BEFW1104 reset required after accessing certain web address, also cuts speed

When accessing a streaming video that uses Windows Media Player from my internet connection fails and I have to reset the router which works again until I go the same site.  I used this site without incident for months until the last week or so.  I have 2 computers and the same thing happens with either one.  I don't have to reset the modem, but I have tried that once or twice just to make sure.
Also, if I connect directly to the modem with my laptop and run I get twice the speed as if I run it through the router.  This is also a recent development.  It used to be the same.
I have downloaded the latest firmware and I ran the diagostic on this site which says everything is working properly.  I also noticed that the wireless signal quality was poor so I changed the channel which now gives me excellent quality, but that makes no difference with either of these problems.
Any ideas?  Thanks

Connect some computer to router using ethernet cable
Login to router by typing in browser's address bar, and typing password as "admin" and no user name.
Here enable MTU and set size to 1300.
Go to security tab, and disable block anonymous internet requests.
After this turn off router and modem
Turn on modem first and after a minute the router
Now check connection for any improvement

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    Works just fine for me, in fact I clicked your link and paid my Amex bill <- thanks!
    Seriously though, have you cleared the cache in your browser. I used Safari and the site first switched over to some site and then once I logged in it switched to another site.
    What browser are you using?

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    Firefox updates the History, because the website content get updated day to day.
    so Firefox remain the last visit.
    If you don't like the history or cookies.
    make use of "Start Private Browsing "
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    Welcome to the Apple Discussion!
    I'm wondering if either or both Airport Utility & Network Prefs have proper DNS server settings. Try this
    Launch Airport Utility.
    Select TC on left.
    Click "Manual Setup".
    Select "Internet" from the toolbar above.
    What's listed for "DNS Server(s):"?
    Try putting in these servers from OpenDNS [>
    Click "Update".
    Your TC will restart with the new settings.
    Next, launch System Prefs --> Network Prefs.
    Select the service you usually connect with on the left (Airport or Ethernet).
    Then click, "Advance..."
    Click the "DNS" tab.
    What's listed for "DNS Server(s):"?
    Usually "" will be listed first in gray. This refers back to the settings in the Airport Utility.
    Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to add the DNS servers noted above here as well.
    Click "OK" then click "Apply".
    Now see if you can access those websites again.
    Message was edited by: Glenn Carter

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    Host Name: Adolescent3-Computer
    Date/Time: 2006-03-21 13:41:48.213 -0600
    OS Version: 10.4.5 (Build 8G1454)
    Report Version: 4
    Command: Safari
    Path: /Applications/
    Parent: WindowServer [57]
    Version: 2.0.3 (417.9.2)
    Build Version: 1
    Project Name: WebBrowser
    Source Version: 4170902
    PID: 324
    Thread: 0
    Exception: EXCBADACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000004
    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0 0x947c6404 c4Sequence::PropIndex(c4Property const&) + 14
    1 0x947c8962 c4_View::Clone() const + 60
    2 0x947c891a c4_HashViewer::GetTemplate() + 28
    3 0x947c8850 c4CustomSeq::c4_CustomSeq[in-charge](c4CustomViewer*) + 72
    4 0x947c87eb c4View::c4_View[in-charge](c4CustomViewer*) + 49
    5 0x947c8619 c4View::Hash(c4View const&, int) const + 51
    6 0x947c83c2 cacheViews + 384
    7 0x947c269a -[ABAddressBook nts_OpenContactManagerWithMode:cacheSchema:] + 455
    8 0x947c13d1 -[ABAddressBook nts_InitDefaultContactManager] + 1438
    9 0x947c0d66 +[ABAddressBook nts_SharedAddressBook] + 70
    10 0x947c0c76 +[ABAddressBook nts_CreateSharedAddressBook] + 64
    11 0x947c0bc9 +[ABAddressBook sharedAddressBook] + 72
    12 0x000931e6 0x1000 + 598502
    13 0x000975f6 0x1000 + 615926
    14 0x0009703a 0x1000 + 614458
    15 0x00094ca9 0x1000 + 605353
    16 0x00094ec3 0x1000 + 605891
    17 0x0002799f 0x1000 + 158111
    18 0x9270eed3 __NSFireDelayedPerform + 403
    19 0x90822e8d CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 3341
    20 0x90822179 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 61
    21 0x92ed28e0 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 285
    22 0x92ed1fe7 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 385
    23 0x92ed1e3e BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 81
    24 0x93352ad1 _DPSNextEvent + 576
    25 0x933526be -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 137
    26 0x000064c2 0x1000 + 21698
    27 0x9334c443 -[NSApplication run] + 512
    28 0x93340397 NSApplicationMain + 573
    29 0x0005ea3e 0x1000 + 383550
    30 0x0005e959 0x1000 + 383321
    Thread 1:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9000a607 machmsgtrap + 7
    1 0x9082295e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 2014
    2 0x90822179 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 61
    3 0x9272eb4a -[NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:] + 182
    4 0x9272ea46 -[NSRunLoop run] + 75
    5 0x94d63711 +[WebFileDatabase _syncLoop:] + 198
    6 0x926f91b0 forkThreadForFunction + 123
    7 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90024b47 pthreadbody + 84
    Thread 2:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9000a607 machmsgtrap + 7
    1 0x9082295e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 2014
    2 0x90822179 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 61
    3 0x9272e861 +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 259
    4 0x926f91b0 forkThreadForFunction + 123
    5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90024b47 pthreadbody + 84
    Thread 3:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9000a607 machmsgtrap + 7
    1 0x9082295e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 2014
    2 0x90822179 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 61
    3 0x9275595e +[NSURLCache _diskCacheSyncLoop:] + 206
    4 0x926f91b0 forkThreadForFunction + 123
    5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90024b47 pthreadbody + 84
    Thread 4:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x900251e7 semaphorewait_signaltrap + 7
    1 0x9274f00c -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 39
    2 0x997a2122 -[AsyncDB _run:] + 181
    3 0x926f91b0 forkThreadForFunction + 123
    4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90024b47 pthreadbody + 84
    Thread 5:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9001ab3c select + 12
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90024b47 pthreadbody + 84
    Thread 0 crashed with i386 Thread State:
    eax: 0x0d603f70 ebx: 0x947c8816 ecx:0xa47c92c8 edx: 0x0d601c30
    edi: 0x0d603f70 esi: 0x00000004 ebp:0xbfffe988 esp: 0xbfffe940
    ss: 0x0000002f efl: 0x00010282 eip:0x947c6404 cs: 0x00000027
    ds: 0x0000002f es: 0x0000002f fs:0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037
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    0x94f5e000 - 0x95237fff 417.22 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.frame work/Versions/A/WebCore
    0x95393000 - 0x953b6fff libxslt.1.dylib /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
    0x9979f000 - 0x997d6fff 1.0.5 (52) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Syndication.framework/Versions/A/Syndication
    0x997f2000 - 0x99804fff 1.0.5 (52) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyndicationUI.framework/Versions/A/Syndicatio nUI
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    have you tried resetting Safari? ( Safari-Reset Safari )
    you'll get this warning - Resetting Safari erases your browsing history, empties the cache, clears the Downloads window, and removes cookies. It also removes any saved names and passwords or other AutoFill text and clears Google search entries. which is fine.
    It sometimes solves these crash problems.
    If not? try quitting Safari & trashing the file found in home/library/preferences/
    the start safari again

  • Certain web address not available when using Airport Extreme Base Station

    Hello. To access my "secure" account at the local library, I must use a web address that contains a colon followed by a number. I believe that this is a port number, but I confess that all the discussions here regarding ports are going well over my head, and I may be incorrect with this assumption.
    My problem is that while I CAN access this site by connecting to my DSL router directly via ethernet cable from my iMac G5, I cannot access the site when connecting to the internet in the mode: iMac Airport to Airport Extreme Base Station to DSL router via ethernet.
    The format of the web address is:, where #### is the number I guess may be specifying a port and causing my problem.
    Can anyone advise me, in simple terms, how to get to this address when in the Airport--internet connection mode? Will the solution have any adverse side effects?
    Regards and Thanks
    iMac G5, 2.5 year old AEBS   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   Westell 327W 4-port DSL Modem, not using wireless feature.

    Very likely the embedded firewall that comes with your AirPort blocks the port you are trying to use.
    In order to solve this, best way is to modify the AirPort settings (open the AirPort maintenance app):
    Click at the tab "port forwarding" and add the desired port as "public port" to the list. "private IP" is the IP of your Mac and for "private port" type in the port number again.
    If you are unsure about the IP of your Mac, look at the network maintenance application.
    Well, one side-effect is that you have an open port in your configuration which could cause security issues... but only if you are paranoid So there is nothing to care about (note that without the AirPort inbetween your Mac and your modem, this port would be not blocked and freely accessible

  • I am using Outlook with Icloud and it is changing the contact email order and in calandar is losing the ability to access a web address by directly clicking on it

    I just intstalled iCloud on my PC which uses Outlook.
    As a result I have to select iCloud everytime I open Outlook to see both my contacts and Calandars
    when i go to send an email, iCloud reverses the order of the email address for a particular contact.  For example, within the contact in outlook the husband address is in the first email and the wife's address in the second spot.  However when I try to send an email in some cases it presents the email address's in the reverse order
    When booking southwest airline flights, i save the flight info to outlook calandar.  this flight info contains active links to Southwest which allow me to check in without having to enter name, etc.  once the calandar event goes to iCloud and comes back to my PC it strips out the ability to have an active link and shows the web address in a text form.
    I hope someone has some ideas about this

    First make sure Settings > Facebook > Contacts is turned off. Tis might be different from what you described in your question.
    Then open your Contacts app and check carefully what is there for your son and grand daughter's contact info. Correct if necessary.

  • Cannot access certain web pages using ANY browser (when other systems can)

    (As [BDAqua|] noted, this issue may be separate from [that which Alexander Solo is experiencing|], though many aspects are the same or very similar. I've mostly copied my original post in that thread to this new one).
    I'm having trouble accessing a handful of particular web pages/domains, from my Mac Mini G4, using Safari (latest), Firefox (latest), Camino, Opera, Mozilla, IE, OmniWeb... I've tried every browser I have. It's really a problem as I'm taking a course in Web App Development now where we need to be able to access a course site which uses the code we are learning... and I can't because the page just doesn't load. There are lots of other students in the program using Macs, even members of the course team... I'm the only one who can't load that page.
    Anyway, a seemingly-random few sites just don't load for me, consistently... some of them are important to me, others not so, but one is critical and it's been driving me bonkers. It's not a router issue, since it doesn't matter where I'm plugged into the router and my wife's Dell notebook (Vista) accesses any of these pages (when she has it here). A friend of mine was also able to access them, both from his house and plugged into the same router as I was, at the same time (Dell notebook/XP Pro).
    A few of the pages that won't load:
    (The course web page... other https pages at the Open University load fine, though, so it doesn't seem to be an https issue.) quickly redirects twice, stopping at:
    [] ... and then does nothing... I don't use Hotmail, but my wife sometimes tries to access it (or was trying) if she leaves her notebook at work.
    I also can't load any page on the versiontracker website:
    [] ... that is really a drag for me.
    There are a few, seemingly random, other sites that just don't load and haven't been loading for about a couple of months now. I don't know if I might have installed some bad app or something (I've checked and my system is negative for the DNSChanger trojan... not that I've ever visited pr0n sites... ).
    The problem has persisted through re-boots of the system and the router. I've tried booting from a firewire backup drive (I believe that one was still pre-security-release 2008-002, but otherwise nearly the same) and the problem persisted in all browsers. I've tried terminating processes that I didn't think were necessary to be running. I've tried fixing permissions, running diagnostic/repair apps, anything and everything I could think of. When attempting to find a solution on Google, I found a number of other mainstream news sites and such which also didn't load (at all), even after several minutes, but I haven't ; and of course trying to find mention of the problem in a Google search yields waaay too many irrelevant hits to have yielded an answer. I'm starting to suspect malware, since the problem doesn't make any sense and, if a culprit wrote something to do this, in addition to the "random" sites, they might block certain sites where we might find answers. I found a few more sites which didn't load (news sites and such) when I was doing a run through what Google could come up with. One of significance was:
    [CNET's domain|> ... Though I haven't had a chance to have another local user check, it seems to fit the pattern of the others (doesn't load in Safari or Firefox, etc) and doesn't load even if I use the IP address: [|]
    In short: It sounds like just the same [problem Alexander Solo is having|], except that I can access the site he can't, so it's not a situation where we can say "technology x is running on these sites and our pre-Intel Macs don't like it."
    In short, I've tried everything I could think of to troubleshoot this problem (drive utilities, searches for known malware, terminating unnecessary processes, re-starting my system and router... so any help or ideas would be most appreciated.

    I should add something which may indicate that I'm experiencing two separate issues: when it comes to, and other sites I've been unable to access, it's never seemed to matter whether I try to access a particular page on the site or the site root.
    In the case of my course website, however, I'm able to at least partially load the course chair's (more-or-less empty) "home page" at the site root. It may be that packets from other people trying to access the site are not following anything like the same route, but I really know very little about all that. I had anticipated being completed moving to Bristol (England) by now (most of the other students on this "correspondence" course are in England), but my Mac is still sitting in Frankfurt, Germany. In any case, what loads of the site root, loads verrrrry slowly. Following is output of an attempted "traceroute" to the IP (a second attempt followed the same pathway with similar results):
    Traceroute has started ...
    traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
    1 ( 1.994 ms 0.806 ms 0.595 ms
    2 * ( 15.769 ms *
    3 ( 16.067 ms 21.954 ms 11.263 ms
    4 ( 40.108 ms 23.915 ms 43.079 ms
    5 ( 236.518 ms 28.585 ms 24.008 ms
    6 ( 38.361 ms 213.896 ms 24.868 ms
    7 ( 28.451 ms 25.599 ms 25.235 ms
    8 ( 40.709 ms 37.987 ms 34.126 ms
    9 * * *
    10 * * *
    51 * * *
    *And Ping:*
    Ping has started ...
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    --- ping statistics ---
    10 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
    I'm no "IT-guy", so I'm not really sure how to interpret what's happening, but I'm *beginning to suspect* this could be *related (similar in some way) to [the issues some Mac users were having accessing the Crate and Barrel website*| art=0] (before Crate and Barrel resolved things on their end).
    I'm also beginning to suspect that the * and siteload issues are related* to each other as I've found I can get successful ping (0% loss) and traceroute results, even if neither site loads in my browsers.
    Following is the *traceroute for* (which I see, now, is also a CNet-hosted site):
    traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
    1 ( 3.053 ms 0.857 ms 0.670 ms
    2 * * ( 11.342 ms
    3 ( 17.879 ms 257.938 ms 6.059 ms
    4 ( 27.322 ms 64.627 ms 42.776 ms
    5 ( 24.997 ms 6.568 ms 6.541 ms
    6 ( 27.185 ms 48.494 ms 26.892 ms
    7 ( 26.112 ms 44.471 ms 28.768 ms
    8 ( 113.535 ms 116.857 ms 232.755 ms
    9 ( 171.404 ms 112.384 ms 111.555 ms
    10 ( 152.134 ms 241.023 ms 222.211 ms
    11 ( 152.181 ms 152.193 ms 150.917 ms
    12 ( 243.249 ms 152.823 ms 155.137 ms
    13 ( 153.575 ms 160.091 ms 150.454 ms
    14 ( 146.324 ms 145.756 ms 146.214 ms
    15 ( 151.691 ms 458.570 ms 153.433 ms
    *Hotmail ( is another story.* Traceroute fails as follows:
    traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
    1 ( 15.813 ms 1.824 ms 1.606 ms
    2 * * *
    3 ( 15.931 ms 24.736 ms 18.985 ms
    4 ( 101.213 ms 135.919 ms 32.239 ms
    5 ( 89.352 ms 88.661 ms 88.866 ms
    6 ( 88.328 ms 88.388 ms 230.446 ms
    7 ( 102.443 ms 109.923 ms 89.281 ms
    8 ( 94.065 ms 95.808 ms 94.160 ms
    9 * * *
    10 ( 168.823 ms 168.235 ms 172.494 ms
    11 ( 169.049 ms 338.920 ms 173.219 ms
    12 ( 177.052 ms 177.154 ms 178.412 ms
    13 * * *
    64 * * *
    and Ping:
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    --- ping statistics ---
    10 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
    Since my wife's (Vista) Dell notebook can access these sites from the same router (and I was able too for a while), I'm beginning to suspect that the issues may have started with my update to OS X 10.4.11 or the first security update. It has been quite a while since we've successfully been able load Hotmail (in any browser) on this machine. My smug "Mac guy" superiority is taking a serious hit with these issues...

  • E72: Restarts itself whenever I access certain web...

    Whenever I access the TFL non-mobile optimised website at, my E72 decides to restart itself. I tried both with the inbuilt browser and with Bolt Lite and with text only.
    It does not seem to be directly related to the size of the webpage as I can open sites like mysupermarket just fine.
    Some other websites like toptable give me issues as well.
    I have tried reformatting to no avail.

    rkghost wrote:
    I reformatted based on the forum instructions before I posted.
    Hmm, still not sure what that means.  What version is your Nokia browser? (Options -> Help -> About Application)
    Have you tried clearing the cache?  (Options -> Clear Privacy Data -> Cache)
    Or if that fails, clear everything... (Options -> Clear Privacy Data -> All).  Note this also clears cookies, so if you're used to skipping the logins on certain sites, you will need to log in again manually.
    Finally, if that fails, do you have a third party file browser like X-Plore or Y-Browser?  Both are free: and (scroll down to the bottom).  Then carefully delete the entire contents of C:\System\Cache.  (Leave the Cache folder intact, methinks.)
    If none of that helps, you're left with 1) performing a hard reset, 2) reflashing the latest firmware, or 3) waiting for Nokia to fix your crash bug.  But again, none of this should be affecting a third party web browser.
    I tried visiting the tfl site again, just in case the first visit was a fluke...but no, the classic pages still load.

  • Reset required after purchasing song on iTouch iTunes

    This has happened to me twice. After purchasing a song on my iTouch, it completely messes up the sorting of my songs by Artist. I make extensive use of the Sort Artist field so that artists are sorted by last name in iTunes. After purchasing a song on my iTouch, however, the artist list is completely messed up. Artists are still sorted by last name, but there are "heading" rows for each of the first names. For example
    Jason Mraz
    Shawn Mullins
    So, the artists are still ultimately sorted by last name, but the bars to separate the artists are showing up at the change in each first name. To fix this requires a reset of my iTouch and evrything goes back to normal.
    The other issue I'm having when this happens, purchased content on my iTouch will not synch/transfer to my computer. So I'm losing songs every time this happens.
    Very frustrating!
    (I have iTouch version 2.0.1 and iTunes version

    Has anyone else experienced this? It happens everytime I purchase something on my iTouch. Very frustrating!

  • Cannot access certain web sites through Airport Extreme Base Station

    I use the old (round) Airport Extreme Base Station (AEBS). Approximately three weeks ago I could no longer connect to or to Godaddy or their mail servers. About a week ago the Godaddy sites started working again, but the American Express sites are still not working.
    My current setup:
    - AEBS connected to Time Warner New York cable modem
    - Three Airport Express units - two connected to speakers, and one set up with WDS to provide Ethernet access to computer (PowerMac G5), which is in a separate room from cable modem
    - I also have an Airport card in my G5 to connect directly to the wireless network (but that doesn't solve any of my problems)
    I have tried resetting all the units, and have also tried running the network with all the Airport Express units turned off, none of which as allowed me to access American Express.
    I have the exact same problems with my work-issued Windows 2000 laptop when logged in to the wireless network.
    When I plug a computer directly in to the cable modem, I have no problem accessing any of the sites, which leads me to believe that the solution somehow lies with the AEBS - I just can't figure out what it is.
    Any help/suggestions are much appreciated.
    PowerMac G5, 23" Cinema Display, Airport Extreme Base Station (802.11b/g)   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    If you're having trouble with throughput performance or just connecting to some websites, try changing the MTU value, on your Mac, to 1492. (The default value is 1500.) To do so, you can use a utility, like Cocktail or via OS X's Terminal.
    MTU will vary with connection type. Cable and non-PPPoE, can use up to 1500, whereas PPPoE connections (WinPoet, RASPPPOE, Enternet, etc.) can only use up to 1492. For secure VPN connections (i.e., IPSec) use a MTU value less than 1500.
    The best value for MTU is that value just before the packets get fragmented. To test, use the Ping utility.
    OS X: ping -D -s 1472
    WinXP: ping -f -l 1472
    Reduce 1472 by 10 until you no longer get the “packet needs to be fragmented” error message. Then increase by 1 until you are 1 less from getting the same error message. Add 28 more to this (since your ping packet size, not including IP/ICMP header is 28 bytes). This will be your MaxMTU. (Note: If you can ping thru at 1472, stop, you’re done! Add 28 and your MaxMTU is 1500.)

  • After accessing a web site through a link I get the message file not found when trying to access it again.

    This has happened on several sites. I have tried to access the same links through Chrome and do not have a problem there.

    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    See also:
    Are you using cleanup software like CCleaner or other software that may corrupt the cache?
    You can try to delete the entire cache folder.<br />
    You can find the location of the cache folder on the about:cache page (open via the location bar, like a web page).
    You can check the <b>browser.cache.disk.enable</b> pref on the <b>about:config</b> page to verify that the disk cache is enabled (should be true).

  • Power reset required after sleep

    Often when I put my iMac to sleep in the evening I find the system unresponsive when I come to use it the next day. I can see instantly that the system has an issue because I see that the screen backlight is on. The system does not react to any mouse or keyboard input and requires a power off reset to restart.
    I thought that the issue may involve Parallels which is often running when I have this issue , however, I have spoken with Parallels support who recommended removing parallels, repairing the disk permissions and reinstalling Parallels which appears to have had no effect.
    The iMac is very new and was purchased in November 2014 and is configured with a 3.5GHz i7 processor, 16GB or RAM 3TB HD and NVIDEA 980 graphics card.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, I am relatively new to Mac architecture and I'm still finding my way around the OS.
    Thanks in advance,

    I only sleep my iMac's display, never it or its HDs. Never have a problem. Give it a shot, hard resets will waste more juice and shorten its life than sleeping it, IMO.
    27" i7 iMac (Mid 2011) refurb, OS X Yo (10.10.1), Mavs, ML & SL, G4 450 MP w/10.5 & 9.2.2

Maybe you are looking for

  • ITunes has stopped working. I'm using Windows 7 on iOs 6.1

    iTunes has stopped working several times. I'm using Windows 7 on iOs 6.1 and I'm mad about this?!

  • Where is the index of the wiki ?

    Hello, I wonder if there is a page with a list of all wiki articles. The search feature is ok, but sometimes one just want to browse the whole list. If no such index exist, would it be possible to create it and put a big link on the main page ? cheer

  • Ibooks not available in australia since ios7 instal

    IHave just installed ios7 on my ipad2. Now if I try to buy a book from the ibooks store, it tells me I'm in the US store and therefore cant be accessed. How do I get back to the Australian store (where the prices are around 60% higher)?... Geoff.

  • Miro document is not spliting

    Dear Experts, I have one doubt document xxxxxxx after posting of miro document. if we refer fb03 that document no in the screen (view)  the miro entry is                                                          posting keys GR/IR A/c Dr 56250.00     

  • HD Failure and Inability to Boot from External

    After much gnashing of teeth my hd finally failed. I have a Firewire 800 LaCie HD 300GB that I have a back up system on (OS 10.3.9). Unless I reinstall the original 10.3.4 OS from my original install DVD every two or three restarts/boots the login sc