Beginner trying to import data from GL_interface to GL

Hello I’m Beginner with Oracle GL and I ‘m not able to do an import from GL_Interface, I have putted my data into GL_interface but I think that something is wrong with it Becose when I try to import data
with Journals->Import->run oracle answer me that GL_interface is empty!
I think that maybe my insert is not correct and that's why oracle don't want to use it... can someone help me?
----> I have put the data that way:
insert into gl_interface (status,set_of_books_id,accounting_date, currency_code,date_created,
created_by, actual_flag, user_je_category_name, user_je_source_name, segment1,segment2,segment3,
entered_dr, entered_cr,transaction_date,reference1 )
values ('NEW', '1609', sysdate, 'FRF', sysdate,1008009, 'A', 'xx jab payroll', 'xx jab payroll', '01','002','4004',111.11,0,
insert into gl_interface (status,set_of_books_id,accounting_date, currency_code,date_created,
created_by, actual_flag, user_je_category_name, user_je_source_name, segment1,segment2,segment3,
entered_dr, entered_cr,transaction_date,reference1 )
values ('NEW', '1609', sysdate, 'FRF', sysdate,1008009, 'A', 'xx jab payroll', 'xx jab payroll', '01','002','1005',0,111.11,
------------> Oracle send me that message:
General Ledger: Version : 11.5.0 - Development
Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
GLLEZL module: Journal Import
Current system time is 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
Running in Debug Mode
gllsob() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25sob_id = 124
sob_name = Vision France
coa_id = 50569
num_segments = 6
delim = '.'
segments =
index segment is SEGMENT2
balancing segment is SEGMENT1
currency = EUR
sus_flag = Y
ic_flag = Y
latest_opened_encumbrance_year = 2006
pd_type = Month
<< gllsob() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
gllsys() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25fnd_user_id = 1008009
fnd_user_name = JAB-DEVELOPPEUR
fnd_login_id = 2675718
con_request_id = 2918896
sus_on = 0
from_date =
to_date =
create_summary = 0
archive = 0
num_rec = 1000
num_flex = 2500
run_id = 55578
<< gllsys() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
SHRD0108: Retrieved 51 records from fnd_currencies
gllcsa() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25<< gllcsa() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
gllcnt() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25SHRD0118: Updated 1 record(s) in table: gl_interface_control
source name = xx jab payroll
group id = -1
LEZL0001: Found 1 sources to process.
glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25<< glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
gl_import_hook_pkg.pre_module_hook() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26<< gl_import_hook_pkg.pre_module_hook() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26
glusbe() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26<< glusbe() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26
<< gllcnt() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26
gllpst() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26SHRD0108: Retrieved 110 records from gl_period_statuses
<< gllpst() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
glldat() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27Successfully built decode fragment for period_name and period_year
gllbud() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27SHRD0108: Retrieved 10 records from the budget tables
<< gllbud() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
gllenc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27SHRD0108: Retrieved 15 records from gl_encumbrance_types
<< gllenc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
glldlc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27<< glldlc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
gllcvr() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27SHRD0108: Retrieved 6 records from gl_daily_conversion_types
<< gllcvr() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
gllfss() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27LEZL0005: Successfully finished building dynamic SQL statement.
<< gllfss() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
gllcje() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27main_stmt:
select int.rowid
decode(int.SEGMENT1|| int.SEGMENT2|| int.SEGMENT3|| int.SEGMENT4|| int.SEGMENT5|| int.SEGMENT6
, '', replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT2,'.','
') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT1,'.','
') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT3,'.','
') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT4,'.','
') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT5,'.','
') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT6,'.','
, replace(int.SEGMENT2,'.','
') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT1,'.','
') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT3,'.','
') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT4,'.','
') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT5,'.','
') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT6,'.','
') ) flexfield , nvl(flex_cc.code_combination_id,
nvl(int.code_combination_id, -4))
, decode(int.SEGMENT1|| int.SEGMENT2|| int.SEGMENT3|| int.SEGMENT4|| int.SEGMENT5|| int.SEGMENT6
, '', decode(ccid_cc.code_combination_id,
null, decode(int.code_combination_id, null, -4, -5),
decode(sign(nvl(ccid_cc.start_date_active, int.accounting_date-1)
- int.accounting_date),
1, -1,
decode(sign(nvl(ccid_cc.end_date_active, int.accounting_date +1)
- int.accounting_date),
-1, -1, 0)) +
'N', -10, 0) +
decode(ccid_cc.summary_flag, 'Y', -100,
'B', decode(ccid_cc.detail_budgeting_allowed_flag,
'N', -100, 0),
'N', -100, 0)))),
null, -4,
decode(sign(nvl(flex_cc.start_date_active, int.accounting_date-1)
- int.accounting_date),
1, -1,
decode(sign(nvl(flex_cc.end_date_active, int.accounting_date +1)
- int.accounting_date),
-1, -1, 0)) +
'N', -10, 0) +
decode(flex_cc.summary_flag, 'Y', -100,
'B', decode(flex_cc.detail_budgeting_allowed_flag,
'N', -100, 0),
'N', -100, 0)))))
, int.user_je_category_name
, int.user_je_category_name
, 'UNKNOWN' period_name
, decode(actual_flag, 'B'
     , decode(period_name, NULL, '-1' ,period_name), nvl(period_name, '0')) period_name2
, currency_code
, decode(actual_flag
     , 'A', actual_flag
     , 'B', decode(budget_version_id
     , 1210, actual_flag
     , 1211, actual_flag
     , 1212, actual_flag
     , 1331, actual_flag
     , 1657, actual_flag
     , 1658, actual_flag
     , NULL, '1', '6')
     , 'E', decode(encumbrance_type_id
     , 1000, actual_flag
     , 1001, actual_flag
     , 1022, actual_flag
     , 1023, actual_flag
     , 1024, actual_flag
     , 1048, actual_flag
     , 1049, actual_flag
     , 1050, actual_flag
     , 1025, actual_flag
     , 999, actual_flag
     , 1045, actual_flag
     , 1046, actual_flag
     , 1047, actual_flag
     , 1068, actual_flag
     , 1088, actual_flag
     , NULL, '3', '4'), '5') actual_flag
, '0' exception_rate
, decode(currency_code
     , 'EUR', 1
     , 'STAT', 1
     , decode(actual_flag, 'E', -8, 'B', 1
     , decode(user_currency_conversion_type
     , 'User', decode(currency_conversion_rate, NULL, -1, currency_conversion_rate)
     , NULL, decode(currency_conversion_rate,NULL,
     decode(decode(nvl(to_char(entered_cr),'X'),'X',1,2),decode(nvl(to_char(accounted_cr),'X'),'X',1,2),-20,-3),-3),-9),-9))) currency_conversion_rate
, to_number(to_char(nvl(int.currency_conversion_date, int.accounting_date), 'J'))
, decode(int.actual_flag
     , 'A', decode(int.currency_code
          , 'EUR', 'User'
     , 'STAT', 'User'
          , nvl(int.user_currency_conversion_type, 'User'))
     , 'B', 'User', 'E', 'User'
     , nvl(int.user_currency_conversion_type, 'User')) user_currency_conversion_type
, ltrim(rtrim(substrb(rtrim(substrb(int.reference1, 1, 50)) || ' ' || int.user_je_source_name || ' 2918896: ' || int.actual_flag || ' ' || int.group_id, 1, 100)))
, rtrim(substrb(nvl(rtrim(int.reference2), 'Journal Import ' || int.user_je_source_name || ' 2918896:'), 1, 240))
, ltrim(rtrim(substrb(rtrim(rtrim(substrb(int.reference4, 1, 25)) || ' ' || int.user_je_category_name || ' ' || int.currency_code || decode(int.actual_flag, 'E', ' ' || int.encumbrance_type_id, 'B', ' ' || int.budget_version_id, '') || ' ' || int.user_currency_conversion_type || ' ' || decode(int.user_currency_conversion_type, NULL, '', 'User', to_char(int.currency_conversion_rate), to_char(int.currency_conversion_date))) || ' ' || substrb(int.reference8, 1, 15) || int.originating_bal_seg_value, 1, 100)))
, rtrim(nvl(rtrim(int.reference5), 'Journal Import 2918896:'))
, rtrim(substrb(nvl(rtrim(int.reference6), 'Journal Import Created'), 1, 80))
, rtrim(decode(upper(substrb(nvl(rtrim(int.reference7), 'N'), 1, 1)),'Y','Y', 'N'))
, decode(upper(substrb(int.reference7, 1, 1)), 'Y', decode(rtrim(reference8), NULL, '-1', rtrim(substrb(reference8, 1, 15))), NULL)
, rtrim(upper(substrb(int.reference9, 1, 1)))
, rtrim(nvl(rtrim(int.reference10), nvl(to_char(int.subledger_doc_sequence_value), 'Journal Import Created')))
, int.entered_dr
, int.entered_cr
, to_number(to_char(int.accounting_date,'J'))
, to_char(int.accounting_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD')
, int.user_je_source_name
, nvl(int.encumbrance_type_id, -1)
, nvl(int.budget_version_id, -1)
, int.stat_amount
, decode(int.actual_flag
, 'E', decode(int.currency_code, 'STAT', '1', '0'), '0')
, decode(int.actual_flag
, 'A', decode(int.budget_version_id
, NULL, decode(int.encumbrance_type_id, NULL, '0', '1')
, decode(int.encumbrance_type_id, NULL, '2', '3'))
, 'B', decode(int.encumbrance_type_id
, NULL, '0', '4')
, 'E', decode(int.budget_version_id
, NULL, '0', '5'), '0')
, int.accounted_dr
, int.accounted_cr
, nvl(int.group_id, -1)
, nvl(int.average_journal_flag, 'N')
, int.originating_bal_seg_value
from GL_INTERFACE int,
gl_code_combinations flex_cc,
gl_code_combinations ccid_cc
where int.set_of_books_id = 124
and int.status != 'PROCESSED'
and (int.user_je_source_name,nvl(int.group_id,-1)) in (('xx jab payroll', -1))
and flex_cc.SEGMENT1(+) = int.SEGMENT1
and flex_cc.SEGMENT2(+) = int.SEGMENT2
and flex_cc.SEGMENT3(+) = int.SEGMENT3
and flex_cc.SEGMENT4(+) = int.SEGMENT4
and flex_cc.SEGMENT5(+) = int.SEGMENT5
and flex_cc.SEGMENT6(+) = int.SEGMENT6
and flex_cc.chart_of_accounts_id(+) = 50569
and flex_cc.template_id(+) is NULL
and ccid_cc.code_combination_id(+) = int.code_combination_id
and ccid_cc.chart_of_accounts_id(+) = 50569
and ccid_cc.template_id(+) is NULL
order by decode(int.SEGMENT1|| int.SEGMENT2|| int.SEGMENT3|| int.SEGMENT4|| int.SEGMENT5|| int.SEGMENT6
, rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT2,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT1,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT3,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT4,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT5,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT6,30)
, rpad(int.SEGMENT2,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT1,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT3,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT4,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT5,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT6,30)
) , int.entered_dr, int.accounted_dr, int.entered_cr, int.accounted_cr, int.accounting_date
control->len_mainsql = 16402
length of main_stmt = 7428
set status = :status
, status_description = :description
, je_batch_id = :batch_id
, je_header_id = :header_id
, je_line_num = :line_num
, code_combination_id = decode(:ccid, '-1', code_combination_id, :ccid)
, accounted_dr = :acc_dr
, accounted_cr = :acc_cr
, descr_flex_error_message = :descr_description
, request_id = to_number(:req_id)
where rowid = :row_id
upd_stmt.len: 394
insert into gl_je_lines
( je_header_id, je_line_num, last_update_date, creation_date, last_updated_by, created_by , set_of_books_id, code_combination_id ,period_name, effective_date , status , entered_dr , entered_cr , accounted_dr , accounted_cr , reference_1 , reference_2
, reference_3 , reference_4 , reference_5 , reference_6 , reference_7 , reference_8 , reference_9 , reference_10 , description
, stat_amount , attribute1 , attribute2 , attribute3 , attribute4 , attribute5 , attribute6 ,attribute7 , attribute8
, attribute9 , attribute10 , attribute11 , attribute12 , attribute13 , attribute14, attribute15, attribute16, attribute17
, attribute18 , attribute19 , attribute20 , context , context2 , context3 , invoice_amount , invoice_date , invoice_identifier
, tax_code , no1 , ussgl_transaction_code , gl_sl_link_id , gl_sl_link_table , subledger_doc_sequence_id , subledger_doc_sequence_value
, jgzz_recon_ref , ignore_rate_flag)
:je_header_id , :je_line_num , sysdate , sysdate , 1008009 , 1008009 , 124 , :ccid , :period_name
, decode(substr(:account_date, 1, 1), '-', trunc(sysdate), to_date(:account_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD'))
, 'U' , :entered_dr , :entered_cr , :accounted_dr , :accounted_cr
, reference21, reference22, reference23, reference24, reference25, reference26, reference27, reference28, reference29
, reference30, :description, :stat_amt, '' , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', gl_sl_link_id
, gl_sl_link_table
, subledger_doc_sequence_id
, subledger_doc_sequence_value
, jgzz_recon_ref
, null
where rowid = :row_id
ins_stmt.len: 1818
glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27<< glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
LEZL0008: Found no interface records to process.
LEZL0009: Check SET_OF_BOOKS_ID, GROUP_ID, and USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME of interface records.
If no GROUP_ID is specified, then only data with no GROUP_ID will be retrieved. Note that most data
from the Oracle subledgers has a GROUP_ID, and will not be retrieved if no GROUP_ID is specified.
SHRD0119: Deleted 1 record(s) from gl_interface_control.
Start of log messages from FND_FILE
End of log messages from FND_FILE
Executing request completion options...
Finished executing request completion options.
No data was found in the GL_INTERFACE table.
Concurrent request completed
Current system time is 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27

As per the error message said, you need to specify a group id.
as per documentation :
GROUP_ID: Enter a unique group number to distinguish import data within a
source. You can run Journal Import in parallel for the same source if you specify a
unique group number for each request.
For example if you put data for payables and receivables, you need to put different group id to separate payables and receivables data.

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    VijayKank4610 wrote:
    Actually where does it create the table is it in the Database associated with it?Your better off checking the Operator logs, you will see exactly which step failed and where it is trying to create the object (C$ table, I$ table, Target table) - The C$ and I$ tables will be in your work schema defined on your physical connection, remember you connecting user on the dataserver needs acccess to the work schema (able to create objects) and the target / data schema.

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    Hi ,
    I think something problem with the XSD file i too faced somewhat same problem, i have created XSD file from the following link and tried in my package it has worked why don't u try to create xsd file from following link and try again once.
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    The problem you're experiencing is that importTextData is an Acrobat API call. As such, it executes on the AcroForm field equivalents to the XFA fields you've placed on the form. What's not indicated in the API for importTextData is that the names in the fields in the header of the text file must be the
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    FirstName LastName Country
    Fred Jones USA
    Kyle Francis Canada
    Sam Roberts UK
    I then placed a button on the form which calls ";" and ran the form in Preview.
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    I then used the "Avanced | Forms | Export Data from Form..." menu option in Acrobat after filling-in the fields in the table with some text and looked at the generated text file (note that you have to specify text as the output format). In there, I was able to figure-out what the full AcroFrom SOM expression was for each field I wanted to import data into.
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    form1[0].#subform[0].Table1[0].Row1[0].FirstName[0] form1[0].#subform[0].Table1[0].Row1[0].LastName[0] form1[0].#subform[0].Table1[0].Row1[0].Country[0]
    Fred Jones USA
    Kyle Francis Canada
    Sam Roberts UK
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    The error is:
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    <BCPFORMAT xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <FIELD ID="1" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="1" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="2" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="5" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="3" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="5" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="4" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="10" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="5" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="1" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="6" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="1" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="7" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="10" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="8" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="10" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="9" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="8" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="10" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="8" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="11" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="8" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="12" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="5" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="13" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="8" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="14" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="2" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="15" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="3" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="16" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR=" " MAX_LENGTH="4" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <FIELD ID="17" xsi:type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR="\r\n" MAX_LENGTH="43" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="1" NAME="Name1" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="2" NAME="Name2" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="3" NAME="Name3" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="4" NAME="Name4" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="5" NAME="Name5" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="6" NAME="Name6" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="7" NAME="Name7" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="8" NAME="Name8" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="9" NAME="Name9" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="10" NAME="Name10" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="11" NAME="Name11" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="12" NAME="Name12" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="13" NAME="Name13" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="14" NAME="Name14" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="15" NAME="Name15" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="16" NAME="Name16" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
      <COLUMN SOURCE="17" NAME="Name17" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/>
    The format file that I am using is just like the same one above.

  • The SQL statement is not valid - when importing data from SQL Server using a query

    Hi there,
    I am trying to import data from SQL to Power Pivot using a SQL query like below:
    SELECT Score.FieldCount, Score.Record.GetAt(0), Score.Record.GetAt(1),  Score.Record.GetAt(2),  Score.Record.GetAt(3),  Score.Record.GetAt(4)
    SELECT * FROM dbo.CLR1(
    'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[CXCustomer_Small]') Input
    ) Score
    And when I tried to validate it, it returns
    The SQL statement is not valid. A column name cannot be blank.
    I ran the above SQL statement in Management Studio and it works without problem. Any idea?
    -- Predict everything.

    Never mind, I figured out - I need to give each column a name.
    -- Predict everything.

  • Error occure while importing data from 9i enterprise to 10g Express Edition

    Iam trying to import data from Oracle 9i( Enterprise Edition to Oracle 10g Express Edition ,
    non partitioned tables are imported successfully but partitioned tables are not imported.I got the following error message.
    IMP-00017:following statement failed with oracle error 439.
    IMP-00003:Oracle error 439 encountered.
    ORA-00439:feature not enabled:partitioning.
    Plz help me to solve above error.

    i am sorry the errors are
    i am using database 10g express universal edition
    in 9i
    select * from nls_database_parameters;
    but in 10g express universal edition
    select * from nls_database_parameters;

  • Importing data from excel  ... when clicking finish button nothing happens

    Version 3.1/32bit version ... I am trying to import data from excel but when i clicki finish button nothing happens. any idea. this used to work fine on the older version?

    Generally speaking, the data import from an xls or xlsx format Excel file works. You need to provide more information about your environment and the Excel file itself -- size, data types of the columns, number of worksheets, etc.
    I recommend running sqldeveloper.exe (not sqldeveloperW.exe) from a command line window. Repeat your import test and see if any stack trace appears in the console. For example, trying to open a 0 byte xls file results in a stack trace like this:
            at 524)
    SQL Developer Team

  • Importing data from Excel

    Hi, I'm trying to import data from Excel into Indesign while still keeping the formatting when updates are made to the linked Excel spreadsheet. However, everytime I update the link, the Indesign document loses all the formatting that I'm worked on and reverts back to the default font / layout. Anyone know a way to keep the formatting and just update the data in Indesign? Thanks.

    Is it possible to save text alignment in certain columns in table / cell style sheets? For example I have 3 columns in a table where'd I'd like to always always have the data in the centre.

  • Importing Data from Excel into Primavera

    I'm trying to import data from an Excel spreadsheet of a given set of columns (i.e. template) into Primavera. I wish to copy the data from Excel into a new activity at the Activity Level and have set up the template already at the Activity Level.
    It is easy to copy and paste data from Primavera into Excel, but it is not straight forward to copy Excel data into Primavera. I believe you have to import the data, but I do not know how to. Is there documentation somewhere that I can access, or is there someone who knows that can help?

    You can control the activities that are exported with the user of a filter in the template options.
    Go to Modify template options Add a new template or modify the existing
    template. The template contains options for exchanging data with
    Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet applications. Click Modify to
    customize the selected template
    Select a Subject Area in the Modify Template dialog box to modify its
    options. In the Columns tab, select the fields to export. The available
    options are based on the selected subject area.
    In the Modify Template dialog box, click the Filter tab to select the
    activities you want to export for the selected subject area. If using more
    than one filter, choose to show activities that meet all selection criteria in
    each filter, or to show activities that must meet only one selection criteria
    in each filter. Select the filter(s) to use for the export file. If necessary,
    click Modify to edit the selected user-defined filter. The fields available for
    filtering are based on the selected subject area.
    Have a great day,

  • Import data from Excel to iCal?

    I'm trying to import date from en Excel file to iCal. I have a column with dates, one with start times, one with the location and one with the events.
    Is there an app to help me? Perhaps some Automator actions? I've never worked with Applescript before though...

    This is an old one, but might help. It is intended to run as a "droplet" - copy it to a Script Editor window, save it as an application on the desktop, then drop the spreadsheet on it. You could modify it to suit your needs.
    --AK Mar 2005
    --make iCal events from a dropped spreadsheet
    --assume  events in first sheet
    --one event per row
    --1st row is header with labels Title,Start,End (any order, gaps acceptable)
    --also process Location and Description cols if present
    --prompt for calendar to get the events
    --could use some error handling
    on open DroppedFile
              tell application "Microsoft Excel"
      open DroppedFile
                        set UsedCells to value of used range of sheet 1
      quit --remove this if Excel sholud stay open
              end tell
              set SummaryCol to FindInList("Title", item 1 of UsedCells)
              set StartCol to FindInList("Start", item 1 of UsedCells)
              set EndCol to FindInList("End", item 1 of UsedCells)
              tell application "iCal"
                        set CalList to title of every calendar
              end tell
              set Chosen to choose from list CalList with prompt "Choose calender for the new events"
              if Chosen is not false then
                        set TheCalendar to FindInList(Chosen, CalList)
                        if (SummaryCol > 0) and (StartCol > 0) and (EndCol > 0) then --REQUIRE Title, Start and End
                                  set DescripCol to FindInList("Description", item 1 of UsedCells) --look for additional items
                                  set LocCol to FindInList("Location", item 1 of UsedCells)
                                  if (count of item 1 of UsedCells) > 1 then --there are some data rows
                                            set UsedCells to rest of UsedCells
                                            repeat with AnEvent in UsedCells
                                                      set theSummary to (item SummaryCol of AnEvent)
                                                      set TheStart to (item StartCol of AnEvent)
                                                      set TheEnd to (item EndCol of AnEvent)
                                                      tell application "iCal"
                                                                tell calendar TheCalendar
                                                                          set CalEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {summary:theSummary, start date:TheStart, end date:TheEnd}
                                                                          if LocCol > 0 then set location of CalEvent to item LocCol of AnEvent
                                                                          if DescripCol > 0 then set description of CalEvent to item DescripCol of AnEvent
                                                                end tell --calendar
                                                      end tell --iCal
                                            end repeat --AnEvent
                                  end if --are datarows
                                  display dialog "Spreadsheet must have Title, Start, and End columns" with icon stop
                        end if --missing headers
              end if --no calendar selected
    end open
    on FindInList(Needle, HayStack)
              set FoundAt to 0
              if Needle is in HayStack then
                        repeat with FoundAt from 1 to count of HayStack
                                  if Needle is item FoundAt of HayStack then exit repeat
                        end repeat
              end if
              return FoundAt
    end FindInList

  • Importing data from 7.3 database to 8.1 database

    I'm trying to import data from a 7.3 database into a 8.1.6 database. (using exp/imp).
    When I run "imp", I get the Oracle 12560 erros message, but I'm not sure why.
    It is possible to import a 7.3 database export to 8.1.6 ?
    Anders Skar

    it is possible to import from 7.3 export file to 8.1.6 database using "imp".
    The error, 12560 is TNS:protocol adapter error, that is a generic error. The error stack should signal witch is the real error.
    Hope this is useful.
    Bye Max

  • Import data from a partitioned table

    I am trying to import data from another server database. I need only data from two partitions from a partitioned table in that database. I have to use IMPORT wizard.
    The new server should also have the partitioned table with those two partitions data.

    I created the database on the destination server with a primary, log, FG1 and FG2 filegroups.
    Next, created the partition function and scheme
    create partition function pfOrders(int)
    as range right
    for values(34);
    create partition scheme psOrders
    as partition pfOrders
    to (FG1,FG2)
    Next, created the table on primary with primary key.
    Next, used import wizard twice to import data related to partition_id 34 and 65.
    The problem is the data is on primary filegroup. FG1 and FG2 does not have any data.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Best Practice in maintaining multiple apps and user logins

    Hi, My company is just starting to use APEX, and none of us (the developers) have worked on this before either. It is greatly appreciated if we can get some help here. We have developed quite a few applications in the same workspace. Now, we are goin

  • What is more flexible ?

    Hi, Reading the generics faq, I have encountered this text: "In general, if you have an API that only uses a type parameter T as an argument, its uses should take advantage of lower bounded wildcards (? super T). Conversely, if the API only returns T

  • How to use online backup services with a Mac.

    I want to use an online backup service but each one I check out is unable to backup at least one of my key files and perhaps others that I havent tested yet. I use an old palm pda and a current version of the palm desktop for mac. I'm quite happy wit

  • PHP to CFM

    I found a php code and I want to convert it to CFM. I already converted most of the code by there're some that I don't know how to. I'll post the part that I don't know how to. Hopefully someone can help me

  • HP IQ546t won't accept a cd

    Hi, new to this forum:  My HP touchsmart IQ546t won't accept a cd into the slot:  feels like it hits something when it's about a quarter of the way in and won't go any further.  There was not another cd already installed.  It was working fine until a