Blocks Number for a certain Index

How do I know
total Blocks Number for a certain Index
I tried DD's user_indexes but in vain
Thx a lot


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    Blocked numbers are just that blocked. Since no physical connection was made to you via Verizon's call/text blocking service it will not be on your call logs.
    Only completed calls/texts appear
    Good Luck

  • Determine Block Number at Save

    Hi Gurus,
    we'are tryning to determine the block numbers for a specified resource into Tcode /sapapo/res01
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    * from here, a block number can be set by from a customer
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    * In order to activate, above Form propose_blocknr_for_line,
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    * Also, some methods of class /SAPAPO/CL_TMC01TB may
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    hi Romain
    Block numbers to be generated automatically. This is not a standard functionality. Based on the customer requirement we  activating the user exit /SAPAPO/LMC01_RULF99.
    for every Location and resource we specified a number range
    for Block ID
    User Exit - /SAPAPO/LMC01_RULF99 is implemented to achieve the  Generation of block number automatically.  It is implemented in the Function Pool  /SAPAPO/MC01_RUL Formulate Rules Using Characterisics, inside the sub program /SAPAPO/LMC01_RULF05.
    Read the table gt_tmc01tr with key component id and Block id.
    In the subroutine propose_blocknr allows automatic determination of a block number for a newly created block by user enhancement. Using the method /sapapo/cl_mc01_vrs=>componentid_unfold get the resource id and version id, because the action to be performed only on a Active version. Now, call the /sapapo/cl_tmc01tb=>blockid_2_blocknr to get the old block numbers, so that it does not get disturbed. Call the method /sapapo/cl_tmc01tb=>blocknr_is_unique
    To have a block number which is unique.
         Now, block number is generated using the following procedure. Initially check if any block number is already exists or not. If not, proceed further by calling the function module MMRP_RESID_2_RESNAME for getting the resource name and id. Split the resource at u2018_u2019 and get the location number. Get the Number range from the block number range table zao_blk_num_ran( custom table which stores location , resource & number range). Check for the location number and Resource exists in the table, if it matches then call the function module: NUMBER_GET_NEXT to generate an unique number for each block.
         Now, to specify the range, ZAO_BLOCK ( custom object)is created in SNUM transaction.
    After generating the number the exit /SAPAPO/LMC01_RULO15 is used to display them.
    In the standard code, a line has been deleted and a new line is added to make the block number in display mode.
    Hope this information helpas you
    please feel free to ask furthur doubt
    Vaibhav sareen
    Edited by: vaibhav sareen on Jul 3, 2009 2:23 PM

  • How to create a validation for a certain document number range?

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    May I just seek assistance on how to limit a certain document number range from normal posting via F-65?
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    This is how I set up the pre-requsite for the validation rules:
    Pre-requisite:  Transaction Code = FBV1

    Ok great.. Thanks a lot for the help.If I may just ask one more? =)
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Using large block sizes for index and table spaces

    " You are not using large blocksizes for your index tablespaces. Oracle research proves that indexes will build flatter tree structures in larger blocksizes.
    Is this a generic statement that I can use for all tables or indexes? I also have batch and online activity. My primary target is batch and it should not impact online. Not sure if both have common tables.
    How to find the current block size used for tables and index? is there a v$parameter query?
    What is an optimal block size value for batch?
    How do I know when flatter tree str has been achieved using above changes? Is there a query to determine this?
    What about tables, what is the success criterion for tables. can we use the same flat tree str criterion? Is there a query for this?

    user3390467 wrote:
    " You are not using large blocksizes for your index tablespaces. Oracle research proves that indexes will build flatter tree structures in larger blocksizes.
    Is this a generic statement that I can use for all tables or indexes? This is a generic statement used by some consultants. Unfortunately, it is riddled with exceptions and other considerations.
    One consultant in particular seems to have anecdotal evidence that using different block sizes for index (big) and data (small) can yield almost miraculous improvements. However, that can not be backed up due to NDA. Many of the rest of us can not duplicate the improvements, and indeed some find situations where that results in a degradation (esp with high insert/update rates from separated transactions).
    I also have batch and online activity. My primary target is batch and it should not impact online. Not sure if both have common tables.
    How to find the current block size used for tables and index? is there a v$parameter query?
    What is an optimal block size value for batch?
    How do I know when flatter tree str has been achieved using above changes? Is there a query to determine this?
    What about tables, what is the success criterion for tables. can we use the same flat tree str criterion? Is there a query for this?I'd strongly recommend that you
    1) stop using generic tools to analyze specific problems
    2) define you problem in detail ()what are you really trying to accomplish - seems like performance tuning, but you never really state that)
    3) define the OS and DB version - in detail. Give rev levels and patch levels.
    If you are having a serious performance issue, I strongly recommend you look at some performance tuning specialists like "", "", "", "", or even Oracle's Performance Tuning consultants. Definitely worth the price of admission.

  • Stored Procedure to block DN for specified BP unless ODLN.NumAtCard contain 6-digit number

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    I am trying to us SPTN block delivery for specified BP unless supplier reference field contains 6 digit number (this is Customer PO number format)
    --Block CCOR001 DN unless 6 figure number in ODLN.NumAtCard
    IF @object_type = '15' AND @transaction_type = 'A'
    IF EXISTS(SELECT T0.[Docentry] FROM ODLN T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode] = 'CCOR001' AND T0.[NumAtCard] != ###### AND T0.docentry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
    SELECT @error = 1, @error_message = N'Cannot deliver without 6 digit Purchase Order number'
    I am working on above query needing assistance with how to specify 6-digit number here ###### ?

    Hi Nagarajan,
    Thank you for assistance these queries are functioning well and due to improving knowledge I have added another condition to because when I tested I discover it is possible to add DN by putting "Verbal" in the field. Because we have many customers who do not require formal purchase orders it is necessary to block 'Verbal' and 'To be confirmed' 'TBC' 'follow' and so on.
    Here is query: It seems to work fine with basic testing so far..
    IF @object_type = '15' AND @transaction_type IN ('A','U')
    IF EXISTS(SELECT T0.[Docentry] FROM ODLN T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode] = 'CCOR001' AND T0.[NumAtCard] is null AND ISNUMERIC( T0.NumAtCard ) = 0 OR LEN(CAST(T0.[NumAtCard] As nvarchar(4000))) <> 6 AND T0.docentry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
    SELECT @error = 1, @error_message = N'Cannot deliver without 6 digit Purchase Order number'

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    Hi Guys,
    Business need a report which contains the translation of 'MM' numbers (typically beginning with '51') assigned for parked PO invoices vs. the 'FI' document number that comes out in the parked report. 
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    Can someone help me pull this report from MM
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hello Habeeb,
    Check out the report MR43 which gives information about Parked invoice. Also you can have a look on MIR6 with check box Parked Innvoice.
    The main table for parking invoice is VBKPF and other relevent tables are as follow:
    VBKPF                          Document Header for Document Parking
    VBSEC                          Document Parking One-Time Data Document Segment
    VBSEGA                         Document Segment for Assets Document Parking
    VBSEGD                         Document Segment for Customer Document Parking
    VBSEGK                         Document Segment for Vendor Document Parking
    VBSEGS                         Document Segment for G/L Accounts Document Parking
    VBSET                          Document Segment for Taxes Document Parking
    Hope this helps.
    Arif Mansuri

  • Which Event Classes i should use for finding good indexs and statistics for queries in SP.

    Dear all,
    I am trying to use pro filer to create a trace,so that it can be used as workload in
    "Database Engine Tuning Advisor" for optimization of one stored procedure.
    Please tel me about the Event classes which i  should use in trace.
    The stored proc contains three insert queries which insert data into a table variable,
    Finally a select query is used on same table variable with one union of the same table variable, to generate a sequence for records based on certain condition of few columns.
    There are three cases where i am using the above structure of the SP, so there are three SPS out of three , i will chose one based on their performance.
    1) There is only one table with three inserts which gets  into a table variable with a final sequence creation block.
    2) There are 15 tables with 45 inserts , which gets into a tabel variable with a final
    sequence creation block.
    There are 3 tables with 9 inserts , which gets into a table variable with a final
    sequence creation block.
    In all the above case number of record will be around 5 lacks.
    Purpose is optimization of queries in SP
    like which Event Classes i should use for finding good indexs and statistics for queries in SP.
    yours sincerely

    "Database Engine Tuning Advisor" for optimization of one stored procedure.
    Please tel me about the Event classes which i  should use in trace.
    You can use the "Tuning" template to capture the workload to a trace file that can be used by the DETA.  See
    If you are capturing the workload of a production server, I suggest you not do that directly from Profiler as that can impact server performance.  Instead, start/stop the Profiler Tuning template against a test server and then script the trace
    definition (File-->Export-->Script Trace Definition).  You can then customize the script (e.g. file name) and run the script against the prod server to capture the workload to the specified file.  Stop and remove the trace after the workload
    is captured with sp_trace_setstatus:
    DECLARE @TraceID int = <trace id returned by the trace create script>
    EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 0; --stop trace
    EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 2; --remove trace definition
    Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP,

  • How do I protect my Verizon blocked number when texting?

    I was shocked to find that my Verizon iPhone blocked number was in fact revealed when I sent text to an Android user who was employing a little app refused by Apple named Mr. Number.  I like to know that I am safe and protected and when and when I'm not.  I like to have anonymity upon certain occasions when using my phone.  I had always placed trust in Apple for ther supposedly having my best interests in mind as they control their world and the trade-off to us, their loyal consumers, was to expect a safe and well managed environment.  I have found so many instances where this is not the case.
    After finding that my blocked number was revealed to this Android user employing his Mr. Number app, I immediately did a search and ended up at the app store and downloaded everything I could find that promised to do a similar thing, though ultimately nothing did what Mr. Number does.  I even paid for two or three of them and upon initial review, I found that not one actually even did what they claimed to do.  I'll of course be spending more time with each to see if I've missed anything, but I have to say how very very dissappointed I am in Apple for not providing more security to its iPnone users when it surly must know what we are up against.  Apple does in fact know about Mr. Number as after visiting their web site they state that "Apple doesn’t allow developers to build better calling and texting apps for the iPhone."  I surly agree with this statement.
    Apple!  Please consider the vulnerability we have as you've not allowed us to protect our privacy sufficiently.
    Are there any suggestions or resources, apps etc.., that I've not heard of?  Any suggestions to making my phone more protected when it comes to my phone number and other information associated with it?
    Many thanks in advance!

    jc.p wrote:
    just assumed that I was being protected when using it.  Not the case I find, by accident.  So much for assuming...and not getting into the fine details with, I guess, Verizon as I pay them for the basic blocing service...or at least I think I pay...maybe ints included...
    Caller number blocking { ie your number when you call someone } ONLY covers the CALL part of the service. There is NO way to block your phone number EVER when sending a text message.

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    ... he has already threatened to kill me
    You need to keep reporting the continued harassment to the police and the court that issued the restraining order. The only technology certain to protect you from such lowlifes is carried in a holster.

  • How can I change the phone number for messaging and FaceTime?

    How can I change the phone number for messaging and FaceTime?

    Unable to make or receive FaceTime calls after April 16, 2014
    Using FaceTime
    Troubleshooting FaceTime
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime + iMessage: Setup, Use, and Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    iOS: FaceTime is 'Unable to verify email because it is in use'
    Using FaceTime and iMessage behind a firewall
    iOS: About Messages
    Set up iMessage
    iOS and OS X: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    How to Set Up & Use iMessage on iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch with iOS s-5/
    Set Up Alert Sounds
    Extra FaceTime IDs
    Troubleshooting Messages
    Troubleshooting iMessage Issues: Some Useful Tips You Should Try
    Setting Up Multiple iOS Devices for iMessage and Facetime l
    FaceTime and iMessage not accepting Apple ID password epting-apple-id-password/
    Fix Can’t Sign Into FaceTime or iMessage iOS 7
    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues
    Unable to use FaceTime and iMessage with my apple ID
    iOS 7 allows you to block phone numbers or e-mail addresses from contacting you via the Phone, FaceTime, or Messages cting-you-on-ios-7/
    How to Block Someone on FaceTime
    My Facetime Doesn't Ring
    How to watch FaceTime calls on the big screen with Apple TV
    Send an iMessage as a Text Message Instead with a Quick Tap & Hold
    To send messages to non-Apple devices, check out the TextFree app
    How to Text on the iPad
    How to Send SMS from iPad
    How to Receive SMS Messages on an iPad
    Apps for Texting
    You can check the status of the FaceTime/iMessage servers at this link.
     Cheers, Tom

  • How do I set up a new phone number for messaging and facetime on my iPad?

    My iPad has it's own phone number through Verizon.  Before I knew this, I had already set up messages to use my iPhone number.  Now I can't figure out how to set up the iPad phone number for messages and facetime on the iPad.

    Are you trying to message another Apple device?
    Using FaceTime
    Troubleshooting FaceTime
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime + iMessage: Setup, Use, and Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    Using FaceTime and iMessage behind a firewall
    iOS: About Messages
    Set up iMessage
    Troubleshooting Messages
    Setting Up Multiple iOS Devices for iMessage and Facetime l
    FaceTime and iMessage not accepting Apple ID password epting-apple-id-password/
    Unable to use FaceTime and iMessage with my apple ID
     Cheers, Tom

  • How do I change my number for iMessage and facetime

    How do I change my number for iMessage and FaceTime on my iPad mini

    Using FaceTime
    Troubleshooting FaceTime
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime + iMessage: Setup, Use, and Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    Using FaceTime and iMessage behind a firewall
    iOS: About Messages
    Set up iMessage
    Troubleshooting Messages
    Setting Up Multiple iOS Devices for iMessage and Facetime l
    FaceTime and iMessage not accepting Apple ID password epting-apple-id-password/
    Unable to use FaceTime and iMessage with my apple ID
     Cheers, Tom

  • How can I find the serial number for my stolen iPad that's associated with my apple ID ?

    How can I find the serial number for my stolen iPad that's associated with my apple ID ?

    If you registered it with Apple check your registered items at Your Support Profile for Registered Purchases. Also, see iOS- How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number.
    What To Do If Your iDevice Is Lost Or Stolen
    If you activated Find My Phone before it was lost or stolen, you can track it only if Wi-Fi is enabled on the device. What you cannot do is track your device using a serial number or other identifying number. You cannot expect Apple or anyone else to find your device for you. You cannot recover your loss unless you insure your device for such loss. It is not covered by your warranty.
    If your iPhone, iPod, iPod Touch, or iPad is lost or stolen what do you do? There are things you should have done in advance - before you lost it or it was stolen - and some things to do after the fact. Here are some suggestions:
    This link, Re: Help! I misplaced / lost my iPhone 5 today morning in delta Chelsea hotel downtown an I am not able to track it. Please help!, has some good advice regarding your options when your iDevice is lost or stolen.
      1. Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
      2. Find my lost iPod Touch
      3. AT&T. Sprint, and Verizon can block stolen phones/tablets
      4. What-To-Do-When-Iphone-Is-Stolen
      5. What to do if your iOS device is lost or stolen
      6. 6 Ways to Track and Recover Your Lost/Stolen iPhone
      7. Find My iPhone
      8. Report Stolen iPad | Stolen Lost Found Online
    It pays to be proactive by following the advice on using Find My Phone before you lose your device:
      1. Find My iPhone
      2. Setup your iDevice on iCloud
      3. OS X Lion/Mountain Lion- About Find My Mac
      4. How To Set Up Free Find Your iPhone (Even on Unsupported Devices)

  • I am looking for a good Call Blocking App for my iPhone 5...any suggestions??

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    As Randy Landry1 says, Google for "silent ringtone", download and install on you iPhone as a ringtone.
    Now create a contact for the offending phone number. Assign the contact to the silent ringtone and set no vibrate.
    When that number calls it will not ring, nor vibrate. It will light up the screen, but if you do not see that, it will not bother you. They could leave voice mail, but that is easily deleted.
    And if it is a situation where the are violating the do not call list, you can use the missed call log to report the number to the FTC.
    Also, if the calls are abusive or threading, and the leave a voice mail, you something to show the police.

Maybe you are looking for

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