BoLinkedObject not working correctly.

the golden arrow is not working when the linked object type is sales person 53 and the item group 52 in SAP2007.
Is there any solution for this problem?
thanks in advance...

first see ur linked object type correct or not
ur using screen painter..
select linked button and give
linked object=item master object id 4(example)
select type link_butten
Objects ID List
The following table lists the business objects that are exposed through the DI API.
Object Name     Object ID     Description
ACT     1     Chart of Accounts
CRD     2     Business Partner Cards
ITM     4     Items
PLN     6     Price list names
SPP     7     Special prices
CPR     11     Contact employees
USR     12     Users
INV     13     Invoices
RIN     14     Credit notes
DLN     15     Delivery notes
RDN     16     Revert delivery notes
RDR     17     Orders
PCH     18     Purchases
RPC     19     Revert purchases
PDN     20     Purchase delivery notes
RPD     21     Revert purchase delivery notes
POR     22     Purchase orders
QUT     23     Quotations
RCT     24     Receipts incoming payments
DPS     25     Bill of Exchange Deposits
BTD     28     Journal vouchers
JDT     30     Journal entries
ITW     31     Item warehouse
CLG     33     Contact activities
CRN     37     Currency codes
CTG     40     Payment terms types
BNK     42     Bank pages
VPM     46     Payments to vendors
ITB     52     Item groups
CHO     57     Checks for payment
IGN     59     Inventory general entry
IGE     60     Inventory general exit
WHS     64     Warehouses codes and names
ITT     66     Product trees
WTR     67     Stock transfer
WKO     68     Work orders
SCN     73     Alternate catalog numbers
BGT     77     Budget
BGD     78     Budget Distribution
ALR     81     Alerts messages
BGS     91     Budget scenarios
SRI     94     Items serial numbers
OPR     97     Sales Opportunities
CLT     103     Activity types
CLO     104     Activity locations
IBT     106     Item batch numbers
DRF     112     Document draft
EXD     125     Additional Expenses
STA     126     Sales tax authorities
STT     127     Sales tax authorities type
STC     128     Sales tax code
DUN     151     Dunning letters
UFD     152     User fields
UTB     153     User tables
PEX     158     Payment run export
MRV     162     Material revaluation (country-specific for Poland)
     163     Purchase invoice correction document
     164     Reverse purchase invoice correction document.
CTT     170     Contract templates
HEM     171     Employees
INS     176     Customer equipment cards
WHT     178     Withholding tax data
BOE     181     Bill of exchange for payment
BOT     182     Bill of exchange transaction
CRB     187     Business partner - bank accounts
SLT     189     Service call solutions
CTR     190     Service contracts
SCL     191     Service call
UKD     193     User keys description
QUE     194     Queues
FCT     198     Sales forecast
TER     200     Territories
OND     201     Industries
PKG     205     Packages types
UDO     206     User-defined objects
ORL     212     Relationships
UPT     214     User permission tree
CLA     217     Activity status
BPL     247     Business Places (country-specific for Korea)
JPE     250     Local Era (country-specific for Japan)
TSI     280     Sales tax invoice (country-specific for Poland)
TPI     281     Purchase tax invoice (country-specific for Poland)
Menu Item     ID
&File      512
&Close      514
&Save as Draft      5907
&Page Setup...      518
P&rint Preview...      519
Pr&int... Ctrl+P      520
S&end      3336
&Send Message      3337
&Email...      6657
S&MS...      6658
&Fax...      6659
E&xport to      7168
&File      7171
&Text      7172
&XML      7174
&Image      7173
&Export to MS-EXCEL      7169
E&xport to MS-WORD      7170
&Launch Application...      523
Loc&k Screen      524
Exi&t Ctrl+Q      526
&Edit      768
&Undo Ctrl+Z      769
&Redo CtrlShiftZ      770
&Cut Ctrl+X      771
C&opy Ctrl+C      772
&Paste Ctrl+V      773
&Delete Del      774
&Select All      775
&View      40960
&User-Defined Fields CtrlShiftU      6913
&Search Field CtrlShiftF2      7427
&Debug Information      15874
&Restore Column Width      1297
&Legend Ctrl+L      1298
&Data      1280
&Find Ctrl+F      1281
&Add Ctrl+A      1282
F&irst Data Record      1290
&Next Record -> Ctrl      1288
&Previous Record <- Ctrl      1289
&Last Data Record      1291
&Remove      1283
&Cancel      1284
R&estore      1285
Cl&ose      1286
&Duplicate Ctrl+D      1287
Add Ro&w Ctrl+I      1292
Dele&te Row Ctrl+K      1293
Duplicate Row Ctrl+M      1294
Cop&y from Cell Above      1295
Copy fro&m Cell Below      1296
&Advanced      43572
&Advanced      43775
&Sort Table...      4869
&Goto      5888
&Goto      6143
&Modules      43520
&Administration      3328
&Choose Company      3329
&Define Foreign Currency Exchange Rates      3333
&System Initialization      8192
&Company Details      8193
&General Settings      8194
&Authorizations      43521
&General Authorization      3332
&Additional Authorization Creator      3342
&Data Ownership Authorizations      3340
Da&ta Ownership Exceptions      3341
&Document Numbering      8195
D&ocument Settings      8196
&Print Preferences      8197
Op&ening Balances      43522
&G/L Accounts Opening Balance      8200
&Business Partners Opening Balance      2564
D&efinitions      43525
&General      8448
&Define Users      8449
&Change Password      4128
D&efine Sales Employees      8454
De&fine Territories      8713
Def&ine Commission Groups      8453
Defi&ne Predefined Text      43571
&Financials      43526
&Edit Chart of Accounts      4116
&G/L Account Determination      8199
&Define Currencies      8450
De&fine Indexes      8451
Def&ine Transaction Codes      8455
Defi&ne Projects     8457
Define &Period Indicators     8210
Define D&oubtful Debts     8464
&Tax     15616
&Sales Opportunities     17152
&Define Sales Stages     17153
D&efine Partners     17154
De&fine Competitors     17155
Def&ine Relationships     17156
&Purchasing     43527
&Define Landed Costs     8456
&Business Partners     43528
&Define Countries     8459
D&efine Address Formats     8460
De&fine Customer Groups     10753
Def&ine Vendor Groups     10754
Defi&ne Business Partner Properties     10755
Define &Business Partner Priorities     10765
Define D&unning Levels     10766
Define dunnin&g terms     10769
Define &Payment Terms     8452
Define P&ayment Blocks     10767
B&anking     11264
&Define Banks     11265
D&efine Credit Cards     11266
De&fine Credit Card Payment     11267
Def&ine Credit Card Payment Methods     11268
Defi&ne Credit Vendors     11269
Define &Payment Methods     16897
&Inventory     11520
&Define Item Groups     11521
D&efine Item Properties     11522
De&fine Warehouses     11523
Def&ine Length and Width UoM     11524
Defi&ne Weight UoM     11525
Define &Customs Groups     11526
Define &Manufacturers     11527
Define &Shipping Types     11528
Define &Locations     11529
Define In&ventory Cycles     11530
Define &Package Types     11532
S&ervice     43529
&Contract Templates     3601
&Define Queues     8712
D&ata Import/Export     43530
&Data Import     8960
&Import from Excel     8961
I&mport Transactions from SAP Business One     8962
&Comprehensive Import     8967
D&ata Export     9216
&Export Transactions to SAP Business One     9217
&Utilities     8704
&Period-End Closing     8705
&Year Transfer     8706
&Update Control Report     8709
&Check Document Numbering     13062
&Restore     43574
&Restore Wizard     8707
R&estore Chart of Accounts     9473
Re&store G/L Account and Business Partner Balances     9474
Res&tore Item Balances     9475
Rest&ore Numbering File     9476
Restore O&pen Check Balances     9477
Restore &Costing     9478
Restore &Budget Balances     9479
Restore B&udget Scenarios     9480
Restore B&atch Accumulators     9481
Restore S&ystem Reports     9482
A&pproval Procedures     14848
&Define Approval Stages     14849
D&efine Approval Templates     14850
&Approval Status Report     14851
A&pproval Decision Report     14852
&License     43524
&License Administration     8208
&Add-on Identifier Generator     8209
Add&-ons     43523
&Add-on Manager     8201
A&dd-on Administration     8202
Ale&rts Management     3338
&Financials     1536
&Chart of Accounts     1537
&Edit Chart of Accounts     1538
&Journal Entry     1540
J&ournal Vouchers     1541
&Posting Templates     1542
&Recurring Postings     1543
Re&verse Transactions     1552
E&xchange Rate Differences     1545
Co&nversion Differences     1546
&Financial Report Templates     1551
&Budget     10496
&Budget Scenarios     10497
&Define Budget Distribution Methods     10498
D&efine Budget     10499
Co&st Accounting     1792
&Define Profit Centers     1793
D&efine Distribution Rules     1794
&Table of Profit Centers and Distribution Rules     1795
&Profit Center - Report     1796
F&inancial Reports     43531
&Accounting     13056
&G/L Accounts and Business Partners     13057
G&eneral Ledger     13058
&Aging     4096
&Transaction Journal Report     1544
T&ransaction Report by Projects     13064
&Document Journal     13065
Ta&x     43532
&Financial     9728
&Balance Sheet     9729
&Trial Balance     9730
&Profit and Loss Statement     9731
&Cash Flow     4101
&Comparison     1648
&Balance Sheet Comparison     1649
&Trial Balance Comparison     1650
&Profit and Loss Statement Comparison     1651
&Budget     10240
&Budget Report     4608
B&alance Sheet Budget Report     10241
&Trial Balance Budget Report     10242
&Profit and Loss Statement Budget Report     10243
&Sales Opportunities     2560
&Sales Opportunity     2566
S&ales Opportunities Reports     43533
&Opportunities Forecast Report     2578
O&pportunities Forecast Over Time Report     2580
Oppo&rtunities Statistics Report     2579
Oppor&tunities Report     2577
&Stage Analysis     2568
So&urce Distribution Over Time Report     2574
&Won Opportunities Report     2569
&Lost Opportunities Report     2573
&My Open Opportunities Report     2575
M&y Closed Opportunities Report     2576
Opportu&nities Pipeline     2570
Sa&les - A/R     2048
&Sales Quotation     2049
S&ales Order     2050
&Delivery     2051
&Returns     2052
A&/R Down Payment Request     2079
A/R D&own Payment Invoice     2071
A/R &Invoice     2053
A/R I&nvoice + Payment     2054
A/R &Credit Memo     2055
A/R R&eserve Invoice     2056
A&utomatic Summary Wizard     2059
Docu&ment Drafts     2061
Documen&t Printing     2058
Dunnin&g Wizard     2063
Sa&les Reports     12800
&Sales Analysis     12801
&Open Items List     4097
&Purchasing - A/P     2304
&Purchase Order     2305
&Goods Receipt PO     2306
G&oods Returns     2307
&A/P Down Payment Request     2330
A&/P Down Payment Invoice     2317
A/P &Invoice     2308
A/P &Credit Memo     2309
A/P &Reserve Invoice     2314
&Landed Costs     2310
&Document Drafts     2313
Doc&ument Printing     2312
Purc&hasing Reports     43534
&Purchase Analysis     12802
&Open Items List     1547
&Business Partners     43535
&Business Partner Master Data     2561
&Activity     2563
B&usiness Partner Reports     43536
&My Activities     10771
&Activities Overview     2565
&Inactive Customers     14338
&Dunning History Report     2068
Ba&nking     43537
&Incoming Payments     2816
&Incoming Payments     2817
&Check Fund     2823
C&redit Card Management     2824
Cr&edit Card Summary     2828
&Payment Drafts Report     2832
&Deposits     14592
&Deposit     14593
&Postdated Check Deposit     14594
P&ostdated Credit Voucher Deposit     14595
&Outgoing Payments     43538
&Outgoing Payments     2818
&Checks for Payment     2820
&Voiding Checks for Payment     2822
&Payment Drafts Report     2831
C&hecks for Payment Drafts     2821
&Bill of Exchange     43539
&Payment System     16896
&Payment Wizard     16899
&Define Payment Run Defaults     16898
B&ank Statements and Reconciliations     11008
&Process External Bank Statement     11009
&Reconciliation     11010
&Link Invoices to Payments     2833
&Manage Previous Reconciliations     11011
&Check and Restore Former Reconciliations     11012
Do&cument Printing     2829
&Inventory     3072
&Item Master Data     3073
I&tem Management     15872
&Serial Numbers     12032
&Serial Numbers Management     12033
S&erial Number Details     12034
&Batches     12288
&Batch Management     12289
B&atch Details     12290
&Define Alternative Items     11531
D&efine Business Partner Catalog Numbers     12545
&Global Update to Business Partner Catalog Numbers     12546
&Update Stock Method     12547
I&nventory Transactions     43540
&Goods Receipt     3078
G&oods Issue     3079
&Stock Transfer     3080
&Initial Quantities, Inventory Tracking, and Stock Posting     3081
&Cycle Count Recommendations     3085
&Material Revaluation     3086
&Price Lists     43541
&Price Lists     3076
&Define Hierarchies and Expansions     11781
&Special Prices     11776
&Special Prices for Business Partners     11777
&Copy Special Prices to Selection Criteria     11778
&Update Special Prices Globally     11779
&Define Discount Groups     11780
U&pdate Parent Item Prices Globally     11782
Pi&ck and Pack     16640
&Pick and Pack Manager     16641
P&ick List     16642
In&ventory Reports     1760
&Items List     1761
&Last Prices Report     1713
I&nactive Items     1715
I&tem Query     3075
In&ventory Posting List by Item     1762
Inv&entory Status     1763
Invent&ory in Warehouse Report     1764
Invento&ry Valuation Report     1765
&Serial Numbers Transactions Report     1779
&Batch Number Transactions Report     1747
P&roduction     4352
&Define Bill of Materials     4353
&Production Order     4369
&Receipt from Production     4370
&Issue for Production     4371
&Update Parent Item Prices Globally     4358
Pr&oduction Reports     43542
&Bill of Materials Report     4357
&MRP     43543
&Define Forecasts     4360
&MRP Wizard     4361
&Order Recommendation Report     4368
S&ervice     3584
&Service Call     3587
&Customer Equipment Card     3591
S&ervice Contract     3585
S&olutions Knowledge Base     3589
Se&rvice Reports     7680
&Service Calls     7684
S&ervice Calls by Queue     7698
&Response by Assignee Report     7699
&Average Closure Time     7693
Ser&vice Contracts     7682
&Customer Equipment Report     3596
Serv&ice Monitor     7691
&My Service Calls     7689
M&y Open Service Calls     7688
My &Overdue Service Calls     7690
&Human Resources     43544
&Employee Master Data     3590
&Human Resources Reports     16128
&Employee List     7694
&Absence Report     7696
&Phone Book     7695
Rep&orts     43545
&Financials     43546
&Accounting     43547
&G/L Accounts and Business Partners     1617
G&eneral Ledger     1618
&Aging     43548
&Transaction Journal Report     4114
T&ransaction Report by Projects     1624
&Document Journal     1625
Ta&x     43549
&Company Reports     43550
&Balance Sheet     13313
&Trial Balance     13314
&Profit and Loss Statement     13315
&Cash Flow     4115
C&omparison     43551
&Balance Sheet Comparison     9985
&Trial Balance Comparison     9986
&Profit and Loss Statement Comparison     9987
&Budget     43552
&Budget Report     4624
B&alance Sheet Budget Report     1681
&Trial Balance Budget Report     1682
&Profit and Loss Statement Budget Report     1683
&Sales Opportunities     43553
&Opportunities Forecast Report     2684
O&pportunities Forecast Over Time Report     2692
Oppo&rtunities Statistics Report     2689
Oppor&tunities Report     2683
&Stage Analysis     2680
So&urce Distribution Over Time Report     2686
&Won Opportunities Report     2681
&Lost Opportunities Report     2685
&My Open Opportunities Report     2690
M&y Closed Opportunities Report     2691
Opportu&nities Pipeline     2682
S&ales and Purchasing     43554
&Open Items List     1548
&Sales Analysis     1697
&Purchase Analysis     1698
&Business Partners     43555
&My Activities     10772
&Activities Overview     4118
&Inactive Customers     1714
&Dunning History Report     2069
S&ervice     43556
&Service Calls     3588
S&ervice Calls by Queue     3602
&Response by Assignee Report     3603
&Average Closure Time     3597
Ser&vice Contracts     3586
&Customer Equipment Report     7692
Serv&ice Monitor     3595
&My Service Calls     3593
M&y Open Service Calls     3592
My &Overdue Service Calls     3594
&Inventory     14080
&Items List     14081
&Last Prices Report     14337
I&nactive Items     14339
I&tem Query     4119
In&ventory Posting List by Item     14082
Inv&entory Status     14083
Invent&ory in Warehouse Report     14084
Invento&ry Valuation Report     14085
&Serial Numbers Transactions Report     12035
&Batch Number Transactions Report     12291
&Production     43557
&Bill of Materials Report     4121
&Human Resources     43558
&Employee List     3598
&Absence Report     3600
&Phone Book     3599
&Query Generator     4102
Q&uery Wizard     4103
&Tools     4864
&Print Layout Designer...     5895
&Form Settings... CtrlShiftS     5890
&Change Log...     4876
&Queries     43573
&Queries Manager...     4865
Q&uery Print Layout...     4868
&System Queries     5120
Checks for Payment in Date Cross Section Report     5121
Customer Receivables by Customer Cross-Section     5122
Customers Credit Limit Deviation     5123
Locate Exceptional Discount in Invoice     5124
Locate External/Internal Recon. by Exact Amount     5125
Locate External/Internal Recon. by Exact Sum     5126
Locate External/Internal Recon. by Value Date     5127
Locate External/Internat Recon. by Trans. No.     5128
Locate Journal Transaction by Amount Range     5129
Locate Journal Transaction by FC Amount Range     5130
Locate Recon. in Bank Statement by Row No.     5131
Locate Recon./Row in Bank Statements by Exact Amount     5132
MRP Pegging Report     5133
Production Order Report     5134
SP Commission by Invoices in Posting Date Cross-Section     5135
Transactions Received from Voucher Report     5136
User Queries     53248
General     261424295
Empty     53249
U&ser Menu     43567
&Add to User Menu     4877
&Organize...     4878
Us&er Shortcuts     43568
&Shortcuts     6400
&Customize     4871
Use&r Tools     43561
&Disable Customization     15873
Se&arch Function     7424
&Search Shift+F2     7425
&Define... ShiftAltF2     7426
User&-Defined Fields     43569
&Manage User Fields...     4875
&First Field CtrlShiftL     6914
&Settings... CtrlShiftB     6915
User Ta&bles     51200
&User Tables     51201
User-&defined Objects     43570
&Registration Wizard...     4879
&Default Forms     47616
&User Tables     47617
&Window     1024
&Cascade     1025
C&lose All     1026
C&olor     5632
&Classic     5633
&Gray     5634
&Violet     5635
&Blue     5636
G&reen     5637
&Yellow     5638
&Orange     5639
R&ed     5640
Bro&wn     5641
&Main Menu Ctrl+0     1030
M&essages/Alert Overview     1029
C&alendar     10770
&Help     43564
&Help...     272
&Context Help... F1     275
H&elp Settings...     276
&About SAP Business One...      257
See Also
Enumerations Object
UI API Objects Reference 2005 SP1 (Build 680.315.00)      
BoLinkedObject Enumeration
Determines the target object of the LinkedButton object.
Member     Description     Value
lf_None      No target object.      -1
lf_UserDefinedObject      User-defined object.      0
lf_GLAccounts      G/L account object.      1
lf_BusinessPartner      Business Partner object.      2
lf_Items      Item object.      4
lf_SalesEmployee      Sales employee object.      53
lf_TransactionTemplates      Transaction template.      55
lf_JournalPosting      Journal Posting object.      30
lf_LoadingFactors      Loading Factor object.      62
lf_RecurringTransactions      Recurring Transaction object.      34
lf_ProductTree      Product Tree object.      66
lf_CheckForPayment      Check for Payment object.      57
lf_PaymentTermsTypes      Payment Terms object.      40
lf_Deposit      Deposit object.      25
lf_PredatedDeposit      Predated Deposit object.      76
lf_Warehouses      Warehouse object.      64
lf_ImportFile      Import File object.      69
lf_BudgetSystem      Budget System object.      78
lf_SalesTaxAuthorities      Sales Tax Authorities object.      126
lf_SalesTaxCodes      Sales Tax Codes object.      128
lf_RunExternalsApplications      Run External Application object.      86
lf_DueDates      Due Date objects.      71
lf_UserDefaults      User Defaults object.      93
lf_FinancePeriod      Financial Period object.      111
lf_SalesOpportunity      Sales Opportunity object.      97
lf_ConfirmationLevel      Confirmation Level object.      120
lf_ConfirmationTemplates      Confirmation Template object.      121
lf_ConfirmationDocumnets      Confirmation Document object.      122
lf_Drafts      Draft object.      112
lf_GoodsIssue      Goods Issue object.      60
lf_GoodsReceipt      Goods Receipt object.      59
lf_ProjectCodes      Project Code object.      63
lf_ContactWithCustAndVend      Contact object.      33
lf_JournalVoucher      Journal Voucher object.      28
lf_ProfitCenter      Profit Center object.      61
lf_VendorPayment      Vendor Payment object.      46
lf_Receipt      Receipt object.      24
lf_Quotation      Quotation object.      23
lf_Order      Order object.      17
lf_DeliveryNotes      Delivery Note object.      15
lf_DeliveryNotesReturns      Delivery Note Return object.      16
lf_Invoice      Invoice object.      13
lf_InvoiceCreditMemo      Invoice Credit Memo object.      14
lf_PurchaseOrder      Purchase Order object.      22
lf_GoodsReceiptPO      Goods Receipt PO object.      20
lf_GoodsReturns      Goods Return object.      21
lf_PurchaseInvoice      Purchase Invoice object.      18
lf_PurchaseInvoiceCreditMemo      Purchase Invoice Credit Memo object.      19
lf_CorrectionInvoice      Correction Invoice object.      132
lf_StockTransfers      Stock Transfer object.      67
lf_WorkInstructions      Work Instructions object.      68
lf_AlertsTemplate      Alerts Template object.      80
lf_SpecialPricesForGroups      Special Prices object.      85
lf_CustomerVendorCatalogNumber      Customer/Vendor Catalog Number      73
lf_SpecialPrices      Special Prices object.      7
lf_SerialNumbersForItems      Serial Numbers for Items object.      94
lf_ItemBatchNumbers      Item Batch Numbers object.      106
lf_UserValidValues      User Valid Values object.      110
lf_UserDisplayCategories      User Display Categories object.      114
lf_AddressFormats      Address Format object.      113
lf_Indicator      Indicator object.      138
lf_CashDiscount      Cash Discount object.      133
lf_DeliveryTypes      Delivery Type object.      49
lf_VatGroup      VAT Group object.      5
lf_VatIndicator      VAT Indicator object.      135
lf_GoodsShipment      Goods Shipment object.      139
lf_ExpensesDefinition      Expense Definition object.      125
lf_CreditCards      Credit Card object.      36
lf_CentralBankIndicator      Business Partner Central Bank Indicator object.      161
lf_BPBankAccount      Business Partner Bank Account object.      187
lf_DiscountCodes      Discount Code object.      3
lf_PaymentBlock      Block Payment object for vendors and customers.      159
lf_AgentPerson      Agent Person object.      177
lf_PeriodIndicator      Period Indicator object for document numbering.      184
lf_HolidaysTable      Holidays Table object.      186
lf_Employee      Employee object.      171
lf_PredefinedText      Pre-defined Text object for sales and marketing documents.      215
lf_Territory      Territory (geographic location, brand, or item) object.      200
lf_User      SAP Business One User object.      12
lf_ProductionOrder      Production Order object.      202
lf_BillOfExchange      Bill of Exchange object.      181
lf_BillOfExchangeTransaction      Bill of Exchange Transaction object.      182
lf_AddressFormat      Address Pattern object.      131
lf_AccountSegmentationCode      Account Segmentation Code object.      143
lf_FileFormat      File Format object.      183
lf_StockRevaluation      Stock Revaluation object.      162
lf_PickList      Inventory Pick List object.      156
lf_DunningTerms      Dunning Term object.      196
lf_ServiceContract      Service Contract object.      190
lf_ContractTemplete      Contract Template object.      170
lf_InstallBase      Install Base object.      176
lf_ServiceCall      Service Call object.      191
lf_ServiceCallSolution      Service Call Solution object.      189
lf_ItemGroups      Item Groups object.      52
lf_PackageType      Package Type object.      206
lf_SalesForecast      Sales Forecast object.      198
lf_PaymentMethod      Payment Method object.      147
lf_WithHoldingTax      Withholding Tax object.      178
Billa 2007

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  • Sorting not working correctly for date field in alv report

    Hi All,
    My report displays many rows also containing date type fields of bldat,budat .
    When I sort the report selecting field of type bldat budat the sorting is not correct for the year.
    Invoice doc dat
    If I use ascending then it is sorted as :
    Invoice doc dat
    Why the sorting is not working correct for year.(2010 records should have been first).
    The field wa_tab-bldat is of type char10.
    It is populated as wa_tab-bldat = bsak-bldat.
    Kindly suggest what can be done.

    The field wa_tab-bldat is of type char10
    Then what it does is correct.
    Refer to type will work

  • If statement within a view is not working correctly ?

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    maybe i am wrong but i think the if statement within a view is not working correctly. See code down below.
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    thanks in advance and best regards
    Matthias Hlubek

    The short answer: your example is <b>NOT</b> going to work. The long answer will probably 5 pages to describe. So first let me rewrite the example so that it could work, and then give a short version of the long answer. Do not be disappointed if it is not totally clear. It is rather complicated. (See the nice form of IF statements that are possible since 620.)
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
    <% if isframe is <b>NOT</b> initial. %>
    <htmlb:content design="design2003">
      <htmlb:page title = "Top Level Navigation view">
        hallo world
    <% else. %>
      hallo world
    <% endif. %>
    So why does your example not work? Let us start with a simple tag:
      <htmlb:page title = "Top Level Navigation view">
    Now, for each tag, we have effectively the opening part (<htmlb:page>), an optional body, and then the closing part (</htmlb:page>). We are now at the level of the BSP runtime processing one tag. What the runtime does not know, is whether the tag wants to process its body or not. Each tag can decide dynamically at runtime whether the body should be processed. So the BSP compiler generates the following code:
      DATA: tag TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_page.
      CREATE OBJECT tag.
      tag->title = 'Top Level Navigation view'.
      tag->DO_AT_END( ).
    You should actually just debug your BSP code at ABAP level, and then you will immediately see all of this. Now, let us mix in your example with our code generation. First you simplified example:
    <% if isframe is NOT initial. %>
      <htmlb:page title = "Top Level Navigation view">
    <% endif. %>
    <% if isframe is NOT initial. %>
    <% endif. %>
    And then with our generated code. Look specifically at how the IF/ENDIF blocks suddenly match!
    if isframe is NOT initial.
      DATA: tag TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_page.
      CREATE OBJECT tag.
      tag->title = 'Top Level Navigation view'.
    if isframe is NOT initial.
      tag->DO_AT_END( ).
    You can see that your ENDIF statements are closing IF blocks generated by the BSP compiler. Such a nesting will not work. This is a very short form of the problem, there are a number of variations, and different types of the same problem.
    The only way to solve this problem, is probably to put the body into a page fragment and include it like I did above with the duplicate HelloWorld strings. But this duplicates source code. Better is to put body onto a view, that can be processed as required.

  • ** Filtering is not working correctly in ALV (REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY)

    Hi Friends,
    We have one Z report that output is displayed in ALV. We are using the standard FM 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. 
    We have requirement to remove leading zeros for the field like Material Number (MATNR), Equipment Number (EQUNR) etc. We did the changes by applying the field catalog properties as below.
    lw_fieldcat-lzero = space.
    lw_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
    After this, the MATNR and EQUNR is displayed correctly in the ALV. (Leading zeros are suppressed). But, when we do filter for these fields, in the filter window it displays all the values with leading zeros.
    1. We don't understand why it is showing in the Filter widow with all leading zeros. All it shows all the records instead of unique items.
    Later on, we removed the above fieldcat coding. Then, we have called the CONVERSION_EXIT routines (in the domain) for the fields to remove leading zeros.
    Now, the MATNR and EQUNR is displayed correctly (without leading zeros) in ALV. When we do filter, it is also doing filtering correctly. But, when we do filter which have EQUNR having long values (after zero suppression), it is not working correctly. i.e no items are displayed in the ALV.
    Not only for this items. If we filter character columns which have long text, it is not filtering correctly.
    2. It is not able to understand why the filtering is not working for long items. But in the standard report, the filtering is working correctly.
    We are using SAP ECC 6.0.
    Friends, can you clarify the about doubts. It is surprising for me.
    Kind regards,
    Jegathees P.
    Our customer is asked to remove the leading zeros for the numeric field

    Hi Clemens Li
    I agreed on your point. When we define the Internal table the type for element EQUNR & QUMNR , we are referring the SAP data element for EQUNR, QMNUM field.
    Our doubt is even though we refer the standard data element, in the ALV display, it shows with leading zeros and also it creates problems in the filtering and in the filter window all values instead of unique nos.
    Hi Abhii
    I have given below the fieldcat coding.
    Friends, can you kindly clarify the above said problems. Since we use SAP ECC 6.0 any notes or patches apply is required. ( this is the basic functionality in ALV, that is my doubt).
        wls_fieldcat-col_pos   = wpv_pos.
        wls_fieldcat-fieldname = wpv_champ.
        wls_fieldcat-tabname   = wlc_tabname.
      wls_fieldcat-seltext_s = wls_fieldcat-seltext_m
        wls_fieldcat-seltext_l = wpv_libelle.
        wls_fieldcat-ddictxt   = 'L'.
        wls_fieldcat-no_out    = wv_no_out.
        APPEND wls_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
    Kind regards,
    Jegathees P.

  • Key Figure calculation in Abap is not working correctly - Overlooping

    I wrote a logic to calculate the ratio of key figure but it is not working correctly
    For example I have a requirement to split 1 Product into Several new Products and also the Net Amount will be splitted to these several new products as well. The total Amount of the new product will be equivalent to the Net Amount.
    So far my Logic is splitting the product to several new products but the amount is incorrect as the calculation is over looping.
    A PRODUCT has Net Amount 1000. And this product needs to be splitted into 3 new products. Each of this new product is assigned a ratio of 0.3, 0.2 and 0.7 respectively. total sum of the ratio is 1.
    PRODUCT1 0.3 = 1000 * 0.3 = 300
    PRODUCT2 0.2 = 1000 * 0.2 = 200
    PRODUCT3 0.7 = 1000 * 0.7 = 700
    The total amount of this new products is 1000.
    Now my logic is working this way.
    PRODUCT1 0.3 = 1000 * 0.3 = 300
    PRODUCT2 0.2 = 1000 * 0.2 * 0.3 = 60
    PRODUCT3 0.7 = 1000 * 0.2 * 0.3 * 0.7 = 42
    Only the PRODUCT1 is working correctly and there is overlooping for the remaining products
    Logic used
    DATA: t_data TYPE data_package_structure OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: t_newdso LIKE /bic/newdso OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: t_olddso LIKE /bic/olddso OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: amount LIKE data_package-netamount.
    DATA: zidx LIKE sy-tabix.
    REFRESH t_data.
    LOOP AT data_package.
      zidx = sy-tabix.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING data_package TO t_data.
      REFRESH t_newdso.
      SELECT * FROM newdso INTO TABLE t_newdso WHERE prod =
      SORT t_newdso BY prod.
      READ TABLE t_newdso WITH KEY prodh4 = t_data-prod.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        LOOP AT t_newdso.
          t_data-prod = t_newdso-/bic/znew_mp.
          t_data-material = t_newdso-material.
          APPEND t_data.
        REFRESH t_olddso.
        SELECT * FROM olddso INTO TABLE t_olddso WHERE prod =
        SORT t_olddso BY prod.
        READ TABLE t_olddso WITH KEY prodh4 = t_data-prod.
        t_data-prod = t_olddso-prod.
        t_data-material = t_olddso-material.
        APPEND t_data.
      MODIFY data_package INDEX zidx.
    REFRESH data_package.
    data_package[] = t_data[].
    Edited by: Matt on Sep 27, 2010 2:25 PM - added  tags

    I am not really good at debugging Abap code since I am a newbie. however  I have tried to add CLEAR T_DATA before the first loop.
    and before the second loop and select statement and at the end of the loop.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    but then not all data are being fetched.
    Edited by: Bhat Vaidya on Sep 28, 2010 8:33 AM

  • Email pushing not working correctly for office email - 3 seperate devices/carriers

    We switched email hosts several months ago and since our email pushing has not worked correctly. Our host/IT guy has been very unwilling to help me through this (I get the pleasure of being the in-house IT source)
    I personally am on AT&T have no problems with the other 3 emails I have set up on my blackberry. However I receive my work account one time a day at roughly 6:15. Another user is on Alltel and he receives spotty emails throughout the day, but his gmail account comes through instantly. The third user is on nextel and he receives his 2-3 times per day.
    I began to think this was an email host issue since the three of us are all on different carriers, until I found out a fourth user, also on nextel, receives his emails fine.
    Users 1-3 are on Outlook 07 on various versions of the Curve. We have all our messages to stay on the server.
    User 4 is on the older nextel blackberry push to talk, and is not on outlook. 
    We do not have an exchange server. Our emails were all set up through our devices.
    Any suggestions? The answers I have received through our carriers is to make sure that our messages are set to be left on the server. Everyone else at the office has given up - but for me this is the quest for the Holy Grail.......I'm determined find the answer!
    Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
    Caitlin Talbot 

    Potential solution for windows for a side-by-side install. This works for me.
    To setup a firefox install side by side so that links from external programs (like email) can open (so you don't get a "Firefox is already running but is not responding" message) do the following.
    The solution entails the use of the -no-remote switch. Don't use it for the default browser. Use it for the non default browser.
    I'll use firefox 3.6 and firefox 4.0 as examples but this should work for future versions.
    + Install firefox 3.6 and Firefox 4.0 in different directories. Eg.
    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 4\firefox.exe
    + Open profile manager. Start > Run : firefox.exe -ProfileManager
    + In profile manager create Two Profiles.
    + In profile manager select firefox 4 as your default (assuming you want to default to the latest) and tick "Don't ask at startup"
    + Create two windows shortcuts.
    * General: Mozilla Firefox 4 (default). Shortcut > Target: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 4\firefox.exe". Shortcut > Start In: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 4"
    * General: Mozilla Firefox 3.6. Shortcut > Target: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -p firefox3.6 -no-remote. Shortcut > Start In: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"
    That's it. Links from external programs should now open in your default browser.
    Further details see. [ Opening a new instance of your Mozilla application with another profile]

  • I bought an IPAD air from state and the screen is not working correctly and right now i'm in Egypt ,can i send my ipad to service in Egypt and the warranty will work in Egypt or what?

    i bought an IPAD air (32 gb wifi only) from USA just one month ago and the screen is not working correctly(picture attached) and right now i'm in Egypt ,can i send my ipad to service in Egypt and the warranty will work in Egypt or what?

    Have you tried a soft-reset to see if that fixes it ? You might be able to get warranty service in Egypt for your iPad, but the warranty includes :
    Apple may restrict warranty service for iPhone and iPad to the country where Apple or its Authorized Distributors originally sold the device.
    As it's wifi-only you should have a better chance of it being serviced under warranty, but there are no guarantees, it might depend upon the repairer.
    Egypt authorised service providers :

  • SSRS 2008 R2/SSRS 2012 Tab Delimited setup is not working correctly in Report Designer

    I have changed a RSReportDesigner.config to add a tab delimited option for report export, but it is not working correctly in vs2008/vs2010 report designer. I get a duplicate of CSV (comma delimited) in the export dropdown list.
    I have tested SSRS 2008 R2/SSRS 2012 on Windows 7 64 bit professional.
    It is working correctly in the report manager.
    <Extension Name="TAB" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
                <Name Language="en-US">TAB delimited</Name>
                    <FieldDelimiter xml:space="preserve">&#9;</FieldDelimiter>

    Hi Dave0323,
    According to your description, you want to export your report into TXT file and change the delimiter to be a Tab. Right?
    In Reporting Services, when exporting to a CSV file, we can change the default field delimiter to any character that we want, including TAB, by changing the device information settings in the configuration file. For example, to use TAB,
    update the FieldDelimiter setting to <FieldDelimiter xml:space="preserve">[TAB]</FieldDelimiter>. And we can change the FileExtension to be TXT if we want to export it into a TXT file. So in this scenario, we just need to modify the configuration
    file like below:
    The result looks like below:
    CSV Device Information Settings
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Text formatting in Numbers is not working correctly.

    In Numbers on Chrome text formatting is not working correctly, it's almost as if a CSS file is not being loaded. To be precise, when I try to make a cell Bold there is no bolding. I am using Arial as a font. This has been an issue on Mac and Windows. Any ideas?

    Do you have the same problem with Safari or Firefox?

  • 1st Gen iPod touch not working correctly?

    I have a 1st generation 8GB iPod Touch. It's not working correctly.
    My biggest problem is that, unexplaiably, certain areas of the screen don't seem to register touch anymore. There is a sort of "L" shape on the left and bottom edges of the screen that won't register touch, making it impossible to move applications to the previous page on the home screen and making it hard to use the keyboard/buttons while in portrait mode. It's extremely frustrating to try to change the volume while playing a song, as I now have to either put the iPod in sleep mode then double tap the home button or flip it to cover flow and double tap the home button to do it.
    (Highlight the image to see it better.)
    This is a screenshot of the working/non-working areas that I made using the Whiteboard application. The white area that you see (excluding the little half circles of black which are extended brush strokes and not actually working areas) is the area that doesn't work. I can't seem to figure out why it happened, as I've never dropped or otherwise damaged it. It just happened one day, and I don't know why.
    But I can't fix it. I've tried everything. Upgrading (I'm now running iPhone OS 3.0 which still didn't fix the problem.) didn't work, restoring didn't work, deleting everything and restoring from factory settings didn't work.
    I'm also having a few other problems as well, though they're not as bad. My home button seems to stop working sometimes and sometimes the entire screen witll stop registering touch until I put the iPod to sleep and turn it back on. It also seems to go a lot slower than usual.
    My iPod is less than a year old. Can you help?

    I had a very similar problem this past weekend with my 1G 8GB iPod touch. But with me, just the left side of the screen wasn't registering my touch. I could still access the bottom section, which you cannot.
    The good news for me is that I fixed it and I hope it works for you as well. What fixed it for me was resetting all my settings. To do this, go to the settings icon, then click on general, and then on the very bottom is reset. Choose "reset all settings."
    Apparently this is different than a restore through iTunes, which you tried. I also tried that earlier and it did not help.
    Of course, the reset solution I used relies on you being able to access all of the correct buttons, so I hope you can!
    Please let us know if this works for you. If not, since it is less than a year old, it is still under warranty. Contact Apple and see what they can do.

  • Function keys are not working correctly

    I've been looking all over the various threads and I can't find an answer that solves my problem.
    Here are the details:
    I bought the computer in the U.S. where I live.
    I have a iMac 2.4GHz intel Core 2 Duo  EMC 2133 with a 20" screen. Bought it new in February 2008.
    I have Mac OS X 10.5.8  (I am waiting for my order for OS Snow Leopard to come in!!)
    I have been using a wireless mouse and Keyboard (Love not having cords!)
    Recently, my wireless keyboard got a short and quit working. I went down to the apple store and got a new wireless keyboard.
    I had the computer with me at the genius bar so, yes, the apple employee saw exactly what I have.
    I took it all home got the thing all put back together and got the new keyboard paired up and working with the computer.
    Here are the problems:
    Went to go use the function keys while using iTunes and found they weren't working properly. The F10, F11 and F12 do not control the volume of sound as the keyboard indicates they would, they instead activate dashboard, spaces, and application windows. 
    Following the advice of other threads, I looked over in the system preferences and made sure the "Use all F1, F2 etc." box was unchecked (it was unchecked), things still didn't work.
    I tried the fn key but it appears to not work at all it has no effect on the functioning of the function keys.
    I went under keyboard shortcuts in system preferences and found the F10, F11 and F12 keys, it confirms that those keys control spaces, dashboard and application windows as they are performing but shows no options to either reassign to volume control (as marked on the keyboard) or make the fn key work.
    I've gone back and forth trying various combinations of checked and unchecked boxes to see if anything would work, so far I've come up with nothing.
    A couple more important or interesting facts:
    Yes I have turned off and taken the batteries out of the old keyboard. My bluetooth connection currently shows it as disconnected.
    I have restarted the computer.
    One thing I find odd; when I go under preferences and go to Keyboard and Mouse when I go under the section "Bluetooth" it shows Bluetooth mouse with the name of the mouse and the battery level. BUT nothing is showing up under bluetooth Keyboard, I can't figure out how to change this and don't know if it is contributing to the problem.
    When I go under the bluetooth logo on the top bar I find the mouse and both keyboards referenced, the old keyboard is shown as disconnected and the other two are connected. I have tried to update the device's name but it doesn't seem to let me.
    I have double clicked on the device under bluetooth and it shows the new keyboard as discoverable, paired and connected. Hence, I am using the new keyboard to write this inquiry.
    Please, any assistance would be of great help. I have tried to be thorough in order help narrow the possible problem. Thanks!!

    Just thought I'd let you know.  Our suspicions were correct, it was the OS. After I installed Snow Leopard (10.6.8) all the problems were corrected.  I also updated the RAM from 1 gb to 6 gb. The mac is working all around better. Sorry it took so long to get back to everyone. My superdrive had pooped out. Rather than replace it I got an external drive from OWC connected with firewire 800.  So far everything is running very well, as far as I can tell this external drive is better than the original superdrive. My superdrive has always acted funny, infact I returned the first mac I got after a week because its superdrive was also malfunctioning. Anyway, all that to say everything seems to be fully functioning again.
    Re: Function keys are not working correctly 

  • LaserJet Pr0 200 color MFP M276nw Touch Screen not Working correctly

    Hello, I'm having an issue with a LaserJet Pr0 200 color MFP M276nw Touch Screen not Working correctly. I have followed the instructions to reset the printer, but now am unable to select 'English' as my language because every time I select the 'English' option 'Spanish' is selected. I am then given two options to select 'Si' or 'No' both of which can not be selected on the touch screen?
    Anybody know of a way round this?

    Hi @dnhowes ,
    I see that you are having issues with the touch screen not working correctly. I will do my best to help you.
    Make sure the printer is connected directly to a wall outlet. (don't use a power hub or a surge protector) This ensures the printer is receiving full power and may help this situation.
    Was it the Nvram reset back to factory settings that you tried or a hard reset?
    Try selecting the option on the display a little higher above the icon to see if that helps. Some touch screens are finicky.
    I find that on the Lab printers when I am selecting different menus.
    If the issue continues, please call our technical support at 800-474-6836 for further assistance. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get the support number for your region.
    Have a nice day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Screen Not Working Correctly- Horizontal Lines

    For the past few weeks, when I open my computer, sometimes the bottom half of my screen is just a lot of lines or is not working correctly. Sometimes if I tilt the screen enough, it will go away. But I don't know what to do!

    First step in user troubleshooting is to turn the phone off and back on. If that doesn't help, then a reset. Hold the sleep/wake and home buttons together until you see the Apple logo and then release. The phone will restart. If this does not solve it, then a restore from backup, and finally if necessary, a restore as a new device.
    You do not indicate what iPhone version you have. You also do not say if the phone has been dropped or any user damage to the screen. If anything, you can make an appointment with the Apple Store Genius bar to get the hardware checked.

  • Share point in server admin not working correctly... I think

    I suspect that the share point in server admin is not working correctly. In workgroup manager when I click on a user and then click on the "home" tab, under the full path field I see a file path of:
    However if I go to Server Admin -> AFP -> Share Points then click on the Users share and then click on the share point tab below, enable auto mount is disabled. How can this be possible? I thought for a directory to show up in home in workgroup manager it had to be set as an auto mount. Has something possibly corrupted? And what?

    Here's a bit more information about our setup and our experiences with Apple's CUPS implementation:
    On the server, all printer queues are set up with only lpr and ipp sharing enabled with the PPD setting for each printer set to Generic Postscript. We found that setting the PPD to the printer specific one on the server caused problems when clients tried to use printer specific options, like paper tray selection, etc.. The selection would be undone, apparently because the driver on the server would override the previous settings. Using Generic Postscript allows the client PPD settings to go through unmodified. Our printers are general a mix of HP LaserJets and some Sharp Copiers.
    All clients use lpd to the server queues with the printers' actual PPDs configured. Using ipp is superior in that printer feedback (jams, out of toner, etc) makes it back to the clients, but ipp only works when the client, the server, and the printer are on the same network. If the ipp client is not on the same network, the client spooler immediately goes into a paused state and the print job is stuck on the client.
    Using lpd to the server queues works reliably, but there is no feedback to the client. Jobs disappear from the client queue and go to the server, appearing to the user as a successful print. If the printer is down, there's nothing they can see or do about it.

  • Substitution rule is not working correctly

    Hi PS Gurus,
    We have a problem in one of the newly created projects that the substitution rule is not working correctly; the data is not copied to the WBS element Cust. Enhancement tab.
    Project 1 is working fine and the data is copied & Project 2 and Project 3 are not getting all the data copied to the WBS element,
    In that project profile (substitution rule is given), substitution rule is also maintained 
    So please help why in one project substitution rule in working & other isnu2019t.
    Many Thanks in Advance.

    Hello Menaka,
    Select the WBS element in the project builder.
    Cleck on Edit --> Validation Substitution --> Substitution
    You will get the list of Substituitions, Double click on the required Substition rule.This action will generate a log, whether substitution has been succesfully caried out or with some error.
    Kindly provide us that error log to guide you further.

Maybe you are looking for