Binary package CFLAGS

Hi I am of moving from Gentoo to Arch, mainly due to the fact that binary distros are much quicker/easier to install and maintain and the fact that the performance benefit from compiling with your exact GCC CPU option is probably negligible.
However I wanted to ask, the binary packages for Arch64, is there a place that describes what gcc options were used to compile them?

most likely the defaults from makepkg.conf: … kepkg.conf

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  • Making Arch packages out off Gentoo Binary packages

    emerge in portage can build binary packages of what it compiles.
    emerge -b konqueror konq-plugins nsplugins
    and we get splik KDE pkg of konqueror with all it dependencies
    arch pkg vs gentoo pkg
    gentoo pkg doesn't have 2 files: .FILELIST and .PKGINFO + it makes tar.bz2 not tar.gz packages
    how to convert a gentoo package
    - unpack
    - add .FILELIST (list all files >> .FILELIST)
    - create .PKGINFO data from package Ebuild can be used
    - tar.gz it and done
    Someone good in bash/sh scripts could write something so it would convert those packages more automaticly. To make gentoo packages you need gentoo but you don't have to install it like a normal distro:
    1. get i686 stage from here 85MB
    - untar it to /home/user/gentoo
    tar -xvjpf file.tar.bz2
    - cp /etc/resolv.conf to gentoo/etc/
    - modify /etc/make.conf (in gentoo)  add:
    - add USE flags
    and you can set CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS... jackass (unofficial stages) uses someting like:
    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -pipe"
    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -O2"
    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fweb"
    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -frename-registers"
    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fforce-addr"
    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -momit-leaf-frame-pointer"
    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fomit-frame-pointer"
    CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fvisibility-inlines-hidden"
    as root in console chroot to gentoo:
    - go to folder with gentoo
    chroot ./ bin/bash
    source /etc/profile
    then if net works:
    emerge sync
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    Separate KDE packages are bit hard to make via pkgbuild because you have to:
    - make spited source packages
    - set dependencies for them
    And it isn't easy Gentoo has splitted KDE sources, but ebuilds aren't to friendly for pkgbuilds But running gentoo binaries on arch will help find all required dependencies for those splitted source packages and based on that – make pkgbuilds
    Currently I'm using Gentoo with splitted KDE packages and they do work faster – less dependencies etc. + they are easy to update (1MB K*something instead whole kdebase*or*something). My vacations starts next week and I'll try to make some gentoo -> arch work in the next months ;]
    (and I switched to Gentoo to get all the soft I wanted "on-demand" – I have only modem at home and now I have some exams so I can't play with arch to get them.)

  • Where to get a binary package that will give library

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    Software that i used to install Mediawiki: apache2.2, mysql 5.0, php5.2
    Where to get a binary package that will provide a library or something ??
    What to do to get it working ??
    Thanks for any response

    There is no need to install this library. I have made mistake. When i was doing copy-paste a password from OpenOffice then this password did not mutch with password that was type by hand into firefox. Only this was the problem.

  • Binary package for VTK

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    Even though, it is not necessary to install python, j2sdk and tcl/tk to use
    If a user needs to use the python, java, and/or tcl/tk modules, he/she can
    install the required packages separately.
    The only caveat with the complete build (data, examples and documentation are
    included) is that it requires almost 80 MB of space.
    2. The second scenario is to provide individual packages for each module
    (i.e. libvtk, vtk-python, vtk-tcl and vtk-java), the data files, examples and
    documentation (i.e. vtk-doc, vtk-data and vtk-examples) and create a group vtk
    to allow complete installation.
    Please let me know what you think.
    Thanks in advance

    I would love to see a vtk package or PKGBUILD!!!    

  • Question about distribution of binary packages..

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    If you wan to create a repo, you'll need to use gensync to generate the database: … %20gensync

  • Best source of binary packages for Solaris 10

    Which is the best source, Sun's companion CD,,,, or others?

    Depends on your needs. Ie what criterion you use to decide "best".
    blastwave and opencsw are more "modern" complete repositories.
    They come with a "pkg-get" system for recursively fetching a package and all its depencies.
    But they have a slightly higher startup cost as you have to install the pkg-get framework. Not that its hard.
    You can't just download a package off the website and install it.
    These days blastwave has made a cut with the past and only supports solaris 10/opensolaris.
    opencsw is a fork that still supports solaris 8+.
    the sun cd is a old snapshot of a small subset of whats on sunfreeware.
    So if you just want one simple package. Grab it off sunfreeware.
    If you want something more complex. eg a bunch of packages or a package with complex dependencies, its worth making the effort to get it off blastwave. Unless your running solaris 8/9. In which case use opencsw.

  • Is there a way to create a local package repository

    Is there a way to create a local package repository without technically being a mirror.  For example, setting up multiple AL box's on my network and having them grab all the latest packages from one AL box?

    What you most likely want is an ABS tree of your own, containing only the PKGBUILDs of those packages which you want to be included in your repository.
    You should already have heard of the gensync program. In short, the parameters are the root of PKGBUILDs, sorted in subdirectories (ie. like the ABS tree), the intented name and location of the repository database file, and the directory containing the binary packages.
    Let's assume you downloaded the current ABS tree to your hard drive, as well as all matching (same version as in the PKGBUILDs!) packages from a mirror, but you don't want the reiserfsprogs package in your repository. To achieve that, you must remove the /var/abs/base/reiserfsprogs directory, and may optionally remove the binary package, too. Since gensync analyzes the ABS tree you supplied as a parameter, removing the subdirectory of a specific package will cause this very package to not be included in the generated database. Assuming your packages lie in /home/arch/i686/current, your gensync call would look like this:
    gensync /var/abs /home/arch/i686/current/current.db.tar.gz /home/arch/i686/current
    If there are any discrepancies like
      - PKGBUILD, but no matching binary package found
      - PKGBUILD and binary package versions do not match
      - permission problems (writing the db file must be possible)
    gensync will gladly complain.
    Otherwise you should find the db file in the place you specified. Keep in mind that the name of the db.tar.gz file must be equal to the repository tag in the pacman.conf to use the repo.
    To make sure the db contains the right packages; use
    tar -tzf current.db.tar.gz | less
    to list the contents. Every package has it's own subdirectory including the metadata, which is rather obvious considering the file's generated from such a structure in the first place.
    The binary packages along with a correctly generated db file are all you need. Make the repository directory containing these files available through FTP if local availability doesn't cut it for you, edit your pacman.conf if needed, and use it!
    Adding packages works similar; All you need to have is the PKGBUILD in an ABS-like tree (it doesn't have to be the official tree; gensync doesn't care where the files come from. Just stick to one subdirectory per PKGBUILD, and you'll be fine), and the matching packages somewhere else, run gensync with the appropriate directories, and cackle with glee.

  • How to Use a Binary Library

    I am trying to use a binary library (Xerces 2.9.0). I would like to know if there is a way to use this library by putting it in my project path and using an import statement to do so. I did this with a version of entagged and placed it in "lib\\entagged" (where my compiled classes are located) and used the folder hierarchy:
    import lib.entagged.*;Is it possible to do the same with a binary package as in the image linked here:
    This would make it easier to compile and use across multiple computers...
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks Peter for the reply
    Peter__Lawrey wrote:
    you are not looking for a standard binary searchI'm not using a binary search in the very common I'm searching for a particular key sense, which is the Collections.binarySearch sense. But binary searches are used in other situations as well. In this case I'm finding a local maximum of a function, I could also be solving f(x)=0... is there a nice generic way to handle other uses of binary search that anyone knows of?
    I would just copy the code from Collections.binarySearch and modify itI have this thing about reusing; just can't bring myself to do that :)
    It would be quicker and more efficient than trying to shoe horn a solution which expects a trinary result.Not sure I understand the last bit. Are you referring to my bastardised compareTo method with only two results? If so, I know, it is ugly! I don't see how it could be less efficient though???

  • How to check for updates on SCM packages?

    Hey guys,
    I wondered for some time now how to check for updates on SCM packages, i.e. -git
    or -svn ones. Updates for binary packages are automatically updated by pacman,
    no problem there. Checking for updates on non-SCM packages from the AUR is
    easily done with one of the various helper tools available (personally, I use
    However, SCM packages can change without their PKGBUILD changing, so I'm not
    notified that I should recompile and update them.
    Is there a "proper" way of doing this? Am I missing something?
    Thanks in advance!

    If your system is booting then u can say that your bootblks are installed.Usually BootBlks are present in 0 & 1 slice of UFS Filesystem
    directory where ufs boot objects reside.
    An x86 FDISK partition for the Solaris software begins with a one-cylinder boot slice, which contains the partition boot program (pboot) in the first sector, the standard Solaris disk label and volume table of contents (VTOC) in the second and third sectors, and the bootblk program in the fourth and subsequent sectors. When the FDISK partition for the Solaris software is the active partition, the master boot program (mboot) reads the partition boot program in the first sector into memory and jumps to it. It in turn reads the bootblk program into memory and jumps to it. Regardless of the type of the active partition, if the drive contains multiple FDISK partitions, the user is given the opportunity to reboot another partition.

  • Custom configuration of packages

    Is it possible for a custom configuration of packages?
    For example, dwm has no configuration file for customization but instead make all customization via a C header file that gets built into the binary. Obviously in this example it would require the ability to build from source. Is that something pacman can handle? I know that NetBSD's pkgsrc allows either installing binary packages or compiling from source and the latter allows for customization (for example, using inet6 for nmap).

    pacman installs packages that are build by makepkg from PKGBUILDs. If you can make a PKGBUILD that suits your tastes - whether via configure options, some sed magic or otherwise - you'll get a package that suits your needs.
    There are many packages in the AUR that are a variation of some package from the official repo, e.g. mplayer: You've got
    - mplayer-minimal-svn,
    - mplayer-mt-lite,
    - mplayer-mt-oss-git,
    - mplayer-vdpau-svn
    and many others.

  • Slackware TGZ to Arch Linux Package Converter

    I have two programs that interest me (LilyPond and Battle for Wesnoth) that don't have Arch Linux packages and compiling them would involve hunting everywhere for obscure dependencies (LilyPond in particular) so I just downloaded the Slackware packages, inspected them and found that by unzipping them onto the root folder (as superuser) and running the install script (if there is one) I can get them to run with minimal fuss.
    Has the idea of making a Slackware to Arch package converter been brought up before? Is there any problems with this? (Slackware is i386-optimised if I remember correctly, but I think it's still worth it since there is more Slackware packages than Arch Linux ones out there.)

    i3839 wrote:Flames?? Where? You sure you didn't misread something?
    Here's what I read, admitting that it doesn't seem quite as bad the second time around...:
    Oh? All I was hearing is that Arch already has enough packages, and that the devs are overloaded and almost down.
    "you don't know which way is up, you contradict yourself while continuing to ignore the problems and aren't fixing anything".
    Also getting custom packages into Arch's official repository seems a bit hard currently, not to mention that it's totally unclear how to do that (drop it in incomming and wait a year? Lotto?).
    "The system isn't working and you haven't done anything to try to fix it. I haven't read or noticed any of the threads illustrating that this topic has been argued to death and isn't going unnoticed"
    Maintaining packages is the most work, and every distro maintains the same packages over and over again. Tell me why to not use good, working packages from another sane distro?
    "The other distros are better."
    (Personally, I don't care if anybody likes another distro better, but if so, use it instead, don't talk about it)
    Changing GCC often gives the same problem as updating to new major libraries. Simply leave the old GCC libs or make a seperate package for them. Currently it's rather impossible in Arch to install new packages with an outdated system, if that's solved then it's also easy to use Slackware packages.
    "The Arch philosophy of keeping packages stable but up to date is just plain wrong.  I don't bother to pacman -Syu before I mention problems."
    Of course if would be best if there was a nice, good binary package standard that works on all distros, so that the application makers can make and maintain the packages themselves, but that's utopia (paths are too often hardcoded for instance).
    "hey, I do have some good ideas".
    It isn't a matter of being able to do something or not, it's a matter of convenience. All programs should be relative easy to compile from source, but that doesn't mean that everyone should compile all programs themselves.
    "There aren't enough Arch binaries to go around"
    "ABS sucks"
    "Hold my hand, I can't compile."
    "I use Arch cause I don't like Gentoo". :-D 
    Yeah, some of that is a little (or quite, or even very) harsh, you can blame it on me rather than taking it to heart.
    As for the slackware packages issue, I'm personally not writing a script to convert them; I've never used slackware in my life. The idea has merit, but I get tired of people discussing pros and cons and not doing anything. I think that's because I'm about as bad as anyone on that front, possibly worse.

  • I need to upgrade Firefox V14 to V25. users personal settings and bookmarks not are removed when the new version is distributed. how can i do packaging ??

    I have to perform upgrade from Firefox 14.0.1 to Firefox 25.0.1.
    I have downloaded offline installer and installing it.
    i have downloaded and its installing fine for -MS .
    after launching the icon in desktop getting following prompts
    import The settings and data
    import install solutions, bookmarks, browsing history, lose the north, and other data from:
    Microsoft internet explorer(need to select this option)
    import not anybody Thing
    valj homepage
    import home page from internet explorer (need to select this option)
    how i should suppose to suppress the this prompts.
    and also my new package should not delete the older book marks .
    support me to handle this case... :(

    Whenever your upgrading firefox browser, it updates only the browser it never remove your settings and bookmark. If you like the clean reinstall follow the below steps
    Note: clean reinstall removes everything from your system
    Certain Firefox problems can be solved by performing a ''Clean reinstall''. This means you remove Firefox program files and then reinstall Firefox. Please follow these steps:
    '''Note:''' You might want to print these steps or view them in another browser.
    #Download the latest Desktop version of Firefox from and save the setup file to your computer.
    #After the download finishes, close all Firefox windows (click Exit from the Firefox or File menu).
    #Delete the Firefox installation folder, which is located in one of these locations, by default:
    #**C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
    #**C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
    #*'''Mac:''' Delete Firefox from the Applications folder.
    #*'''Linux:''' If you installed Firefox with the distro-based package manager, you should use the same way to uninstall it - see [[Installing Firefox on Linux]]. If you downloaded and installed the binary package from the [ Firefox download page], simply remove the folder ''firefox'' in your home directory.
    #Now, go ahead and reinstall Firefox:
    ##Double-click the downloaded installation file and go through the steps of the installation wizard.
    ##Once the wizard is finished, choose to directly open Firefox after clicking the Finish button.
    Please report back to see if this helped you!
    Thank you.

  • [SOLVED]How to install .deb application (debian binary)

    Hello guys,
    I want to install the Adobe Connect 8 Add-in which can be found under the following link. (Link to the adobe website) (Links to the debian file)
    As adobe stated on their website, this .deb file is for linux. Therefore I hope that this includes archlinux, too. So the question is how can I install binary package with the format .deb?
    Please tell me that it is possible. I would really appreciate if someone can tell me how I can install this properly.
    Last edited by Archie_Enthusiasm (2010-12-14 19:50:48)

    Archie_Enthusiasm wrote:thanks for the responses. but the problem is that I am relatively new to arch linux. Since I had one serious problem with my nvidia driver because of an unsupported binary, I only use official arch linux repos for installing the application. I really (please understand this) do not want to take risk doing stuff on my own for this. My lap should be working tomorrow. Otherwise I will miss my presentation with adobe connect which would be very pity for me.
    If its crucial it works within a certain time, run Debian or Ubuntu and install the program. Whichever way you look at it, unpackaging a .deb on an Arch system involves at least a bit of 'hackery' which does not involve Arch's repos.
    The better solution is to actually try things out, and learn while doing so. Nobody is going to just give you the right answer, that's not how the distro works. In the case of what you're trying to do, YMMV, so even more there'll be no 'right answer' to point you to.

  • Developer Opening: Package Maintainer

    Hey guys.
    It's time to get a couple more maintainers on the dev team.  Eric Johnson (farphel) is leaving, so we'll need some people to pick up his packages.  There are also quite a few orphan packages that need some love.
    If you're interested and you've got the goods, lemme know.  Preference will be given to long-standing community members and people that have proven they can get things done.

    If "package maintainer" wouldn't imply "Arch dev" but simply what it says then the problem is sort of gone. Assuming that packages follow Arch guidelines and don't have a big influence like e.g. the rc scripts and init. But enough about this.
    Voting for quality of packages is good, but it won't really help a lot because it isn't organized. The exact purpose of the current vote system is already vague, let alone the confusion of the new one. It also doesn't help to verify that the binary package is alright (build with the given pkgbuild), nor does it help getting an AUR repo with safe packages. But if done right it could work I suppose, though the chance that AUR is polluted with comments about the security aspect of a package instead of about the package itself is high. I expect communication between the auditors more suited for a dedicated mailinglist.
    We'll always need different repo's, as one repo can't fulfil all functionality. More or less what there's now and could be:
    1) official repo's: can be trusted and expected high quality.
    2) TUR/community: same as official, but made by other people.
    3) AUR: high chance of being safe, but no quality guarantees other than that it builds and installs.
    4) bare binaries from the AUR site: use at your own risk.
    I fixed the url in your post Dusty, if you don't mind. Also, this voting system is good to have independend of the active auditing thing, and should go both ways: you should be able to vote that a package is alright, but one vote that it isn't should invalidate the whole package, so to speak, until the matter is resolved. Now only what's missing is that all packages with a certain goodness score are automatically build and added to an AUR repo which people can use (say 5 positive votes and none negative). Also if a new version is uploaded then the whole process needs to start again; perhaps if only the versions changed it could be automated so that it isn't needed. In most other cases it should.

  • [solved] Obtaining sources for a specific package version (freetype2)

    I am currently trying to understand a problem that I have with freetype2. The problem occurs whith a propietary program (Mentor Graphics Questa) after updating from freetype2- to freetype2- Please see my forum post at:
    At the moment I am using a local version of the library when running Questa, but I would like to know why the update breaks compatibility. When I run a diff between the two binary packages, I get:
    Binary files 1/.MTREE and 2/.MTREE differ
    diff -r 1/.PKGINFO 2/.PKGINFO
    < # Generated by makepkg 4.1.1
    < # using fakeroot version 1.19
    < # Wed Jun 19 22:44:50 UTC 2013
    > # Generated by makepkg 4.1.2
    > # using fakeroot version 1.20
    > # Fri Oct 11 16:47:15 UTC 2013
    < pkgver =
    > pkgver =
    < builddate = 1371681890
    > builddate = 1381510035
    < size = 1777664
    > size = 1781760
    > depend = libpng
    Binary files 1/usr/lib/ and 2/usr/lib/ differ
    Binary files 1/usr/lib/ and 2/usr/lib/ differ
    Binary files 1/usr/lib/ and 2/usr/lib/ differ
    This doesn't tell me a lot, except that a dependency on libpng was added. Then I tried to get the sources for the two versions. I looked at: … /freetype2
    Unfortunately I only see a commit for, without the "-1" or "-2" by which the aforementioned versions differ. I couldn't find an explanation as to what these version suffixes mean. Is there a way to find out what exactly the difference between the two packages is?
    Last edited by tgessler (2013-12-18 13:18:05)

    µ ² wrote:AFAIK, those numbers are PKGBUILDs pkgrel.
    That's right
    tgessler wrote:The problem occurs whith a propietary program (Mentor Graphics Questa) after updating from freetype2- to freetype2- … 613eaaae18
    Last edited by karol (2013-12-18 12:51:43)

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