Blackberry 9360 battery is charging too quickly

Hello everybody.. My blackberry 9360 has been chanrging way to quickly in the last few days and it drains out just as fast too. Sometimes it will show half battery life still available but it will drain fully in the next instant. I will put it on too charge and a drained battery will charge fully in TEN minutes (o,O).. And so the cycle will continues. What do you think is wrong here? 3month old phone or so..

I would say you likely have a defective battery. I'd get a replacement.
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  • Forum Mods, Please make this a sticky: BlackBerry PlayBook battery power charge, discharge characteristics, and guidance on extending battery life

    BlackBerry PlayBook battery power charge, discharge characteristics, and guidance on extending battery life
    The BlackBerry PlayBook may come to a power state where it is unable to power on; a Yellow LED may flash in a sequence of 5 flashes, the BlackBerry PlayBook may boot up to the BlackBerry PlayBook Logo and then power off, may not power on at all.
    Discharge behavior under normal use:
    Under normal active use, a battery drained to 10% will cause the device to prompt the BlackBerry PlayBook user (notification and audible beep)
    Without connecting a charger the device will automatically shut down at 3.53V (0%)
    Pressing the power button may allow successful boot, but it will turn off again very quickly
    Discharge behavior under no use:
    A device left unused but in ‘Stand By’ will warn the BlackBerry PlayBook user at 10% (notification and audible beep)
    The warning may not be noticed and the device will go back to ‘Stand By’
    Letting the device drain in standby mode drains the battery slower, but more completely
    Device will still shut off at 3.53V (0%), but it less likely to successfully boot afterwards
    Discharge behavior under 3.53V (0%):
    If the device is left to shutoff, the battery will continue to drain below 3.53V due to quiescent current draw from the motherboard and the battery fuel gauge
    With the battery between 2.7V-3.53V, pressing the power button causes the LED to flash a pattern (1 solid red light followed by 5 yellow blinks)  to indicate low battery (PlayBook Tablet OS version 1.0.5, and above)
    Below 2.7V there is no activity, or LED pattern displayed
    Charge Behaviour:
    The provided charger should be used to charge the device. The optional 12 volt rapid charger is may reduce charging times
    to approximately 3 to 4 hrs. Standard Blackberry smartphone chargers, other AC adapter USB chargers, or computer USB ports
    are not recommended for the sole purpose of charging the PlayBook as with these methods it may take more that 12 hours to
    charge the BlackBerry Playbook.
    If the battery voltage is below 3.53V(0%) then the charging behaviour is dependent on the software version.  The charging code will limit the charging current to under 400 milliamps, during which time, it may take an hour to reach 3.53 Volts. Once the battery voltage rises past 3.53 volts, then "high-rate" charging will start. If, after charging the Tablet for 4 to 6 hours still does not result in LED activity, attempt to force power on the BlackBerry Playbook by pressing and holding only the Power Button for only 20 seconds.
    Prior to BlackBerry Tablet OS 1.0.5:
    A BlackBerry PlayBook will never charge while powered off in BlackBerry Tablet OS versions prior to 1.0.5.
    The device will show a red light when the charger is connected and then nothing more
    Repeated connection of the charger can recover the device in some instances. 
    Once the battery voltage rises above 3.53V the system will boot and the UI will show charging
    Starting in BlackBerry Tablet OS 1.0.5:
    The device will show a solid red LED, followed by a solid yellow LED as the device boots into charging mode.  This is followed by a yellow pulsating LED indicating charging in progress.
    The time span between the red and yellow lights can be as long as 45 seconds as the device boots into charging mode. 
    Once the yellow LED illuminates, the device can be started, but it is advisable to let it charge for at least 3.5 hours to achieve a sufficient charge.
    The device will show a solid green LED once the device is fully charged.
    Starting in BlackBerry Tablet OS 2.0.1:
    Once the yellow LED begins pulsating indicating charging mode, if the BlackBerry PlayBook is disconnected from the charger, the following graphic will be displayed on the screen, indicating charging is not complete, and to reconnect the power source. The graphic will be displayed for 20 seconds before the BlackBerry® PlayBook powers off if the power source is not reconnected. The same graphic will also be displayed if the BlackBerry PlayBook is turned on and there is not sufficient power to perform the boot process.
    If the BlackBerry PlayBook is plugged into a power source, and the power button is pressed to power on the device, the following graphic will be displayed if there is not sufficient power to perform the boot process. If this occurs, the BlackBerry PlayBook should be left plugged in to gain enough charge to boot.
    Additional Information
    Turning off the BlackBerry PlayBook and using standby mode.
    Checking the battery power levelOn the status bar, tap the battery icon. When the battery power level is low, the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet will display a notification.
    Enter standby modePress the Power button on the top of the BlackBerry PlayBook..
    Exit standby modeSwipe down from the top frame to the bottom frame
    Turn off the BlackBerry PlayBookPress and hold the Power button. Tap Shut Down.
    To extend the BlackBerry PlayBook battery life, charge it regularly, close unused applications and keep the BlackBerry Playbook out of the sun and other hot places. The following may also be used to extend battery life:
    Dim the screenOn the status bar, tap the Options icon (a gear), select the Screen tab and change the Brightness setting
    Turn off the screen automaticallyOn the status bar, tap the Options icon, select the Screen tab and change the Backlight Time-out field
    Enter standby mode automaticallyOn the status bar, tap the Options icon, select the Screen tab and change the Standby Time-out field
    Turn off Wi-Fi when not in useOn the status bar, tap the Wireless icon and set the Wi-Fi switch to Off
    Turn off Bluetooth connectivity when not in use
    On the status bar, tap the Bluetooth icon and set the Bluetooth switch to Off
    Pause apps when you show the home screen or switch between apps  On the status bar, tap the Options icon, select the General tab and set the Application Behavior switch to Paused
    With the upgrade to PlayBook OS the following message may be displayed when connecting the Playbook to a PC using the micro-USB cable:
    Unable to charge battery with connected source
    This message is displayed because the voltage provided is insufficient for charging. The USB voltage is limited to 384mA even if the maximum tolerance is 500mA. The voltage is limited to 384mA by design to avoid violating the USB specification which states USB devices cannot draw more than 500mA from the USB port.

    TroyTempest wrote:
    I guess it's not what you know but whom you know. 
    Yup! Glad you're here though. I appreciate your contributions in the forums myself.

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    Many thanks,

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    Then I charged the battery again, removed the battery and put aside. After 24 hours reseated battery, turned the player on - the battery proudly showed all three bars! Then played one track and turned the player off, and after 3 hours turned on. The battery remained with one bar only. And after 8 hours, it was, of course, empty...
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  • Blackberry 9360 won't charge

    I've had my curve for going on 2 and a half years and obviously there is bound to be issues with it after this long of being used, but even when the phone was relatively new, I had problems with it. I have literally tried everything. swapping chargers, swapping batteries, using a USB port, the 4 hour and 15 minute "kickstart" process and a bunch of other little Internet hacks. the amount of people having problems with this phone is unbelievable. I've been on 4 different sites with forums talking about this phone not charging or turning on. I took my phone in a few months ago when it wouldn't turn on. miraculously, the second the tech held the end call button it turned on even though it hasn't for almost two days when Id been trying. they sent me away saying it was just lagging. should I just get a new phone, or is there something I can do?

    I don't follow at the end? Does the device turn on?
    If the device turns on and you want to continue using it, do a backup, then do a clean OS install. Test right after the OS install after you go through setup. Assuming it charges, when you restore, just restore your personal data. Do not restore settings. Do settings and customizations over from scratch. And for now, only install add-on and third-party apps that you absolutely need.
    - Ira

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    3. WIFI does not connect regulary
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    How quick ? With my moderate use it easily lasts about 2 days .. but some applications / functions will surely drain the battery much more quickly .. Have a look at THIS .. Also note that if the phone is new, the battery will take some 10-12 recharges to stabilise. 
    If in spite of following all the recommendations the battery drains far too quickly, you need to get the device inspected .. You may find more information HERE

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    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    Are you charging the device with a electric outlet charger or are you charging using the USB cable to your computer?
    KB31810 Differences between a USB charge only cable and a data charge cable
    BlackBerry Curve 9350/9360/9370 Smartphones - BlackBerry Curve Series - 7.1
    Offical Blackberry Leaning Channel
    I found some great tips on charging your device.
    Here's a great article from the Inside the Blackberry Help Blog
    Extending BlackBerry 6 and BlackBerry 7 battery life
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

  • Battery BL5C charges and discharges very quickly

    I am using Nokia 1650, Battery BL5C. This battery fully charges in less than 1 hour(the messgae saying battery fully charged pops-up). And this, so-called fully charged battery discharges very quickly, in a days time and mobile gets switched off. Mobile is used only for making and receiving calls which are very few and also i usually do not use it for playing games on it. (Point is, its not so heavily used to discharge the battery so quickly.)
    Is this battery problem or phone's hardware/software problem? I heard its happening to quite a many cell phones.
    The mobile phone I used earlier also had this problem.

    Try to calibrate it.
    1. Run the battery empty.
    2. Charge it without turning the phone on.
    3. Once battery full, turn it on, and try to charge again until you get the full warning.
    4. Let the battery run till dry again
    5.Charge without turning the phone on
    6. Boot then charge to full
    Battery should be calibrated by then,.
    If you find my post helpful please click the green star on the left under the avatar. Thanks.

  • My iphone is currently using battery life much more quickly than inthe past, and it also has an icon tht is starying on the screen, to the left of the battery charge percentage, that looks like a lock with a circle around it

    i have an iphone that is using battery life much more quickly than in the past, a full charge is going to zero in a half a day or so, with out much use.
    an icon is also appearing next to the charge percentage in the top right, and the icon is a circle around a lock
    can anyone tell me what the problem is, and what the icon means?

    The Icon meas your display orientation is locked to vertical so it wont change when you turn the phone sideways.
    First thing you should check with the battery life is multitasking, which also happens to be where the orientation lock can be turned off.  check out and go from there

  • I have an ipod nano 5th generation. the problem with it's that it doesn't show in itunes when connected to the laptop and it switches on on its own and songs start playing the battery gets consumed too fast after full charge. what is the actual problem?

    i have an ipod nano 5th generation. the problem with it's that it doesn't show in itunes when connected to the laptop and it switches on on its own and songs start playing the battery gets consumed too fast after full charge. what is the actual problem?

    What have you tried so far in terms of troubleshooting this issue?  Are you plugging the iPod into a high powered USB 2.0 port on the back of your PC? Have you tried a different USB cable?
    What happens if you try to reset the device with it still connected to the PC?
    How to reset iPod
    Has this iPod ever worked on this PC or is this the first time you have time you have tried connecting it?
    Have you carefully worked through each and every single suggestion in this Apple support document?
    iPod not recognized in 'My Computer' and in iTunes for Windows

  • My iphone 5 gets hot while using it and while charging too.... Please help me what should i do?? Should i replace the battery....??  Because it gets hot even within 5 minutes also....  And it is happening from 2 weeks daily.

    My iphone 5 gets hot while using it and while charging too.... Please help me what should i do?? Should i replace the battery....??  Because it gets hot even within 5 minutes also....  And it is happening from 2 weeks daily.

    The Basic Troubleshooting Steps are:
    Restart... Reset... Restore from Backup...  Restore as New...
    Restart / Reset   >
    Backing up, Updating and Restoring  >
    If you try all these steps and you still have issues... Then a Visit to an Apple Store or AASP (Authorized Apple Service Provider) is the Next Step...
    Be sure to make an appointment first...

  • I bought macbook pro 2 days ago. its battery decrease quickly. i've callibrated the battery. i charge the battery full but when i remove the adapter, its battery goes 97% within 2 minutes. please help

    i bought macbook pro 2 days ago. its battery decrease quickly. i've callibrated the battery. i charge the battery full but when i remove the adapter, its battery goes 97% within 2 minutes. please help

    that seems normal:  Also, new macs do not require battery calibration:

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