Batch rename files

How can I batch rename files to original (embedded in metadata) file names?

If you are saying that your photos have their original filename stored as the DocumentName field in the EXIF metadata, you can use the free ExifToolGUI: tml
It requires the free ExifTool:
ExifToolGUI allows you to rename files using that DocumentName field -- just be sure the extension is included.
I just installed those latest versions, and there isn't the file renaming option any more.
Can probably be done by setting up an ExifTool commandline, but I haven't experimented with that yet.
Message was edited by: photodrawken to add more info.

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    How can I batch rename files while preserving the original file name in metadata? (Don't want the old file name as part of the new file name)
    (Adobe CS Bridge can do this with some success, but I don't want to be dependant on this software. Results are inconsistent.)

    With a simple terminal script. More details needed, though.

  • Custom batch rename files with Aperture 3 in the following format: IMG_0023.cr2 to Smith_YYMMDD_0023.cr2?  I cannot find a way to structure the date in Aperture as such, as well as extract only the camera file

    Please advise how to custom batch rename files with Aperture 3 in the following format: IMG_0023.cr2 to Smith_120816_0023.cr2?  I cannot find a way to structure the date in Aperture as such (YYMMDD), as well as extract only the camera file (0023, for example).  Adobe Bridge CS5 can do this, but NONE of the Adobe software is retina optimized, and is terrible to look at.

    In Aperture you are limited to renaming files by the entries in the File Naming preset window.
    At what point are you looking to rename, import or export? It might be possible to do what you are looking to do external to Aperture either via a script or other software.

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    I have 1000 rows each containing these fields
    id (unique key)
    For every row I need to rename the following fields:
    Rename [filename1] to [productCode]_[id]_1
    Rename [filename2] to [productCode]_[id]_2
    also I need to rename the actual file on the server using the above scheme
    Can someone show me the way ? I'm a little rusty with ColdFusion

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    Attribute validation error for tag CFFILE.
    The value of the attribute source, which is currently C:\images\DSCN1293.JPG, is invalid.
    The error occurred in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\link\htdocs\old_apps\psp\updater.cfm: line 63
    61 :                    action = "rename"
    62 :                    source = #my_source1#
    63 :                    destination = #my_destination1#>
    is there a way to carry on looping through the remaining rows and ignore the above fail ?

  • Sedname - Batch rename files using sed

    Renaming files using sed is nothing new, but this script makes the process a little more friendly and adds a few features, including insertion of sequential numbers and a simulation mode.  The output of any find command can also be piped through sedname.
    sedname version 1.0.0
    Batch-renames files using a sed script
    Usage: sedname [OPTIONS] SEDSCRIPT FILE ...
    Usage: find [...] | sedname [OPTIONS] SEDSCRIPT
    Example: sedname 's/\(.*\)\.jpg/\1.jpeg/' *.jpg
    Example: find /mypics | sedname 's/\(.*\)\.jpg/\1.jpeg/'
    --sim simulate only
    --dir rename directories too
    Use #D to insert a number with D digits forming a unique filename
    Example: sedname 's/thisname.*/thatname#3/' *
    ( changes thisname* to thatname001, thatname002, ... )
    Use #0 in replacement name to insert a number if needed
    Example: sedname 's/thisname.*/thatname#0/' *
    ( changes thisname* to thatname, thatname1, thatname2, ... ) … t-sedname/

    What does it have over zsh's zmv:
    # Remove illegal characters in a fat32 file system. Illegal characters are
    # / : ; * ? " < > |
    # NOTE: ``-Q'' and (D) is to include hidden files.
    $ unwanted='[:;*?\"<>|]'
    $ zmv -Q "(**/)(*$~unwanted*)(D)" '$1${2//$~unwanted/}'
    # Changing part of a filename (i. e. "" -> "")
    $ zmv '(*)hell(*)' '${1}heaven${2}'
    # or
    $ zmv '*' '$f:s/hell/heaven/'
    # remove round bracket within filenames
    # i. e. foo-(bar).avi -> foo-bar.avi
    $ zmv '*' '${f//[()]/}'
    # serially all files ( >, >, ..)
    $ ls *
    1.c foo.fnord
    $ c=1 zmv '*.foo' '$((c++)).foo'
    $ ls *
    1.c foo.fnord
    # Rename "file.with.many.dots.txt" by substituting dots (exept for the last
    # one!) with a space
    $ touch {1..20}-file.with.many.dots.txt
    $ zmv '(*.*)(.*)' '${1//./ }$2'
    # Remove the first 4 chars from a filename
    $ zmv -n '*' '$f[5,-1]' # NOTE: The "5" is NOT a mistake in writing!
    # Rename names of all files under the current Dir to lower case, but keep
    # dirnames as-is.
    $ zmv -Qv '(**/)(*)(.D)' '$1${(L)2}'
    # replace all 4th character, which is "1", with "2" and so on
    $ zmv '(???)1(???[1-4].txt)' '${1}2${2}'
    # Remove the first 15 characters from a string
    $ touch 111111111111111{a-z}
    $ zmv '*' '$f[16,-1]'
    # Replace spaces (any number of them) with a single dash in file names
    $ zmv -n '(**/)(* *)' '$1${2//( #-## #| ##)/-}'
    # or - with Bash
    $ find . -depth -name '* *' -exec bash -c '
    > shopt -s extglob
    > file=$1
    > dir=${file%/*}
    > name=${file##*/}
    > newname=${name//*([ -]) *([ -])/-}
    > mv -i -- "$file" "$Dir/$newname"' {} {} \;
    # Clean up file names and remove special characters
    $ zmv -n '(**/)(*)' '$1${2//[^A-Za-z0-9._]/_}'
    # Add *.py to a bunch of python scripts in a directory (some of them end
    # in *.py and give them all a proper extension
    $ zmv -n '(**/)(con*)(#qe,file $REPLY | grep "python script",)' '$1$'
    # lowercase all extensions (i. e. *.JPG) incl. subfolders
    $ zmv '(**/)(*).(#i)jpg' '$1$2.jpg'
    # Or - without Zsh
    $ find Dir -name '*.[jJ][pP][gG]' -print | while read f
    > do
    > case $f in
    > *.jpg) ;
    > *) mv "$f" "${f%.*}.jpg" ;
    > esac
    > done
    # remove leading zeros from file extension
    $ ls
    filename.001 filename.003 filename.005 filename.007 filename.009
    filename.002 filename.004 filename.006 filename.008 filename.010
    $ zmv '(filename.)0##(?*)' '$1$2'
    $ ls
    filename.1 filename.10 filename.2 filename.3 filename.4 filename.5 ..
    # renumber files.
    $ ls *
    foo_10.jpg foo_2.jpg foo_3.jpg foo_4.jpg foo_5.jpg foo_6.jpg ..
    $ zmv -fQ 'foo_(<0->).jpg(.nOn)' 'foo_$(($1 + 1)).jpg'
    $ ls *
    foo_10.jpg foo_11.jpg foo_3.jpg foo_4.jpg foo_5.jpg ...
    # adding leading zeros to a filename (1.jpg -> 001.jpg, ..
    $ zmv '(<1->).jpg' '${(l:3::0:)1}.jpg'
    # See above, but now only files with a filename >= 30 chars
    $ c=1 zmv "${(l:30-4::?:)}*.foo" '$((c++)).foo'
    # Replace spaces in filenames with a underline
    $ zmv '* *' '$f:gs/ /_'
    # Change the suffix from *.sh to *.pl
    $ zmv -W '*.sh' '*.pl'
    # Add a "".txt" extension to all the files within ${HOME}
    # ``-.'' is to only rename regular files or symlinks to regular files,
    # ``D'' is to also rename hidden files (dotfiles))
    $ zmv -Q '/home/**/*(D-.)' '$f.txt'
    # Or to only rename files that don't have an extension:
    $ zmv -Q '/home/**/^?*.*(D-.)' '$f.txt'
    # Recursively change filenames with characters ? [ ] / = + < > ; : " , - *
    $ chars='[][?=+<>;",*-]'
    $ zmv '(**/)(*)' '$1${2//$~chars/%}'
    # Removing single quote from filenames (recursively)
    $ zmv -Q "(**/)(*'*)(D)" "\$1\${2//'/}"
    # When a new file arrives (named file.txt) rename all files in order to
    # get (e. g. file119.txt becomes file120.txt, file118.txt becomes
    # file119.txt and so on ending with file.txt becoming file1.txt
    $ zmv -fQ 'file([0-9]##).txt(On)' 'file$(($1 + 1)).txt'
    # lowercase/uppercase all files/directories
    $ zmv '(*)' '${(L)1}' # lowercase
    $ zmv '(*)' '${(U)1}' # uppercase
    # Remove the suffix *.c from all C-Files
    $ zmv '(*).c' '$1'
    # Uppercase only the first letter of all *.mp3 - files
    $ zmv '([a-z])(*).mp3' '${(C)1}$2.mp3'
    # Copy the target `README' in same directory as each `Makefile'
    $ zmv -C '(**/)Makefile' '${1}README'
    # Removing single quote from filenames (recursively)
    $ zmv -Q "(**/)(*'*)(D)" "\$1\${2//'/}"
    # Rename pic1.jpg, pic2.jpg, .. to pic0001.jpg, pic0002.jpg, ..
    $ zmv 'pic(*).jpg' 'pic${(l:4::0:)1}.jpg'
    $ zmv '(**/)pic(*).jpg' '$1/pic${(l:4::0:)2}.jpg' # recursively
    (from zsh-lovers)
    Edit: tried it now, and had to remove this silly block to make it let me use alternate delimiters:
    if [ "${sedscript:0:2}" != "s/" ]; then
    echo "Invalid sed script: $sedscript" > /dev/stderr
    exit 1
    Last edited by JohannesSM64 (2010-05-31 15:29:44)

  • Rename/Batch Rename files

    I use PSE 5.
    I name all my images before I import them into Organizer. Here is an example: 2007-11-01 071500 Bolsa Chica pelican -- meaning this picture of a pelican was taken November 1, 2007 at 7:15AM. I may have a dozen or more images of pelicans from that day, but taken at different times obviously. If I would like to rename/batch rename these files to indicate brown pelicans instead of just pelicans, can I do it within the program and still retain the date and the different times for images?
    I can't find a way to do it. And I've searched this site as well as The Missing Manual. I've been using PSE since Ver. 3, but have always used another program to batch rename files. I'm guessing Adobe expects users to rely on tags, otherwise they would have a more "sophisticated" batch rename capability.
    But am I missing something about batch renaming? Sorry for the very long post . . .

    I have several bones to pick with PSE5's file rename ability (in Organizer, go to File, Rename), primarily the 30-character limit on new names.
    I use long file names like
    2007-11-11 Al and Nadia wedding NYC roses-1.jpg
    2007-11-11 Al and Nadia wedding NYC roses-2.jpg
    2007-11-11 Al and Nadia wedding NYC Peter and Julie.jpg
    The spaces make for easier legibility to humans.
    If I were to include these files in a web address, I'd use hyphens.
    For this past Thanksgiving I toiled over the metadata in a group photo that might become important for family history, adding title, caption, keywords, date. I found that the "Save for Web" dialog strips some or all of the metadata, and other programs might or might not read or preserve the metadata.
    A number of people who receive my photos cannot readily use the metadata:
    --Naive users (gram and gramps)
    --Busy and distracted users (the niece who is a mother of 3; the day-trader who's thinking about his puts and calls)
    --People with poor support (a friend who has some sort of Photoshop Starter edition at work that does not recognize keywords; and she can't justify even Photoshop Elements)
    Even among all these folks, almost no one is using an operating system that requires short names.
    So, I put an abundance of information into my file names. Photoshop Elements allows that ON IMPORT, but not after the fact IN THE ORGANIZER.
    I just hope that this inconsistency is fixed in PSE6. I get tired of explaining this over and over again to folks.
    -- Bob
    P.S. I love Photoshop Elements, but I'm looking into moving my picture store to my MacBook Pro, and using Bridge (already installed) and GraphicConvert to manage my photos.

  • Batch Renaming Files

    Is there a way to "Batch Rename" a group of files?
    For example, I might want to rename dog.gif, cat.gif,
    rat.gif, etc. to animal01.gif, animal02.gif, animal03.gif, etc.

    folsombob wrote:
    > I don't have a problem batch renaming files outside of
    DW. If I do, though, I
    > will break all of the links and references.
    There is no way of batch renaming files and preserving links
    and references.
    However, you can rename one file at a time in the Files
    panel, and
    Dreamweaver will automatically update the links throughout
    the site.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • How can I Batch Rename Files in Aperture?

    Yesterday I imported some new photos and accidentally used the settings from my last import which named my images in a way that needs to be changed. I have already rated and edited many of the images so I don't want to reimport them from my memory cards.
    Is there a way to batch rename the images - preferably to the original file name from the camera? If not a custom name would be fine.

    Metadata->Batch Change

  • Batch rename files that have non consecutive numbers?

    I have a folder with about 100 image files that have non consecutive numbers. Is there a way to rename them all to add something after the numbers (and before file type extension) without changing the numbers?
    Example: If I select 111019.003.dng and 111019.007.dng, is there a way to batch rename to 111019.003_tk.dng and 111019.007_tk.dng?
    Of course, simply batch renaming w/ a sequence number would change them to 111019.003_tk.dng and 111019.004_tk.dng. Which is no good.
    I realize the easiest way around this is to name them correctly the first time, but I am not the photographer.
    Hope this makes sense, and thanks.

    You can bulk rename in Bridge IE:-

  • Batch renaming files and extensions?

    Can someone tell me how I can do this? I have never used terminal or automator before, so I'm not sure how to go about it.
    Thanks for any help.

    There are utilities out there that do batch renaming. Try searching and
    Next is a question of what you want to rename, and what you want to rename it to. That affects the code.
    If you are going the Unix shell scripting route, you have to be careful about spaces in names, as Unix commands are parse on white space boundaries, and so a file name with a space in it may look like 2 files, neither of which exsits. So quotes are needed to prevent that.
    Automator and Applescript are uses to spaces in filenames, you just have to master their usage. There are actual forums for Applescript
    and Automator
    which might be more helpful.

  • Batch Renaming files by Content?

    I have several thousand word documents recovered from a hard drive all named random numbers. Hoping there is a batch renamer out there that can name the files according to the first few words in the document? Almost all of them have titles in the document. Please tell me this tech is available somehwere!

    I think you would need to write an applescript to do this.
    When you open the file, does the document come up in word?
    post here:

  • Batch renaming file

    I am new to Apple and new to iPhoto. I used Adobe PhotoAlbum before and I found that program is very user friendly. Since iPhoto came with the Powerbook I just purchased, I way to get familiar with it.
    My question is: how do you rename the files? I don't like how my camera name them, so I used to rename all of them by using Adobe PhotoAlbum ie: SeaWorld - 01, SeaWorld-02 etc.
    Thanks in advance,

    The Batch function does allow you to do just that. There should be a drop-down menu in the new window where you can pick what you want to change (Title, Comment and something else...). You have to select the pictures first though. I don't have my mac with me so I can't think exactly how it works, but I've done it recently.
    It's worth remembering with iPhoto that any changes you make aren't actually made to the original file. Handy if you want to return to the original, but makes compatibility with other programs a bit of an issue. However, you can export the photos (haven't tried it yet) which I assume also exports the changes.
    Also, iPhoto creates thumbnails of the pictures, which is what you see in your library. Good idea, as it makes loading the library much quicker than other similar progams. However, if you rename the files outside of iPhoto you won't be able to access the full size picture. Only had my mac a couple of weeks but i've learned some of these things the hard way!!

  • Apple script to batch rename files by deleting tags on front and back of the file name

    Hi, I'm trying to rename a couple thousand files from their current format:  "01074_Something Of A Dreamer_Mary-Chapin Carpenter.lrc"
                                                                                                                           "01075_Where Did We Go Right_Lacy J. Dalton.lrc"
                                                                                                                           "01076_Everybody's Reaching Out_Crystal Gayle.lrc"
                                                                                                         To simply:  "Something Of A Dreamer.lrc"
                                                                                                                           "Where Did We Go Right.lrc"
                                                                                                                           "Everybody's Reaching Out.lrc"
    I just want to delete the number tag on the front and the artist name at the end for all of the files.  I imagine a Script to do this wouldn't be too hard to write, something along the lines of read file name after the first '_' character it reads until it reads a second '_' character and rename the file to the string it reads between those two underscores with .lrc at the end.
    Unfortunately I know nothing about Apple Script other than it seems like the thing I would need to automate this process based on my limited google searches.  If someone could help me out with some advice on how to go about making this script or obviously if you simply have and/or can quickly write a script to do this it would be greatly appreciated!

    tell application "Finder"
    repeat with this_file in (get files of window 1)
    set the_name to name of this_file
    set temp_name to items ((offset of "_" in the_name) + 1) thru -1 of the_name as string
    set temp_name to (items 1 thru ((offset of "_" in temp_name) - 1) of temp_name as string) & items -4 thru -1 of the_name as string
    set name of this_file to temp_name
    end repeat
    end tell

  • Adobe Bridge CC Batch Rename and File Extensions

    I use Adobe Bridge CC on my macbook pro that is running OS X 10.8.5  When I batch rename files within Bridge it automatically drops the file extension. I am able to add the extension within the naming process but would prefer if it simply defaulted to the existing extension of the files being renamed. On occasion it does do this and then the next time it is gone. What am I doing wrong?

    I don't think there is any way in which you can add to the built-in functions…
    Unless this is actually provided by one of the Adobe start-up scripts… ( I've not see it when digging about )
    You would probably need a scripted solution that can give you drop down menu of the extra options you want.

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    I use groups extensively in Bridge CS3. Lately, when I batch rename files within a group, Bridge completely undones all the groups in the folder (2.5GB, total). Why is that happening?

    What are you calling "groups"?  Do you have all 2.5 gig of pictures in one folder?  If so, make each group its own folder.  Too many shots in one folder will cause slow rebuilding of thumbnails for the screen, and it can lead to crashes if you change views before build is complete.  Many try to limit to 200-800 per folder depending on size of images.
    The order of the picutures on the screen has to do with how you have the sort set up in the filter panel.  If you change the name it could reorder the display.

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