Bought family iworks, cannot install on other Macs as I have no registration key

I was running a trial version of iWorks, we then bought the family pack. I installed from the disc but it is asking for a reg key, I don't have one.
Can anyone help?

You have to first uninstall the trial version. Easiest is to use Yvan's little script for this on the site
Go For_iWork > iWork '09 > uninstall iWork '
After the uninstallation you can install from your CD without problems.

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          From: Jeromie Clark <[email protected]>
    To: Jason Pearlson <[email protected]>
    Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 10:46 PM
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    created by Jeromie Clark in Installing Flash Player - View the full discussionPlease use the offline installer Internet Explorer: Firefox and other NPAPI browsers: If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed an image in your message please visit the thread in the forum and click the camera icon: To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at , click "Following" at the top right, & "Stop Following"  Start a new discussion in Installing Flash Player by email or at Adobe Community For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

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