Bluemic Snowball not recognized

I've just bought a Bluemic Snowball mike which is supposedly plug and play but it's not recognised. I checked the USB cable on a notebook and although the drivers weren't available the notebook picked up that I'd plugged it in. I've tried a couple of USB ports on the mac mini but nothing happens. I've tried another USB cable and the red light comes on but it's still not recognised.
Any suggestions?

It won't be in Midi Setup, but it should be in the input section of System Preferences>Sound.
Blue claim compatibility with OSX, and every Blue mic I have tried does in fact work fine. (admittedly that does not include the Snowball) but I have the Yeti's and I have borrowed Nessie a couple of times. They all worked first time. Also the Blue forums are not full of customers complaining that the Snowball (in spite of the claims) does not work with OSX. I doubt that would have passed unnoticed.
Change the cable.

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    I just installed Logic and was playing around with it this morning. Singing into a blue snowball mic worked fine until out of nowhere, it started recording from the built-in mic. So I make sure in system preferences the blue mic is selected... But in Logic I only have the option of the built in audio.
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    I'm totally confused, please help?

    Check out the following thread and do a Google search for others with your same problem.

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    During the past few days I have received a pop up error message from (I would think) Windows that the USB device is not recognized. I have the USB plug for the ipod connected (as always)but the ipod isn't even connected. It keeps popping up like every few seconds that the usb device is not recognized.
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    I'm having the same problem. Ever since I upgraded to version 7, iTunes & my PC no longer recognise my iPod, and it therefore won't sync.
    It's not the USB port (other devices work in it), I rebooted my iPod and re-installed iTunes, I've tried stopping and starting the iPod Service (but can't see my iPod in My Computer). When I run the Diagnostics it says iPod connection failed. I've even bought a new USB cable but that doesn't work either.
    This is driving me up the wall. Is there a glitch with iTunes 7?
    Can anyone help me out?? Thanks
      Windows XP  

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    No problem!
    This will make it easy for you: e-those-blue/

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    ( SELECT
    AccountDetails.HOUSEBANKACCOUNT, AccountDetails.CARMODEL, AccountDetails.CARLICENCE, AccountDetails.ARREARSBALANCE, AccountDetails.CODEBTOR, AccountDetails.GUARANTORNUMBER
    FROM AccountDetails
    ( SELECT *
    FROM Dcaaccountallocation
    JOIN DebtEpisodes ON DebtEpisodes.ACCOUNTID = Dcaaccountallocation.ACCOUNTID
    WHERE Dcaaccountallocation.dcaid = 41
    AND Dcaaccountallocation.status = 2
    AND DebtEpisodes.DCASentDate IS NULL
    AND Dcaaccountallocation.ACCOUNTID = AccountDetails.ACCOUNTNUMBER
    AND DebtEpisodes.DCAORLAWYER = 'DCA'
    This returns 1 row of data
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    SELECT *
    FROM Dcaaccountallocation
    JOIN DebtEpisodes ON DebtEpisodes.ACCOUNTID = Dcaaccountallocation.ACCOUNTID
    WHERE Dcaaccountallocation.dcaid = 41
    AND Dcaaccountallocation.status = 2
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    It appears "dead."
    It is not recognized by My Computer, iTunes or the Ipod Updater (The updater asks that I connect the iPod, which I do). The iPod diagnostics through iTunes also reports that my iPod is not connected.
    I have tried my iPod on 4 different machines, with one of them having USB 2.0.
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    - My iPod won't turn on.
    - iPod battery doesn't charge.
    - iTunes 7 doesn't recognize the iPod.
    - Your Windows PC doesn't recognize iPod.
    - iPod appears in Windows Explorer but does not appear in iTunes.
    - iPod does not appear in iTunes.
    - Fast user switching in Windows XP is not supported.
    I tried resetting my iPod by switching the Hold button on and off and then pressing Menu and the Select button for 6-10 seconds. I have done this over and over and over.
    I have uninstalled the latest iTunes, reboot, reinstall - same problem.
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    I used the window cleanup utility, reboot, reinstall iTunes, connect iPod - same problem.
    I have used the Windows ipconfig utility to change my boot parameters, but still nothing.
    If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate them.
    My iPod is just shy of 6 months.
    I do have a replacement contract with Best Buy - but I would like to cover all the bases before I succumb to defeat.
    XP Home with USB 1.1   Windows XP   4 machines, all XP, 2 XP Pro, 2 XP Home, 3 have USB 1.1, 1 has USB 2.0, 2 machines have latest iTune

    I'm having the same problem, my ipodnano is about a year old and I can't figure out what to do. I just installed the new itunes on my new laptop with vista premium. I'm desperate for a resolution, do you have any suggestions at all. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

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    I understand why Apple doesn't cover the water damaged phones under the warranty, but do you know why they don't fix them if the customer is paying? Is it just because they want the people to buy another phone so they can make more money? I guess I just don't get it.
    The cost to repair a device and all of its components is more than the cost of a new device.
    Other than the article I linked above, this is the part of the warranty/legal forms that would apply:
    +"US v1.0+
    +Apple reserves the right to refuse+
    +service on products that have serial numbers altered, defaced or removed or that are damaged due to+
    +accident, abuse, neglect, misuse (including faulty installation, repair, or maintenance by anyone other+
    +than Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider), unauthorized modification, extreme environment+
    +(including extreme temperature or humidity), extreme physical or electrical stress or interference,+
    +fluctuation or surges of electrical power, lightning, static electricity, fire, acts of God or other external+
    +causes. In such event, Apple may return the product to you without servicing it, and may charge you the+
    +Diagnostic Fee."+ from

  • 5th Gen Ipod not recognized by windows or itunes. Have tried it all. Any Ideas?

    Hello everyone. I have a 5th generation Ipod I recently purchased that I'm having what seems to be an common issue. When I connect the ipod to my computer via USB, the Ipod is not recognized in windows or Itunes. Occasionally the Ipod will charge when connected but not always. Though this is the same for the old wire I used and the new one I purchased today. Even when shown charging the Ipod is not recognized and there is no noise that a device has been connected. I have tried the 4 R's (without Restore) which I can't do, chaninging the drive letter, disabling start up software,uninstalling and reinstalling all Apple Software. I have tried connecting to another computer and have gotten the same result. When I check the diagnostic screen on the ipod it shows that a usb cable is detected. I have upgraded all my driver software, disabled and reenabled them. I'm almost 3 hours from the nearest store so that it out of the question. I'm curious if anyone has any other ideas and will try anything you think might be the issue and fix. Thank you for time.

    From my experience, the only way you're gonna get a PC afflicted with this disease to work with a 5th gen nano is to roll back to an earlier version of iTunes.  Those affected have been exhausted by this ongoing issue.  To update or not to update?  And I always say never update unless you have to, and turn off all that auto update mess!
    I have two core2duo lappies running 32b vista.  My workflow dictates 32b fyi.  One is acer aspire running itunes v 11.1 (.0.126),  5th gen nano was originally formatted and works just fine on this machine to this day.  My other is the bigger badder lenovo thinkpad and the 5th gen will NOT mount using any version of itunes past 11.0 (.1.12)  Windows mounts it just fine.  itunes is not having it.  no shirt no shoes no service.
    I have both a 4th and 5th gen nano.  The 4th gen works great on both machines, I even successfully tested it with the latest version (11.1.5) before subsequent deletion on the thinkpad!  Weird huh?  I think my next experiment might be to restore my 5th gen w/ a Mac and theeeeen plug it into PC itunez.
    I'm at a loss on the thinkpad.  Scanned for intruders.  Cut the Lenovo bloat.  Executed system and reg maintenance.  Took down msconfig to a safe mode + itunes level to attempt to resolve possible sw conflicts but to no avail.  NO NO NO.  Every single dang port, every time on the thinkpad.  Has me feeling like others might get the same treatment by the next itunes update.  :|
    So in summary for me:
    5th gen nano and thinkpad are a NoGo on 11.1^  last working version for me = 11.0.1
    5th gen nano is working on an acer aspire 11.1.0  but no way in the world am I updating
    4th gen nano is kicking 5th gen nano's @zz so what would make me want to buy a new ipod?

  • How to reformat Ipod Nano 5th gen when not recognized by Windows or iTunes?

    I've done all the steps on the site to correct this problem up until the reformatiing part except I tried to update the driver software but Windows says that it encounters an error when trying to install the new software.
    So after going through the steps I noticed that the iPod I just bought was formatted for Mac. It says that in order for me to reformat, I have to restore my iPod in iTunes but since it isn't recognized my my computer or iTunes, I can't do it.
    Suggestions anyone?

    Hello there, HateKnuckle.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers a pretty thorough step-by-step for troubleshooting your issue:
    iPod not recognized in My Computer and in iTunes for Windows
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • IPod Shuffle Not Recognized In Windows Or iTunes v7.0 - What Now?

    Hello everyone,
    I am having the same problem as many who have posted here. I have upgraded my software to iTunes v7.0.1.8. I also accepted the auto update for my iPod Shuffle - 512GB 1st Gen to v 1.44 (I believe). Of course, now my Shuffle is not recognized in iTunes and is only recognized in Windows for less than 5 seconds (as I have monitored it). I am listing below all of the actions I have taken today.
    As none of these have worked, my question is now what? Does anyone have any other suggestions before I take the dreaded step of calling support? Any help is appreciated.
    I am not happy with this upgrade issue at all. I expect much better from Apple.
    Steps Already Taken:
    1. Reset iPod.
    2. Set Terminal Services to "Manual" and restarted my laptop PC.
    3. Changed all USB Root Hub entries power management options to "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power option" and rebooted.
    4. Assigned my external hard drive a different letter as it was assigned to "E" and tech support documentation suggested I changed it - I changed it to "M".
    5. I stopped the iPod Service via the Services and Application interface from My Computer/Manage, reattached the Shuffle, and started the iPod Service. The Shuffle was still not recognized.
    6. I uninstalled iTunes, the Apple Software update and QuickTime. I deleted all temp directories; program files folders and all possible traces of all three pieces of this software. I also deleted my iTunes library. I reinstalled all of this software and re-built my Library. NONE OF THIS WORKED!
    My 30GB Video iPod works fine and always has - it is only the shuffle for which I have this issue any only since the upgrade.
    What do I do now? If no one has another fix, I will be forced to call Tech Support after an experience with them over a year ago I would almost rather throw this thing away!

    qswh - I too cannot play the songs that are loaded on the shuffle. Additionally, I get a green & orange light when I plug it into a USB port and then I either get a blinking orange light or a solid orange light from there after.

  • Ipod touch not recognized by computer or ITunes

    Ipod touch is not recognized by computer or Itunes. Tried it on Windows XP OS and also Windows 7. Error message OxE8000068, unknown error, appears. Thanks for any help!

    Try here:
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Unknown error containing '0xE' when connecting

  • IPod not recognized by Windows or iTunes- Please Help!!!

    I have had my ipod mini since last summer and so far it has worked flawlessly. However, recently, when I connect my iPod to my computer, it does not charge and is not recognized as being plugged it at all.
    The iPod displays a battery icon although it does not move. I read on the site that this is because the battery is low and needs up to 30 minutes charging time for it to be recognized. However, I have had the iPod plugged in for much longer than this and it still is unrecognized.
    Also, every once and a while, the display shifts from the static battery icon into the APPPLE icon. Along with the icon, the iPod itself makes a strange mechanical noise. It sounds something like "doo-di-doo-di-doo-di" Then it displays the SAD IPOD icon with the website underneath, before starting the cycle over again.
    I have tried everything on the site, including putting it in disk mode (which didn't work).
    Is it perhaps an internal problem? I don't understand why a perfetly good ipod would stop working all of a sudden. It is still covered by the warranty it came with on purchase, so if it needs fixing, will apple fix it at no cost?
    Any help is appreciated!!
      Windows XP  

    If you have tried everything in these articles, then it needs service.
    iPod battery doesn't charge.
    Sad iPod icon.
    What does this picture on my iPod mean?
    PC doesn't recognize the iPod is connected.
    The sad iPod icon is usually indicative of a hard drive problem, and if under warranty will be repaired/replaced free of charge, although after 6 months of the warranty has expired there is a handling charge.

  • Ipod not recognized by windows or itunes

    OK here's a humdinger: my ipod used to be recognized by my computer (meaning Windows XP), but then abruptly stopped in a catastrophic meltdown that completely wiped my ipod of everything -- didn't even show the menu. Fastforward, ipod is replaced. Windows will still not recognize it -- most of the time. The toolbar says USB device detected and hardware installed and ready to use, but the message that it's not recognized by Windows still appears. Now I said it was recognized sometimes. When it magically is (this is my only description for it because there is no apparent reason), and this is rare, usually after the computer has been turned off for awhile, the ipod will sync through about a fifth of my library then quit. The "disc cannot be found" message appears, and Windows stops recognizing and I'm back to square one. One would think that I now at least have a fifth of my songs on the ipod. Nope, just one for each time this has happened (being 2). Please do not respond with anything having to do with updating or uninstalling/reinstalling drivers, disabling USB 2.0, searching for E:\ drive, Windows Update, the whole appleipod.bat thing, updating itunes, or scanning for new hardware as I have tried these and a few other solutions. I'm just wondering if I'm completely, well, you know. Thanks for your time.

    OK here's a humdinger: my ipod used to be recognized by my computer (meaning Windows XP), but then abruptly stopped in a catastrophic meltdown that completely wiped my ipod of everything -- didn't even show the menu. Fastforward, ipod is replaced. Windows will still not recognize it -- most of the time. The toolbar says USB device detected and hardware installed and ready to use, but the message that it's not recognized by Windows still appears. Now I said it was recognized sometimes. When it magically is (this is my only description for it because there is no apparent reason), and this is rare, usually after the computer has been turned off for awhile, the ipod will sync through about a fifth of my library then quit. The "disc cannot be found" message appears, and Windows stops recognizing and I'm back to square one. One would think that I now at least have a fifth of my songs on the ipod. Nope, just one for each time this has happened (being 2). Please do not respond with anything having to do with updating or uninstalling/reinstalling drivers, disabling USB 2.0, searching for E:\ drive, Windows Update, the whole appleipod.bat thing, updating itunes, or scanning for new hardware as I have tried these and a few other solutions. I'm just wondering if I'm completely, well, you know. Thanks for your time.

  • Nano 3rd generation recently purchased is not recognized by iTune Account

    I recently purchased a Nano 3rd generation that has no songs or any other type of media on it.  It does have a device name "user1". I need to change the device name to match my current iTunes account so that it can be synced with iTunes.  I ran the diagnostics but while iTunes seemed to find the device, the sync test would fail.  See below.  I am trying to find out how to correct this problem so the device can be loaded with the current library. 
    Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 6002)
    Acer, inc. Aspire 6530
    QuickTime 7.7.3
    FairPlay 2.2.32
    Apple Application Support 2.3.2
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP 1.9.6.xx
    iTunes Serial Number 002xxxxxx32D02xx
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2013-01-23 09:39:04.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is not supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    Video Display Information
    Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    **** Device Connectivity Tests ****
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    Universal Serial Bus Controllers:
    Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller.  Device is working properly.
    Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller.  Device is working properly.
    Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller.  Device is working properly.
    No FireWire (IEEE 1394) Host Controller found.
    Connected Device Information:
    USER1'S IPO (F:\), iPod nano (3rd Generation) running firmware version 1.1.3
    Serial Number:       5U7405V7YXT
    Bus Speed:             61440
    **** Device Sync Tests ****
    No iPod, iPhone, or iPad found.

    Start by working through all of the troubleshooting suggestions here.
    iPod not recognized in 'My Computer' and in iTunes for Windows

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