BizProcException: BPE027 Could not get an instance for 'Callable'-class

Hi Experts...
I have so much troubles with the implementation of the  "Java Class Atom"...
My Scenario doesn't work because i don't have any idea how to use this atom.
Can you help me to implement my Java class...i had read the documentation
but the atom does not work...put here mi java class code
package Hola;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.sql.Connection;
public abstract class Hola implements Callable{
     public Hola(){ }
     public boolean call(java.util.Properties inProps, BizProcMessage inMsg, java.util.Properties outProps, BizProcMessage outMsg, java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String jobID) throws Exception{
            String ret = null;
            ret = "Call Response in outprop ";  
            outProps.setProperty("clsprop", ret);
            return false;
       catch (Exception e){
            throw new Exception("Error");
  public boolean isThreadSafe() {return false;}
  public boolean usesJDBC() {return false;}
  public void mustDestroy(){}
  public static void main(String[] args){
I have the suspect of the error is on my code, but i'm not sure.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards.

Well I found this under Control Center -> Development -> BPC Reference
User defined Java-Classes for the Call-Atom via the 'Callable' interface
This interface must be implemented by classes intended to be called by the B1iBizProcessor via the Call-Atom. Instances of these classes are subject of internal pooling if they do not indicate after a usage that they should be destroyed. In order to be able to create them internally in a generic way, they have to implement a parameterless initializer !!!
I just searched the entire BizStore for but was unable to find it. 
I also searched Google for and it only come up with my posts.
I also searched the SAP Partner Portal, and SAP SDN with no avail.
Is this functionality only for internal SAP use?

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    Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA
    Novell Support Forums Volunteer Sysop
    Novell does not officially monitor these forums.
    Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own.
    These thoughts may not be shared either Novell or any rational human.
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    > Craig where do I to determine that? I know it has to run as admin but I
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    >> --
    >> Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA
    >> Novell Support Forums Volunteer Sysop
    >> Novell does not officially monitor these forums.
    >> Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own.
    >> These thoughts may not be shared either Novell or any rational human.
    >> <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >> > It is associated with the user and I can get access to the exe via
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    >> >> ,
    >> >> > Could not get needed resources for application [App name. edir
    > path]
    >> > to
    >> >> > be launched (id=-669).
    >> >> >
    >> >> > Problem: Unable to connect to server [server name]
    >> >> >
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    >> >> >
    >> >> -669 is "wrong password" IIRC. Is this app associated to user or WS,
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    >> > is
    >> >> t trying to access that path wth the User's or Workstation's
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    >> >>
    >> >> - Anders Gustafsson, Engineer, CNE6, ASE
    >> >> NSC Volunteer Sysop
    >> >> Pedago, The Aaland Islands (N60 E20)
    >> >>
    >> >> Novell does not monitor these forums officially.
    >> >> Enhancement requests for all Novell products may be made at
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >> Using VA 5.51 build 315 on Windows 2000 build 2600
    >> >>
    >> >

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    # Generated by NetworkManager
    # Generated by NetworkManager
    Last edited by timothy (2012-01-19 00:15:51)

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    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN;
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    Hi Pushpa,
    Which enhancement package are you on currently? This is observed in cases where originals in DIR's are invisible and sometimes error message 26296 occurs in transaction CV01n. Hence,please check your entries in the table SDOKPROP to avoid such a problem in your system.
    Further,suggest you explore if the below resolutions can be adopted in your case.
    Pradeepkumar haragoldavar

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    SSOException caught: com.iplanet.sso.SSOException: Invalid session ID.
    03/18/2008 10:17:59:091 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-0,10,Grizzly]
    Forwarding for authentication to: /UI/Login?goto=%2Famserver%2Fcdcservlet%3FTARGET%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fbonecrusher.test.local%253A80%252F%253FsunwMethod%253DGET%26RequestID%3D20798%26MajorVersion%3D1%26MinorVersion%3D0%26ProviderID%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fbonecrusher.test.local%253A80%252Famagent%26IssueInstant%3D2008-03-18T10%253A18%253A09Z
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    CDCServlet.doGetPost: Query String received: TARGET=http%3A%2F%2Fbonecrusher.test.local%3A80%2F%3FsunwMethod%3DGET&RequestID=20798&MajorVersion=1&MinorVersion=0&ProviderID=http%3A%2F%2Fbonecrusher.test.local%3A80%2Famagent&IssueInstant=2008-03-18T10%3A18%3A09Z
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    WARNING: Advice List is : null
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    CDCServlet.doGetPost: targetURL = http://bonecrusher.test.local:80/?sunwMethod=GET
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    CDCServlet.doGetPost: gotoURL = http://bonecrusher.test.local:80/?sunwMethod=GET
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
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    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    CDC Servlet: Restriction string for: http://bonecrusher.test.local:80/ is: id=TestCDSSOAgent,ou=agent,dc=test-sun,dc=local [bonecrusher.test.local, bonecrusher.test.local]
    03/18/2008 10:18:04:482 AM GMT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2,10,Grizzly]
    ERROR: CDCServlet.doGetPost:Exception occured
    java.lang.Exception: Invalid Agent: Could not get agent for the realm
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    Based on the previous post I believe it has something to do with the validity checks performed by the CDC. The post describes 3 checks and I believe my solution is failing one of these, however I am not sure which.
    As far as I understand it my logs above demonstrate that the agentRootURL is correctly set, but I'm not sure what other values are needed.
    Any advice would be greatly received.

    Quick follow up :)
    This problem was caused by the Access Manager instance not being able to resolve the IP address for 'bonecrusher.test.local'
    After I added the entry for this into the hosts file everything worked.

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    Has anyone had and conquered this problem? Any ideas on what I should do? I have 300+ albums, so getting the cover art from wikipedia would be a bit tedious. I'd appreciate any help anyone can give!

    Hello, Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Are your songs from Audio CDs or iTunes Store? If not you may need to manually find the album artwork for them as these songs may not be listed in the iTunes Store database for your region.
    iTunes: Album art may not download properly
    iTunes will only download album artwork for songs that it can find in the iTunes Store. iTunes will check each song in your iTunes library and attempt to match it up with a song in the iTunes Store. If the data matches, iTunes will download the album artwork from the iTunes Store and add it to the song in your iTunes library. If iTunes does not find a particular song's artwork in the iTunes Store, you will not see an alert message. iTunes simply does not download artwork for that song.

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    We have a code which is downloaded from SVN repository.
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    Kindly help me on how to fix the error.
    Thanks, Swarnaprakash

    Dear Swarnaprakash,
    The Web Dynpro DCs Import C:\----\user\.dtc\LocalDevelopment\DCs\\test and
    the related package for DC  is missing once check it after try to import.
    Depending on which Java compiler preferences are set, you may see some
    warnings in the "Task" view after importing the project. If the severity level for problems of type "Unused imports" (set in Preferences – Java – Compiler) has the value "Warning", the compiler will issue a warning for unused import references. Ignore these warnings!
    Still You getting means delete your .metadata before take the backup.after open the NWDS again it will set new configurations in your system.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Durga Rao.

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    Hi - I created a form in Adobe Livecycle and have a button on it to send the form via email. It worked, but only for those with PC. However,  I could not get it to work with Apple loaded with Yosemite even with reader installed .  Is there a way i can make it work for apple / Mac? It worked fine on a mac using Mountain Lion and reader

    LiveCycle = XFA forms.
    afaik - These cannot be used in Apple OSs.
    Be well...

  • I get a message of "Could not find installation information for this machine." after trying to Reinstall Mac OS X.

    I would like to repartition the Main HD to two Partitions but could not do so and keep on getting an error message of "Could not unmount disc.." so I tried choosing the "Macintosh HD" partition and tried Partitioning it but the option is not available. So to my frustration I tried clicking on "Erase" to see whether doing so would allow me to finally partition my HD but still can't. And now since I erased my Macintosh HD partition I could no longer boot to Lion.
    Before doing the above steps I downloaded the Lion Recovery Disc Assistant and created an external Recovery HD using an 8GB flash drive. I used this as startup destination by choosing it as boot destination from pressing Option before startup. I tried using Mac OS X  Utilities to Reinstall Mac OS X from the external drive but I only get "Could not find installation information for this machine." message. I also tried booting from the Recovery HD partition on the HD but i also get the same message.
    I have a new iMac that came with OS X Lion 10.7.
    Anybody have idea how to fix this?

    Partitioning on-the-fly may fail if the disk is too fragmented. You cannot run Erase for the internal disk as it contains its system components. The same if trying to run Boot Camp in order to create the Windows partition, it may fail if disk is too fragmented.
    If I correctly understand what you want, then you must boot from an external disk, therefore copy Lion to a 4 GB (or higher) flash drive, run the installer, and then choose the option to partition the disk, this is done after rebooting into the installer from the external drive. You cannot do that if the Lion installer is on the internal drive as it cannot erase or repartition itself.
    If this fails (did you try this?), then perhaps you can try to create a Lion boot flash or DVD by using a non-Apple app called Lion DiskMaker, when ready restart, after chime press option / alt key, then choose to boot from this newly created boot disk or flash drive. This reportedly works OK (tried with an older version of Lion, not recently, was OK). It is better to work with a flash drive, Lion is not optimized to run from optical media.
    WARNING: disregarding the method, you MUST always back up your data when repartitioning or installing / reinstalling.
    Hope this helps to solve you issue. Before any attempt, backup, backup, backup.

  • Could not get stream for task attachment

    When uploading Document and Trying to view documents in Worklits we get the following error:
    <Error> <> <BEA-000000> <<>
    Could not get stream for task attachment:
    This seem to have been a bug on previous versions of Oracle BPM but we're receiving it on
    Any idea what might be causing this?
    someone that experienced a similar issue but was resolved bu applying a patch
    ID 1453480 - someone that experienced a similar issue but was resolved bu applying a patch

    Complete restart of the environment solved issue

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    <Email Edited by Host>

    The Best Alternatives for Security Questions and Rescue Mail
        a. Send Apple an email request at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us.
        b. Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contact Apple support.
        c. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions.

  • Getting error 'could not locate ASM instance' when make copy of ASM VM

    Hi everyone,
    I make virtual machine of OEL 5.7 with oracle and successfully configured ASM instance. I am using vmware workstation.
    Now when I make copy of this virtual machine and startup database, then I get the below error:
    [oracle@oelinux ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=asmdb
    [oracle@oelinux ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Sep 29 01:10:26 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to an idle instance.
    SQL> startup
    ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
    ORA-01565: error in identifying file '+ASMGROUP/asmdb/spfileasmdb.ora'
    *ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +ASMGROUP/asmdb/spfileasmdb.ora*
    ORA-15077: could not locate ASM instance serving a required diskgroup
    So how can i solve this problem??
    Note: I copy this VM using both copy/paste and clone option, but get this error both times.
    Khurram Bhatti

    EdStevens wrote:
    Khurram Shehzad wrote:
    I add 3 SCSI vmware disks. and then use them as a raw device. no ASMLib is used.
    I refer below tutorial
    That tutorial picks up after you created the disks.
    How did you create the virtual disks attatched to your vm? What are its properties - from VMWorksation's perspective.
    How did you create the "copy" of the vm?
    It depends on how you actually created the disks, at the vm level, not the partitioning and formatting at the vm's OS level. I've used Tim's tutorials myself on some other ASM related projects, and he typically has you create the ASM disks as 'sharable', which would mean they would not copy necessarily copy with the vm. I've not played around the with variants much, but I'm pretty sure what you are seeing is a result of either the way the disk was created in the original vm, or the way you made the copy of the vm, or both.
    Take a look at the machine properties of the two vms in the VMWorkstation control panel, looking at the HDD definitions. Compare and contrast.Hi EdStevens,
    My problem resolved with below steps. Thanks fro your replies.
    export ORACLE_SID=+ASM
    sqlplus sys as sysdba
    Connected to an idle instance.
    SQL> startup mount
    SQL> alter system register;
    SQL> exit
    [oracle@oelinux ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=asmdb
    [oracle@oelinux ~]$ sqlplus sys as sysdba
    Connected to an idle instance.
    SQL> startup
    ORACLE instance started.

  • Could not get metamodel for project

    Something strange happened...
    I developed ein Composited Application under SAP Netweaver 7.1 SP 3.
    Today I changed some code and run build.. And I get the error could not get metamodel for project.
    And furthmore illegal reference to a non-used resource found.
    Any Hints to resolve this problem?
    Thanks in advance
    Kind Regards!

    Thanks for your reply!
    The stacktrace I dont' have. Because I had the problem before the build. Thus I cannot have any trace on the server... I don't know where I can find the trace in Devstudio.
    I closed all the project and Reopened again. Now I only have the problem as followed: (in the problem tab)
    Severity and Description     Path     Resource     Location     Creation Time     Id
    Could not get metamodel for project LocalDevelopmentLocalDevelopmentzukoprototyp(          LocalDevelopmentLocalDevelopmentzukoprototyp(     Unknown     1200043648781     35143
    But I can build the projekt and redeploy it.
    Thanks anyway and have a nice day!

  • Could not get response for challenge?

    I could succefully use podcast capture to post video to groupblog.
    But when I used command line "pcastaction groupblog", it always said that
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    But "pcast_post2groupblog" works well for me. I wonder why this happened?
    I've updated my server to the latest version.

    If you look at the workflow, there is probably something in there like this:
    <string>--otp=##Groups Administrator Username:Groups Administrator Password##</string>
    That's a one time pad. I ran into this when troubleshooting our iTunes U workflow from the command line. To get my iTunes U stuff to work from the command line I had to generate a OTP each time, like so:
    $sudo pcastconfig --add_access "token" --properties "iTunes U Shared Secret"
    Except yours will be different because it's for group blog.... if indeed this is your problem. I only guessed this looking at the stock blog workflow, it uses an OTP.
    Hope that was helpful and not way off the mark.

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    I browsed reports that has been published in OEM. But I received an error:
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    What can I do?
    Thank a lot

    You will need to go into your Files and locate the song.  By default, iTunes saves songs in the iTunes Media Folder which can be found in the following locations:
    Mac OS X: /Users/username/Music
    Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\
    Windows Vista: \Users\username\Music\iTunes
    Windows 7 and Windows 8: \Users\username\My Music\iTunes
    If you locate your song file, when you try to play it in iTunes, you will be given an option to locate.  Navigate to the file in the pop up window and iTunes will re-path the file location.
    Most people encounter this issue when moving to a new computer or if you have your music saved on an external drive or folder that you have since moved or removed.  The imperative part is finding the song so you can re-map it.

Maybe you are looking for

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