Best Way to Move PowerMac G5 across town?

I'm moving about 30 minutes away in a few weeks. I was wondering what the best way to move the tower and 20" cinema display would be? Any help greatly appreciated.

i think that u can look to this web:
they produce and sell very very good bags for make portable some mac "desktop" and cinema display, also.
last month i buyed from ilugger, a bag for my imac 20" and this is incredible. you can take the imac with you, also in a fly, like hand bag. you put inside, also keyboard and mouse. You can use it not only for imac 17 and 20 but also for a cinema display 20 and macmini and keyb and mouse...geniale!

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    I have a 270 gig iTunes folder and a 260gig Iphoto Library and used this technique to massively speed up the transfer to an external USB3 drive.  It uses terminal commands i found here: y-files/
    I used this command successfully to achieve 3 GB per minute transfer.
    First open Terminal app (easy to find in spotlight)
    Type the following noting that all content in () is an instruction for you to complete or a spacebar between text. "c (space) -av (space) (drag source folder directory onto open terminal app window) /* (space) (drag destination folder onto open terminal app window) /"
    Your transfer should begin
    NOTE: If you are using this for your iPhoto or Aperture libraries there are many index files containing meta data of your photos.  This may appear to not transfer large amounts of data while transferring these files before getting to the .jpg or .RAW files.  Don't worry, be patient, once these are done the speed will pick up considerably.
    I hope this helps,

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    Migration Assistant
    Drag and drop

    What mail client are you using? In Entourage you'd want to export your mail store to an .rje file on your old machine, move that file to your new one, then perform an import.

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    I don't know if it's what you're looking for, but it's worth reading: or

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    MrHoffman wrote:
    iTunes has its own private little world, and this question isn't really specific to Mac OS X Server, and the generic media-transfer discussion will likely receive better coverage over in the [iTunes forum|].
    Mac OS X Server doesn't do anything special with iTunes, and likely doesn't do anything specific with it at all; you're going to a "different" Mac, and server makes this more akin to a transfer to a new Mac, rather than the "replacement Mac" sequence seen with Mac OS X client.
    I'd be surprised if this music transfer wasn't something that could be sorted out (within the limits of the copyrights) from some FAQ over in the iTunes forum, or from some of the following support articles:
    See if the folks over in the iTunes forum have something for this. (And again, server likely isn't relevant here; you're "just" going to transfer your music to a different Mac box here, and one that happens to run Mac OS X Server.
    Thanks for the links - unfortunately, none of those are on point. The reason this is unique to server, I think, is that in the case of a regular mac to mac transfer, you would use Migration Assistant, and the move is easily done. But in seems like server doesn't come with Migration Assistant.
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    The mini server is special in that it is the most appropriate home server, and home servers should be expected to do double duty - and outright server, and desktop. So, it would be handy for Apple to include Migration Assistant with the mini server.

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    Hey Alayna,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities, and thanks for the question! I'm not really in a position to recommend a "best" option, as there are several different ways to go. You can read over your options in the following document and decide which one works best for you:
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    Have a good one,

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    Paragon even has non-destriuctive conversion utility if you do want to change drive.
    Hard to imagine using 3TB that isn't NTFS. Mac uses GPT for default partition type as well as HFS+
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    iMac Intel DuoCore   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    There are two issues - 1. Getting the files moved over, and 2. Being able to open them on the Intel iMac.
    1. This can be technically easy if you are willing to spend the time. I moved all my stuff from my old Mac to my new one by hooking the two together with an ethernet cable, directly. You would need both machines to have appropriate IP addresses. (go to the network preferences and pull down the built-in ethernet panel.) Some addresses such as and would work with a subnet mask of Now go to the new iMac and make sure the finder is selected (click on the desktop) and under the "GO" menu select "Connect to Server". You will need to put in the IP address of the old machine, and later it's administrative password. Then select its hard drive from the list (possibly only one choice) and it should appear as an icon on your iMac desktop. You can open this like any other drive and just drag items to the new iMac.
    2. Whether you can use all the files moved over from the old G3 is difficult to answer. You may be using Classic mode sometimes on the G3 and have some stuff created with a Classic application. You are probably aware that the new Intel iMac does not support Classic mode, so some of these files may not be useable without a bit of work (or at all, perhaps.) For instance I had to purchase Appleworks to handle some of my old Clarisworks documents because Pages couldn't understand them. Once I had them converted to Appleworks documents, I could then convert them again to Pages documents.
    I had some old MacDraw Pro documents that were equally problematic.
    I would advise you to get the new iMac out of the box and connected to your dialup internet connection first. Do all the software updates until running software updater says there is nothing new. Then you will be at 10.4.7 with all the latest security and fixes etc. Then disconnect from the internet and use an ethernet cable to get the stuff off the old computer.
    There will be lots more to do such as moving your mail, address box entries etc. later, but this is a start.

  • What's the best way to move around in a document?

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    The only method I've found so far is to drag with two fingers, which keeps resizing the document as it moves around.
    No Hand Tool? No way to zoom to 100%? No way to Fill the Screen with the document?
    Let me know, thanks.

    Panning is being done with two fingers, i.e. you set two fingers down on the screen and then move them in the same direction.
    You can also zoom out by moving the fingers in the opposite direction as when you zoomed in.

  • What is the Best way to move large mailboxes between datacenters?

    What is the Best way to move large mailboxes between datacenters?

     Are you asking with regards to on-premises Exchange? With Microsoft Online SaaS services (aka Exchange Online) there is no control and no need to control which data center a mailbox resides in.
     With regard to on-premises Exchange, you have two choices: you can move it over the WAN in which case you would either do a native mailbox move (assuming you have Exchange 2010 or later you can suspend the move after the copy so you can control the
    time of the cutover) or create a database copy in the second data center and once the database copies have synchronized change the active copy.
    The other choice is to move is out of band which would usually involve an offline seed of the database (you could conceivably move via PST file but that would disrupt access to the mailbox and is not really the 'best way').
    In general, Exchange on-premises questions are best asked on the Exchange forum:

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    One more thing...
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    You see, part of the problem actually has nothing to do with the transfer process at all. The movie comes with 12tb of footage files. That's ALL the footage shot during their 18 day schedule. However, only certain shots, about 4tb worth, made it into the final cut of the film, and the editor did not separate those shots out for me. So now, I am responsible for manually sifting through all the footage and copying over just the shots that made the final cut. I have a list of the shots needed, and I have an exfat formatted 500gb usb2 drive that so far is performing as well as out can, but it's an incredibly slow process that is compounded by the slow, usb2, copy speeds I'm currently getting.
    Would a network connection handling such large amounts of transfers be faster than usb 2?
    And also, I tried a free pc utility that allows my pc to read and write to Mac drives, but the transfer speed was so slow that I abandoned that strategy. Would Paragon have faster speeds?

  • GAME: best way to MOVE objects: tweenlite them or increment their x any values

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    a. A little girl that walks and climbs
    b. Little platforms that slide from side to side - you have to jump on them
    c. The little girl will jump
    d. Little baddies will fly around the screen.
    ALSO, as the girl jumps I would like it to look natural
    a. Gravity as she falls down
    b. The correct increment on x and y as she jumps.
    Shouldn't their be an actionscript 3 games forum . anybody know a good site for that?
    Cheers in advance

    OK - I get the message. I should increment x.
    I must have phrased the question wrongly. I'm just looking at optimization techniques so when games go on mobile they work OK.

  • What is the best way to move my itunes from one computer to another and retain all files?

    what is the best way to move my itunes from one comupter to another?

    I assume you mean the media and playlists, not the iTunes application.

  • Best way to move Mail, Contacts, and Calendars

    I'm adding an additional server to my network to distribute some of my services and I would like to move the mail, contacts, and calendar services to this new server. It will be a ML machine running 10.8.5 with Server 2.2.1. I have these services already running on another server also running ML 10.8.5 and server 2.2.1.
    What's the best way to move the data between these two machines? Any suggestion are greatly appreciated!

    Mail: mailboxes from /Library/Server/Mail/Data/mail can be moved using command line
    - Note the correspondence between mailbox folder name(hexadecimal) and user name, can be extracted using Directory tool)
    - Also if u want to have the same username - hexa key maybe you should export the OD. Personally I would just rename old folder to new hexa key)
    - Do not forget to also check(mimic) the folder group/owner rights
    Calendar&Contacts: Use Export and Import.
    I honestly think this are the best ways (fast&clean).
    Also I think they are safe, mail 100% is transferred and for Calendar&Contacts I am not aware of any data that can be lost during export-import.
    (of course you can also replicate your server using DiskUtility create new image, and then deactivate unwanted services)

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