Booking form

Hey guys,
I am trying to do a block booking form. With a START_TIME field SESSION_LENGTH field.
What kind of data types can I use with oracle SQL Plus?
It wont let me use datetime data type.
Do I need a seperate date field and time field?
Is this question in the wrong section? If so which section should it be in?
Thanks for help.

OK I can use date as datetime

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    Good day!
    This is a user to user Forum, so you are not really addressing Adobe here, even though some Adobe employees thankfully have been dropping by. (edit: Actually they are more likely to frequent the regular Photoshop Forum.)

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    Devil is the detail, but this is possible. BUT NOT SIMPLE!
    Id only ever quote and charge a client to do this, to implement it.
    So id say you could email [email protected] if you wanted and Brett/I can quote you up and do it. You can find someone to help on this as well of course if you want.
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    Hey there,
    The form for booking is just a web form, BC treats it differently when in the events page. So under web forms you will find the booking form. You can not just add fields to the html of the form. You need to add them here so they can go into the database.
    - The webform workflow can be changed on the web form settings, the workflows are under the site settings and you can create/edit them there.
    - You can only have the name of the fields that come out, you do not have much customisation on the email confirmation or the layout. You can not limit or edit the fields.
    - You can not use javascript in emails, this is not a BC thing, this is an email/web thing.

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    I have developed my new web page using jsp. I have done a booking form,
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    Tried going to that URL and got an error page served by Apache Webserver
    Maybe you haven't got the correct connector going between the webserver and the application server?

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    Yes, it's working, but still in the process as the site is undergoing other changes. Learned the detailed work-through from two tutorials on kiyuco, including one for a web app.
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    - jerry

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    Only seamless payment gateways will function correctly on forms for booking or custom forms you create. Paypal standard will only work as an option withing the eCommerce aspect of BC.

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    [email protected]
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    As far as I know you can download it as .pdf file from the Toshiba European driver page.
    But why you dont print this user manual?
    You can do this easily

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    If you have increased the minimum font size then try the default setting "none" in case the current setting is causing problems.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced > Minimum Font Size (none)
    Make sure that you allow websites to choose their fonts.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced: [X] "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above"
    It is better not to increase the minimum font size, but use an extension to set the default page zoom to prevent issues with text not being displayed properly.
    You can use an extension to set a default font size and page zoom on web pages.
    *Default FullZoom Level:

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    Hi CSY,
    Thanks for your reply, please let me know whether
    1.     u201CList outputu201D is a program? through which all these details are coming in a particular format when we view by pressing the u201CSimulateu201D button in PR05 if yes then
    2.     Can it be possible to make the changes by making a copy of the original program & make it a u201CZu201D program? & after changes
    3.     Whether it is possible to attach with the standard PR05? And not to a u201CZPR05u201D So that we can view the u201CZ list outputu201D (modified program of list output) in the same manner as we are viewing the original u201CList outputu201D
    4.     If yes, please let me know in detail.

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    Is there some other way to get a book (or author) request? ... do they care?? (I'm guessing no, since they don't pay attention to the form itself!)
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    However, if I'm missing something -- if I'm doing this REQUEST A BOOK wrong -- please let me know the right way. Thanks.

    Don't worry about the form, it takes time for them to update everything. Just make your request. It would be unrealistic to assume that your request will somehow translate into immediate results. Find another place to get your book.

  • Hotel Booking form

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    crossed) and the company i am (maybe) moving to have scored a lot
    of Hotels as clients, and will be doing a good number of sites for
    One of the key things on all of these sites will be the
    online booking. Obviously it's all DB driven and so on, but if
    anyone knows any good tutorial or book i'd love a pointer, as i
    have NO idea where to start. I have rarely (never) used forms
    dynamically. and so don't even know where to begin.
    Thanks as always.

    On 27 Nov 2006 in macromedia.dreamweaver, FreakyJesus wrote:
    > Oh cool - I never even thought there might be tool just
    for this
    > purpose. I'll look around. Would you know/recommend any?
    Unless the hotels they're dealing with are independents, odds
    are that
    they already have some kind of booking system in place
    anyway. Call the
    tech guy at a hotel near you and ask about their booking
    system. Then
    find out if there's an API[1] for a web interface to it.
    Joe Makowiec

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    I'm the same way, I prefer something I can hold in my hands too.
    I've been using +Apple Pro Training Series: Aperture 3+ by *Dion Scoppettuoio*. Comes with a DVD which contains libraries and files that you use to work on the exercises in the book.
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