Become our FIRST Microsoft TechNet SSRS Guru of 2014!!

Happy New Year!
Time for a fresh start!
We're looking for the first Gurus of 2014!!
This is your chance to make your mark on the Microsoft developer community.
All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
you had to solve for your own day's work today.
Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
TechNet Wiki.
2) Add a link to it on
THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
Feel free to ask any questions below.
More about TechNet Guru Awards
Thanks in advance!
Pete Laker
Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

We're up to 5 articles and 5 days to go!
Consume Web-Service via a SSIS Script Component by AB82
Power Pivot: Dynamic Filtering Using Slicers Post
Convert to Formulas by AB82
Power Pivot: Casting DateTime to Date in SQL Server
Source Query by Paras Doshi
How to generate
XML files in SSIS for each row of a SQL table without any custom code (No script task) by Firdous S
How to generate incrementing
numbers in SSIS using script component by Sqlsaga
Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
Small Basic,
Wiki Ninjas,
Answer an interesting question?
Create a wiki article about it!

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  • Become our FIRST Microsoft TechNet T-SQL Guru of 2014!!

    Happy New Year!
    Time for a fresh start!
    We're looking for the first Gurus of 2014!!
    This is your chance to make your mark on the Microsoft developer community.
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
    If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
    Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

    Thanks Naomi! We're up to 6 articles and 3 days to go!
    Find list of all Foreign Keys in your database by
    SQL Query to check number of connections on Database by
    Mohammad Nizamuddin  
    Convert VBA Code to Transact-SQL by
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    T-SQL: Calendar Table by
    Himanshu Sharma
    How to remove duplicates from a table in SQL Server by
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Become our FIRST Microsoft TechNet Windows Server Guru of 2014!!

    Happy New Year!
    Time for a fresh start!
    We're looking for the first Gurus of 2014!!
    This is your chance to make your mark on the Microsoft developer community.
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
    If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
    Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

    Up to 12 articles and 3 days to go!
    AdminSDHolder, protected groups and Security propagator
    by Mr X
    to deactivate Schema Objects in Active Directory by Mr
    How to get the list of deactivated Schema Objects in Active Directory using Powershell by Mr
    10 Common Problems Causing Group Policy To Not Apply by
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    Keyboard Shortcuts and Commands - Server by Santhosh
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    Active Directory: Ambiguous Name Resolution by
    Richard Mueller
    Implementing Dynamic Access Control 2012R2 by
    Brad Held
    Migrating from a 2003 DC,DHCP to 2012R2 by
    Brad Held
    Disadvantages in Hyper-V snapshotting by Mr
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Be our December TechNet SSRS Guru. Give the gift of code!

    It's that time of the year again!
    It's Giving time!
    A time to think of those less awesome than you.
    A time to give something back to the community.
    Think of those happy faces you will make, as they open that article!
    Remember, "A TechNet Wiki article is not just for Christmas, it's for eternity"!!!
    A TechNet article is the gift that keeps on giving!
    If you have some spare over this upcoming festive month, please give the gift of code.
    So please wrap up some code with plenty of explanation and pop it under our TechNet tree!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white
    paper, or just something you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
    If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
    Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

    We're now up to 5 articles:
    Populate Excel table with custom MDX query & PivotTable filters by
    Christian Wade
    Functional Reports: Making a Report Into a Management Tool by
    Tim Pacl
    Using a Date Picker for an Analysis Data Query Parameter by
    Tim Pacl
    Execute SSIS 2012 package with parameters via .Net
    by SSISJoost
    SSAS time dimension with semi-additive measures; dynamic set; calculated members
    Minnie Shi
    And 12 days to go!
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST SSRS Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Hi XAML guy,
    Thank you for your information.
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Fu

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST WPF Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Happy New Year;)
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST Visio Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Happy New Year!
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST FIM Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Happy New Year!
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST BizTalk Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so last year!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Thanks for sharing this to us, Pete.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST Azure Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    A new year, a new start, learn more, try more, happy every day :D

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST SSIS Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Hi Pete,
    Thank you for your information.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST SSAS Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Hi pete,
    Thx for your info.

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST C# Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Happy New Year!
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST VB Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
    Hello, I might be submitting one to the windows phone forum in language if you are doing the contest for it too. I been working on a project the last few weeks for windows phone that will have a final application people can play with in the store (Its
    not against store rules to open source your full app? This excludes the ads in the store app and some necessary tidbits that may have security information.).  I wanted to drop in and see what was going on in the forum.
    Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - "Sherlock holmes" "speak softly and carry a big stick" - theodore roosevelt. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to
    suffering - Yoda. Blog -

  • A New Year, a New Challenge! Become the FIRST Power Pivot Guru of 2015!

    Happy New Year!
    "Guru 2014" is so 'last year'!
    The real glory is to be the first Guru of 2015! :D
    The birth of a new year, and a new hero?
    Or the stamp of authority from long established Guru leaders?
    The challenge is on, all eyes are watching, anyone could win this month.
    The prize? Glory! Honor! Virtual medals! Unashamed love and worship from those within the community and those bloging about it (article spotlights,
    weekly awards).
    Published interviews and the chance to climb the TechNet social ladder. Become a true TNWiki Ninja and
    advance through to black belt... and beyond!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Hi Pete,
    Thank you for your information.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

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