n) == 1)
              step = 2;

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    What does an asterisk * followed by a text mean (i.e. *window;)?
    Is there any source that briefly explains the most common codes with examples (nsstring, nsarray, iboutlet, inaction.....etc)?
    Any other tips will be highly appreciated.
    Many thanks.

    Xcode is the IDE.
    Objective-C is the most common language used within Xcode.
    UIWindow *window .....  the * means return the address of the instance variable 'window'.
    An * is called a pointer to a variable.
    Everything you need is explained here:

  • Question regarding the "mcxquery" and "dscl -mcxread" commands:

    Question regarding the mcxquery and dscl -mcxread commands:
    Does anyone know why the mcxquery and the dscl . -mcxread commands don't show any info about MCX managed login items & printers? The System Profiler's "Managed Client" section does. Id like to see info regarding managed printers and managed login items using the mcx tools. I have Mac users running 10.5.2 with both login items and printers that are pushed out to them via MCX. The System Profiler app shows all of their policies, but the dscl . -mcxread and mcxquery tools dont. Why not?
    Message was edited by: Daniel Stranathan

    How do you "call procedures/functions" without sql code? You need at least the call statement like
    {call myProc(?,?,?)}that you wrap into a CallableStatement.
    Other than that: when you switch off autocommit, you need to call commit/rollback at the end. Usually, if you don't commit/rollback a non-autocommitted connection, the transaction get's committed/rollbacked when you close the connection - that depends on the JDBC driver. But it's never a good idea to ommit the commit/rollback calls on a non-autocommit connection. Usually you enclose your code in a try/catch block like this:
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        con.setAutocommit(true); //or:

  • Question regarding the pen tool (w/ picture inside)

    Hello everyone! I have a question regarding the pen tool. I think this picture is very helpful for my question:
    So in this pic is an orange rectangle and within that rectangle is a blue stripe. I would like the blue stripe to be perfectly flush (not over, and not under) the edge of the rectangle. For example, on the bottom end of the blue stripe, you can clearly see that the stripe does not extend far enough to the edge of the orange rectangle. At the top of the stripe, it goes a little bit over (a bit hard to see). I work with some complex shapes when using the pen tool and it is really slowing me down to compensate for over/under shapes. If it could just snap to the borders of other shapes it would make my life a lot easier. Thanks for reading and please help!

    A couple of thoughts come to mind:
    1.  You could create the shape "face on", using guides, and the points will snap to guides with snap enabled.  Then you could transform the whole thing together by selecting all the shape layers.
    2.  Holding down the shift key while dragging a point seems to cause it to snap to some things under some conditions. However, on having just tried to recreate what you're showing I didn't see the proper snap happening sometimes.
    3.  There's the full manual approach, of course where you zoom into thousands of percent and move the points by hand manually.  I assume this is what you're trying to avoid.

  • Question regarding the installation of a J2EE 6.40 Add-in

    Hi all,
    I would like to install a J2EE engine on a test instance of ECC 5.0 and have a few questions regarding the installation...
    Do I have to use the MASTER CD to first install the J2EE engine (Support Package 0) and then apply the latest support packages found on the SAP Marketplace?
    Or should be able to directly install the J2EE Add-In by using the latest support packages found on the SAP Marketplace?
    Best regards,
    Xavier Vermaut

    Thanks Bhavik for your reply,
    That's what I actually thought but I get the following problem... Here's what I wrote into my customer message... I am still waiting for an answer and would like to get this solved ASAP
    Dear SAP,
    We would like to install the J2EE 6.40 Add-In on our ECC 5.0 instance
    (TST) but get the following error message at the very beginning of the
    > Cannot find an installed ABAP system, which is a prerequisite for a
    > J2EE Add-In installation. The installation cannot continue.
    We checked the installation logs (sapinst_dev.log) and found the
    following :
    > Found these instances:
    > sid: MGR, number: 00, name: DVEBMGS00, host: erpqs1a
    > sid: TST, number: 10, name: DVEBMGS10, host: erpqs1a
    Why does the installation say that it can not find any ABAP systems when
    having previously found the 2 different instances running on this
    Would this problem be related to the fact that we have two instances on
    this server?
    Please find hereunder the way we performed this installation :
    01) Download of the 4 different parts of SAP J2EE Engine 6.40 SP 10
         (Solaris 10 - Oracle)
         Part I   : SAPINST10_0-20000121.SAR         (Solaris 64)
         Part II  : CTRLORA10_0-20000121.SAR         (Solaris 64)
         Part III : J2EERTOS10_0-20000121.SAR        (Solaris 64)
         Part IV  : J2EERT10_0-10001982.SAR          (OS Independant)
    02) Extract these 4 archives into /install/J2EE_640
    03) Check Java Version and Environment Variables
    04) Check Solaris Pre-Requisites
    05) Adapt "product.xml" as specified in OSS Note 697535 (IGS)
    06) Log in as 'root'
    07) Set DISPLAY environment Variable
    08) Move to the Installation directory
          ( /install/J2EE_640/SAPINST-CD/SAPINST/UNIX/SUNOS_64 )
    09) ./sapinst
    10) In the 'Welcome to Netweaver Installation' screen, select
          => Dialog Instance Finalization
    Any idea how to get this solved?
    Best regards,
    Xavier Vermaut
    Message was edited by: Xavier Vermaut

  • I have just got my iPad2 and very pleased with it. I have a question regarding the monthly (recommended) battery full charge.  Should I let the battery completely die down to nothing at all or would this be bad for my iPad?

    I have just got my iPad2 and am very pleased with it. I have a question regarding the monthly (recommended) battery full charge.  Should I let the battery completely die down to nothing at all before I plug in to recharge or would this complete drain be bad for my iPad?

    It's not bad for it - on this page it says :
    For proper reporting of the battery’s state of charge, be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month (charging the battery to 100% and then completely running it down).

  • Questions regarding the APEX sample shopping cart

    I am fairly new to APEX development, but had a few questions regarding the sample APEX shopping cart:
    1) is there a way to integrate Google check out payments with the sample APEX shopping cart
    2) is there any way to list a service, that involves monthly recurring payments
    3) is there any other shopping cart that is APEX based that is available
    Thank you,

    Hi Sam,
    i am haveing a deadline monitoring for my shopping cart where remainders are going to generate for first day and the second day, after both the remainders generated and the approver changing the cost center or asset or order at that time, the workflow flow should retrigger and send the approval mail to the new approver, but it is not going to the new approver, so the workflow is not triggering in my case. so i need to restart my workflow again if any changes occurs.
    in the second point my functional guy says that, when the approver changes any text or any date like that it should come for the accept changes, and when he sees the approval preview, only the approval person should be there but not the creator person in the preview and when the creator of the sc accepts the changes it is showing that it is approved by the creator name but he says that it should the approver name not the creator name.
    so can you please help me in this to get the solution.
    thanks in advance

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