Basic Starting Website Design Question

I am trying to create a webpage with two buttons, Home and About.
If the user clicks 'About', I would like an image to slide across the screen (motion tween) and display the 'About' page. (page2)
How do you make an image animate whenever it goes from one "page" (instance) to another?
From the first page to the second, the image does not tween...just shifts do I tween between pages like this when buttons are clicked?

Yes, your command is telling it to jump to that frame.  Try using...
function button2_clicked(e:MouseEvent):void

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    Also and more importantly are there any good site for
    templates? I am basically try to build the site listed above of
    course using different names, colors and products.
    Thank you,

    The real question is "will your skill with HTML and CSS allow
    you to use DMX
    to build a site like that"? An inexperienced user using DMX
    can only build
    sites that would look like they were built by an
    inexperienced user, doncha
    know? But - can DMX allow you to build a site like that?
    Good sites for templates? Try Google.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Europeancardriver" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:gh1tdi$lea$[email protected]..
    > Hello,
    > Relative rookie here looking for some info. Will
    dreamweaver Mx allow me
    > to
    > build a site such as ?
    > Also and more importantly are there any good site for
    templates? I am
    > basically try to build the site listed above of course
    using different
    > names,
    > colors and products.
    > Thank you,
    > Tyler

  • Editorial content website - design questions

    Hello everyone,
    I am developing an editorial content website with some community functionalities. Currently i am working on the design part, API design and so on, but i am at an stage where i am not sure if i am following the right way.
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    I would like to ask you experts if i am on the right track, because i dont want to fail at design stage.
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    I think Saish's idea is cool, although you may want to add a few more methods per interface.
    On the subject of delegation, you will will need to do this if you don't want to implement each part of your inherited interfaces over and over again for each concrete derived class - particularly if any of the interfaces have significant implementations.
    So for example you may want a class CommentableAuthorableItem which is an implementation of both Commentable and Authorable.
    Rather than..
    class CommentableAuthorableItem implements Commentable, Authorable
      private List<Comment>  comments;
      private String author;
    public List<Comment> getComments()
         return comments;
    public String getAuthor()
        return author;
    class AuthorableImpl implements Authorable
        private String author;
        public String getAuthor()
           return author;
    class Commentable implementa Commentable
        private List<Comment> comments;
       public List<Comment> getComments()
             return comments;
    }and then have
    class CommentableAuthorableItem implements Commentable, Authorable
      private Commentable  commentable = new CommentableImpl();
      private Authorable authorable = new AuthorableImpl();    
    public List<Comment> getComments()
         return commentable.getComments();
    public String getAuthor()
        return authorable.getAuthor();
    }This is what is meant by delegation and follows the golden rule of 'favoring composition over inheritance'.

  • Where to start for learning website design?

    Is it better to start with DreamWeaver or Muse for website design that will include a store and shopping cart?

    Muse is consumer level software aimed at hobbyists and non-coders who want quick & easy static sites without much functionality.  AFAIK, you cannot make a shopping cart  with Muse.
    Dreamweaver is pro-level software.  It is the industry standard for developing everything from mobile apps & static sites all the way up to dynamic shopping carts. There's not much you can't do with DW, providing you have the requisite coding skills. 
    HTML & CSS Tutorials -
    E-commerce Solutions for Dreamweaver
    Adobe Business Catalyst (includes hosting)
    Web Assist
    Building an e-comm site with DW & PHP (video training) Site-Using-Dreamweaver-PHP/83091-2.html?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=ldc_affiliate&utm_ content=524&utm_campaign=CD4386&bid=524&aid=CD4386&opt=
    Nancy O.

  • Design question: Scheduling a Variable-timeslot Resource

    I originally posted this in general java programming, because this seemed like a more high-level design descussion. But now I see some class design questions. Please excuse me if this thread does not belong here (this is my first time using the forum, save answering a couple questions).
    I am having trouble determining a data structure and applicable algorithm (actually, even more general than the data structure -- the general design to use) for holding a modifiable (but more heavily read/queried than updated), variable-timeslot schedule for a given resource. Here's the situation:
    Let's, for explanation purposes, say we're scheduling a school. The school has many resources. A resource is anything that can be reserved for a given event: classroom, gym, basketball, teacher, janitor, etc.
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    Now, the school has a base operation schedule, e.g. they're open from 8am to 5pm MTWRF and 10am to 2pm on saturday and sunday. Events in the school can only occur during these times, obviously.
    Then, each resource has its own base operation schedule, e.g. the gym is open from noon to 5pm MTWRF and noon to 2pm on sat. and sun. The default base operation schedule for any resource is the school which "owns" the resource.
    But then there are exceptions to the base operation schedule. The school (and therefore all its resources) are closed on holidays. The gym is closed on the third friday of every month for maintenance, or something like that. There are also exceptions to the available schedule due to reservations. I've implemented reservations as exceptions with a different status code to simplify things a little bit: because the basic idea is that an exception is either an addition to or removal from the scheduleable times of that resource. Each exception (reservation, closed for maintenance, etc) can be an (effectively) unrestricted amount of time.
    Ok, enough set up. Somehow I need to be able to "flatten" all this information into a schedule that I can display to the user, query against, and update.
    The issue is complicated more by recurring events, but I think I have that handled already and can make a recurring event be transparent from the application point of view. I just need to figure out how to represent this.
    This is my current idea, and I don't like it at all:
    A TimeSlot object, holding a beginning date and ending date. A data structure that holds list of TimeSlot objects in order by date. I'd probably also hold an index of some sort that maps some constant span of time to a general area in the data structure where times around there can be found, so I avoid O(n) time searching for a given time to find whether or not it is open.
    I don't like this idea, because it requires me to call getBeginningDate() and getEndDate() for every single time slot I search.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    If I am correct, your requirement is to display a schedule, showing the occupancy of a resource (open/closed/used/free and other kind of information) on a time line.
    I do not say that your design is incorrect. What I state below is strictly my views and should be treated that way.
    I would not go by time-slot, instead, I would go by resource, for instance the gym, the class rooms (identified accordingly), the swimming pool etc. are all resources. Therefore (for the requirements you have specified), I would create a class, lets say "Resource" to represent all the resources. I would recommend two attributes at this stage ("name" & "identifier").
    The primary attribute of interest in this case would be a date (starting at 00:00hrs and ending at 24:00hrs.), a span of 24hrs broken to the smallest unit of a minute (seconds really are not very practical here).
    I would next encapsulate the availability factor, which represents the concept of availability in a class, for instance "AvailabilityStatus". The recommended attributes would be "date" and "status".
    You have mentioned different status, for instance, available, booked, closed, under-maintainance etc. Each of these is a category. Let us say, numbered from 0 to n (where n<128).
    The "date" attribute could be a java.util.Date object, representing a date. The "status", is byte array of 1440 elements (one element for each minute of the day). Each element of the byte array is populated by the number designation of the status (i.e, 0,1,2...n etc.), where the numbers represent the status of the minute.
    The "Resource" class would carry an attribute of "resourceStatus", an ordered vector of "ResourceStatus" objects.
    The object (all the objects) could be populated manually at any time, or the entire process could be automated (that is a separate area).
    The problem of representation is over. You could add any number of resources as well as any number of status categories.
    This is a simple solution, I do not address the issues of querying this information and rendering the actual schedule, which I believe is straight forward enough.
    It is recognized that there are scope for optimizations/design rationalization here, however, this is a simple and effective enough solution.
    [email protected]

  • Ideas for a Website Design with DW 5

    New to webiste and looking for ideas on website design.  I have a logo and will have products with pictures and descriptions.  Should I use DW pre-design ideas or should I use my own.  I'm not sure how to on my own design, but I might be able to get help through friends.  All ideas and suggestion on how to get started are appreciated.

    If you're new to HTML and CSS in general, I highly recommend learning code basics first.  This will make DW CS5 much easier to work with.  Start slow.  Learn new things in stages.  Build 3 or 4 test pages before you tackle a real project.
    Start here:
    HTML & CSS Tutorials -
    Adobe  Developer's Center - Getting Started tutorials
    When you're comfortable with the DW interface, it is very helpful to start a new project with a pre-built CSS layout that works in all browsers. You can learn a lot from examining the code, too.
    Have a look at PVII's CSS Templates or Page Packs.  (NOTE: I have no affiliation with the company; just happen to like their products).
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Dreamweaver design question

    Hi all. I'm new to the forum and ha da design question. My site took about 3 weeks to complete and after finishing what I though was a pretty error free website I noticed that dreamwever 8 was coming up with numerous errors that matched's scans. My question is this. Why does dreamwever ( regardless of the release ) allow the designer of the website he/she is creating without pointing out the errors as they go along with simple instructions on how to fx them.  As an example My meta tags
    <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="xxxxxxx">
    <META NAME="description" CONTENT="xxxxxxxx">
    <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="xxxxx">
    <META NAME="author" CONTENT="xxxxxx">
    <META NAME="copyright" CONTENT="xxxxxx">
    all had to be changed over to
    <meta name="keywords" xxxxxxxxxxxxx">
    <meta name="description" CONTENT="xxxxxxx">
    <meta name="robots" CONTENT="xxxxxx">
    <meta name="author" CONTENT="xxxxxxxx">
    <meta name="copyright" CONTENT="xxxxxxxx">
    all because dreamweaver didnt tell me that the <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    didnt fit the original design. Now my site ( if you wish to view the code ) is and if you look at the page source you will see that the code has been corrected on dw 8 but still shows more than 30 errors on Does dreamwevaer not have the basic tool available to fix these errors without such hassle. Its not just my site either, many sites built in dreamwever can be checked with the website only to find more than 20 -100 different errors.
    Dream weaver creators need to focus on these errors because they hinder seo and they create alot of extra work
    Thank you

    The w3c and XHTML have come a ways since the release of Dreamweaver 8 (I used it in late 2004 and 2005).
    Dreamweaver 8 will build transitional XHTML files as well as old style single tag HTML. It all depends on the personal preferences of the designer.
    Just for kicks, go to say... 20 random websites and see just how many get a green light when you validate them. If its half, you're lucky. This page doesn't even validate;
    Dreamweaver has the menu option (at least in CS3 an CS4) under the Commands menu to "Clean Up HTML" or "Clean Up XHTML" depending on what you're building. I make a point of running that command as I build along with Apply Source Formatting.
    I also use a local validator program to check my code before putting anything.
    That's why they call it WYSIWYG software.
    If it did everything perfectly for everyone every single time, good web designers would find themselves out of work.

  • LDAP design question for multiple sites

    LDAP design question for multiple sites
    I'm planning to implement the Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 2005Q1 for replacing the NIS.
    Currently we have 3 sites with different NIS domains.
    Since the NFS over the WAN connection is very unreliable, I would like to implement as follows:
    1. 3 LDAP servers + replica for each sites.
    2. Single username and password for every end user cross those 3 sites.
    3. Different auto_master, auto_home and auto_local maps for three sites. So when user login to different site, the password is the same but the home directory is different (local).
    So the questions are
    1. Should I need to have 3 domains for LDAP?
    2. If yes for question 1, then how can I keep the username password sync for three domains? If no for question 1, then what is the DIT (Directory Infrastructure Tree) or directory structure I should use?
    3. How to make auto map work on LDAP as well as mount local home directory?
    I really appreciate that some LDAP experta can light me up on this project.

    Thanks for your information.
    My current environment has 3 sites with 3 different NIS domainname: SiteA:,, ( is our company domainname).
    So everytime I add a new user account and I need to create on three NIS domains separately. Also, the password is out of sync if user change the password on one site.
    I would like to migrate NIS to LDAP.
    I want to have single username and password for each user on 3 sites. However, the home directory is on local NFS filer.
    Say for userA, his home directory is /user/userA in passwd file/map. On location X, his home directory will mount FilerX:/vol/user/userA,
    On location Y, userA's home directory will mount FilerY:/vol/user/userA.
    So the mount drive is determined by auto_user map in NIS.
    In other words, there will be 3 different auto_user maps in 3 different LDAP servers.
    So userA login hostX in location X will mount home directory on local FilerX, and login hostY in location Y will mount home directory on local FilerY.
    But the username and password will be the same on three sites.
    That'd my goal.
    Some LDAP expert suggest me the MMR (Multiple-Master-Replication). But I still no quite sure how to do MMR.
    It would be appreciated if some LDAP guru can give me some guideline at start point.
    Best wishes

  • Basic start date & Basic finish date based on Priority

    Dear Experts,
    When I am creating Notification & selecting Priority, System gives pop-up “do you want to specify new dates?” If I select yes system automatically change required start & required end based on Priority.
    Now my question is do we have same functionality for Maintenance order as priority field is available there (If we are directly creating a MO)?
    Even if we are creating WO from notification, required start & end dates copies to Basic start & Basic finish but if we change priority then no change in basic start & finish dates. Why?

    Greetings Parag,
    You may select the Priority in the initial screen of IW31 and the dates will shift accordingly, if you maintained the Relative Start &/or Relative End in
    SPRO > Plant Maintenance > Maintenance Processing > Maintenance & Service Orders > General Data > Define Priorities > Define Priorities for Each Priority Type
    If you want to change date based on Priority on the Order header screen, it's not possible in the standard to my knowledge, but you may easily develop an enhancement utilizing the user exit
    IWO10012 Maintenance order: Priority handling on central header
    IWO10009 PM Order: Customer Check for 'Save' Event

  • Website Design Using Adobe Flash

    Hi everybody,
    I need some help from anyone that expert in website design using adobe flash player.
    Please send me a PM.
    Thank you

    Would you mind reposting this question over on the Flash Professional forums?  This forum is primarily for end users, the Pro forums will get you in touch with a wider developer audience.

  • Aggregation level - design  question

    Hi, All
    we are in BI-IP ( Netweaver 2004s SPS16).
    I have a design question for this scenario.
    User needs to plan the amounts for a duration (start period and end period), Jan2008 -Dec2008 (001.2008, 012.2008) = 12000.
    We need to distribute this to the periods equally. 001.2008 = 1000, 002.2008 =1000 .... 012.2008=1000.
    If the user changes the period amounts, it should be reflected back in the duration amount.
    Pl suggest the design for the aggregation levels to achieve this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Velu,
    As the name also goes, creating an "aggregation level" will only result in "aggregation". What your requirement is, is called disaggregation or distribution - this cannot happen automatically - you will either have to use the feature in input queries or use the distribution planning function or create your own planning function using fox/exit.

  • Who makes the nicest, easiest to use Flash website design software?

    Please forgive the beginner's question. I would like to build
    a flash site like from an
    easy to use Flash template. You get what you pay for so my first
    choice isn't something for free but a 30-day free trial version
    would be nice.
    What I like best about is the
    great menus and that pictures continually reload in interesting
    Maybe a template is too restrictive. Who makes the nicest,
    easiest to use Flash website design software that allows fast
    creation of those fancy menus and with other fast features to do
    nice things with pictures and motion?
    I need to create a site like
    immediately so I don't have the time to learn Flash first. What's
    my best bet?

    you are in a catch 22 - you don't have time to learn flash -
    yet you need to build an entire site
    immediately - you can't - sure you can download a template
    that is similar but if this forum is any
    proof, you almost need more flash knowledge trying to
    decipher most templates in order to edit them
    - search this forum, there are several posts per week from
    non-flash users who purchased templates
    and have no clue how to edit them. Often times it is hard for
    an educated flash user to
    reverse-engineer a FLA made by somebody else - Flash
    documents are blank canvases that can be setup
    a myriad ways by different users making the same thing - some
    developers are more organized than
    others - most templates are not organized but rather thrown
    together for a quick profit.
    You will simply need to learn enough flash to understand how
    it works or hire somebody to edit the
    template for you.
    hope this helps.
    --> **Adobe Certified Expert**
    e.Shubee wrote:
    > Please forgive the beginner's question. I would like to
    build a flash site like
    > from an
    easy to use Flash template. You get what you
    > pay for so my first choice isn't something for free but
    a 30-day free trial
    > version would be nice.
    > What I like best about is the
    great menus and that
    > pictures continually reload in interesting ways.
    > I need to create a site like that one immediately so I
    don't have the time to
    > learn Flash first. What's my best bet?

  • Web design questions (Was: A number of questions..)

    Ok so!
    What fonts are known to go well together when making banners or headers? I have been messing around with a lot of fonts and im really just looking for some new ones!
    I know this question really depends on the banner itself but what is a recommended size of a font when making a header? lets say 860x250 ?
    Are there any real kind of "must nots" when designing banners?
    When Placing text onto A banner where is the usual place you would see it? I know it changes from site to site but from just looking around a lot of text seems to be in the left bottom corner, is this a norm of some sort?
    Are there any known font combinations which would go together well when making a full webpage? As in fonts for the sidebar, content area, footer etc, any combinations?
    Thank you very much!

    You are asking design questions, but most web designers, including those who frequent this forum, have  no design expertise.
    Your questions are good, but  incomplete. The right typeface and size depends on the impression you are trying to create. For instance, you wouldn't want to use the typeface "Comic" for a website selling financial services.
    Many corporations have lengthy documents detailing their identity for graphic design and advertising. Such documents define which typefaces may be used where, and how. Assuming that you don't have such a document to work with for the creation of this web banner, think about the business, organization (or whatever) the website is for. Should it convey conservative dependability? Edginess? Family friendliness? The typefaces you choose should take such qualities into consideration.
    There's no definite answer to any of the questions you have asked. But that's OK. You should research websites that create the kind of impression you want to make and study how they accomplish it.

  • Fireworks or Dreamweaver to start the design process?

    Please advise which is the best application to use to start the design process a site,  from a code-illiterate print-designer's point of view - I assumed it would be Dreamweaver but read somewhere recently that I should start in Fireworks (which I always thought was more for creating optimised graphic web content).
    As a print designer I use InDesign (with Photoshop and Illustrator) CS4 and would appreciate advice on the most logical and intuitive tool to use to start the job of designing a site with.
    Once the design is approved I will get someone who knows what they're doing with HTML, CSS and PHP etc. to check it all over and do the tricky bits.
    Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.
    Thank you.
    PS - apologies if this is bad forum etiquette but I posted this question yesterday on the Web Design Forum but then thought this may be a more appropriate forum to post it.

    If you're a designer creating a new design, Fireworks is a great place to start. (I can't imagine trying to design in Dreamweaver, frankly.) If you're familiar with Photoshop and Illustrator, you could start with one of those applications, too, but Fireworks was built for the job.
    However, Fireworks is not a coding tool. Like Photoshop, it has the ability to export HTML, but that functionality is intended for creating mockups, not live sites. After you have your site designed in Fireworks, you or someone else will want to use Dreamweaver to (re-)produce the design in code.
    You can use Fireworks to set out your vertical grids, place header and navigations graphics, set place-holding text (remember that HTML text can be resized by users, so places for text blocks must be able to resize). And yes, Once you have your design, use Fireworks to slice that design and export the optimized graphics for your coder to use.

  • Catalyst 3850 Stack VLANs, layer 2 vs. layer 3 design question

    Hello there:
    Just a generic, design question, after doing much reading, I am just not clear as when to use one or the other, and what the benefits/tradeoffs are:
    Should we configure the switch stack w/ layer 3, or layer 2 VLANs?
    We have a Catalyst 3850 Stack, connected to an ASA-X 5545 firewall via 8GB etherchannel.
    We have about 100 servers (some connected w/ bonding or mini-etherchannels), and 30 VLANs.
    We have several 10GB connections to servers.
    We push large, (up to) TB sized files from VLAN to VLAN, mostly using scp.
    No ip phones, no POE.
    Inter-VLAN connectivity/throughput and security are priorities.
    Originally, we planned to use the ASA to filter connections between VLANs, and VACLs or PACLs on the switch stack to filter connections between hosts w/in the same VLAN.
    Thank you.

    If all of your servers are going to the 3850 then I'd say you've got the wrong switch model to do DC job.  If you don't configure QoS properly, then your servers will start dropping packets because Catalyst switches have very, very shallow memory buffers.  These memory buffers get swamped when servers do non-stop traffic. 
    Ideally, Cisco recommends the Nexus solution to connect servers to.  One of the guys here, Joseph, regularly recommends the Catalyst 4500-X as a suitable (and financial) alternative to the more expensive Nexus range.
    In a DC environment, if you have a lot of VM stuff, then stick with Layer 2.  V-Motion and Layer 3 don't go hand-in-hand.

Maybe you are looking for