Best scenario for keep things running

Currently one ZCM 10.3 server. What could be best scenario to have all more-less running when primary ZEN server is out of service? I mean, is there a option to have another so called backup ZEN server? Yes, well, backup's etc., of course, but restoring takes some time. Also, we don't have very big budget to have BIG systems. Just a question. =)
More thanks, Alar.

Pull the LAN Cable from the ZCM Server :>
If the ZCM Agent cannot contact your ZCM server, it will cause
everything to operate in Cached Mode.
So users should still get their old apps and policies.
Perhaps install another ZCM 10.3.0 into a new Zone on a VM.
Update it to 10.3.3
Shut down all services and keep them off permanently.
Then run some type of nightly File Synch from your active Server to your
Backup server. Including a copy of the DB and Log files.
If your main server is ever assaulted by a stray pot of coffee, you
could then simply do the procedure of restoring the production servers
identity. It should not take too long, especially since last nights
copy of the DB and Content repo would be there.
On 5/27/2011 12:06 PM, NovAlf wrote:
> Hi!
> Currently one ZCM 10.3 server. What could be best scenario to have all
> more-less running when primary ZEN server is out of service? I mean, is
> there a option to have another so called backup ZEN server? Yes, well,
> backup's etc., of course, but restoring takes some time. Also, we don't
> have very big budget to have BIG systems. Just a question. =)
> More thanks, Alar.
Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA
Novell Knowledge Partner
Novell does not officially monitor these forums.
Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own.
These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human.

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    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

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    No. Video isn't compressed like compressing a document. When you compress a document you're just packing the data more tightly. When you compress video you do it basically by throwing information away. Once a video file is compressed, and all video files are heavily compressed in the camera, that's not recoverable. That information is gone. The best you can do is make it into a format that while not deteriorate further as the file is recompressed. Every time you compress a file, especially to heavily compressed formats, more and more information is discarded. The more you do this the worse the image gets. Transcoding converts the media to a high resolution, high data rate format that can be manipulated considerably without loss, and go through multiple generations without loss. You can't go to second generation H.264 MPEG-4 without discernible loss in quality.

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    I'm in a similar situation including movies I've purchased from iTunes...
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    check out OptimizeIt

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    Some of my movies are mammoth in size (as much as 30GB for 1 movie), which I've learned are due to iMovie handing onto full clip size even when only 10 seconds of it makes it into the final film...
    I am starting to move the movies off the iMac onto an external HD, but don't know what is the most economical way to keep a copy digitally without sacrificing a lot of quality? Full Quality QT? as iDVD project instead of iMovie project?
    Any suggestions are most appreciated. Thanks to all.
    Message was edited by: toddleu

    Hello Toddieu,
    I am sure that there are better ways to store your projects, but I have struggled with the exact same question that you have and here are my solutions. I like iMovie 6, but I hate the "non-destructive" editing which makes your projects huge. So, this may seem strange, but I start my movies in iMovie 4. I import all of my raw footage and then do the first round of crude editing which, as you mention, sometimes reduces a 5 minute clip, down to a couple of 10 or 20 second clips. By the time I am done with this process, I usually reduce an hour's worth of "raw" footage down to around 30 to 40 minutes worth of "good stuff". Then I close iMovie 4, copy the movie file (just to be safe), and then open the copy using iMovie 6. When you do this, iMovie 6 will tell you that this movie will be permanently changed to the new format, which is what you want, so click OK. If the movie opens correctly, and everything looks good, then I continue editing the rest of my movie using iMovie 6 (fine cuts, transitions, titles, music, effects, chapters, etc). In the end, using this technique, an hour's worth of edited video uses about 12 gbs of HardDrive. I have several external HDs and I store all of my finished movies on these externals as iMovies (full quality). You don't want to save as DVD projects, because these are compressed files so you will lose some quality.
    Like I said, I am sure there are easier ways to do this, and I am interested to hear what other's are doing, but this works for me.

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    We would much appreciate your input for a headachless join of two networks.
    Due to bandwith requirements, we need to join a network with an RV016 to a network with an RV082 via a point to point air bridge. (VPN over adls was not cutting it) fortunatelly there is line of sight.
    We would appreciate if you could advice the propper, procedure.
    The info
    LocationA                                LocationB
    RV016                                     RV082
    WAN1 ADSL modem                WAN1 ADSL Modem
    WAN2 DedicatedIP modem       WAN2 Free
    WAN3..7 free                                     
    DHCP                                      DHCP
    Servers on LAN                        Servers on LAN
    We need LAN-B endpoints to be able to reach servers on location A and viceversa
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    We do not wish to change the IP clases/subnets if possible. All suggestions, pointers and ideas are welcomed.
    looking forward to this.

    Hello again
    We got the point to point delivered.
    The radio on location A is plugged to a switch port on the RV016
    The radio on location B is plugged on WAN2 on the RV082, which gets an IP via DHCP of LAN_A
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    Job done.

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