BC4J and non Oracle DB

Can I use BC4J to access non Oracle DB with JDeveloper 3.1?
Can I use wizards to create such objects and can I test the application with the package module Test option?

Thanks. I found that article shortly after I posted the message. I'm new to BC4J, though, so I don't understand some of the limitations. Can someone explain:
* "Do not use unsupported domains..." Does this mean we cannot create our own Domains? Or does BC4J come with some domains that we can't use?You can create your own domains. What this means is that you should use the business components generic domains rather than the business components Oracle domains, because the Oracle domains map to Oracle SQL types. The javadoc for both of these is in the online help, under Reference -> Business Components Generic Domain Reference and Reference -> Business Components Oracle Domains.
* "Avoid using...CLOB, BLOB..." Really? Is there a workaround if we need to store binary data?Sorry, no workaround - we don't currently support large binary objects for non-Oracle databases.
* "Use a file for Applications Module snapshots and don't use spill-to-disk." Is spill-to-disk the same as view row spillover (i.e. lots of rows in memory)?Yes.
Any advice on what drivers to use for DB2 and SQL Server?The howto documents have instructions on what drivers to use. For DB2 you use the driver that comes with DB2. For SQL Server you have to download a driver; the howto has the instructions.
Thanks again. Thanks

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    Extensibility of EM has always concentrated on the monitoring aspect for external software/hardware because data and its collection can be abstracted to the point where EM can get it and display it for a variety of products.
    Management of those products tends to be much more complex since each target will have its own operations and workflows for how to get things done. So whatever administration tools delivered with the product will always be better suited than EM to do administration since it knows exactly what it has to do.
    That's not to say that you can't do management through EM. The job system is robust and allows you to run OS command jobs that would enable scripts you have to do the management. In the release, you will be able to create new job types that are specific to your target type.
    As for the particular case you cited, I would create a new metric with queue name and message id as a key. Then you could create a report that displays messages from a certain queue or drill down into the All Metrics page to look at the messages for a particular queue. Then create a job that takes as input enough information to delete a message or messages from a queue (you'd have to write the script that would do that).

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    Eric Sander

    If you have different databases then the join has to be done in the VM (either by the appserver or by you).
    If you want to do it yourself, I would try the following:
    -write one DAO per business object (at least one per database)
    -this DAO contains the specifics of its database
    -return a hashtable of keys and VOs from one DAO (as you say you do?)
    -in the other DAO, add a method "joinWith ( Hashtable foreignKeys )" that will return the join's result
    -implement the method along these lines:
    1. retrieve the candidate rows from the second DAO's tables (1 query execution)
    2. put the keys in a new Hashtable, say "candidateKeys" (meaning 1 iteration over all results)
    3. iterate over all elements of foreignKeys (1 iteration)
    4. for each element, check if a key exists in "candidateKeys" (1 hash lookup, very fast)
    5. add any such row to the result
    This is called a hash join (Oracle does it internally if you do a join).
    It is the fastest algorithm to do joins.
    http://www.atomikos.com - JTA transaction manager

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    Oracle9iAS Reports Services are shipped as part of Oracle9i Application Server. However, the components of Oracle9i Reports are based on common standards (J2EE Servlet, JSP) and should therefore usable with other application servers.
    At this point, we provide neither instructions nor support for application servers other than Oracle9i Application Server. Problems will have to reproduce on an Oracle9i Application Server configuration in order to get support.
    the oracle reports team --pw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    Thanks in advance

    We have tested BC4J against SQL server and Sybase, and I don't know how it would run against Ingres. This howto gives more details, including the limitatations of using BC4J against non-Oracle databases.

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    10.1, 10.2 and
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    For reserved words:
    select keyword from v$reserved_words where reserved='Y' order by keyword;
    For all other non-reserved words:
    select keyword from v$reserved_words where reserved='N' order by keyword;
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    Can anyone help on this issue please?

    Not sure about differences between specific versions but the easy way to get reserved words is in SQL*Plus...
    SQL> help reserved words
    PL/SQL Reserved Words have special meaning in PL/SQL, and may not be used
    for identifier names (unless enclosed in "quotes").
    An asterisk (*) indicates words are also SQL Reserved Words.
    ALL*            DESC*           JAVA            PACKAGE         SUBTYPE
    ALTER*          DISTINCT*       LEVEL*          PARTITION       SUCCESSFUL*
    AND*            DO              LIKE*           PCTFREE*        SUM
    ANY*            DROP*           LIMITED         PLS_INTEGER     SYNONYM*
    ARRAY           ELSE*           LOCK*           POSITIVE        SYSDATE*
    AS*             ELSIF           LONG*           POSITIVEN       TABLE*
    ASC*            END             LOOP            PRAGMA          THEN*
    AT              EXCEPTION       MAX             PRIOR*          TIME
    AUTHID          EXCLUSIVE*      MIN             PRIVATE         TIMESTAMP
    AVG             EXECUTE         MINUS*          PROCEDURE       TIMEZONE_ABBR
    BEGIN           EXISTS*         MINUTE          PUBLIC*         TIMEZONE_HOUR
    BETWEEN*        EXIT            MLSLABEL*       RAISE           TIMEZONE_MINUTE
    BODY            EXTRACT         MODE*           RAW*            TO*
    BOOLEAN         FALSE           MONTH           REAL            TRIGGER*
    BULK            FETCH           NATURAL         RECORD          TRUE
    BY*             FLOAT*          NATURALN        REF             TYPE
    CHAR*           FOR*            NEW             RELEASE         UI
    CHAR_BASE       FORALL          NEXTVAL         RETURN          UNION*
    CHECK*          FROM*           NOCOPY          REVERSE         UNIQUE*
    CLOSE           FUNCTION        NOT*            ROLLBACK        UPDATE*
    CLUSTER*        GOTO            NOWAIT*         ROW*            USE
    COALESCE        GROUP*          NULL*           ROWID*          USER*
    COLLECT         HAVING*         NULLIF          ROWNUM*         VALIDATE*
    COMMENT*        HEAP            NUMBER*         ROWTYPE         VALUES*
    COMMIT          HOUR            NUMBER_BASE     SAVEPOINT       VARCHAR*
    COMPRESS*       IF              OCIROWID        SECOND          VARCHAR2*
    CONNECT*        IMMEDIATE*      OF*             SELECT*         VARIANCE
    CONSTANT        IN*             ON*             SEPERATE        VIEW*
    CREATE*         INDEX*          OPAQUE          SET*            WHEN
    CURRENT*        INDICATOR       OPEN            SHARE*          WHENEVER*
    CURRVAL         INSERT*         OPERATOR        SMALLINT*       WHERE*
    CURSOR          INTEGER*        OPTION*         SPACE           WHILE
    DATE*           INTERFACE       OR*             SQL             WITH*
    DAY             INTERSECT*      ORDER*          SQLCODE         WORK
    DECLARE         INTO*           OTHERS          START*          YEAR
    DEFAULT*        IS*             OUT             STDDEV          ZONE
    SQL Reserved Words have special meaning in SQL, and may not be used for
    identifier names unless enclosed in "quotes".
    An asterisk (*) indicates words are also ANSI Reserved Words.
    Oracle prefixes implicitly generated schema object and subobject names
    with "SYS_". To avoid name resolution conflict, Oracle discourages you
    from prefixing your schema object and subobject names with "SYS_".
    ACCESS          DEFAULT*         INTEGER*        ONLINE          START
    ADD*            DELETE*          INTERSECT*      OPTION*         SUCCESSFUL
    ALL*            DESC*            INTO*           OR*             SYNONYM
    ALTER*          DISTINCT*        IS*             ORDER*          SYSDATE
    AND*            DROP*            LEVEL*          PCTFREE         TABLE*
    ANY*            ELSE*            LIKE*           PRIOR*          THEN*
    AS*             EXCLUSIVE        LOCK            PRIVILEGES*     TO*
    ASC*            EXISTS           LONG            PUBLIC*         TRIGGER
    AUDIT           FILE             MAXEXTENTS      RAW             UID
    BETWEEN*        FLOAT*           MINUS           RENAME          UNION*
    BY*             FOR*             MLSLABEL        RESOURCE        UNIQUE*
    CHAR*           FROM*            MODE            REVOKE*         UPDATE*
    CHECK*          GRANT*           MODIFY          ROW             USER*
    CLUSTER         GROUP*           NOAUDIT         ROWID           VALIDATE
    COLUMN          HAVING*          NOCOMPRESS      ROWNUM          VALUES*
    COMMENT         IDENTIFIED       NOT*            ROWS*           VARCHAR*
    COMPRESS        IMMEDIATE*       NOWAIT          SELECT*         VARCHAR2
    CONNECT*        IN*              NULL*           SESSION*        VIEW*
    CREATE*         INCREMENT        NUMBER          SET*            WHENEVER*
    CURRENT*        INDEX            OF*             SHARE           WHERE
    DATE*           INITIAL          OFFLINE         SIZE*           WITH*
    DECIMAL*        INSERT*          ON*             SMALLINT*
    SQL>If you haven't got oracle then I'm not sure where you're going to find out all the minor differences I'm afraid.

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    Thanks again for any help!

    ...asking me to enter username and password on a non-secured website, or else thy will destroy my account. Is it legit ?
    It is definitely a scam.  Delete it immediately.
    For more information, see this document:
    Identifying fraudulent "phishing" email

  • Can Jdeveloper Be Used For Non-Oracle Databases

    I have been trying to evaluate Jdeveloper 9i and Jbuilder 7 Enterprise for Swing database development. I am particularly interested in the productivity enhancements such as BC4J and Jclient. The underlying database might be Oracle, SapDb (excellent, easy to use, and free), SQLServer, etc.
    I evaluated Jbuilder Enterprise tools and it worked flawlessly with SapDb. This emphasized using their DataExpress and DbSwing components which provide many useful capabilities similar to BC4j and Jclient. It also involved using their DBPilot tool which allows browsing similar to that provided via a Jdeveloper connection.
    I tried to use Jdeveloper for the same SapDB and it is essentially non-functional. I followed the instructions for using a non-default driver and tried to define a connection. It behaved inconsistently: often saying no suitable driver can be found and yet when you edit the connection and test without making any changes, it works. If you try to establish a BC4J definition, it is very inconsistent and fails to recognize important details as foreign keys. Even if you define a ViewLink manually, it still does not work properly if you attempt to define a Master-Detail Jclient form. As I have stated, all these types of capabilities worked flawlessly in their Jbuilder equivalent. Furthermore, I really like the fact that Jbuilder gives many of BC4Js benefits without needing a BC4J J2EE container.
    Has anyone had real success using Jdeveloper's advanced features to develop for non-Oracle databases and if so, how did you get around these types of problems?

    generally, SCAN can be used for 10g databases and you discovered the first half: for 10g databases you will have to modify the REMOTE_LISTENER entry for each 10g database instance to point to the SCAN listeners (as opposed to pointing to the remote local listeners, which is the default in 10g). You could even have the databases registers themselves with SCAN and the remote listeners, if you wanted to... It's more or less a matter of configuration. But for simplification reasons, I will stick to the case where you have your 10g databases register with the SCAN listeners only.
    Now the other half is the client and the client configuration. An 11g Rel. 2 client configured for RAC would have a TNSNAMES entry that has only one address line for the RAC databases. The host entry in this one address line should point to the SCAN (the SCAN name is ideally resolved in DNS). A 10g client configured for RAC would have as many address lines in the TNSNAMES as you have nodes in the cluster.
    The 10g client SCAN configuration would then be in the middle so to speak: You would have 3 address lines in your TNSNAMES, in which each host entry would resolve to one SCAN address (I assume you will use the recommended default of 3 SCAN IPs). If you choose, you can have a name resolution for each of your SCAN IPs, but this would not be required. Now, why would you do it this way? Because this configuration will always work and does not make you dependent on certain functionality that your DNS server may or may not offer.
    For the remaining questions: SCAN is a DNS entry resolving one name to more than one (typically 3) IP addresses. OID is short for Oracle Internet Directory, which is a complete LDAP server. And you are right that there is no document how to configure 10g clients for SCAN from Oracle yet. However, there is a quite good document on SCAN on otn.oracle.com/rac, but I am sure you are aware of it already.
    Hope that helps. Thanks,

  • Multi Database Support: TimeQuery setting for non-oracle

    I wanted to develop ADF Application which is database-neutral and thus SQL92 type application.
    I actually wanted to make sure that my application runs fine at least on MySQL DB. Therefore I set up my connection in JDeveloper to Mysql database but I started facing issues while working with it. See this > Re: [ADF-11.1.2] Non Sense Associations and View Links while using Mysql as DB
    Also there's some limitation while working with non-oracle database like : JDeveloper can't recognize primary key column, therefore developer has to manually select primary key attribute in each EO.
    Therefore, I thought to use Oracle DB to overcome from above issues and with Application as SQL92 type.
    Information to share, if applicable to you as well:
    1. database-neutral SQLs: It may not be possible to come up with CREATE TABLE SQL statement which is database-neutral. i.e. You have to modify SQL scripts generated from Oracle Database Model to make it work with other database. This I think is difficult part, but with proper care and with the help of tool, you can achieve the CREATE SQL statements for other database.
    2. Under Model.jpx file of Model project, you can then add your non-oracle Database to test your application with. But make sure you select Oracle Connection while developing/changing Model layer of project << This is again because i think Jdeveloper has some issue with non-oracle Database (mentioned above)
    3. Under bc4j.xcfg file (right click AppModel > Configurations...), you properly set value of "sql92 Db Time Query" (jbo.sql92.DbTimeQuery) property . For e.g. default is "select sysdate from dual" which is compatible to oracle database to fetch the current date from database. However this doesn't work with MySQL. You need to set it as "select now()as CurrentDateTime" if you are using MYSQL. This is require if you are using History Column on EO (I don't know if it is require for other purpose of not!) . Following is the code of bc4j.xcfg, notice "jbo.sql92.DbTimeQuery" property.
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <BC4JConfig version="11.1" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/bc4j/configuration">
       <AppModuleConfigBag ApplicationName="model.bc.am.AppModule">
          <AppModuleConfig name="AppModuleLocal" DeployPlatform="LOCAL" jbo.project="model.Model" ApplicationName="model.bc.am.AppModule" java.naming.factory.initial="oracle.jbo.common.JboInitialContextFactory">
             <Database jbo.TypeMapEntries="Java" jbo.locking.mode="optimistic" jbo.SQLBuilder="SQL92"
                       jbo.sql92.DbTimeQuery="select now()as CurrentDateTime"/>
             <Security AppModuleJndiName="model.bc.am.AppModule"/>
             <Custom JDBCDataSource="java:comp/env/jdbc/appuser_mysqlDS"/>
          <AppModuleConfig name="AppModuleShared" DeployPlatform="LOCAL" jbo.project="model.Model" ApplicationName="model.bc.am.AppModule" java.naming.factory.initial="oracle.jbo.common.JboInitialContextFactory">
             <AM-Pooling jbo.ampool.isuseexclusive="false" jbo.ampool.maxpoolsize="1"/>
             <Database jbo.TypeMapEntries="Java" jbo.locking.mode="optimistic" jbo.SQLBuilder="SQL92"
                       jbo.sql92.DbTimeQuery="select now()as CurrentDateTime"/>
             <Security AppModuleJndiName="model.bc.am.AppModule"/>
             <Custom JDBCDataSource="java:comp/env/jdbc/appuser_mysqlDS"/>
    </BC4JConfig>Note: Point 3 is not mentioned anywhere. Not even here > http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jdev/mysql-and-bc-howto-082060.html.
    1. How would I make "jbo.sql92.DbTimeQuery" work with other database. It seems I have to hard code the value of it. Can't we externalize it so that we can set it dynamically ?
    2. I am sharing this what I noticed and which is not yet documented (at least I haven't found it anywhere)... please let me know if you are aware of any setting needs to be done which may not be documented ?

    Did you ever find out more information about working with Dates in non-oracle databases?

  • Jdeveloper Team RE Jdeveloper 9.0.3 For Non-Oracle Databases

    I see that support for non-Oracle databases and Third-Party JDBC drivers is very improved. However, I have tried to use the SAPDb JDBC driver and the BC4J tester and generated Swing clients all display greyed so that no updates are possible. This appears to be a bug since Jbuilder works fine with this driver. However, I think Jbuilder's Express dataset and commit philosophy is really bad. Any commitments as to when this will be fixed?

    Yes, I examined the attribute settings and manually adjusted them in the entities and views. They are now updateable. Using Jdeveloper with SAPDB would be very tedious. Jdeveloper did not recognize foreign key constrains, primary keys, nor that attributes were updateable.
    Is there a way to include SAPDB in the testing? It is trivial to install and run and would make Jdeveloper a more robust tool. I do not like Jbuilder's approach to master-detail client screens and would recommend using Jdeveloper for this type of work if it could handle more databases like SapDb.

  • OWSM and Non-SOAP XML-based web service

    Hi all,
    According to the OWSM Administrator's Guide, "all Web services registered with an Oracle WSM Gateway are virtualized as both a SOAP and non-SOAP Web service." To access the non-SOAP (XML-only) web service, the documentation states "The non-SOAP virtualized URL can be determined from the virtualized SOAP URL by replacing the services keyword in the URL with the xml keyword."
    For example, if the SOAP virtualized endpoint is:
    then, the non-SOAP XML service endpoint is:
    I have several web services registered with an OWSM gateway, running on SOA Suite, and can access those without any problem. However, when I attempt to access the "/gateway/xml" version of these services, I simply get an HTTP 200 response header with a null body.
    Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this or what the secret is to get the non-SOAP XML service feature of OWSM to work?

    Hi all,
    According to the OWSM Administrator's Guide, "all Web services registered with an Oracle WSM Gateway are virtualized as both a SOAP and non-SOAP Web service." To access the non-SOAP (XML-only) web service, the documentation states "The non-SOAP virtualized URL can be determined from the virtualized SOAP URL by replacing the services keyword in the URL with the xml keyword."
    For example, if the SOAP virtualized endpoint is:
    then, the non-SOAP XML service endpoint is:
    I have several web services registered with an OWSM gateway, running on SOA Suite, and can access those without any problem. However, when I attempt to access the "/gateway/xml" version of these services, I simply get an HTTP 200 response header with a null body.
    Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this or what the secret is to get the non-SOAP XML service feature of OWSM to work?

  • ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message: ORA-02063: preceding line from OWB_75

    ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message: ORA-02063: preceding line from OWB_75
    I am having difficulty getting ODBC connection between Oracle OWB app with an 11gR2 DB (running on a VirtualBox Linux) and SQL Server 2008 running directly on the host. (Windows 8)
    I am trying to take a SQL Server 2008 feed into Oracle Ware house Builder, and think(!) I have read everything and configured it in accordance (but I presume not given 3 days of failed attempts to fix it). I have also read several blogs, hence there might be a few more settings in the configuration files than the formal documentation says, but these have come from blogs that have “Solved” problems for other similar situations.
    The environments:
    Windows 8 (64bit) , with system DSN ODBC connection ACME_POS created with 32 bit ODBC set up (This setting still shows up fine in the 64 bit ODBC).
    Name: OraDBSvr.com
    GUES fixed IP Address: 192.1.200
    Oracle VirtualBox (4.2.16)
    Oracle Redhat Linux 6 (x86)
    Oracle 11gR2 Enterprise Edition (
    ODBC: Freetds driver
    Configuration files:
    HS_FDS_SHAREABLE_NAME = /usr/local/lib/libtdsodbc.so
    set ODBCINI=/opt/odbc/odbc.ini
    # set <envvar>=<value>
    Driver     = FreeTDS
    Description = ODBC Connection via FreeTDS
    Trace       = 1
    Servername  =
    Database    = dbo
    Description                        = ODBC for PostgreSQL
    Driver                   = /usr/lib/psqlodbc.so
    Setup                    = /usr/lib/libodbcpsqlS.so
    Driver64                              = /usr/lib64/psqlodbc.so
    Setup64                              = /usr/lib64/libodbcpsqlS.so
    FileUsage                           = 1
    Description                        = ODBC for MySQL
    Driver                   = /usr/lib/libmyodbc5.so
    Setup                    = /usr/lib/libodbcmyS.so
    Driver64                              = /usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so
    Setup64                              = /usr/lib64/libodbcmyS.so
    FileUsage                           = 1
    Discription             = TDS driver (Sybase / MS SQL)
    Driver                           = /usr/local/lib/libtdsodbc.so
    # Setup                         = /usr/local/lib/libtdsS.so
    FileUsage                           = 1
    CPTimeout               =
    CPReuse                 =
    [oracle@oraDBsvr etc]$
    #   $Id: freetds.conf,v 1.12 2007-12-25 06:02:36 jklowden Exp $
    # This file is installed by FreeTDS if no file by the same
    # name is found in the installation directory. 
    # For information about the layout of this file and its settings,
    # see the freetds.conf manpage "man freetds.conf". 
    # Global settings are overridden by those in a database
    # server specific section
            # TDS protocol version
    ;              tds version = 4.2
                   # Whether to write a TDSDUMP file for diagnostic purposes
                   # (setting this to /tmp is insecure on a multi-user system)
    ;              dump file = /tmp/freetds.log
    ;              debug flags = 0xffff
                   # Command and connection timeouts
    ;              timeout = 10
    ;              connect timeout = 10
                   # If you get out-of-memory errors, it may mean that your client
                   # is trying to allocate a huge buffer for a TEXT field.
                   # Try setting 'text size' to a more reasonable limit
                   text size = 64512
    # A typical Sybase server
                   host = symachine.domain.com
                   port = 5000
                   tds version = 5.0
    # A typical Microsoft server
      host =
      port = 60801                                # also tried 1433
      instance = SQLEXPRESS
      tds version = 8.0
      client charset = UTF-8
    tsql -LH
         ServerName RESOLVEIT-PC
       InstanceName SQLEXPRESS
        IsClustered No
            Version 10.50.4000.0
                tcp 60801
                 np \\RESOLVEIT-PC\pipe\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS\sql\query
                via RESOLVEIT-PC,0:1433
    Oracle listener:
    [oracle@oraDBsvr log]$ cat /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
    # listener.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = acmepos)
    (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1)
    (PROGRAM = dg4odbc)
    (HS = OK)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraDBsvr)(PORT = 1521))
    ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /u01/app/oracle
    [oracle@oraDBsvr log]$ lsnrctl status
    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 16-SEP-2013 13:57:41
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=oraDBsvr)(PORT=1521)))
    Alias                     LISTENER
    Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
    Start Date                16-SEP-2013 13:50:34
    Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 7 min. 7 sec
    Trace Level               off
    Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
    SNMP                      OFF
    Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
    Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/oraDBsvr/listener/alert/log.xml
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "acmepos" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "acmepos", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "dw" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "dw", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "dwXDB" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "dw", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    Oracle tnsnames.ora
    [oracle@oraDBsvr admin]$ cat tnsnames.ora
    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    dw =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = dw)
    acmepos  =
    Oracle sqlnet.ora
    [oracle@oraDBsvr admin]$ cat sqlnet.ora
    # sqlnet.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/sqlnet.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    ADR_BASE = /u01/app/oracle
    I can connect from the linux server to SQL Server, and query the database:
    [oracle@oraDBsvr etc]$ tsql -S acme_pos -U acme_dw_user -P acme1234
    locale is "en_US.utf8"
    locale charset is "UTF-8"
    using default charset "UTF-8"
    1> select last_name from dbo.employees;
    2> go
    (9 rows affected)
    However, I can’t get a response through Oracle OWB , and I get:
    ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message: ORA-02063: preceding line from OWB_75
    In the hs log file I get:
    [oracle@oraDBsvr log]$ cat acmepos_agt_3821.trc
    Oracle Corporation --- MONDAY    SEP 16 2013 13:51:22.170
    Heterogeneous Agent Release
    HS Gateway:  NULL connection context at exit
    [oracle@oraDBsvr log]$
    I am really stuck now and going round in circles and can’t see the wood for trees! Can anyone please help?!!
    Many Thanks.

    Let us rewrite your ODBC DSN a little bit... Your current odbc.ini looks like:
    Driver     = FreeTDS
    Description = ODBC Connection via FreeTDS
    Trace       = 1
    Servername  =
    Database    = dbo
    Let us change it a little bit so that we only need one config file - no odbcinst.ini nor freetds.conf file anymore:
    Driver =/usr/local/lib/libtdsodbc.so
    Server =
    = dbo     ####  I have some doubts that you have a SQL Server database called dbo - one database that always exists is master - so as a test use master here or get the real database name of the SQL Server database you want to connect
    Port = 60801 ## make sure it really is the correct port - best would be to check on the SQL server and then try telnet <ip> <port> if you can connect to the SQL server
    TDS_Version = 8.0
    Especially the last 2 parameters are mandatory. TDS_Version specifies the TDS Version you have to use to connect to the SQL Server and QuotedID is required for DG4ODBC as it surrounds objevt names by double quotes.
    What happens now when you try to connect with for example isql - the ODBC test utility shipped with the ODBC Driver manager?
    In addition, could you please do me another favour and check the word size of DG4ODBC and the ODBC Driver Manager as well as the ODBC Driver - just execute:
    file /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/dg4odbc
    file /usr/local/lib/libtdsodbc.so
    file < the patch to your libodbc.so library>/libodbc.so
    and post the output.

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