Battery life with 2.1

I have noticed a greatly decreased battery life since moving to 2.1
Any suggestions?

I have battery draining problems with my iPod touch as well. The funny thing is, though, that it just started. I've been running ver 2.1 since it came out, but only since last week has the battery been draining like this.
Typically, when I get home, I put my iPod with my wallet, keys, etc. The next day when I go to use it to listen to podcasts during my commute, the battery is REALLY drained - sometimes to the point where the iPod has shut itself off. I used to be able to let it sit all weekend and on Monday it would still be charged.
I've just tried turning the wifi off, so we'll see if that helps. However, I've never had to do this before....

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    This isn't an issue. Notice the screen prior to the one that shows usage has an iCloud section and a Manage Storage button. For this button to activate ios needs to download a few kb from icloud. Switching back to this screen forces ios to download those few kb.

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    I've resolved this problem.
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    With battery life, you either optimise for time (low performance), or high performance (less time).
    Logic is a performance based app, and so if you are using plugins and so on, you are working your CPU hard and therefore going to run the battery down quicker.
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    I followed space marine's basic advice and comments that I have read elsewhere -
    All In Itunes -
    Sync to itunes,
    Backup to itunes,
    In itunes Restore to original settings
    In itunes restore from backup
    Sync from Itunes
    This brought my battery life back in alignment with what I was getting before update 6.1
    Of course, your mileage may vary, and make sure the backups are completed successfully before attempting.
    Good Luck!

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    Besides for turning off Wifi or push notifications, or shutting down, is there anyway to make the battery life last longer than it does with iOS4?

    The answer, I regret to say, can be found in [this thread||Th e sad truth about iPod/iPhone battery life].
    In order to upgrade this solution from a suggestion by someone who isn't suffering the issue to an account of firsthand experience, I'll tell you that in a household with 2 iPod Touch devices that were both decimated by the upgrade to iOS4, this method cured the battery life of both units and will probably work for you.
    +The solution boils down to the following:+
    Using iTunes, run the "Restore" to factory settings.
    I performed this technological equivalent of ritual sacrifice with full knowledge of the devastation it would wreck on the volumes of settings/passwords/usernames/servernames and countless other bits personal information manually entered over 2 years. I did it partially because I only half-believed it would work and was wantonly hoping for an even greater excuse to complain. 3 days later, I'm still finding information I have to look up and reenter.
    +For my own part, I would have greatly preferred the ability to restore my iPod to a state just prior to installation of iOS4.+
    Perform this restore at your own risk.
    On the 4th page of the thread linked above, +Lawrence Finch+ describes a few less drastic steps you can attempt first if you are equally reticent to give your iPod a lobotomy. I tried them all. A series of acts which served only to prolong the inevitable and increase the amount of time wasted as well as to further inflame my ire.

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    Is this normal or should I send it for service? The phone is about 4 months old and in normal use the battery life is more than one day and I have not noticed any heating either. I have installed all available updates regularly. I have also installed the maps I normally use into the phone.

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    I have now been testing with a 3.1 A charger in the car and it is able to charge the battery while navigating. The device does get hot, however, but as you say it is normal.
    I did also try to use it when biking and was using a 10 Ah Powerbank with 2 A outlet. That did not seem to be able to overcome phone's power consumption, but the battery was slowly reducing charge. This arrangement would anyway allow several hours navigating, which is quite enough for normal use. Without this external battery its useless for longer biking or walking tours, unless you turn off navigation when it is not necessary. This is a bit complicated, though. TomTom is even worse for this kind of off-line use, its battery seems to be quite small.
    I also noticed that it is important to remember to turn off navigation when keeping the phone in pocket, it really gets uncomfortably hot there.
    I'll also have to study Lumia's manual a bit more carefully, as I had often difficulties in changing targets and turning off navigation. Probably just because I had misunderstood some instructions.

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    Something works, something not, but basically there is a bug in iOS causing most of the iPhones to have battery drain issues.
    Last attempt I did is to disable iCloud safari sync, since it seems to send data every few seconds.
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    I really hope for a fix from apple ....

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    At 50% it just told me I have an hour left when I used to have 3 or more! Is there anything I can do to fix this?

    In addition to the suggestions in
    be sure that your System Preferences > Time Machine is set to "OFF."
    When ON but not connected to an external disk andexternal power adapter,
    Lion's TM writes backups to your startup disk. This, and any other avoidable hard disk use, will reduce available battery time.
    (BTW, per,
    portables with built-in batteries do NOT require calibration)
    Also, apply any available energy saving tips from
    More about batteries in this search of Apple help:

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