Battery Improvement!

I noticed that after the 5.0 update my battery doesn't get nowhere as warm as it used to when charging. I have my phone charging as i type, and it's laying on my bed.
In the past i had to charge my phone on a hard flat surface, such as the kitchen counter, nightstand, t.v. stand, etc.
Also, i don't know if this happened before and i just didn't notice it until today. The charger part that goes into the electrical socket immediately cools down once it reaches 100% charged.

Yeah, most come with a square block or attached ac cable-plack.  These LG chargers are serious.  They recharge everything faster.  LG even included a turbo charger for my LG Volt.  Usually, bigger the battery (3000mah on G2 and Volt) bigger the charging rate.

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    1. run the battery down until it turns off
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    8. start using the phone
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    I have not had any experience with the specific battery in the iPhone but I have used a lot of lithium-ion batteries in other applications. I can tell you that those batteries I have use have had capacity improvements when new after several charge cycles.

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    Are you running on the latest OS? There are quite some battery improvements for the Z10.
    If you cannot find a solution, I recommend purchasing a BlackBerry Z10 Extended Battery/Battery Case
    If you have an answer to your question then please click “Accept as Solution”
    Click on the LIKE on the bottom right if the post deserves credit.
    BB 8700 -> Bold 9000 -> Curve 8520 -> Bold 9700 -> Curve 9320 -> Bold 9900 -> BlackBerry Z10 + PlayBook 64 GB Wi-Fi

  • How to increase the battery life of your N series ...

    What I am about to post here is valid for any 3G phone or device regardless of model but it is particularly focused towards the N series devices and their power hogging features.
    Your battery life is dependant on many many things. How often you take calls on the device, the condition of your battery, the features you use on the device and so on and on. Therefore it is impossible to say that by following the information in this post you will get x amount of days battery life, but it will get you more time out of the battery than you otherwise would have got.
    So with that out the way, if your looking to increase your battery life then follow these tips and your battery should start looking a lot healthier.
    First of all lets start with THE big one. The one that is going to save you the most juice. Switching 3G off.
    Yep, you heard me right. Just by switching the 3G capability of your phone off you will add hours and hours to your battery life. How is this so? Allow me to explain...
    Due to the rather poor delivery of 3G in the UK by the network operators, it is rare for any 3G phone to maintain a constant 3G signal. Instead you will find that the phone constantly flips between 3G and GSM mode (Keep an eye on your signal one day). Even those of you on Vodafone who probably have the best 3G network coverage will find this is the case.
    Unfortunately, this constant flipping between the two modes sucks power from the battery like a vampire as it alters its reception state for the different modes and the constant flipping is..well...causing it do this constantly! It can sometimes even make your phone unavailable for calls for very brief periods as it trips from GSM to 3G and vice versa.
    If you need to use 3G for video calls or whatever then I'm afraid your just going to have to live with this but if you don't (And lets face it few of us do) then you can switch 3G off and increase your battery life considerably.
    To do this, go into the "Settings" application (Found in the menu somewhere, by default Nokia normally stick it in "Tools"), and then to the "Phone" tab. In there you will see an option that says "Network mode" and you have a choice of "GSM" or "Dual Mode" (I.e. UMTS and GSM). Set it to GSM and your phone will restart. Once it restarts it will be working in GSM with GPRS speeds only but really for most purposes this is fine.
    You have now just extended your battery capability considerably. You can further extend it by going to the "Connection" tab, going into "Packet data" and changing it to "When needed" so it is not constantly checking for a data connection.
    The second big change you can make is to turn your phones wifi scanning capability off. The last time I looked not all Nokia's phones that have wifi capability can have their wifi cards switched off entirely but if you can, turn it off except for when you need to use it. Wifi is a power hog.
    The next big change you can make is to lower the screen brightness settings on your phone. The less bright your screen is the less power is being used to light it up. Nokia by default leave the screen brightness at something like 50%. Lowering this a bit more will conserve more juice. Before you do this though please consider the fact that lowering the brightness setting will have a big impact on your ability to see the screen clearly in sunny conditions although you will be fine in the dark as you can't lower the brightness that far.
    To lower the brightness, go to the settings tool in your phone and into the display option (Hidden in a subcategory called "Personalisation" on the N95). It won't hurt to set the power saving time out to 1 minute and the backlight time out to 10 seconds while your here (Although these are the Nokia default so they should already be set to this).
    Finally in regards to the screen, although they may look pretty, animated screensavers use more battery power than the standard blank screen with time and date so avoid them if you can.
    It also helps to keep Bluetooth switched off until you need it although the power savings are minimal in comparison to the other changes but every little milliamp counts!
    Using the above methods I generally get about 3 to 4 days with about 3 hours talktime on my N95 without using Bluetooth, GPS or anything like that (I might be able to get more but so far I have not paid attention to the battery state before I put it on charge). If I am on a long train journey I can get about 4 hours worth of full screen video and about 2 hours talktime over the period of about 24 hours before it needs a recharge. As I said at the start of the post your mileage will vary greatly depending on how you use your device.
    Hope this helps.
    Useful links: Phone firmware update | Nokia support site

    02-May-200701:14 PM
    bixby wrote:
    no keffa it is a cop out from nokia
    its not unfai as its a premium device with a premium price
    the n95 battery is atrocious
    dont change the post content as the title is 'How to increase the battery life of your N series device'
    your talking about nokia phones specifically
    the networks are not to blame
    they do not make the handsets : Nokia do !!!!!!!!!!
    I'm going to choose my words carefully here...
    I would never deny the battery on the N95 is not really up to the job of powering the N95 with its power hungry features. To put the same battery into a phone that has WiFi, GPS and a large 320x240 screen, the same one that goes into the E65 which has comparatively nothing compared to it is a bit pants.
    However at no point was I criticising them for the band hopping problem. I labelled the post as how to increase the battery life of your N series device because this is a board for the N series devices. It was a simple choice of wording and not intended to be cutting in any way and I did make a remark that the details would be true of any 3G device at the top of the post.
    What I was trying to point out in my second post is that the constant band hopping the phone is being forced to do that is draining its battery so much more quicker than it would if it had a constant signal of one kind or another isn't quite Nokia's fault.
    They build it to conform to a laid out specification for 3G. However if the network operators cannot be bothered to roll out their 3G infrastructure adequately enough that the phone can find and remain locked onto a 3G signal that is usable then what are Nokia to do other than offer you the capability to turn 3G off until you need it (Although note to Nokia: That **bleep** reboot the phone does when you do this is entirely unneeded and you know it).
    Blaming Nokia for this would be like blaming the manufacturer of your radio for failing to pick up radio because the radio station does not have any transmitters within range of your radio's receiver.
    Finally...this band hopping is exhibited by all 3G phones built by Samsung, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, etc, from their most budget 3G model to their priciest piece and is the reason that all phones with 3G capabilities have batteries that do not last for any respectable length of time because these phones are also having to band hop between 3G and GSM.
    Finally the proof is in the pudding. Turn 3G off for a few days. See your battery improve. Then (Although admittedly this will be harder to do...mcuh harder) find an area where you get a fairly decent 3G signal constantly. Again, see your battery improve. Try it with a different 3G phone...different manufacturer even. The same will be true.
    So I stand by my comment, the network operators and their woeful 3G rollout are the villains costing you a fair chunk of your battery and Nokia cannot be expected to mitigate this....but a better battery would be nice all the same...
    Useful links: Phone firmware update | Nokia support site

  • Bought a new iPhone 4s and dissapointed with the battery life (5.0.1)

    Hi guys, I'm new to this forums and to an iPhone... I've bought my first iPhone 2 days ago (an iPhone 4s) and I must admit, the battery life simply *****! It's unbeliavable, typing a status and checking facebook drains 2% of my battery, this is just insane. I was glad to find out that I'm not the only one with this problem. I researched online and saw all of Apple customers complaint about it, and realised that Apple didn't really care as much until the media kicked in.
    So yesterday I've downloaded the new 5.0.1 update, because Apple promised to fix the battery life issue, however I found no sing of battery improvement what so ever (my Location Services and Time Zone are both set to OFF). I think they've released this update in order to shut us up for a little bit, because Apple knows that it's not a bug BUT a hardware problem!
    I hope Apple can come up with an idea to fix this problem a.s.a.p. or they're going to lose a lot of customers. I'm starting to slowly regret from not buying phones like BlackBerry 9900 Bold, Samsung Galaxy S2 or the new HTC. I'm so dissapointed in the battery life...
    What do you think guys?

    Did you already try to set up your phone as new device?
    How to erase your iOS device and then set it up as a new device or restore it from backups
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings - Apple Support
    If this does not work, contact Apple Support, they can send you a test file to find out if your battery is damaged.
    You can also visit an Authorized Apple Service Provider to do so.
    iPhone - Contact Support - Apple Support
    Since this is a user to user forum, Apple can't hear you, feel free to use this feedback link:
    Apple - iPhone - Feedback

  • I have the sames problems with the battery of my itouch 4g when i update to ios 5.0.1

    the battery of my ipod lows more fast when i update to ios 5.0.1 i need help

    I had they same problem, but with my iPad. Howeve, I think that most of us have upgraded to 5.0.1 with the patch file, which made us all have a worse battery drainage. I WILL TELL YOU HOW TO FIX IT
    RESTORE THE WHOLE 5.0.1  firmware TOGETHER  the 700+ MB.  You will notice the major battery improvement.
    Remember to mark me with the correct answer... :)

  • Gingerbread 2.3.6 and Extended Battery Experiences

    Someone else in another post had mentioned having reduced battery life after this update as I have been.  Both of us have the extended battery.  Anyone else have the extended battery life and seen improvement or losses of battery life?

    For no reason I can figure out my battery life has improved drastically over the past few days.  I posted more specifics about this in another thread where someone had been offering suggestions.
    Note that I have two posts on that page.  The one where I detail the battery improvement is not at the top, it is #44, further down the page.

  • Battery Percentage Bar ???

    I have a new iPhone 5C.  Up until today I had no problems. This morning the battery percentage bar was all black but said 100%.  I plugged it in and the bar was all green and still said 100%.  When I remove the charger plug it goes back to being all black but keeps saying 100%.  Can anyone assist with this issue please?  Thanks.

    Sharfaraz wrote:
    Hi Lugi, thanks for your reply. I just wanted clarify here as some sites are claiming the downgrading is possible.
    Unauthorized modification of iOS can cause security vulnerabilities, instability, shortened battery life, and other issues
    Downgrading "may" be "technically" possible through jailbreaking, which WILL VOID any and ALL warranty you may have and support from Apple and these forums ( Please read the ENTIRE article I linked to ).
    You also put yourself at significant risk of turning your iPhone into a very expensive paperweight.
    Sharfaraz wrote:
    Anyway I was wondering if I restote via Itunes will the fast discharging of battery improve?
    I have found two articles online that may help with the battery drainage issue until Apple releases an update that fixes the issue: 1.) sage-on-your-iphone.
    2.) -711?utm_campaign=tmo_waylf.
    I can not say how good or valid the information in these links may be as I don't have an iPhone.

  • IPhone 4S 6.1.1 battery, with all the respect

    I survived like a year on iOS 5 (purchased my 4S a year ago) and it was like fine and everything, updated to iOS 6, maybe it was in my head, but the battery improved a little, right now you 'f'ed up bigtime with your 6.1.1 update, I might be crazy, I'm only 19.5, but you gonna get the demons outta me..
    After affording an iPhone, I gotta pay for some external battery case and sh..?
    I ain't gonna "threat" with this I'm moving to bullsh..
    But at least try to test sh' out before you release it.
    I respect your work, but I don't feel any positive changes right now...

    Weird sh.. happens bro.. I'm trying to be polite bro, I think I realized it but was idiot enough to go for it, still hope SOMEONE will notice that something is 'f'ed up (I'm talking about apple).
    Peace !

  • Battery Life - Advice

    Hi all,
    Needing a little bit of advice - not sure if I am doing something wrong.
    When I chose my MP3 player, I originally didn't want an i-Pod due to the fact I'd heard the battery life was rubbish. When we went to the shop to buy the Sony MP3 I wanted, we were basically talked into the i-Pod by a very enthusiastic salesman who was a hardcore i-Pod fan.
    I've got the new 30gig video i-Pod and he told me that although it advertises around 20hrs battery life he said I could ideally expect between 6-10hrs of CONTINUOUS PLAY on the battery, which was fine.
    However I am finding I am getting approx 1.5hrs of continuous play at the very most before my battery goes into the red from full.
    Is this due to something I am doing wrong, or are all i-Pods generally like this? Or do you think its a problem with mine?
    Any advice would be appreciated!!

    From new, the iPod battery can take time getting to full potential. There are a lot of factors that affect battery usage such as what size your music files are, how often you use the click wheel or the backlight etc. As far as battery life goes, the hours Apple quotes are based on continual play of music files, AAC 128kbps file format, no backlight and no access via the scroll wheel during play. How long you get from your battery really depends on how you are using your iPod.
    Have a look at these pages:
    Battery FAQ
    Tips and tricks to get the most out of your iPod's battery
    Improve your iPod's battery performance
    Accurately determine your iPod battery life
    Lithium-Ion Batteries
    Common Sense IPOD Battery Pointers
    About the Battery charge status icon
    Hope some of this helps.

  • What is the major updates in ios 5.1

    i just update to ios 5.1 for my 3gs i didnt find any new updates unless the camera icon in lock screen what els is goodz ??

    Battery improvements
    Camera icon in lock screen
    If your network is AT&T, the indicator has been updated to show 3G or 4G.
    Those are really the only updates that affect the 3GS, but the 4S got Japanese support for Siri and the iPad got a redesigned camera app.
    You will also be able to download apps that require iOS 5.1, such as iPhoto for iOS.

  • New firmware for Nokia E65?

    I've heard many who have updated their Nokia E65 to firmware v3.0633.69.00 but my updater still says v2.0633.65.01 . Where do I get the v3?
    And my E65 is very very very slow to open menus and messages. Anyone else got this problem? How can I fix this sluggish phone and make it faster? It sometimes take 5-6 seconds to open the menu or an SMS. That's realy bad
    Nokia E65
    Go to Solution.

    Hello itmn,
    I updated my E65 to v3 at Nokia Care Point (even though it was not available in NSU, they told me they always receive the firmware upgrades first than they are released to the Internet/NSU).
    After a couple of weeks using this new firmware, I noticed battery improvements (with 3G switched off), the phone is little to nothing faster, and some minor bugs I was experiencing related to WLAN were corrected.
    As to your E65 being slow, I once was experiencing the same with v2 firmware and the only solution I managed to fix it was to reset the phone.
    I reseted after a back up, but then decided to restore only contacts and calendar entries, and reinstall all the applications from new/fresh downloads (as I noticed some of them didn't work if they were restored from the back up).
    In the end, the phone was faster and more responsive.
    I guess you could give it a try.

  • Z1 Compact 4.4.2 14.3.A.0.681 firmware KitKat Rolling

    Android 4.4.2 KitKat Rolling for Xperia Z1, Z Ultra, Z1 Compact – Sony confirms now.
    Sony has also mentioned that they will be rolling android 4.4.2 KitKat for Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, Xperia Tablet Z and Xperia ZR in mid Q2 2014 and Xperia T2 Ultra / Dual, Xperia E1 and Xperia M2 will also be upgraded to android 4.4.2 KitKat but no specific date for rollout mentioned yet
    What is new in this Android 4.4.2 KitKat update as per Sony ?
    Camera app update to improve overall camera performance.
    Stock email app is updated.
    Stability, performance and battery improvements.
    New Xperia KitKat UI as per Google’s android 4.4.2 KitKat OS.
    Tweaked status bar and quick settings options. 2 Tabs notification panel included.
    New UI for Sony Playstation 4. New animation and live wallpapers for lockscreen and homescreen.
    New Sony Media apps including Walkman, Album, Movies.
    Sony’s native stock apps updated like Message app, Call app, TrackID, TackID TV, MyXperia, SmartConnect and small apps.
    New Xperia downloadable themes included.
    Image Link -
    As per the changelog provided by Sony it is clear that there is No 4K cam app, No TimeShift Video app, No Smart Call Handling app, No Smart Backlight Control, No Glove Mode, No Tap to Wake up feature.
    SOURCE -
    Source - Z1 Compact 14.3.A.0.681 KitKat update rolling -
    Don't forget to give Kudos.

    Does anyone know exactly when the Android KitKat and Sony software updates are going to be available in the UK from Sony? My phone is an unlocked SIM-free unit and there is no sign of an update from Sony, even though I have been checking all day! I cannot see why Sony can't publish a planned timetable for availability of these updates for SIM-free phones in each country!! Why all the obscure mystery? Surely Sony must know what their schedule is?

  • Z1 4.4.2 14.3.A.0.681 firmware KitKat Rolling Officially

    Android 4.4.2 KitKat Rolling for Xperia Z1, Z Ultra, Z1 Compact – Sony confirms now.
    Sony has also mentioned that they will be rolling android 4.4.2 KitKat for Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, Xperia Tablet Z and Xperia ZR in mid Q2 2014 and Xperia T2 Ultra / Dual, Xperia E1 and Xperia M2 will also be upgraded to android 4.4.2 KitKat but no specific date for rollout mentioned yet
    What is new in this Android 4.4.2 KitKat update as per Sony ?
    Camera app update to improve overall camera performance.
    Stock email app is updated.
    Stability, performance and battery improvements.
    New Xperia KitKat UI as per Google’s android 4.4.2 KitKat OS.
    Tweaked status bar and quick settings options. 2 Tabs notification panel included.
    New UI for Sony Playstation 4. New animation and live wallpapers for lockscreen and homescreen.
    New Sony Media apps including Walkman, Album, Movies.
    Sony’s native stock apps updated like Message app, Call app, TrackID, TackID TV, MyXperia, SmartConnect and small apps.
    New Xperia downloadable themes included.
    Image Link -
    As per the changelog provided by Sony it is clear that there is No 4K cam app, No TimeShift Video app, No Smart Call Handling app, No Smart Backlight Control, No Glove Mode, No Tap to Wake up feature.
    SOURCE -
    Xperia Z1 14.3.A.0.681 firmware Rolling now  -
    P.S. There is no point of giving Xperia Z2 KitKat firmware features to Xperia Z1 until Xperia Z2 comes in market officially for purchase. So STOP CRYING. Z1 is no longer a flagship so it will be treated like this only.!
    Find the new Xperia Z1 KitKat screenshots.
    Image Link -
    Image Link -
    Image Link -
    Image Link -
    Image Link -
    Image Link -
    Image Link -
    Image link -
    Image Link -
    Xperia Z1 KitKat changelog as per users
    New Homescreen and locksreen wallpapers.
    Transparent navigation bar and status bar.
    New Battery icon.
    No touch to wake up feature.
    New start up screen.
    New KitKat Boot animation.
    Screenshot option in Power menu.
    Calendar app updated.
    Answering machine option in call app.
    Manage notification settings for particular app.
    Default SMS app settings.
    Source -
    Don't forget to give Kudos.

    Just because Sony is a business doesn't mean their only strategy is to bring out a new phone every 6 months and leave the old one (and its customers) behind.  If you bough an xperia Z, and Sony upgraded that phone where possible with the goodies of the newer phones, how likely are you to buy a Sony next time...quite likely I would venture.  If I feel Sony just want the new customers I have no loyalty to them and would certainly be atracted to another company that actively courts existing customers.
    I want Sony to want me to want them when I come to upgarde my phone.  Most contracts in the UK are 2 years and so many people look to upgarde their phone at that point (not out of need but out of want).  Hardware really moves on in 2 years so If I was really looked after with my last purchase I will buy the same brand again.

  • I dont get more than 2-2.5 Hours out of my MacBook Air (at lowest settings)

    I have a serious problem with my MBA. I mainly use it to take notes at University. So my normal usage is: Screen brightness turned to the lowest possible point, WLAN+Bluetooth OFF and Word running.
    How many hours do I get? If I'm lucky, 2.5! And I'm not surfing, I dont play any fancy games, I'm just taking notes. Most of the time the screen is completely turned off, because I dont take notes every 2 seconds.
    How in the **** did Apple come up with 4.5h of wireless work? If I turn on the WLAN, set the brightness to 40% and surf the Web, I'm lucky if I get 1.5hours out of my battery.
    According to iStat my battery life is at 88% with abou 60 cycles. But I'm seriously considdering to take my MBA back to the Apple Store, because it's pretty much useless for me right now with less than 2h of battery life.
    Are you guys getting any better results? I googled and I found reviews that said they were able to surf the web for "close to 4 hours" with brightness at 40%. HOW is this possible???!

    You should definitely be getting more than 2 hours (or so) with the configuration you're currently using. Curious, what does your battery statistics look like... Give a full charge, start using it in the configuration you normal use it and copy/paste the info (after about 20 minutes of use).
    Apple Logo > About This Mac > More Info > Hardware > Power
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: SMP-ASMB017-3921-665
    Manufacturer: SMP
    Device name: ASMB017
    Pack Lot Code: 0000
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 0009
    Hardware Revision: 0401
    Cell Revision: 0100
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 1331
    Fully charged: No
    Charging: No
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 4908
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 3
    Condition: Good
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): -919
    Voltage (mV): 7409
    Be curious to see the Amperage, Voltage, Full Charge capacity.
    On a side note, I've seen significant battery improvement on my machine when backlight is set to max versus 20-30%. It's approximately 25-30 minutes of additional run time over a consecutive run time from 100% to 5% battery.
    Secondly, AppleCare does NOT cover the battery replacement "for free." There are specific requirements that would qualify a battery for a replacement under the limited one-year warranty and AppleCare but it's not a "gimme."

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