Border line in all jpgs, help

Hi I'm new here and this is my first post ever.
I had created a couple of sites with dreamweaver CS3. And around all my jpgs with links, when I press to go to the link, a line (frame) appears around the file.
I work a lot with jpgs in web design. The strange thing is that this line appears in pc and not in mac.
Any idea of what to change on the code to make the line dissapear?
Thank you very much for your help.

Hey Hans, thanks for your answer!
Should I do it in all the html pages of the web site?
And where where should I write it? 
Let´s say I have this code:
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="enz5iwMR3XVdfJK-6Kh4OmvFu7KIdk1Z_V-oMwb9hY0" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Martin Noboa's portfolio</title>
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background-color: #FFFFFF;
background-image: url();
background-repeat: repeat;
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left: 1149px;
background-color: #000000;
visibility: hidden;
overflow: hidden;
top: 50px;
body,td,th {
font-size: large;
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function MM_CheckFlashVersion(reqVerStr,msg){
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    2- Using a plugin (also with others):
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    They know perfectly well what they took out of Pages '09.
    Well over 90 features.
    Do you think you posting feedback is going to remind them of what they did? 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    Pages '09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.
    Archive/trash Pages 5 and rate/review it in the App Store, then get back to work.

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    HamidHelal wrote:
    Lan_Desu wrote:
    Please, help me.
    Is there any way to offset the text from the border a bit?
    I would like to have a black line around some boilerplate text, but the text is always butted against the border. Is there a way to offset the text a bit ?
    I've been searching in this forum and google and didn't find the answer yet.
    Hi, Lan
    if yo want to place a line you may choose underline option. Otherwise take a line/draw a line and keep space between the text and line.
    Hope this helps
    HamidIs there a way easily?
    I already know that that solution. But it is troublesome when I face editing later - I have to edit all of it.
    But thanks for the answer :)

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    JPG does not support transparency, so even if you create an oval with transparent background, the saved JPG will have white background. Instead, save it as a PNG, TIFF, or GIF which preserve the transparency.
    Here is one of many ways to create your oval:
    Create a new file the approximate size of the oval. Add the oval with the Custom Shape Ellipse tool, and simplify the shape layer.
    In the Layers Palette, Ctrl-click the oval to select it and copy the selection to the clipboard (Edit > Copy).
    Then do File > New from Clipboard. This creates the oval with transparent background cropped to the oval size.
    Then save it as one of the file types that support transparency (and also supported by the application where you are sending the picture to).
    Note:  Is is not even necessary to do step 2. That is only if some reason you want the oval to be tightly cropped. It is sufficient to delete the Background layer in step 1 (or turn off its visibility) and save the file. The oval will appear correctly in the book with either version.

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    i want to decrease the width of the border line of a table in smartform in 4.7 version. how can i do it? plz reply.

       When u r going to create a table in forms it will show the all details regarding the tables
    like  -> color
           -> width etc...
    From there u can do that .
    u can also select the table format as all ready defined formats i.e available in he same screen.

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    Post Author: ScottL
    CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
    Hi All,
    I am trying to change the thickness of a Chart's Connector Lines for all lines of a chart and cannot find a way to accomplish this. I can go into Report Preview and individually change the thickness one at a time, but what if I do not know how many lines I will have (as in a Line Chart) ? I can't find a way to do this through Crystal Reports XI.
    Many thanks in advance!

    I think it's even easier to just match frame the "source file"... put your playhead on the clip you want to speed change in your sequence. Then type optioncmdf. Perform the speed change in the Viewer, then simply cut it in... Might help to put it up above the older, use the double arrow selection tool facing right to move the clips past this change later... pull the upper track speed changed clip down over the old, and viola.
    Gotta say though, it's a lot easier to perform the speed change in the Viewer, and edit it all in as you go rather than doing it after you've put the clip in a sequence. (not always possible to determine what the speed change should be maybe, but sure easier.... FCP 7 handles this problem a lot better for sure, and worth the upgrade price if your machine is compatible.

  • Problem with border lines

    I am using border lines in the footer of a Word document and they are not showing up when creating a PDF. Increasing the line size or reducing the resolution to 300dpi does not help. Any other suggestions?

    Rather than posting in this forum, which is dedicated to Mac and Windows (not Office) compatibility, try posting in the Microsoft newsgroup for Mac Word found here < <a class="jive-link-external-small" href="http://">> .
    Be sure to search the group first in case your question has already been asked and answered.
    Good luck!
      Mac OS X (10.4.10)   1 GHz Powerbook G4

  • I have a PowerBook G4 17" and need Apple discs to set it up again. Mine lost during move. Screen seems damaged, has vertical lines.  Can anyone help. I can call as I have unlimited calling on my iPhone 6  anywhere in North America.

    I have a PowerBook G4 17" and need Apple discs to set it up again. Mine lost during move. Screen seems damaged, has vertical lines.  Can anyone help. I can call as I have unlimited calling on my iPhone 6  anywhere in North America.

    If your Powerbook's serial number (do not post it here) starts with "W8" then the vertical lines are mostly likely due to a defect in the display itself. W8 is a factory code and, during the iMac G5 and PowerBook G4 timespan, that factory shipped thousands of units with the same defect. It cannot be fixed via software.
    As all PowerBooks are now classed as "obsolete," an Apple Store will not work on it. They will look at it ands tell you it has vertical lines and that they cannot fix it. This Apple article shows Apple devices they curently considered obsolete:
    Vintage and obsolete products - Apple Support
    It is possible that some Apple Authorized Service Providers (AASP) will still work on older computes but they cannot get neededparts from Apple. As this issue was so pervassive, it wil be hard for you or an AASP to find a used/pulled display that is not effected with the "W8 Curse."
    Although I love the old PowerBooks, I would not even spent the money for disks, much less the US$150-400 it would cost to replace the display, even should one be available.
    If you give us a rough idea of where you are in the world, we can suggest repair shops specializing in fixing older Mac notebooks, but be aware those resources may be rather scare outside North America.

  • Smartforms table border lines not printing (URGENT)

    I am trying to print samrtform table border lines on Epson dot matrix printer, in print preview it showing table borders as thick black lines, while printing it not printing lines. It is printing data correctly. Can any one suggest the soution, it is very urgent.
    Edited by: MAHESH FADNAVIS on Apr 7, 2008 11:53 AM

    Can you try to print in a different printer, if the error persists then the problem is in the smartform, otherwise raise a note to SAP regarding this. I think that there is problem is with the page format in which u are taking the printout.
    Can you check if you have selected the framed border in the table border select pattern.
    Hope That Helps
    Anirban M.

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