Bitmap from Video?

would it be possible to capture a bitmap image from video
I would like to enable the possibility to save video frames
to a jpeg file using the original video resolution.

For example in the runtimes\player\win folder I would suggest downloading and renaming...
1. .exe ===> FlashPlayerDebugger.exe
2. 2bit.exe ===> InstallPlugin.exe
3. .exe   ===> InstallAX.exe

Similar Messages

  • Bug Report iOS 7 iTunes. Since it is repeatable on 3 iPhones and 4 iPads here, I'm sure others are experiencing the same thing. Apple, might want to take a peek at this. When a tv show or movie is deleted from Videos, the Videos app shuts down.

    Bug Report iOS 7 iTunes. Since it is repeatable on 3 iPhones and 4 iPads here, I'm sure others are experiencing the same thing. Apple, might want to take a peek at this. When a tv show or movie is deleted from Videos, the Videos app shuts down instead of returning to video playlist.
    Restarting videos works and looks like video is getting deleted.
    Just a bug report

    You might want to report that to Apple instead of to the other users in this forum.

  • This is how you extract frames from video

    right then, in answer to many posts about how to get the individual frames from video, here is my solution. it seems to work with mpg files but it doesnt seem to work with any of the avi files i tried. not sure why it doesnt work with those. i have modified javas frame access.
    nothing is displayed except it prints which frame it is doing.
    if anyone wants to improve it, please do. i still dont understand fully how it works so i probably wont be able to answer many questions about it. anyway here it is:
    * @(#) 1.5 01/03/13
    * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    * Sun grants you ("Licensee") a non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use,
    * modify and redistribute this software in source and binary code form,
    * provided that i) this copyright notice and license appear on all copies of
    * the software; and ii) Licensee does not utilize the software in a manner
    * which is disparaging to Sun.
    * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
    * This software is not designed or intended for use in on-line control of
    * aircraft, air traffic, aircraft navigation or aircraft communications; or in
    * the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear
    * facility. Licensee represents and warrants that it will not use or
    * redistribute the Software for such purposes.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * Sample program to access individual video frames by using a
    * "pass-thru" codec. The codec is inserted into the data flow
    * path. As data pass through this codec, a callback is invoked
    * for each frame of video data.
    public class FrameAccess implements ControllerListener {
         Processor p;
         Object waitSync = new Object();
         boolean stateTransitionOK = true;
         public boolean alreadyPrnt = false;
         * Given a media locator, create a processor and use that processor
         * as a player to playback the media.
         * During the processor's Configured state, two "pass-thru" codecs,
         * PreAccessCodec and PostAccessCodec, are set on the video track.
         * These codecs are used to get access to individual video frames
         * of the media.
         * Much of the code is just standard code to present media in JMF.
         public boolean open(MediaLocator ml) {
              try {
                   p = Manager.createProcessor(ml);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                        "Failed to create a processor from the given url: " + e);
                   return false;
              // Put the Processor into configured state.
              if (!waitForState(Processor.Configured)) {
                   System.err.println("Failed to configure the processor.");
                   return false;
              // So I can use it as a player.
              // Obtain the track controls.
              TrackControl tc[] = p.getTrackControls();
              if (tc == null) {
                        "Failed to obtain track controls from the processor.");
                   return false;
              // Search for the track control for the video track.
              TrackControl videoTrack = null;
              for (int i = 0; i < tc.length; i++) {
                   if (tc.getFormat() instanceof VideoFormat) videoTrack = tc[i];
                   else     tc[i].setEnabled(false);
              if (videoTrack == null) {
                   System.err.println("The input media does not contain a video track.");
                   return false;
              String videoFormat = videoTrack.getFormat().toString();
              Dimension videoSize = parseVideoSize(videoFormat);
              System.err.println("Video format: " + videoFormat);
              // Instantiate and set the frame access codec to the data flow path.
              try {
                   Codec codec[] = { new PostAccessCodec(videoSize)};
              } catch (UnsupportedPlugInException e) {
                   System.err.println("The process does not support effects.");
              // Realize the processor.
              if (!waitForState(Processor.Prefetched)) {
                   System.err.println("Failed to realise the processor.");
                   return false;
              return true;
         /**parse the size of the video from the string videoformat*/
         public Dimension parseVideoSize(String videoSize){
              int x=300, y=200;
              StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(videoSize, ", ");
              String size = strtok.nextToken();
              StringTokenizer sizeStrtok = new StringTokenizer(size, "x");
                   x = Integer.parseInt(sizeStrtok.nextToken());
                   y = Integer.parseInt(sizeStrtok.nextToken());
              } catch (NumberFormatException e){
                   System.out.println("unable to find video size, assuming default of 300x200");
              System.out.println("Image width = " + String.valueOf(x) +"\nImage height = "+ String.valueOf(y));
              return new Dimension(x, y);
         * Block until the processor has transitioned to the given state.
         * Return false if the transition failed.
         boolean waitForState(int state) {
              synchronized (waitSync) {
                   try {
                        while (p.getState() != state && stateTransitionOK)
                   } catch (Exception e) {
              return stateTransitionOK;
         * Controller Listener.
         public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent evt) {
              if (evt instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent
                   || evt instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent
                   || evt instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) {
                   synchronized (waitSync) {
                        stateTransitionOK = true;
              } else if (evt instanceof ResourceUnavailableEvent) {
                   synchronized (waitSync) {
                        stateTransitionOK = false;
              } else if (evt instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
         * Main program
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              if (args.length == 0) {
              String url = args[0];
              if (url.indexOf(":") < 0) {
              MediaLocator ml;
              if ((ml = new MediaLocator(url)) == null) {
                   System.err.println("Cannot build media locator from: " + url);
              FrameAccess fa = new FrameAccess();
              if (!
         static void prUsage() {
              System.err.println("Usage: java FrameAccess <url>");
         * Inner class.
         * A pass-through codec to access to individual frames.
         public class PreAccessCodec implements Codec {
              * Callback to access individual video frames.
              void accessFrame(Buffer frame) {
                   // For demo, we'll just print out the frame #, time &
                   // data length.
                   long t = (long) (frame.getTimeStamp() / 10000000f);
                        "Pre: frame #: "
                             + frame.getSequenceNumber()
                             + ", time: "
                             + ((float) t) / 100f
                             + ", len: "
                             + frame.getLength());
              * The code for a pass through codec.
              // We'll advertize as supporting all video formats.
              protected Format supportedIns[] = new Format[] { new VideoFormat(null)};
              // We'll advertize as supporting all video formats.
              protected Format supportedOuts[] = new Format[] { new VideoFormat(null)};
              Format input = null, output = null;
              public String getName() {
                   return "Pre-Access Codec";
              //these dont do anything
              public void open() {}
              public void close() {}
              public void reset() {}
              public Format[] getSupportedInputFormats() {
                   return supportedIns;
              public Format[] getSupportedOutputFormats(Format in) {
                   if (in == null)
                        return supportedOuts;
                   else {
                        // If an input format is given, we use that input format
                        // as the output since we are not modifying the bit stream
                        // at all.
                        Format outs[] = new Format[1];
                        outs[0] = in;
                        return outs;
              public Format setInputFormat(Format format) {
                   input = format;
                   return input;
              public Format setOutputFormat(Format format) {
                   output = format;
                   return output;
              public int process(Buffer in, Buffer out) {
                   // This is the "Callback" to access individual frames.
                   // Swap the data between the input & output.
                   Object data = in.getData();
                   // Copy the input attributes to the output
                   return BUFFER_PROCESSED_OK;
              public Object[] getControls() {
                   return new Object[0];
              public Object getControl(String type) {
                   return null;
         public class PostAccessCodec extends PreAccessCodec {
              // We'll advertize as supporting all video formats.
              public PostAccessCodec(Dimension size) {
                   supportedIns = new Format[] { new RGBFormat()};
                   this.size = size;
              * Callback to access individual video frames.
              void accessFrame(Buffer frame) {
                   // For demo, we'll just print out the frame #, time &
                   // data length.
                   if (!alreadyPrnt) {
                        BufferToImage stopBuffer = new BufferToImage((VideoFormat) frame.getFormat());
                        Image stopImage = stopBuffer.createImage(frame);
                        try {
                             BufferedImage outImage = new BufferedImage(size.width, size.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
                             Graphics og = outImage.getGraphics();
                             og.drawImage(stopImage, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, null);
                             //prepareImage(outImage,rheight,rheight, null);
                             Iterator writers = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("jpg");
                             ImageWriter writer = (ImageWriter);
                             //Once an ImageWriter has been obtained, its destination must be set to an ImageOutputStream:
                             File f = new File(frame.getSequenceNumber() + ".jpg");
                             ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(f);
                             //Finally, the image may be written to the output stream:
                             //BufferedImage bi;
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                             System.out.println("Error :" + e);
                   //alreadyPrnt = true;
                   long t = (long) (frame.getTimeStamp() / 10000000f);
                        "Post: frame #: "
                             + frame.getSequenceNumber()
                             + ", time: "
                             + ((float) t) / 100f
                             + ", len: "
                             + frame.getLength());
              public String getName() {
                   return "Post-Access Codec";
              private Dimension size;

    The quality of the produced video from this example is very poor.
    It comes to huuuuge surprise the following fact.
    If you comment the line where you set the PostAccessCodec, the chain of the codecs is:
    MPEG-1 decoder -> YUV2RGB -> Direct Draw Renderer. ( The one used from the system to decode and render)
    If you run the example purely as is above you get the following sequence(as long with the poor quality):
    MPEG-1 decoder -> YUV2RGB -> Windows GDI Renderer.
    So you say lets set another Renderer. So
    you add the following line videoTracker.setRenderer( new DDRenderer() )
    What comes to a surprise is the following chain of codecs:
    MPEG-1 decoder -> YUV2RGB -> Post Codec -> Java RGB Converter - > DDRenderer
    The quality now may be perfect but video runs to slow. The surprising thing here is that even though we have set the outputFormat of the PostAccessFrame codec to RGBFormat the system converts it again to RGB through codec Java RGB Format.
    After searching a lot and reaching the conclusion that the deference between the 2 RGB's is their sizes I sudently was brought in front of a method called grabFrame(). Bels started ringing inside my head. Starts were comming up. Looking at the definition of the class I descovered that this damn class implements the FrameGrabbingControl Interface. What the f.....? The problem that consumed 4 days of my life and multiplied with 10 to give hours has finally come to an and.
    Summing up the solution for grabbing frames is this!!!!!
    DDRenderer renderer = new DDRenderer();
    videoTrack.setRenderer( renderer );
    and in your actionPerformed implementation
    FrameGrabbingControl fr = (FrameGrabbingControl)renderer.getControl( "");
    Buffer frame = fr.grabFrame();
    The following stuff ...are stated in FrameAccess

  • Macbook pro redina display keeps on telling me that the hard drive is full from Videos, and yet their is no videos, what can i do?

    Macbook pro redina display keeps on telling me that the hard drive is full from Videos, and yet their is no videos, what can i do?

    If the Storage display seems to be inaccurate, try rebuilding the Spotlight index.
    Empty the Trash if you haven't already done so. If you use iPhoto, empty its internal Trash first:
              iPhoto ▹ Empty Trash
    Do the same in other applications, such as Aperture, that have an internal Trash feature. Then restart the computer. That will temporarily free up some space.
    According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of available space on the startup volume (as shown in the Finder Info window) for normal operation. You also need enough space left over to allow for growth of the data. There is little or no performance advantage to having more available space than the minimum Apple recommends. Available storage space that you'll never use is wasted space.
    When Time Machine backs up a portable Mac, some of the free space will be used to make local snapshots, which are backup copies of recently deleted files. The space occupied by local snapshots is reported as available by the Finder, and should be considered as such. In the Storage display of System Information, local snapshots are shown as  Backups. The snapshots are automatically deleted when they expire or when free space falls below a certain level. You ordinarily don't need to, and should not, delete local snapshots yourself. If you followed bad advice to disable local snapshots by running a shell command, you may have ended up with a lot of data in the Other category. Ask for instructions in that case.
    See this support article for some simple ways to free up storage space.
    You can more effectively use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper (ODS) or GrandPerspective (GP) to explore the volume and find out what's taking up the space. You can also delete files with it, but don't do that unless you're sure that you know what you're deleting and that all data is safely backed up. That means you have multiple backups, not just one. Note that ODS only works with OS X 10.8 or later. If you're running an older OS version, use GP.
    Deleting files inside an iPhoto or Aperture library will corrupt the library. Any changes to a photo library must be made from within the application that created it. The same goes for Mail files.
    Proceed further only if the problem isn't solved by the above steps.
    ODS or GP can't see the whole filesystem when you run it just by double-clicking; it only sees files that you have permission to read. To see everything, you have to run it as root.
    Back up all data now.
    If you have more than one user account, make sure you're logged in as an administrator. The administrator account is the one that was created automatically when you first set up the computer.
    Install the app you downloaded in the Applications folder as usual. Quit it if it's running.
    Triple-click anywhere in the corresponding line of text below on this page to select it, then copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    sudo /Applications/
    sudo /Applications/
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing command-V. You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator. Ignore any other messages that appear in the Terminal window.
    The application window will open, eventually showing all files in all folders, sorted by size. It may take a few minutes for the app to finish scanning.
    I don't recommend that you make a habit of doing this. Don't delete anything as root. If something needs to be deleted, make sure you know what it is and how it got there, and then delete it by other, safer, means. When in doubt, leave it alone or ask for guidance.
    When you're done with the app, quit it and also quit Terminal.

  • Is there a way to create a picture from video in iMovie 11

    Is there a way to create a jpg picture from video in imovie?
    I have noticed several work arounds which are not so easy. This was previously a feature that was very helpful to put in stills in the drop zones in idvd from your video project. Only makes sense. Why has it been removed?

    See my post here.
    We are all just users here. Nobody knows why Apple includes features or not.

  • Ipad background audio from video when multitasking

    This is a request if people can either feedback On their present experience or try this out themselves first and feedback.
    I have an ipad 1. When ever i try to get background audio to play from video when multitasking in another app, eg safari, from any video app including plex, airvideo, vlc,  and the original apple video app. All that occurs is that the icon changes to the ipod and a random song is played from my music library instead of the audio from the video i was watching. This does not matter if the video file is streamed or stored on the ipad itself.
    There is one slight and occasional proviso to this, as at times if the video file is tagged in itunes as 'music' rather than 'movie' or 'tv show' etc then it does on occasions work, and on occasions youtube videos will play in the background. But most of the time these aspects also dont function int he background with the ipod icon instantly replacing which ever video app icon i tried to use in the background.
    Now my sons iphone 4 manages to function correctly and always plays video in the background when multitasking.
    I have asked this question before on this forum, with no response, so booked a visit to my local genius bar. Where they checked my ipad and agreed it wasnt working as ios should, then interestingly they attempted to do the same on an ipad 2 and it failed to work in exactly the same way.  Their response was that this was obviously a fault of the ipad ios, possibly due to the ipad having a separate video app where as the iphone has video within its generic ipod app.
    I did the usual by informing apple via of this bug through the feedback system, and requested that the genius bar do the same. But having thought about this, and failed to see any other users on this forum who are also puzzled at this lack of what i think is an important function, i wonder if this means that i am the only one who likes to listen to video when im browsing, so dont need it, or wether everyone elses ipads function as ios should do, and for some reason both my ipad, and the ipad 2 tested in the shop are at fault.
    So can i request if others reading this can have a go to see if their ipad will play background audio from video when multitasking, or if the same problem occurs.
    Thanks very much this is really appreciated.

    Oops clicked the wrong button, I meant to click a 'helpful answer' as it  hard to have a correct answer to such a question.
    But thanks for the replies.
    It looks like this is a bug in ios solely for the ipad, as it does work fine on the iphone  although wonder which way the ipod touch will perform. interestingly it looks like i may also be in the minority of wishing to listen to video files as I browse:)
    Which probably means apple may never get around to sorting it, as no one else uses the function.
    Anyway thanks for the replies, if any one else wants to see the bug have a go and comment, i find it funny how I seem to be the only one to have found it to date.

  • 8 cm dvd from video camcorder

    Since it is not recommended to put an 8 cm dvd into a slot loading dvd drive, can it be saved as a file that my iMac can read (quicktime or ?) if I open it on my wife's laptop, which is running windows 7?

    Can iMacs play 8 cm dvd from video cameras?
    Only if put into a tray-loading drive. If one is put into a slot-loading drive, it may become stuck.

  • How to create a bitmap from a FlashPro Shape?

    CS Extension Builder n00b here.  I am looking for a way to generate a bitmap from a FlashPro Shape object.   The bitmap doesn't have to be a FlashPro Bitmap object... just an in-memory bitmap, or even a .png file on disc.  Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

    It's a two-step procedure:
    First, plot the data on your canvas, probably using CanvasDrawPoint (, , ); there are three NI examples for Canvas: use Help / Find Examples
    Second, you can save the canvas control to a file using SaveCtrlDisplayToFile from the toolbox library. As an alternative, you could use GetCtrlDisplayBitmap and then SaveBitmapToBMPFile.

  • Can you copy a video on iPad 2 from Videos to Photo Album?

    I need to add videos to a Keynote presentation I am making but the videos I need are saved on my iPad in the Videos App not the Camera Photo Album. And Keynote's insert media doesn't recognize the Video app as a source for media.
    Is there a way to copy/move/export from Videos to Photo Album?

    Can I use iMovie to save the video from my Videos Album to my Camera Roll?  That seems like it would be the easiest way, but I don't want to spend the $5 for an app that won't do what I want it to do.

  • LR 5.5 - Cannot export/publish to HDD or Flickr from video frame capture - "An internal error has occurred: assertion failed"

    Basically as the title states, I cannot publish a set of photos that originated as video frame captures, whether to my hard drive or using a service plugin for Flickr. I have tried multiple publish service plugins for Flickr and everything fails precisely the same way. This only happens when I add photos to the collection that are JPG's derived from video, and it only started doing this recently. I have other frame captures that I uploaded just fine, but it appears that nothing from the set I worked on the other day wants to upload. Other NEF-derived photos from the same set work just fine.
    All I get is a Warning dialog stating that an error has occurred while the main dialog stops on "Preparing to export...", then it kicks me back with no action taken when I click OK. The status in the upper left says "Updating Published Collections". If I remove the new frame capture photo, it works fine, but as soon as I add one to the collection, it fails to publish.
    I updated from 5.4 to 5.5, tried new publish plugins, completely removed and recreated my local profile, reimported my catalog, all to no avail. Everything worked fine two days ago, then when I went to upload my latest edits yesterday, I started receiving the error and have had no luck fixing it.
    I used debugView to capture a log as the error occurred, so I can provide that for a developer or support contact if required.
    EDIT: I just tried choosing some different photos in the set, and most appear to work, so it is just some particular images that it does not like. I will try to narrow it down.
    Message was edited by: Andrew Morton

    I narrowed it down to one photo in particular that it does not like. It's not a deal-breaker, but I am still curious what is going on that is causing that one photo being in a set to break the publish process

  • Copying Bitmaps from Photoshop to Flash

    There are a few things I really miss or find quite annoying when copying Bitmaps from Photoshop to Flash.
    Life could be so much easier, but well, as so often, it isn't, because:
    Why is the alpha channel discarded? I mean you can copy whole Ilustrator-Selections to Flash, but you can't copy an alpha channel in a bitmap from Photoshop
    What about this (stupid) dpi-inclusion? Flash is a pixel-based application. It does not really help if you find a bitmap in the flash IDE library which natively has odd dimensions like 273.45 x 81.28 and you aren't able to change that in the properties. you could as well just delete this bitmap again, because bitmaps with odd dimensions and DPI don't really help in Flash (well this may be another case with bitmaps which are a part of a whole collection like when importing AI-content. But for a single bitmap?)
    Is there at least an option to turn-of the DPI-conversion for single Bitmaps?
    I think otherwise the DPI settings for the flash document and the settings in the PSD document should match. But that would be really tedious.
    I always use a freeware program like irfanview to lose the extra DPI information which is just a big annoyance in many situations.
    Well, that's about it

    No, sort of. If you can live with the text EXACTLY as it is in
    Photoshop, kill all the layer except the text and save as PDF from
    Photoshop. Place the PDF in InDesign and it will retain its vector
    properties and formatting. You will not be able to edit anything.

  • Split audio from video doesn't split video at the same point ?

    When I split the audio from a video in GarageBand I would like the video to be split at the same point (so that I can insert audio in between without everything getting out of sync).
    Is this possible?
    (I don't want to use iMovie since that turns my 150 MB mov file into a 8 GB file..take ages to import)
    The reason I want to insert audio in between video fragments is that I am creating an audio description of a tv series for a blind friend. I watch the video, pause that, and describe. Then continue.
    If I can split both the video and "audio from video" at the same point and drag those to the right, so there's room to record something in between (then in the end I'll just drag it all so that the parts join up, delete the video and merge the audio. I hope.)
    Thanks in advance!!

    I figured out how to reset the Youtube video upon hiding thanks to Heathrowe's answer and FigFrance's contribution to the thread found here:
    The secret was adding .empty() to my video container.  Here is my functioning button code:
    Show Video:
    //code to embed youtube into symbol
    var youtube = $("<iframe/>");
    youtube.attr('type', 'text/html');
    youtube.attr('width', '640');
    youtube.attr('height', '360');
    youtube.attr('src', '');
    youtube.attr('frameborder', '1');
    youtube.attr('allowfullscreen', '0');
    // Show an element
    Hide Video:
    // Hide an element

  • How do I Clone dust spots from video across footage? I can do on individual frames but don't know ho

    How do I Clone dust spots from video across footage in CC? I can do on individual frames but don't know how to batch process .
    How do I save it after? Render?

    To fill in the void in the background, you can use the clone tool. However, for a large area that may not work well.
    A good alternative is to use a "digital patch". With the rectangular marquee tool , select a pleasing substitute from somewhere else in the picture (not a fire hydrant!),  then place this on its own layer (CTRL+J), and with the move tool position the patch and resize it if indicated
    You should also explore the Recompose tool (ALT+CTRL+R) which may work well for your purpose.

  • I also have the same issue..whenever i turn the 60 fps mode on the camera freezes while switching from video to any other mode...does everyone have the same issue?

    My 6 plus camera freezes while switching from video to other modes after 60 fps is enabled....does everyone else have the same issue?

    Yup, i have the same issue, i reported this with apple and there is ticket opened for me with
    the engineering section. more that month still not solved. I was hope after update to IOS 8.1.3 to fix!
    But not fixed yet.
    YOu should to report also with apple bro.

  • Can I import movies originating from video's that were put on a DVD import in IMovie?, Can I import movies originating from video's that were put on a DVD import in IMovie?

    Can I import movies originating from video's that were put on a DVD import into IMovie?

    You need to convert the VOB files in the TS-Folder of the DVD back to DV which iMovie is designed to handle. For that you need mpegStreamclip:
    which is free, but you must also have the  Apple mpeg2 plugin : or-mac-os-x
    (unless you are running Lion in which case see below))
    which is a mere $20.
    Another possibility is to use DVDxDV:
    which costs $25.
    For the benefit of others who may read this thread:
    Obviously the foregoing only applies to DVDs you have made yourself, or other home-made DVDs that have been given to you. It will NOT work on copy-protected commercial DVDs, which in any case would be illegal.
    And from the TOU of these forums:
    Keep within the Law
    No material may be submitted that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act.
    Do not submit software or descriptions of processes that break or otherwise ‘work around’ digital rights management software or hardware. This includes conversations about ‘ripping’ DVDs or working around FairPlay software used on the iTunes Store.
    If you are running Lion:
    From the MPEG Streamclip homepage
    The installer of the MPEG-2 Playback Component may refuse to install the component in Lion. Apple states the component is unnecessary in Lion, however MPEG Streamclip still needs it. See this:
    To install the component in Lion, please download MPEG Streamclip 1.9.3b7 beta above; inside the disk image you will find the Utility MPEG2 Component Lion: use it to install the MPEG-2 Playback Component in Lion. The original installer's disk image (QuickTimeMPEG2.dmg) is required.
    The current versions of MPEG Streamclip cannot take advantage of the built-in MPEG-2 functionality of Lion. For MPEG-2 files you still need to install the QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component, which is not preinstalled in Lion. You don't have to install QuickTime 7.

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