BPEL Adapters & Scheduling

Hi guy,
I have downloaded BPEL Process Manager 2.1.2 (the last production version, i think) and already read documentation ... I have some questions:
1) Do exist an FTP Adapter to move file via FTP? I have seen File Adapter and that it moves/handles file on the same machine (I think so). Is it possible using File Adapter? If it's possible, how can I use File Adapter to do it?
2) Where can I find a complete list about Oracle BPEL Adapter (because I also need an E-mail Adapter to manage sending and receiving e-mail with attachment or DB Adapter to manage database connection)
3) Is it possible to schedule BPEL Process activation inside BPEL Process Manager?
Thanks for your answer.

No, but have implemented something that works.
Basically, using quartz as a servlet. This schedules the initation of a generic Java class which pulls out job config information from quartz job.xml file. This java class then calls another java class which connects to the bpel jndi server, and kicks of the bpel process.
Initially I had problems understanding what functionality the Quartz library provided with BPEL actually supported. It doesn't support reading job/trigger definitions from an xml file, so we decided to go with a later version, Quartz 1.6.0. This then led to conflicts between the two libraries if deploying your servlet to the OC4J_BPEL home. A fix for this was to create an orion-web.xml, and add:
<web-app-class-loader search-local-classes-first="true"/>which causes it to look at the version of the quartz lib deployed with the servlet before looking at the earlier quartz libs packaged inside orabpel.jar in the applib directory.
The next problem I had was related to the java class which kicks off the bpel processes. For this to be able to lookup bpel objects in the OC4J_BPEL instances JNDI server, I had to add:
parent="orabpel"to the config file ~/OraHome_2/j2ee/OC4J_BPEL/config/server.xml for the servlet web application otherwise i would get the error:
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Failed to create "ejb/collaxa/system/DomainManagerBean" bean;
exception reported is: "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejb/collaxa/system/DomainManagerBean not foundI think that's about everything, but if anything else springs to mind I'll edit the post.
If you use quartz as a servlet, you'll have to add the entry:
  </servlet>to you're web.xml, in addition to other servlets you create.

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    I have not personally tried but I think it should work.
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    You can refer to the below link.
    I have not personally tried but I think it should work.
    PLease let us know how it goes.

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    I even installed SOA Suite MLR#5 Advanced installation with Oracle Express dehyderation store.
    I was able to use WSIF rejection handler with this upgrade... but bpel rejection handler was still a failure.
    So basically i re-visited ESB documentation. it says that ESB will not support bpel rejection handler.
    At least not upto now.
    So Summary:
    For BPEL we can use - file, wsif, bpel & aq rejection and fatal message handler.
    For ESB we can use file, WSIF ( with MLR#5) & aq rejection and fatal message handler.
    Keep going...

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    I think this is a good article to read about "How to schedule to invoke BPEL process?"
    Re: How to schedule to invoke BPEL process
    Every Little Helps
    Kalidass Mookkaiah

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    I think I need to explain the scenario in order to give you some more idea as to why i need to poll file just once.
    I am trying to create a schedular using Quartz and If i have this BPEL process scheduled to trigger at say some time, the process would keep on polling. Whereas i just need to poll when the trigger is fired that is once per every trigger fired.
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    OimWannaBe wrote:
    Thanks i will go through the links .., just one more question :
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    for schedulers
    1. Create a java class that extends the SchedulerBaseTask (see example below)
    2. Write your business logic
    3. Compile and jar
    4. Place the jar in the ScheduleTask directory in your OIM install
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    we as fusion developer will be developing interfaces which connects source system with target system.
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    Outbound - How System A is going to expose the message, this is called outbound.
    Inbound - How the System B is going to accept the message, this is called inbound.
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    2. If I am going to use SFTP - how is that done as opposed to simple FTP?
    Thanks - Casey

    wrong forum, try the BPEL forum

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    Oracle SOA is started, from the time the adapter is loaded, the interval counting starts. It is not on a particular time.
    If you want to start a BPEL process on a certain time, you could use the quartz timer fucntionality of BPEL to start an instance on a particular time (like unix cron tab).

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    Generally the EIS(backend ERP / CRM), adapters and their framework would publish the message to the listeners only once. Once it is published successfully, it will not look for any other subscrbibers......
    Note that this would vary between ERP / CRM, adapters, adapter framework and their implementation.
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    your question seems to have been answered for the question of polling a set of tables with one as the root, and getting back a hierarchical xml representing multiple related tables.
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    So, are you trying to detect the fact that two different rows in two different tables were both inserted? If so are they related some how? Are they parent child? Is one guaranteed to appear before the other?
    I'm thinking two processes with database adapters that in turn call a third process which has two receives which are connected via a correlation set.
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    <activationAgent className="..." partnerLink="MyInboundAdapterPL">
    <property name="clusterGroupId">myBpelCluster</property>
    Thanks in advance!

    is it mandatory to cluster the OracleAS instancesno
    clusterGroupIdclusterGroupId has nothing to do with iAS or BPEL clustering, it refers to adapter clustering. By creating a clusterGroupId you make the adapter a singleton, ie only one adapter with a certain clusterGroupId will be active, and if other adapters is started with the same clusterGroupId they will be passive and wait for the current active adapter to fail.
    For FTP/File adapter you will need a shared directory amongst the server to hold adapter state (controlfiles). This is controlled by the dir

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