Boolean text property in array of booleans

I am having difficutly in creating a simple program that creates an array of clusters of boolean controls where each boolean has its own custom text.  I attempt to auto create the boolean text in a loop and then after writing to change each individual control, I bundle it and collect it into an array.  What am I doing wrong here?  
Go to Solution.
Boolean text ‏9 KB

Where's your cluster?
All elements of an array must have the same properties.  This includes the boolean text.
There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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    I have 8 picture controls inside an array and I would like to set the caption text of these controls.
    I have used the property node of the array and used the array elements property caption text to set the text.
    The problem is however that I set the same text to all the picture controls inside the array.
    My question is how to set caption text of specific elements (Picture control) that I have so far only been able to access using the array elements caption text property.

    Some more help
    1 You could use the caption of the array and place it in front of the selected picture and update that using property nodes.
    2 Like Norbett said if you use a cluster of pictures then their caption can be updated individually.
    Here is a an example that demonstrates the above
    Modify the Captions Of ‏83 KB

  • In SSRS , after exporting report in excel,wrap text property for cell and freeze column for SSRS table header not working in Excel

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    to work after exporting in my report in excel but its not working ,is there any solution ? any patch ? any other XML code for different rendering ? 

    Hi Amol,
    According to your description, you find the wrap text property and fix column is not working after exporting into Excel. Right?
    In Reporting Services, when exporting to excel file, it has limitation for textbox.
    Text boxes are rendered within one Excel cell. Font size, font face, decoration, and font style are the only formatting that is supported on individual text within an Excel cell.
    Excel adds a default padding of approximately 3.75 points to the left and right sides of cells. If a text box’s padding settings are less than 3.75 points and is just barely wide enough to accommodate the text, the text may wrap in Excel.
    In this scenario, it supposed to be wrap text unless you merge cells. If cells are merged, word-wrap does not work correctly. If any merged cells exist on a row where a text box is rendered with the
    AutoSize property, autosize will not work. For the Fix Data Property, it can't be working in Excel. These are features when exporting to Excel. We can't change it because it's by design.
    Exporting to Microsoft Excel (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • How to customize the content set in text as part of tag cq:text property="text"/

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    Now, we have to customize the text.
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    <p>Click <a data-action="Hyperlink" data-upc-tooltip-type="none" href="/content/www-abc-healthcare-ch/en/offer.html">here</a> for the link</p> <p></p>
    After customization in 'text' property:-
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    i.e .html has been removed.
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    Please suggest how to override text content, so that the tag <cq:text property="text"/> will print customized text.

      Which version of cq? Is Strict Extension Check enabled at  http://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr/ nsformerFactory

  • Changing Text property of TextObject at runtime has unexpected results

    I'm using the version of Crystal Reports that ships with VS 2008.
    At runtime, I'm replacing the text of a TextObject with new text. This works fine when the TextObject contains only literal information, but when the TextObject contains a formula field it does not work as expected.
    If I have the following in the designer:
    Text1 with text of "Number: {@FormulaX}"
    And in the runtime code (in the InitReport method):
    Text1.Text = "N.: {@FormulaX}"
    The observed output is: N.: {@ForumlaX}
    Instead of the expected output of: N.: 5
    I even tried the following in the runtime code:
    string foo = Text1.Text;
    Text1.Text = foo;
    And it produced similar results.
    Any ideas on what's going on, or how to get the results I'm expecting?

    The Text property doesn't interpret the formula syntax. You'll need to use a RAS TextObject to accomplish this.
    Note: This inproc RAS code will only work with Crystal Reports XI R2 SP2 and Crystal Reports 2008.
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Security;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
    using CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc;
    using CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel;
    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected ReportDocument boReportDocument;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!this.IsPostBack)
            CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = Session["Report"];
        protected void ConfigureCrystalReports()
            ISCDReportClientDocument boReportClientDocument;       
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ReportObjectController boReportObjectController;
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.TextObject boOldTextObject, boNewTextObject;
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.Paragraph boParagraph;
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.ParagraphFieldElement boParagraphFieldElement;
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.ParagraphTextElement boParagraphTextElement;
            boReportDocument = new ReportDocument();
            boReportClientDocument = boReportDocument.ReportClientDocument;       
            boReportObjectController = boReportClientDocument.ReportDefController.ReportObjectController;
            // Get a handle on the ReportObjectController so we can manipulate the TextObject       
            foreach (CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.ReportObject boReportObject in boReportObjectController.GetAllReportObjects())
                if (boReportObject.Kind == CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.CrReportObjectKindEnum.crReportObjectKindText)
                    boOldTextObject = (CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.TextObject)boReportObject;
                    boNewTextObject = (CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.TextObject)boOldTextObject.Clone(true);
                    // Clear out all paragraphs from the current text object
                    // Create a new Paragraph to add to our TextObject
                    boParagraph = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.Paragraph();
                    // Create a new ParagraphTextElement to be added to our paragraph
                    boParagraphTextElement = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.ParagraphTextElement();               
                    boParagraphTextElement.Text = "The value of my parameter is: ";
                    // Create a new ParagraphFieldElement (our parameter field) to be added to our paragraph               
                    boParagraphFieldElement = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.ParagraphFieldElement();
                    boParagraphFieldElement.Kind = CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.CrParagraphElementKindEnum.crParagraphElementKindField;
                    boParagraphFieldElement.DataSource = "{?Currency}";               
                    boReportObjectController.Modify(boOldTextObject, boNewTextObject);
            Session.Add("Report", boReportDocument);

  • Remove text field from Array via for loop

    i have a problem to remove text fields added via for loop.
    That im doing is, via for loop im dynamically creating menu with 10 buttons.
    Each button contain, dynamically created, background (shape) and text field.
    And everything is fine.
    But when im try to remove text fields then i got this error:
    - Im using button to remove text fields - lang_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
              at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
              at Loading_Img_fla::MainTimeline/xmlLoaded()
    In the script bellow marked with red is what should remove text fields from an Array, instead giving me error.
    Here is my script
    // Create for loop
    for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
              for each (xml in listItems)
                        if (i == xml.attribute("Id"))
                                  // Add MovieClip to stage to hold the data
                                  lmHolder.x = 0;
                                  lmHolder.y = 0;
                                  // Create new MovieClip to hold buttons
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i] = new MovieClip();
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].buttonMode = true;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].mouseChildren = false;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].x = 20;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].y = 20 + btCount * buttonSpace;
                                  // Add each button MovieClip to lmHolder MovieClip
                                  // Create Background to buttons
                                  lmButtonsArray[i] = new Shape();
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].graphics.beginFill(lmBgColor0, 1);
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 230, 85);
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].x = 0;
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].y = 0;
                                  // <<-- Add Background shape to the buttons MovieClips
                                  // Create a new array to preserve data from XML List
                                  lmNameArrayEG = new Array();
                                  lmNameArrayUS = new Array();
                                  // Create local variable to hold
                                  var lmTxtFieldContentUS:String;
                                  var lmTxtFieldContentEG:String;
                                  var lmTxtContent:String;
                                  // If clicked button is EG then make array with Arabic text
                                  // If clicked button is US then make array with English text
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for each (var leftMenuName:XML in egLanguageList)
                                            lmTxtFieldContentEG = lmNameArrayEG[i];
                                            lmTxtContent = lmTxtFieldContentEG;
                                            for each (var leftMenuNameUS:XML in usLanguageList)
                                            lmTxtFieldContentUS = lmNameArrayUS[i];
                                            lmTxtContent = lmTxtFieldContentUS;
                                  // Setup new text field each time script is executed
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i] = new TextField();
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].width = 110;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].border = false;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].wordWrap = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].multiline = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].selectable = false;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].embedFonts = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].text = lmTxtContent.toUpperCase();
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].x = 10;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].name = "lmTxtFieldName" + i;
                                  // <<-- Add Text fields to the Movie Clip
                                  // If clicked button is EG then set Arabic text format, and make array with Arabic text fields
                                  // If clicked button is US then set English text format, and make array with Egnlish text fields
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            // Make array from text fields;
                                            // Make array from text fields;
                                  // If clicked button is EG then loop thrue the for loop and remove English text fields from array
                                  // If clicked button is EG then loop thrue the for loop and remove Arabic text fields from array
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for (var rNr_us:Number = 0; rNr_us < pushUsTFintoArray.length; rNr_us++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushUsTFintoArray = [];
                                            for (var rNr_eg:Number = 0; rNr_eg < pushEgTFintoArray.length; rNr_eg++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushEgTFintoArray = [];

    it looks like those tf's are children of  lmButtonsMCArray[i], not the current scope.  use:
    if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for (var rNr_us:Number = 0; rNr_us < pushUsTFintoArray.length; rNr_us++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushUsTFintoArray = [];
                                            for (var rNr_eg:Number = 0; rNr_eg < pushEgTFintoArray.length; rNr_eg++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushEgTFintoArray = [];

  • Linking source text property in AE CS6 to external text document

    I would like to load text from an external .txt file into the Source Text property. I've seen multiple ways to do this around the web, but it seems like it's changed in CS6. (All the examples I've found are for CS4 or CS5.)
    I'm on a macbook pro. The .txt file (data.txt) is on the desktop.
    This is what I've tried to map into the Source Text property:
    myPath = "/data.txt"; try{ $.evalFile (myPath); eval(; }catch (err){ "not found" }
    Here I get "not found".
    myPath = "/c/data.txt"; $.evalFile(myPath)
    Here I get the error: "File or folder does not exist".
    The name of my comp is "sc100" and the text file says:
    sc100 = "My Text"; ;
    Is there a proper way to do this in CS6? Or am I just doing it wrong?
    - KolibriEirik

    I've been trying the entire afternoon with this expression and also Harry Frank's and haven't been able to make it work, I even imported an old project where it worked fine and in that comp it still does, but the new one doesn't. I moved the data file to the location where I have the one for the old project and I was able to make it work, however I can't leave it there becasue I'm doing this project in a different machine,
    This are the expressions that I have tried so far:
    myPath = ~/Desktop/combinedcaptions.txt
    $.evalFile (myPath);
    }catch (err){
    "not found"
    if ($.os.indexOf("Mac") != -1)
    myPath = "/Volumes/750GB/Mount Sinai_Carousel_David/Expressions/";
    myPath = "file://c:\\\\Expressions\\";
    myPath += "CombinedCaptions.txt";
    $.evalFile (myPath);
    Only the third one worked, but just as long I placed it in a different directory, which I can't.
    Can anyone help? I'm due to deliver over a 100 captions tomorrow.

  • How to change the colour of text property in Radio button?

    Hello All,
    I am having some radio buttons in my application. i want to change the colour of text property by default it is black.
    Could any one please suggest me how to do it?
    Thanks in advance.

    Currently you cannot, it is a known (and hopefully reported, and at least addressed for next version) bug (or limitation, as they rushed to get the components out before JavaOne...).
    People reported they just put an empty text and put a label beside the component. Ugly workaround (bad when the component will be complete) but if it works... :-)

  • How to set the 'text' property of a 'Header' region dynamically?

    I have a requirement to display the 'text' property of a 'Header' region, based on a query.
    So I need to set the text property programatically in CO.
    Can I use setText("..") by getting the handler to the 'Header' region?
    If so, How to get the handler for the 'Header' region?
    Message was edited by:

    How to get the handler for the 'Header' region to call the setText()?
    OAHeaderBean Header1 = (OAHeaderBean)...........................

  • Why capital letters change in lower after copying them from a PDF document, or otherwise, why some uppercase are in fact lowercase when I look in the Text Property in any PDF Reader.

    Why capital letters change in lower after copying them from a PDF document (Made by InDesign), or otherwise, why some uppercase are in fact lowercase when I look in the Text Property in any PDF Reader.

    your home page to get into your Web site should be index.html (for Mac) or index.htm  (on PC)
    You can name it something other than index, but will be harder to find.  when you create the subjects and link to them, they can can be named anything with the html extension  Or if your using PHP end in .php. There is a Microsoft type asp or aspx but your hosting service has to set up using windows server system.
    My hosting service use a Linux server normally but can convert Windows for a Fee.  UNIX Linux has no concept of asp or aspx.
    See this :

  • How to get the 'text' property value of a button in coding?

    Hi Experts,
    I'm using 10 buttons all are having common action('click'). when i click a button the 'text' value of the button should pass to a function.So the action is same but the passed value will be the 'text' value of the corresponding button.  I don't know how to get the 'text' property of a button in coding. Kindly help me to solve this problem.
    Thanks and Regards

    My event is like this.
    public void onActionclick( wdEvent )
         String s =  ?  ; // should get the 'text' property of clicked button
         fillInput(s);     // function to be called
    The called function is,
    public void fillInput( java.lang.String id )
        String str=wdContext.currentContextElement().getNum();
        str = str + id;
    How can i get the 'text' property value of the corresponding button. Click action should be common to all buttons.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Unicode characters not displayed in text property

    I am developing a web application with Flex Builder. I write
    the text for each label using a font called Dhivehi which is
    written from left to right, and then copy the text and paste it in
    the label property called text.
    However in the source code view the text property of the
    label shows
    The issue is that when rendered the text is rversed. So I
    want to run a function once the application is loaded, to reverse
    the text in the label, so that the text will appear in it's
    original way.
    any help will be very much appreciated

    I have a strange problem here with Windows.Forms.RichTextBox, when I assign a .ToString() value of sting builder to a rich text box’s .Rtf Property the Unicode characters containing in string builder gets converted to ???? symbols in .Rtf property of rich
    text box.
    Could you please let me know if Rich text box’s .Rtf property can hold Unicode characters? or is there any other way to store the Unicode characters in rich text box?
    Thanks & Regards,
    To clarify and help you get proper solution, I would recommend you share a rtf string or even a simple sample which could reproduce that issue with us.
    We will based on that sample to help you.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Getting the value of a html:text property in javascript function

    Hi all,
    I am using struts framework and I need to get a value in a textfield both in java part and javascript part
    <td><html:text property="identityNumber"> </td>
    I dont know how can I reach the value user entered in that field in the javascript function
    function verifyID(){
              var identityUserEntered = ????

    the javascript expression document.forms[0].identityNumber.value should do it.
    You do realise you can't run java and javascript at the same time though right? The only way javascript can communicate with java is to submit an http request (normally submit form)

  • Field Text Property Not Found

    I have a Director MX 2004 based training course that is
    periodically getting the following error:
    property not found: #text
    This training program was developed in Director 6.5 and
    updated last year to MX 2004. The training program had been running
    without error for six years prior to the update. I didn't update
    the script that is causing the error until after receiving the
    error reports.
    After getting the error report I was able to reproduce the
    error while running in MX 2004 and the error said:
    Script error: Property not found
    set the text of member "IN" = tempIN & sp &
    I checked the debugger and the local variables were all valid
    and nothing seem out of place. The field cast member "IN" exists
    and the member's sprite is static in the score (i.e., it's not
    being dynamically created).
    Since I couldn't figure out what the problem was I updated
    the field update scripts to the new syntax:
    member("INText", "Internal").text = tempIN & sp &
    I also changed the name of the cast member thinking that the
    name "IN" may be causing the problem. There are no other cast
    members of the same name. Unfortunately, I'm still getting the same
    error. There are other field member sprites that are getting
    updated successfully before this line of code but for some reason
    this particular field member sprite is causing the error, even
    after changing the name of the member. I've since moved my text
    formatting script to the frame script in the score where the field
    members are located and tried preloading the member but neither of
    those changes helped.
    This error is very sporadic and I've only been able to
    reproduce it few times on my local machine, and not since I updated
    the script syntax and the field name, but my client is still
    encountering the error. I checked that my client's program file
    installation is up-to-date and they're running the newest
    Any ideas of what might be causing the problem? I'm

    You seem to be using #field member and #text member
    interchangably. They're
    not the same type of member and they have different
    Actually, I'm not. It's a field member. The member's name
    "INText" probably led you to believe it's a text member. I changed
    the member's name from "IN" to "INText" as I thought perhaps the
    "IN" may be causing the problem. The member has always been a field
    member. I'm not formatting the field or anything like that, I'm
    only replacing the field contents. I don't use Director much
    anymore, other than this project, but having used both 7.5 and MX,
    I assumed that I could access the text property of a field using
    the member("myField", "castName").text syntax as per the docs.
    As for the concatenation, the variables are all strings so it
    shouldn't really matter. The real problem is that the field
    member's text property can't be found, not what I'm putting into
    it. And the fact that it only happens occasionally is what I can't
    figure out. Since I encountered the error myself inside of Director
    and was able to run the debugger I was able to see all of the
    variables in the debugger and check for the field member and its
    properties in the Message window and everything looked okay.
    To double check the member coflickt issue (director always
    operates on the first occurance of a member name
    It's definitely the only member using the name "INText",
    plus, I checked all cast libs and it's a unique name.
    When I originally converted the movie I do recall that I had
    another cast member named "IN", the original name of the field
    member, when I converted the movie. I can't remember the type of
    member it was but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a field. Perhaps the
    movie still has some kind of reference to that not field member and
    may point to it occasionally, even though I've since renamed the
    original field cast member to "INText".

  • Struts dynamic html:text property truncated

    I am tring to dynamically generate the property of an indexed property in struts, my property name seems to get truncated after submission. What am I doing wrong?
    <html:text property="quantity('quantity(0)')" styleId="quantity" styleClass="text" size="15" value=""/>
    The value comes out like this and the key is truncated (it doesn't have a
    close bracket)
    quantity(QUANTITY-0 = 10 piecesThanks

    The key:value comes out like this:
    quantity(0 = 10 pieces

Maybe you are looking for

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