Bean value to amx:verbatim to make HTML dynamic ADF Mobile

Hi guys,
As using <amx:verbatim> to insert HTML directly in AMX page for ADF Mobile.
<amx:verbatim id="v1">
Btw I tried to using bean value as EL to produces HTML from bean and seems didn't work
How to make it possible ?

don't think it will execute EL this way. However,you should be able to execute JavaScript (what you should keep in mind though is that any DOM manipulation on AMX page rendering is a risk and can put you into trouble). What is the HTML you want to insert (and to what extend do you control the metadata tags added to the AMX page this way? Wouldn't it be possible to add the content using AMX components?

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    You need add the HTML in CDATA section.
    <amx:verbatim id="v1" >
    <p style="color:white">My HTML <b style="color:red">html</p>

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    don't think it will execute EL this way. However,you should be able to execute JavaScript (what you should keep in mind though is that any DOM manipulation on AMX page rendering is a risk and can put you into trouble). What is the HTML you want to insert (and to what extend do you control the metadata tags added to the AMX page this way? Wouldn't it be possible to add the content using AMX components?

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    Java != JSP.
    The <bean:define> and <bean:write> tags are custom tags meant to appear in the HTML section of a JSP file, as opposed to the scriptlet section. They actually get turned into java code as part of the translation process.
    The <bean:write> tag naturally just writes out what you tell it to.
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    this should do it.
    <bean:define id="theStatus" name="detailService" property="status" type="java.lang.String"/>
      String currentStatus = theStatus;
    %>With the advent of JSTL, you shouldn't really need to use scriptlet code anymore. Personally I am for 0% scriptlet code in any jsp I write.

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    Use JSTL and/or EL.
    Assuming that you mean with "created a session" that you've created a bean and have set it as an attribute of the HttpSession, e.g.httpSession.setAttribute("someBean", someBean);then do for example using the JSTL c:out tag:<p><c:out value="${someBean.someProperty}" /></p>or, if you're using at least Servlet 2.4 API with JSP 2.0 API which allows EL in template text, then do for example:<p>${someBean.someProperty}</p>

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    Erm ...
    Whats the problem with that?!
    Ok, here the code ...
    String myparameter = request.getParameter("paramname");
    String htmltemplate = "<html>\n"
    String htmlpage = htmltemplate.replaceAll("@parametertag@",myparameter);
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    fos.close();You're done.
    Happy Coding! :-) &copy;

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    You use the jstl core:if or core:choose combined with the EL:
    <c:if test="${empty users.userListForm}">
    </c:if>I suggest you lookup the jsp expression language (EL) using google, it's very powerful.

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    Edited by: caalip2 on Mar 30, 2010 1:07 PM

    caalip2 wrote:
    Basically, I would user the following. The first choice for IE, the second for Firefox.
    new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    new XMLHttpRequest();
    GraeDon't do this to yourself. If it were that easy there wouldn't be AJAX frameworks for JSF. Find one you like and use it. I've used a4j (part of RichFaces) successfully.

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    Frank, thanks for your reply.
    I'm not sure how I can incorporate this example into my situation. Let me explain more detail about my problem.
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    I hope I have explained myself well.
    Message was edited by:

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    Is there a way I can use the JHeadstart NLS function like
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    eg " Welcome #{jhsUser.userId} to my wonderful application".
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  • Portal devt - getting the bean value

    i am trying to send my bean value as url but some how i am not able to get that value.  can somebody help me plese.
    my statement:
    here I wanted to use      bwReportsBean.getGuid() as value.  but it is giving error if i use per=.  your help will be highly appreicated.
    my full statement is:
              bordered="false"          srcUrl=" per=<%=bwReportsBean.getGuid()%>"            />     
    thanks a lot.

    Hello kata,
    Why dont you declare a variable and then pouplate the bean's value into the variable and then use the varialbe in the url.

  • Display Javascript array value OnChange instead of Bean value

    I intially loop through a collection of employees display the values within the employee loop I have a select statement that i loop through a collection of programs that has on OnChange. I want to display the javascript value instead of the bean value onChange. The following code displays the bean value initally and onChange it displays both because the if is never false?
    *<c:if test="${programs[programIndex] != emps.department}">${emps.department}</c:if>*
    * <div id="programText"> </div>*
    * <input name="department" type="hidden" id="department">*
    JSP page
    <jsp:useBean id="programs" scope="request" class="java.util.Collection"/>
    <jsp:useBean id="employeeList" scope="request" class="java.util.Collection"/>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var programs = new Array();
    function setProgramFields() {
    nameField = document.getElementById("programList");
    idx = nameField.selectedIndex;
    emField = document.getElementById("programText");
    emHiddenField = document.getElementById("department");
    emField.innerHTML = programs[idx];
    emHiddenField.value = programs[idx];
    <c:forEach var="emps" items="${employeeList}">
    <td width="170px">
    *<c:if test="${programs[programIndex] != emps.department}">${emps.department}</c:if>*
    * <div id="programText"> </div>*
    * <input name="department" type="hidden" id="department">*
    <td width="275px">
    <div class="selectBorder">
    <select name="programName" type="text" class="searchProgram" id="programList" onChange="setProgramFields()">
    <c:set var="programIndex" value="0"/>
    <c:forEach var="sp" items="${programs}">
    <c:if test="${sp.programName == emps.programName}">
    <option value="${emps.programName}" selected="selected">${emps.programName}</option>
    <c:if test="${sp.programName != emps.programName}">
    <option value="${sp.programName}">${sp.programName}</option>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    programs[${programIndex}] = "${sp.department}";
    <c:set var="programIndex" value="${programIndex + 1}"/>
    Edited by: kmb_ms on Sep 15, 2008 2:38 PM

    Apologize for not formatting the code. I used the status.index the code as suggested. The code if more efficient but the results are the same and I still have the same problem.
    <select name="programName" type="text" class="searchProgram" id="programList" onChange="setProgramFields()">
    <c:forEach var="sp" items="${programs}" varStatus="status">
    <c:if test="${sp.programName == emps.programName}">
    <option value="${emps.programName}" selected="selected">${emps.programName}</option>
    <c:if test="${sp.programName != emps.programName}">
    <option value="${sp.programName}">${sp.programName}</option>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    departments[${status.index}] = "${sp.department}";
    </select> How can I access the value of the array to compare with the value of the bean.
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var departments = new Array();
    function setProgramFields() {
    nameField = document.getElementById("programList");
    idx = nameField.selectedIndex;
    emField = document.getElementById("departmentText");
    emHiddenField = document.getElementById("department");
    emField.innerHTML = departments[idx];
    emHiddenField.value = departments[idx];
    </script>The following code displays both the value of the bean and the value of the array onChange b/c the if statement is always true???? This is where I need help.
    <td width="170px">
         <c:if test="${departments[idx] != emps.department}">${emps.department}</c:if>
         <div id="departmentText"> </div>
         <input name="department" type="hidden" id="department">

  • Getting bean value in portal devmt

    i am trying to send my bean value as url but some how i am not able to get that value. can somebody help me plese.
    my statement:
    here I wanted to use bwReportsBean.getGuid() as value. but it is giving error if i use per=. your help will be highly appreicated.
    my full statement is:
    bordered="false" srcUrl=" per=<%=bwReportsBean.getGuid()%>" />
    thanks a lot.

    i used a variable and added the string and the dynamic content and used this varialbe. eg:
    String myurlq = "" + bwReportsBean.getGuid();       %>

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