Battery Icon in Menu Bar

Last night while I was away from my MacBook, my cat decided to take a nap in his favourite spot: the nice, warm keyboard. When I came back he had made considerable changes not only to the windows I had open and the messages I'd sent to my iChat buddies, he'd managed to change what is displayed in my menu bar. Most significantly, my battery life icon is no longer there. I know there has to be a very simple way to get it back, but I can't find it.
Any advice?

Hello kpoehlmann,
Head to *System Preferences -> Energy Saver*. Then click on the "Show Options" button and then the Options tab. Lastly, make sure there is a tick mark next to "Show battery status in the icon bar."
Hope this helps.

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    Hi, Dale —
    Seems as if there've been a lot of folks lately who've encountered problems with SystemUIServer — the process that manages the right-hand side of the menu bar.
    Troubleshooting this may require several rounds of interacting. For now, try these:
    (1) Delete the preferences file ~/Library/Preferences/, restart, and reset as required in System Preferences
    (2) Disable all "system enhancers" — including especially any 3rd-party Menu Extras — that you may have installed. Some of these may show up in System Preferences »» Other. In particular, disable or uninstall Application Enhancer (APE) if it's there.
    Please post back to share your progress, and we'll take it from there

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    Yep. MacKeeper is a nasty program.
    Phil Sokes' website.

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    It' not an iTunes feature. Some 3rd party applications can put some items in the menubar.
    Go to and search for 'itunes menubar'.
    You will find a few applications that can do what you have seen.

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    This is the iSync forum. The MobileMe forums are here:
    Anyway, an 'ugly' MobileMe icon in your menu bar? Do you mean the Sync icon, which looks like 2 arrows in a circular formation?
    If so, to get rid of it just hold down the command key (to the left of the space bar) and drag it out of the menu bar.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You will see the AirPlay icon on the menu bar by two reasons:
    1. Your computer is compatible with AirPlay Mirroring >
    2. Your computer has detected an Apple TV in the network.
    If both things are done, you will see the AirPlay icon. You can see which Mac you have got in  > About this Mac > More Info. If your computer isn't compatible, you can use an application like Beamer or AirParrot

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    Someone please lend me a helping hand?
    I've attached some pictures in order to make my situation easier to be understood.
    these icons can't be loaded on my loggin in.
    but they can be loaded manually
    however, these icons will be loaded on startup
    I've almost despaired to resolve it . Thanks for your help!

    I have a similar issue. When the computer goes into "Hibernate" mode -- that is, it loses power while sleeping and it writes the contents of it's memory to disk in order to boot into that exact configuration when woken up -- many of my icons when Apple-Tab'ing to another application appear as static. They look like a slightly colorized version of the "static snow" you see when tuning into a station that doesn't exist on a UHF antenna television. Also, icons in Chrome such as web sites "favorite icons" or favicon.ico (the icons that appear in the URL bar and bookmarks) will be scrambled in the same fashion , at first , until the actual icon is loaded.
    Between this, my menu bar and finder icons not displaying, and being unable to boot into safe mode, I'm getting quite ******. I have no idea what the **** is going on with my Macbook Pro. The issue of the scrambled icons actually existed prior to installing an SSD and doing a fresh install of Mountain Lion. I may end up throwing in the towl and re-installing the operating system but I'm sure SOMETHING will happen. It seems the latest update, 10.8.2, is absolute garbage.
    What the ****, Apple? And I really don't want to take the computer to the morons at the Apple Store. They are not "geniuses" by any measure.

  • Icons in menu bar and standard menus are invisible!

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    The majority of system icons in the menu bar "extras" area (that is, to the right near the date/time in the menu bar) are blank. The area where the icon would be located is responsive to clicks, and drops a menu item down upon click, but the icons themselves are invisible. The same goes for Spotlight which has a spot for it's icon and responds to the hotkey of Apple + Spacebar, but the icon itself is invisible. The only icons that are visible are third party programs that run and place themselves there such as Little Snitch, and the battery low ("red" battery) indicator icon; other battery icons are invisible.
    Also invisible/blank are the icons for going back and forward in a Finder window as well as the back/forward icons in System Preferences sub-dialogs. The icons for choosing labels, changing the way Finder windows display (their view options), and a few others that I cannot name as I cannot see them are invisible as well. Icons that would normally display to the left of "All My Files", "AirDrop", "Applications", "Desktop", et cetera in the Finder window do not display, either.
    I have tried installing the 10.8.2 Combo Update and using the Disk Utility "Repair" and "Verify" Filesystem options but neither fixed the issue. I have tried deleting the cached plist files for the SystemUIServer as well but there was no change in the icon display (or, that is, lack of display!).
    I am running Mac OS X 10.8.2 (including the Combined Update) on the late-2011 Macbook Pro 15" w/ 2.4 GHz Core i7 (default 4GB memory and 750gb HDD; upgraded to 16GB of RAM and a Crucial M4 256GB SSD). I cannot recall if the problem started after I updated any system software or not; I upgraded to 10.8.2 via buying OS X Mountain Lion from the App Store so that I would have a copy on USB to install after replacing my HDD with my SSD. Everything worked fine on fresh installation, and I am not sure at what point the icons disappeared.
    Does anyone have any insight into this problem, and more importantly, how to correct it? Please see the screenshots below for a proper illustration of the problem I am experiencing. The sole icon visible, with the two columns, is Little Snitch 3.0.
       ^-- Clicking the menu bar battery icon (except, there is no icon!)
       ^-- Finder window with the icons for back/forward, view options, icons for location list items on the left, etc. missing
       ^-- System Preferences dialog, with icons for the back/forward function missing.
        ^-- Help window with the icons for back/forward and some other function missing.
    Thank you in advance!

    I have a similar issue. When the computer goes into "Hibernate" mode -- that is, it loses power while sleeping and it writes the contents of it's memory to disk in order to boot into that exact configuration when woken up -- many of my icons when Apple-Tab'ing to another application appear as static. They look like a slightly colorized version of the "static snow" you see when tuning into a station that doesn't exist on a UHF antenna television. Also, icons in Chrome such as web sites "favorite icons" or favicon.ico (the icons that appear in the URL bar and bookmarks) will be scrambled in the same fashion , at first , until the actual icon is loaded.
    Between this, my menu bar and finder icons not displaying, and being unable to boot into safe mode, I'm getting quite ******. I have no idea what the **** is going on with my Macbook Pro. The issue of the scrambled icons actually existed prior to installing an SSD and doing a fresh install of Mountain Lion. I may end up throwing in the towl and re-installing the operating system but I'm sure SOMETHING will happen. It seems the latest update, 10.8.2, is absolute garbage.
    What the ****, Apple? And I really don't want to take the computer to the morons at the Apple Store. They are not "geniuses" by any measure.

  • Possible to change Order of Icons in Menu Bar?

    Hey I was wondering if there is any way I can rearrange the icons in the menu bar such as battery status, bluetooth, ichat, spaces, volume and time. I found you can kind of change them by disabling the presence of the icon in system preferences then re-enabling it, it you can change the order a little bit. Is there an easier way to do this? I have the sound icon in between my battery status and time and would like to move it to the left.
    Thanks in advance!

    hold down the Apple key and drag them where you want along the menu bar

  • Icons in menu bar gone

    All the icons in the menu bar on the top right have disappeared. Time, airport status, time machine, battery status, everything. I've gone into system preferences and tried to set the icon to show up, but it resets itself to the off status when I click out of the particular menu. I also found out taking screen shots by doing command+shift+3 doesn't work anymore either, despite it being enable in system preferences.

  • Icons in Menu Bar disappearing

    Since installing Yosemite 10.10 the icons in my menu bar disappear and reappear constantly. All that remains is the spotlight icon (the File, Edit, View, etc. tabs are unaffected). From what I have read, not many others are experiencing this, since I haven't been able to find a forum regarding this problem. Anyway, one thing that might be relevant is that when installing Yosemite, my MacBook Pro shut off. The battery was fully charged. When I turned it back on, the MBP restarted the installation process and now I'm here. Aside from problems with iTunes not detecting my iPod Classic, which many others seem to be experiencing, this is the only issue I have with Yosemite. Should I just wait for an update? I've posted two screenshots of exactly what it looks like with and without the icons. I named my MBP gucci little piggy after a track on Ok Computer haha.

    that's what I was referring to, yeah.
    Yes, when I entered it in terminal this was the result:
    Last login: Wed Dec  3 17:46:05 on console
    Macintosh:~ Jonah$ ps -axwwwww | grep -i uiserv
    2618 ??         0:00.23 /System/Library/CoreServices/
    2622 ttys000    0:00.00 grep -i uiserv
    Macintosh:~ Jonah$
    Looks like my font has changed haha. Anyway, when I manually run it, it forces the icons to appear briefly, but then they return to flashing at seemingly random intervals. At one point I was spamming the .app and occasionally two sets of icons would appear in the menu bar; one set on the right where they normally appear, and another set of identical icons including my user name, time, battery life, etc. appeared in the middle of the menu bar. That led me to believe the problem may be independent of the
    When I created another user the problem wasn't there! Nice! Unfortunately I'm still stuck with the notorious flashing.

  • Sync Icon on Menu Bar?  What does this mean? How can I get more info on it?

    I just noticed for the first time, a SYNC icon on the Macbook Pro/Lion menu bar and it is going strong - twirling its little heart out.  Im not sure what this is or what it is doing.  Im having a feeling something got set up (I dont really know what Im doing ) that had to do with maybe syncing a calendar with Google? for an Android phone?  Is t here a way I can check out what this is and what its doing -   It just keeps twirling around so Im not sure what its doing or how long it will take and I dont know that I want it doing wh atever its doing.  Maybe it has something to do with contacts?  The only option I can find when I click on the icon, it says 'cancel sync.'  Is there a way to "get info" - and find out what its doing.  I dont want it twirlling forever as I assume thats going to eat up the battery...I dont have anything set up to sync consistently so I dont know whats its doing or whether I should stop it.  Its been going on for like over 5 minutes and that doesnt seem right to me

    If it's a one-time "glitch," you can try restarting your computer with the iPod still connected.  Try ejecting again after the restart.
    If the problem recurs, you may have a process running (other than iTunes) that is accessing the iPod's storage.  When connected, the iPod's "disk" is like other mounted volumes.  This process may be some type of utility that continously monitors your mounted volumes for security reasons, such as to prevent access by malware.
    If you know of such a program that you have running in the background, there may be a setting to exclude your iPod's disk.

Maybe you are looking for