Book Recommendation for Building Swing Applications

I'm looking for recommendations on books for building swing applications from the ground up.
I'm not a strong GUI developer. 95% of my experience has been strictly on back end development in many other languages. What little GUI experience I have has been with C++ (years ago) and most recently with HTML.
I know what I want to develop, and even have the GUI design for my application drawn out. I just need a good book that can walk me through developing the interface in Java.
I already have several books on Java. But, I find them somewhat limiting because they don't help me build the app from the ground up.
Yes, I've tried the online book on the Sun site, "The Jfc Swing Tutorial: Guide to Constructing Gui's".
Please offer some recommendations and reasons on why you like the book.

A few comments to that ....
the first thing is understanding the LayoutManagers, that are available.
I will give you a short guideline where they are usefull:
FlowLayout - usefull for JLabel-JTextField combinations or several JButtons
BorderLayout - usefull for the structure of basic containers
CardLayout - usefull for every area of the screen, where you want to appear different panels
GridLayout - usefull for a group of same-sized components laid out in a grid
GridBagLayout - usefull for a group of components, that have different sizes, very flexible
JTabbedPane - a special container, that is similar to CardLayout but with visible tabs to switch panels
Normally you can say "I want that group at the bottom of the frame, that other group at its left side, that toolbar at its top" - if you can say so - that shouts for BorderLayout. If you can say "in this area I want to use several panels" that means CardLayout or a JTabbedPane.
You see, if you have an idea, what the LayoutManagers do, you know exactly which area needs what Layout - so you have a guideline, which LayoutManager to use in that panel.
To make an example:
You want 3 buttons centered at the bottom of a frame - this 3 buttoms should be of that size, that is needed by the button texts. So, what to do:
1. create a JPanel with FlowLayout
2. create the buttons and add it to that JPanel
3. create another JPanel with BorderLayout
4. add that first JPanel to the second JPanel at BorderLayout.CENTER
5. add this Panel to the ContentPane of the frame at BorderLayout.SOUTH
that is a simple panel in panel construct - placing 3 buttons centered at the bottom of the frame. You have to play with that different LayoutManagers a little bit - the way you stick one panel in another changes the look of the GUI - if you know, how it changes (by playing with the examples of the tutorial), you will have that "from the ground"-experience, you are looking for - believe me.
greetings Marsian

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    Hi everybody!
    Finally I got it. now Using this We can enable background for any swing application.
    the complete code is shown here. If you have any problems regarding this code, please mail to [email protected]
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    /* this is used to generate a tiled image from a given image file.*/
    public class TexturedImageIcon extends ImageIcon
         private Dimension size = new Dimension(10, 10);
         BufferedImage bimg1,bimg;
         Graphics2D g2;
         ComponentListener cl = new ComponentAdapter(){
              public void componentResized(ComponentEvent ce){
                   Component c = (Component)ce.getSource();
                   size = c.getSize();
         public void setImage(String filename){
              super.setImage(new ImageIcon(filename).getImage());
         public TexturedImageIcon(Component comp, Image img){
         public TexturedImageIcon(Component comp, String filename){
         public TexturedImageIcon(Component comp, URL url){
         private void addListener(Component comp){
         private void createImage(){
              bimg = new BufferedImage(size.width, size.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
              g2 = bimg.createGraphics();
              Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Float(0,0,size.width-1, size.height-1);
              Rectangle2D tr = new Rectangle2D.Double(0,0,super.getIconWidth(), super.getIconHeight());
                   bimg1 = new BufferedImage(super.getIconWidth(), super.getIconHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
                   Graphics2D g = bimg1.createGraphics();
                   g.drawImage(super.getImage(), null, null);
              TexturePaint tp = new TexturePaint(bimg1, tr);
         public int getIconWidth(){ return size.width; }
         public int getIconHeight(){ return size.height; }
         public Image getImage(){
              return bimg;
         public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y){
              Graphics2D g2d =(Graphics2D)g;
              g2d.drawImage(bimg, null, null);
         public static void main(String[] args){
              JFrame f = new JFrame();
              JLabel label = new JLabel();
              label.setIcon(new TexturedImageIcon(label, "world2.gif"));
              f.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              f.getContentPane().add(label, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    /*The main logic to enable background picture lies in this class*/
    public class JFCUtils{
         public static ContainerListener cl = new ContainerAdapter(){
              public void componentAdded(ContainerEvent ce){
                   JComponent child = (JComponent)ce.getChild();
         public static TexturedImageIcon enableBackGround(JFrame f, String filename){
              JLayeredPane lp = f.getLayeredPane();
              JLabel label = new JLabel();
              TexturedImageIcon icon = new TexturedImageIcon(label, filename);
              JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
              panel.add(label, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              lp.add(panel, new Integer(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
              Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
              panel.setBounds(0, 0, screen.width,screen.height);
              return icon;
         private static void addlisteners(Component c){
              if(c instanceof JComponent) ((JComponent)c).setOpaque(false);
              if(c instanceof Container){
                   Container ct = (Container)c;
              for(int i=0; i<ct.getComponentCount(); i++){ //recursivly make all subcomponents transparent
                   Component child = (Component)ct.getComponent(i);
         public static void main(String[] args){
              JFrame f = new JFrame();
              enableBackGround(f, "bg.jpg");
              JButton b = new JButton("fdfdfdfd");
              f.getContentPane().add(b, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    //to check how a swing application with background looks like
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class UserDialog extends JDialog
         JPanel contents = (JPanel)getContentPane();
         JTextField shortField = new JTextField(20);
         JTextField nameField = new JTextField(20);
         JTextField emailField = new JTextField(20);
         JTextField smtpServerField = new JTextField(20);
         JTextField pwdField = new JPasswordField(20);
         JTextField pwdField1 = new JPasswordField(20);
         boolean okay = false;
         public UserDialog(JFrame owner){
              super(owner, "New User Details", true);
         public UserDialog(JDialog owner){
              super(owner, "New User Details", true);
         private void initComponents(){
              JPanel west = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1));
              west.add(new JLabel("Short Name"));
              west.add(new JLabel("Full Name"));
              west.add(new JLabel("Email"));
              west.add(new JLabel("SMTP Server"));
              west.add(new JLabel("Password"));
              west.add(new JLabel("Confirm Password"));
              JPanel east = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1));
              JPanel south = new JPanel();
              JButton ok = new JButton("Ok");
              JButton cancel = new JButton("Cancel");
              contents.setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 10));
              contents.add(west, BorderLayout.WEST);
              contents.add(east, BorderLayout.EAST);
              contents.add(south, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              ActionListener al = new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
                        okay = ae.getActionCommand().equals("Ok");
         private void clearFields(){
         public User getUser(){
              okay = false;
              if(okay) return new User(shortField.getText(), nameField.getText(), emailField.getText(), smtpServerField.getText(), pwdField.getText());
              else return null;
         public static void main(String[] args){
              Dialog dlg = new UserDialog();
              TexturedImageIcon ticon = JFCUtils.enableBackGround(f, "bg.jpg");.show();
              //we can change the background picture by calling ticon.setImage(...) at runtime.

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    >--Original Message--
    >From: [email protected]
    >Date: 10/06/2009 15:25
    >To: "Martin Coleman"<[email protected]>
    >Subj: Book Recommendation for Fathers Day?
    >Mordy Goldings Real World Adobe Illustrator CS 4


    >Mordy has a very clear way of writing.

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    Travis M
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    National Instruments

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    bsbiran wrote:
    Well the app require alot of images and I parts of it do run 'slow'
    ...I'm currently going through a book about Swing and read that many times the "slowness" of a Swing-application can be credited to the programmer for not using the API efficiently/correctly (letting the app repaint too much, or repainting large parts that don't need repainting at all, to name just two things). So, I don't know how much of a Swing-guru you are, but it might be better to read a few decent Swing tutorials or pick up a good Swing book.

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    The Swing code is attached
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Reminder extends JFrame
         public static void main(String[] args)
              new Reminder();
         public Reminder()
              JDesktopPane desktop = new JDesktopPane();
    this.setLocation(350, 300);
    this.setSize(300, 80);
    JLabel reminder = new JLabel("Do not forget delivering reports!", SwingConstants.CENTER);
    reminder.setForeground(new Color(125, 125, 220));
    reminder.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 18));
         this.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         this.getContentPane().add("Center", reminder);
         this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);// set frame closeable
    //     this.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);// set maximized frame

    Hi Andrew,
    In my case, it does not require any web server. I could not use javaws.
    There is way work around by using Runtime.exec(). The MS Windows CMD hides when I double click the start.bat file.
    File start.bat:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    java Test
    public class Test
         public static void main(String[] args)
                   Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
                   r.exec("java Reminder");
              }catch(Exception e)
    File has been attached in the original post.

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    Better use a utility method in the application like this
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    call disableHtml(Component u want to set html disable) for any component in the application.

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