Best way to quantize a sloppy live drum recording

I'm actually trying to quantize a guitar part, but for the sake of simplicity, let's say a sloppily played drum loop. My guess would be to use either Groove Machine or Quantize Engine, but neither of them changed anything, or perhaps I'm doing it wrong? I basically double-click the audio region I want to fix, select Quantize Engine, and hit "Process". There doesn't seem to be a change in the original audio file. Do I need to slice the audio file first, into the individual hits or is Logic supposed to automatically detect the start points of each drum hit?
Am I doing this right or is there a better way to quantize audio?

I haven't tried Flex Mode yet, but wouldn't that be a bit tedious if there are constant 16th notes for the whole song? I would imagine there is a way for Logic to detect the audio being played in the recording, then quantize them to tempo...

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    Waheed Azhar wrote:
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       SELECT employee_id, salary*1.1 FROM employees
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    FROM <large_table> B
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    Oracle related stuff blog:
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    CREATE TYPE test_typ AS OBJECT (abc NUMBER, def NUMBER, ghi NUMBER);
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    @Mark D Powell
    To give you a background my client faced this problem  a week ago , This is part of a daily cleanup activity .
    Right now i don't have the access to it due to security issue . I could only take few AWR reports and stats when the access window was opened. So basically next time when i get the access i want to close the issue once and for all
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    So what is wrong with just issuing an update to update all 8 Million rows? 
    In a previous run , of a single update with full table scan in the plan with no parallel degree it started reading from UNDO(current_obj=-1 on event "db file sequential read" wait event) and errored out after 24 hours with tablespace full on the tablespace which contains the BLOB data(a separate tablespace)
    To add to the problem redo log files were sized too less , about 50MB only .
    The wait events (from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY )for the problematic sql id shows
    -  log file switch (checkpoint incomplete) and log file switch completion as the events comprising 62% of the wait events
    -CPU 29%.
    -db file sequential read 6%.
    -direct path read 2% and others contributing a little.
    30 % of the samples "db file sequential read" had a current_obj#=-1 & p1 showing undo file id.
    Is there any concurrent DML against this table? If not, the parallel DML would be an option though it may not really be needed. 
    I think there was in the previous run and i have asked to avoid in the next run.
    How large are the base table rows?
    AVG_ROW_LEN is 227
    How many indexes are effected by the update if any?
    The last column of the primary key column is the only column to be updated ( i mean used in the "SET" clause of the update)
    Do you expect the update will cause any row migration?
    Yes i think so because the only column which is going to be updated is the same column on which the table is partitioned.
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    Right now to avoid UNDO issue i have suggested to use PL/SQL approach & have asked increasing the REDO size to atleast 10 times more.
    My big question after seeing the wait events profile for the session is:
    Which was the main issue here , redo log size or the reading from UNDO which hit the update statement. The buffer gets had shot to 600 million , There are only 220k blocks in the table.

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    The easiest soluce is to forget the use of separate documents.
    Use one sheet per year and it will be really easy to achieve your goal using only formulas.
    With separate documents, the unique soluce is to use an AppleScript.
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    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 4 août 2010 19:15:58

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    Apples Back to my Mac isn't really suitable for this - it is designed for a single person who wants their Apple ID on the system. It would mean she would have to share hers with you & you would also have to setup her Apple ID on your Mac - it is messy & causes trouble with iCloud, iTunes etc.
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    Messages (Mavericks): Share your screen
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    if you want to record the sounds that your drum kit makes, as audio, you can get the audio interface (however, all you really need is an audio cable).
    if you want to play GB's (or any third party) drums, get the MIDI interface. MIDI gives you some advantages, like being able to edit each note, if you wish. plus there are many drum kits you can install and then play with your hardware.

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    Would be great to have more info but on a 24fps timeline with 24fps footage, you can simply right click and change the speed/duration to whatever. It'll be more jittery than smooth 60fps slow-mo. If your footage is shot at 60fps and you are editing on a 24fps timeline, just select the clip and right-click and choose MODIFY>Interpret footage and change the fps to 23.976 and you're done. Now when you drop that clip on the timeline it's in smooth slow-mo. Or, you can just toss the original clip on the timeline and change the speed/duration setting to 40%. Pretty much the same thing although the former is better if you need to add any warp stabilization to the clip. Anything you want to speed back up you can either duplicate the clip in the project panel and change it back to the original frame rate OR you can simply adjust it on the timeline to 250% speed which is back to normal. Good luck!

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