Bpel Operation

I have noticed that when we see 'initiate tab' in BPEL Processes, there is a dropdown option called 'Operation'.
Some of the deployed processes shows 'Initiate' in the drop down and other shows 'process'. I really dont understand what is the difference?
Is it because at the BPEL process creation time we choose Sync and Async process?
Is there any way to change an already Sync process to Async or vice-a-versa?

Yes, it is because some are synch and some asynch.
I have some documentation on changes an asynch process to synch here:

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  • How to avoid BPEL operations corrupting namespaces

    I am new to BPEL and XML but I'm having a problem with the seemingly automatic behaviour of the Oracle BPEL engine.
    I invoke a Web service which returns a valid XML document with namespaces declared inside the SOAP wrapper.
    When I execute the BPEL outlined below the reply generated has lost the namespace declarations resulting in an invalid response to the BPEL service consumer.
    I can achieve the correct namespaces by using a Transform step rather than the Copy, but should a transformation be required?
    Is there an alternative approach?
    The BPEL logic
    <invoke name="retrievePolicy" partnerLink="AlphaCoreService"
    portType="ns1:AlphaCoreService" operation="retrieveFullPolicy"
    <assign name="Assign_2">
    <from variable="Invoke_1_retrieveFullPolicy_OutputVariable"
    <to variable="outputVariable" part="payload"
    <reply name="replyOutput" partnerLink="client" portType="client:getPolicy"
    operation="process" variable="outputVariable"/>
    The retrievePolicy response supplies this document to BPEL ....
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
    <ns0:errors xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns1:changeDescription xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns1:vehicleArray xsi:type="ns1:Vehicle">
    The Copy activity results in an ="outputVariable" of this shape (note the namespace ns1 re-creation at the incorrect levels) ....
    <part xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" name="payload">
    <getPolicyProcessResponse xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/getPolicy">
    <ns1:contractId xmlns:ns1="http://xpom.ws.core.alpha.web.aif.cgi.com">7140</ns1:contractId>
    <ns1:policyRef xmlns:ns1="http://xpom.ws.core.alpha.web.aif.cgi.com">POL7140</ns1:policyRef>
    <ns1:version xmlns:ns1="http://xpom.ws.core.alpha.web.aif.cgi.com">
    <ns1:changeDescription xsi:nil="1"
    <ns1:vehicleArray xsi:type="ns1:Vehicle"
    Finally the Reply activity generates this XML to send back as a response - note the ns1:vehicle invalid reference
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <getPolicyProcessResponse xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/getPolicy">
    <result>success message</result>
    <extra>extra tag</extra>
    <ns1:contractId xmlns:ns1="http://xpom.ws.core.alpha.web.aif.cgi.com">7140</ns1:contractId>
    <ns1:policyRef xmlns:ns1="http://xpom.ws.core.alpha.web.aif.cgi.com">POL7140</ns1:policyRef>
    <changeDescription nil="1"/>
    <vehicleArray type="ns1:Vehicle">

    Hi Marc
    Having consulted with a few colleagues, you are correct, this is a valid XML message after all.
    The Oracle BPEL console however has a problem with it and generates the error
    "Could not initiate the BPEL process because the input xml is not well formed, the reason is : Error parsing envelope Please correct the input xml."
    The BPEL script has not only been initiated, but succesfully completed, so the message can only be referring to the SOAP message it got back from the BPEL process.
    Oracle BPEL has also changed the namespaces, which is surely a corruption of the document that should need correcting by someone.
    The Web service message had "pom" defined in the "http://service.ws.core.alpha.web.aif.cgi.com/types/" namespace and "contractID" and "vehicleArray" defined in the "http://xpom.ws.core.alpha.web.aif.cgi.com" namespace.
    The BPEL reply message has "pom" and "vehicleArray" defined in the "http://xmlns.oracle.com/getPolicy" namespace, "contractID" correctly in the "http://xpom.ws.core.alpha.web.aif.cgi.com" namespace and the "http://service.ws.core.alpha.web.aif.cgi.com/types/" namespace has completely disappeared.
    I can't see what I've done to generate the corruption, so surely this must be an Oracle defect?

  • Error while invoking bpel through java

    when i was using java to invoke iam getting an exception
    com.oracle.bpel.client.ServerException: IDeliveryService.request() invoked for one-way operation 'initiate'. This method can only be used to invoke two-way operations which return an output message. Please check the WSDL which defines this operation and use the method IDeliveryService.post() to invoke a one-way operation.
    when iam using html the bpel works fine.
    But when i use java with IDeliveryService.post() it is giving error in Bpel flow by saying
    exception on JaxRpc invoke:
    start fault message:
    Internal Server Error (Caught exception while handling request: oracle.forms.jdapi.JdapiException: '' does not have an extension)
    :end fault message.
    Please help me in this issue.

    try as follows
    Invoking a one-way operation via Java API The procedure for invoking a one-way BPEL operation via the Java API is very similar, except that you will use the IDeliveryService.post() method (which is also overloaded). These methods invoke a one-way operation on a BPEL process and thus return void since a response is not expected (at least not a synchronous response). In the code example shown here, the post method used is exactly the same as the request() shown above, except that it returns void: From JavaDoc for com.oracle.bpel.client.dispatch.IDeliveryService <br><br>
    public void post(java.lang.String processId, java.lang.String operationName, NormalizedMessage message) throws java.rmi.RemoteException <br>
    <br><br>Selected JSP source:<br><br>
    <%@page import="com.oracle.bpel.client.Locator" %> <br>
    <%@page import="com.oracle.bpel.client.NormalizedMessage" %> <br>
    <%@page import="com.oracle.bpel.client.dispatch.IDeliveryService" %> ... <br>Locator locator = new Locator("default", "bpel", null); <br>
    ... NormalizedMessage nm = new NormalizedMessage( ); <br>
    nm.addPart("payload" , xml ); <br>
    deliveryService.post("HelloWorld", "initiate", nm); <br>
    out.println( "BPELProcess HelloWorld initiated!" ); %>

  • Compilation error while deploying my BPEL process : ORABPEL-05215

    I have created a BPEL process and when I try to deploy it, am getting the following error :
    D:\SoftWs\JDeveloper\jdev\mywork\AIASamples\CreateCustomerPartyPortalProvABCSImpl\build.xml:79: A problem occured while connecting to server "ple-jgau.us.oracle.com" using port "7777": bpel_CreateCustomerPartyPortalProvABCSImpl_1.0.jar failed to deploy. Exception message is: ORABPEL-05215
    Error while loading process.
    The process domain encountered the following errors while loading the process "CreateCustomerPartyPortalProvABCSImpl" (revision "1.0"): Failed to compile classes.
    Failed to compile the generated BPEL classes for "CreateCustomerPartyPortalProvABCSImpl"
    If you have installed a patch to the server, please check that the bpelcClasspath domain property includes the patch classes.
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessHolder.bind(CubeProcessHolder.java:285)
    Whereas, am not getting any error when I compiled the same code [I get two warnings regarding incompatible assignment of variables].
    Please help me out.
    Thanks in advance,
    Message was edited by:

    I have similar problem. When I compiling process I don't have any errors only when I want to deploy see statement like below. Do You have any suggestions how to fix it?
    C:\bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0new\build.xml:79: A problem occured while connecting to server "" using port "80": bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0.jar failed to deploy. Exception message is: ORABPEL-05215
    Error while loading process.
    The process domain encountered the following errors while loading the process "ROTelcoNewOrder" (revision "1.0"): BPEL validation failed.
    BPEL source validation failed, the errors are:
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 71 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}UpdateInstalledProductRequest.V1" of variable "InvokeUpdateInstalledProduct_UpdateInstalledProduct_InputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}UpdateInstalledProductRequest.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 72 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}InstalledProductUpdateResponse.V1" of variable "InvokeUpdateInstalledProduct_UpdateInstalledProduct_OutputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}InstalledProductUpdateResponse.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 73 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}NotifyOrderShipment.VERSION_1" of variable "InvokeOrderNotify_NotifyOrderShipment_InputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}NotifyOrderShipment.VERSION_1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 79 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}OrderCompletionRequest.V1" of variable "InvokeOrderCompletion_CompleteOrder_InputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}OrderCompletionRequest.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 80 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}OrderCompletionResponse.V1" of variable "InvokeOrderCompletion_CompleteOrder_OutputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}OrderCompletionResponse.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 91 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}UpdateInstalledProductRequest.V1" of variable "InvokeUpdateIPStatus_UpdateInstalledProduct_InputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}UpdateInstalledProductRequest.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 92 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}InstalledProductUpdateResponse.V1" of variable "InvokeUpdateIPStatus_UpdateInstalledProduct_OutputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}InstalledProductUpdateResponse.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 93 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}GetInstalledProductRequest.V1" of variable "InvokeGetIP_GetInstalledProduct_InputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}GetInstalledProductRequest.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 94 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}GetInstalledProductResponse.V1" of variable "InvokeGetIP_GetInstalledProduct_OutputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}GetInstalledProductResponse.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 95 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}UpdateInstalledProductRequest.V1" of variable "VariableUpdateIPStatusInputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}UpdateInstalledProductRequest.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10017]: unresolved operation
    [Description]: in line 963 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", operation "UpdateInstalledProduct" is not defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}RF_INST_PRODUCT_PortType" of <invoke> "InvokeUpdateInstalledProduct".
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the operation "UpdateInstalledProduct" is defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}RF_INST_PRODUCT_PortType" who      is defined in WSDL "".
    [Error ORABPEL-10017]: unresolved operation
    [Description]: in line 1008 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", operation "NotifyOrderShipment" is not defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}RO_ORDER_PortType" of <invoke> "InvokeOrderNotify".
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the operation "NotifyOrderShipment" is defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}RO_ORDER_PortType" who      is defined in WSDL "".
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 1157 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}RelateServicesToSIMContainer.V1" of variable "InvokeRelateServicesToSIM_RelateServiceToSIM_InputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}RelateServicesToSIMContainer.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType
    [Description]: in line 1158 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}RelateServicesToSIMResponse.V1" of variable "InvokeRelateServicesToSIM_RelateServiceToSIM_OutputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files.
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}RelateServicesToSIMResponse.V1" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    [Error ORABPEL-10017]: unresolved operation
    [Description]: in line 1186 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", operation "RelateServiceToSIM" is not defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}RO_ORDER_PortType" of <invoke> "InvokeRelateServicesToSIM".
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the operation "RelateServiceToSIM" is defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}RO_ORDER_PortType" who      is defined in WSDL "".
    [Error ORABPEL-10017]: unresolved operation
    [Description]: in line 1747 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", operation "CompleteOrder" is not defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}RO_ORDER_PortType" of <invoke> "InvokeOrderCompletion".
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the operation "CompleteOrder" is defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.order.service.Order}RO_ORDER_PortType" who      is defined in WSDL "".
    [Error ORABPEL-10017]: unresolved operation
    [Description]: in line 1947 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", operation "GetInstalledProduct" is not defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}RF_INST_PRODUCT_PortType" of <invoke> "InvokeGetIP".
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the operation "GetInstalledProduct" is defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}RF_INST_PRODUCT_PortType" who      is defined in WSDL "".
    [Error ORABPEL-10017]: unresolved operation
    [Description]: in line 1964 of "D:\product\\OracleAS_5\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ROTelcoNewOrder_1.0_d7fdf89a9fb1b5de9f664c2e4966239a.tmp\ROTelcoNewOrder.bpel", operation "UpdateInstalledProduct" is not defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}RF_INST_PRODUCT_PortType" of <invoke> "InvokeUpdateIPStatus".
    [Potential fix]: Make sure the operation "UpdateInstalledProduct" is defined in portType "{urn:oracle.enterprise.crm.rf.service.InstalledProduct}RF_INST_PRODUCT_PortType" who      is defined in WSDL "".
    If you have installed a patch to the server, please check that the bpelcClasspath domain property includes the patch classes.
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessHolder.bind(CubeProcessHolder.java:285)
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.DeploymentManager.deployProcess(DeploymentManager.java:804)
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.DeploymentManager.deploySuitcase(DeploymentManager.java:670)
    at com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.BPELDomainManagerBean.deploySuitcase(BPELDomainManagerBean.java:445)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor91.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(EJBJoinPointImpl.java:35)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor$1.run(JAASInterceptor.java:31)
    at com.evermind.server.ThreadState.runAs(ThreadState.java:620)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor.invoke(JAASInterceptor.java:34)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(TxRequiredInterceptor.java:50)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(DMSInterceptor.java:52)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(InvocationContextImpl.java:119)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(InvocationContextPool.java:55)
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(StatelessSessionEJBObject.java:87)
    at DomainManagerBean_RemoteProxy_4bin6i8.deploySuitcase(Unknown Source)
    at com.oracle.bpel.client.BPELDomainHandle.deploySuitcase(BPELDomainHandle.java:317)
    at com.oracle.bpel.client.BPELDomainHandle.deployProcess(BPELDomainHandle.java:339)
    at deployHttpClientProcess.jspService(_deployHttpClientProcess.java:376)
    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(OrionHttpJspPage.java:59)
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(JspPageTable.java:453)
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(JspServlet.java:591)
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:515)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(ResourceFilterChain.java:64)
    at oracle.security.jazn.oc4j.JAZNFilter$1.run(JAZNFilter.java:396)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAsPrivileged(Subject.java:517)
    at oracle.security.jazn.oc4j.JAZNFilter.doFilter(JAZNFilter.java:410)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:621)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:368)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:866)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:448)
    at com.evermind.server.http.AJPRequestHandler.run(AJPRequestHandler.java:302)
    at com.evermind.server.http.AJPRequestHandler.run(AJPRequestHandler.java:190)
    at oracle.oc4j.network.ServerSocketReadHandler$SafeRunnable.run(ServerSocketReadHandler.java:260)
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:303)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

  • Error in BPEL sample

    While trying out the SendEmail tutorial sample, I get the following error.
    Error(91): [Error ORABPEL-10017]: unresolved operation [Description]: in line 91 of "C:\OraBPELPM\integration\jdev\jdev\mywork\BPELPractices\116.SendEmails\SendEmailSample.bpel", operation "sendMessage" is not defined in portType "{http://samples.otn.com}SendEmailSample" of <invoke> "sendMail". [Potential fix]: Make sure the operation "sendMessage" is defined in portType "{http://samples.otn.com}SendEmailSample" who is defined in WSDL "file:/C:/OraBPELPM/integration/jdev/jdev/mywork/BPELPractices/116.SendEmails/SendEmailSample.wsdl".
    I checked the WSDL file and dont see an entry for operation "SendMessage".
    Do I have any files missing ?

    While trying out the SendEmail tutorial sample, I get the following error.
    Error(91): [Error ORABPEL-10017]: unresolved operation [Description]: in line 91 of "C:\OraBPELPM\integration\jdev\jdev\mywork\BPELPractices\116.SendEmails\SendEmailSample.bpel", operation "sendMessage" is not defined in portType "{http://samples.otn.com}SendEmailSample" of <invoke> "sendMail". [Potential fix]: Make sure the operation "sendMessage" is defined in portType "{http://samples.otn.com}SendEmailSample" who is defined in WSDL "file:/C:/OraBPELPM/integration/jdev/jdev/mywork/BPELPractices/116.SendEmails/SendEmailSample.wsdl".
    I checked the WSDL file and dont see an entry for operation "SendMessage".
    Do I have any files missing ?

  • OSB proxy service and BPEL depedency is not established in BTM

    Hi All,
    I am using BTM and I have deployed a service where an OSB proxy service is taking employee information and callling a BPEL process which writes data in some database table. The OSB proxy service and BPEL got discovered in BTM but the dependecy between OSB Proxy service and BPEL process is not established in BTM. I have used soa-dorect protocol to call the BPEL from OSB. I have also tried with using http protocol in OSB for calling a BPEL but nothing worked and the depedency is not established in BTM.
    Now I want to create an end-toend transaction i.e. starting from OSB proxy to the database. For this I selected OSB proxy operation and BPEL operation but correlation is not established. How can I correlate these operation? And how can I create an end-to-end transaction for this type of service where OSB calls a BPEL?
    Please guide!!
    Thanks in advance!!

    you can manually correlate any number of services to create an end-2-end transaction. Please see http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24628_01/doc.121/e37014/transactions004.htm#BABDBDFI on how to manually correlate services in BTM.

  • SoapServerUrl variable in BPEL Admin for TCP tunneling

    I have read the BPEL Techincal note 1 to view SOAP messages by using TCP tunneling. It works great when you change the location in bpel.xml for the partnerlink. But soap-server-url property is not working for me.
    I was wondering if there is an easier way to see all BPEL operations rather than adding a location property to all partnerLinks in bpel.xml in all processes to change the port.
    I thougt I could get it with the soapServerUrl property in the BPEL Admin, but I think it is not working properly. Any help or comment is welcome.
    I changed the variable from http://myhost:9700 to http://myhost:2222 and restarted the server, just in case. In the BPEL Processes tab of BPEL Console I clicked Clear WSDL Cache.
    If now I go to the Dashboard, click my process, go to the WSDL tab, I get this:
    WSDL location:
    Endpoint location:
    This is exactly what I want. But there are two problems:
    - The WSDL link goes actually to 9700, only the text is changed. This is a minor problem.
    - The endpoint in the WSDL file is still going to 9700. So when I use the BPEL Console to run a new instance, it uses this information and does not go to 2222 port.
    So it looks like if the variable is just being used for some cases.
    Any help about changing the endpoint port for all BPEL proccesses would be appreciated.
    I am using the latest version and all patches.

    You can generate a plan for each instance.
    For example in build.xml add something like this:
    <target name="Generate_Deployment_Plans"
            depends="validateTask, compile, Generate_DEV, Generate_TEST, Generate_PROD"/>
        <target name="Generate_DEV">
            <generateplan planfile="DPlan_DEV.xml"
               verbose="true" overwrite="false" descfile="${process.dir}/bpel/bpel.xml"/>
        <target name="Generate_TEST">
            <generateplan planfile="DPlan_TEST.xml"
               verbose="true" overwrite="false" descfile="${process.dir}/bpel/bpel.xml"/>
        <target name="Generate_PROD">
            <generateplan planfile="DPlan_PROD.xml"
               verbose="true" overwrite="false" descfile="${process.dir}/bpel/bpel.xml"/>
        </target>Not sure if this is what you are asking for though.

  • Two way SSL issue in weblogic

    Hi All,
    we have enabled 2 way SSL in weblogic, we have one Admin Server and one managed (soa) server version
    steps we have followed:
    we have imported identity certificate and key file to a custom identity store
    improted trust certificates to a custom trust keystore
    in weblogic consile: soa_server1-> keystires : we have updated custom identity and trust details
    in weblogic consile: soa_server1-> ssl - we have updated required custom identity details and selected " Client Certs Requested And Enforced" for Two Way Client Cert Behavior.
    but while testing our process we are getting below error:
    we have tried openssl to test the connectivity but not sure about the output, is there any way to trace the SSL connection?
    any input will be really helpful.
    <AIASessionPoolManagerFault xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/AIASessionPoolManager">
    -<part name="summary">
    <summary xmlns:def="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    com.oracle.bpel.client.BPELFault: faultName: {{http://xmlns.oracle.com/AIASessionPoolManager}AIASessionPoolManagerFault}
    messageType: {{http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension}RuntimeFaultMessage}
    parts: {{
    summary=<summary xmlns:def="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">Error on AIASessionPoolManager.bpel when attempting Get operation</summary>
    ,detail=<detail xmlns:def="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">Error on AIASessionPoolManager.bpel: Operation=Get.
         SessionPoolHost.getSession(Siebel,170006): getSession(Siebel,170006) failed: Thread [weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@107d5bb4] faild to initialize the session pool. SessionPoolHost.create() thread[weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@107d5bb4]: Failed to obtain a session after 3 attempts. SPM cannot successfully connect to web server Login credentials [endpoint: https://+<host>+:443/ngbeai_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=SecureWebService&amp;SWEExtCmd=Execute&amp;WSSOAP=1 ]
         java.lang.Throwable: SOAPException occured when requesting : javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
         javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure.
    ,code=<code xmlns:def="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">Error</code>}
    -<part name="detail">
    <detail xmlns:def="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    Error on AIASessionPoolManager.bpel: Operation=Get.
         SessionPoolHost.getSession(Siebel,170006): getSession(Siebel,170006) failed: Thread [weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@107d5bb4] faild to initialize the session pool. SessionPoolHost.create() thread[weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@107d5bb4]: Failed to obtain a session after 3 attempts. SPM cannot successfully connect to web server Login credentials [endpoint: https://+<host>+/ngbeai_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=SecureWebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute&WSSOAP=1 ]
         java.lang.Throwable: SOAPException occured when requesting : javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
         javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure.
    Edited by: 909283 on Apr 15, 2013 12:07 AM

    Hi Kishor/Rene,
    Thanks for the reply, we have already referred to the mentioned Oracle Note and enabled SSL debugging.
    while starting Admin server we are getting below output:
    Can you please confirm from below logs that SSL connection is correct, i have also provided below the error message we are getting in our process.
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:56 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLSetup: loading trusted CA certificates>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Filtering JSSE SSLSocket>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLIOContextTable.addContext(ctx): 316588026>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLSocket will be Muxing>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write SSL_20_RECORD>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received HANDSHAKE>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHello>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received HANDSHAKE>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Certificate>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Validating certificate 0 in the chain: Serial number: 105197569742293346305268
    Issuer:DC=com, DC=<xyz>, DC=dir, DC=test, DC=testcore, CN= Test AD Objects CA1
    Subject:C=AU, ST=NSW, L=Sydney, O=<xyz>, OU=Operations and Shared Services, CN= xyz>.com.au, EMAIL=<abcd>@<.com>
    Not Valid Before:Thu Oct 11 11:00:23 EST 2012
    Not Valid After:Sat Oct 11 11:00:23 EST 2014
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Validating certificate 1 in the chain: Serial number: 458601664052503175495693
    Issuer:CN=<xyz> Test Policy CA
    Subject:DC=com, DC=<xyz>, DC=dir, DC=test, DC=testcore, CN=<xyz> Test AD Objects CA1
    Not Valid Before:Thu Nov 10 15:24:24 EST 2011
    Not Valid After:Thu Nov 10 15:34:24 EST 2016
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <validationCallback: validateErr = 0>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> < cert[0] = Serial number: 105197569742293346305268
    Issuer:DC=com, DC=<xyz>, DC=dir, DC=test, DC=testcore, CN=<xyz> Test AD Objects CA1
    Subject:C=AU, ST=NSW, L=Sydney, O=<xyz>, OU=Operations and Shared Services, CN=<abcd>.<.com>, EMAIL=<abcd>@<.com>
    Not Valid Before:Thu Oct 11 11:00:23 EST 2012
    Not Valid After:Sat Oct 11 11:00:23 EST 2014
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> < cert[1] = Serial number: 458601664052503175495693
    Issuer:CN=<xyz> Test Policy CA
    Subject:DC=com, DC=<xyz>, DC=dir, DC=test, DC=testcore, CN=<xyz> Test AD Objects CA1
    Not Valid Before:Thu Nov 10 15:24:24 EST 2011
    Not Valid After:Thu Nov 10 15:34:24 EST 2016
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <weblogic user specified trustmanager validation status 0>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLTrustValidator returns: 0>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Trust status (0): NONE>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Performing hostname validation checks: <abcd>.<.com>>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received HANDSHAKE>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerKeyExchange RSA>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm RSA/ECB/NoPadding>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HmacSHA1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacSHA1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm MD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm RC4>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HmacSHA1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacSHA1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm RC4>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HmacSHA1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacSHA1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received HANDSHAKE>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHelloDone>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm RSA>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write HANDSHAKE, offset = 0, length = 70>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, offset = 0, length = 1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm RC4>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HMACMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HMACMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HmacSHA1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacSHA1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write HANDSHAKE, offset = 0, length = 16>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm RC4>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HMACMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HMACMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received HANDSHAKE>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Finished>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacMD5>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm HmacSHA1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacSHA1>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write APPLICATION_DATA, offset = 0, length = 8>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read(offset=0, length=8192)>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received APPLICATION_DATA: databufferLen 0, contentLength 26>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read databufferLen 26>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read A returns 26>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <avalable(): 316565651 : 0 + 0 = 0>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write APPLICATION_DATA, offset = 0, length = 24>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read(offset=0, length=8192)>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received APPLICATION_DATA: databufferLen 0, contentLength 45>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read databufferLen 45>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read A returns 45>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <avalable(): 316565651 : 0 + 0 = 0>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write APPLICATION_DATA, offset = 0, length = 15>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read(offset=0, length=8192)>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received APPLICATION_DATA: databufferLen 0, contentLength 30>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read databufferLen 30>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read A returns 30>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <avalable(): 316565651 : 0 + 0 = 0>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write APPLICATION_DATA, offset = 0, length = 18>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read(offset=0, length=8192)>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received APPLICATION_DATA: databufferLen 0, contentLength 23>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read databufferLen 23>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read A returns 23>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <avalable(): 316565651 : 0 + 0 = 0>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write APPLICATION_DATA, offset = 0, length = 20>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read(offset=0, length=8192)>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received APPLICATION_DATA: databufferLen 0, contentLength 41>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read databufferLen 41>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read A returns 41>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <avalable(): 316565651 : 0 + 0 = 0>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write APPLICATION_DATA, offset = 0, length = 7>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read(offset=0, length=8192)>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316569006 received APPLICATION_DATA: databufferLen 0, contentLength 13>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read databufferLen 13>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <316565651 read A returns 13>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <avalable(): 316565651 : 0 + 0 = 0>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <NEW ALERT with Severity: WARNING, Type: 0
    java.lang.Exception: New alert stack
    at com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.closeWriteHandler(Unknown Source)
    at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.close(Unknown Source)
    at javax.net.ssl.impl.SSLLayeredSocket.close(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.nodemanager.client.NMServerClient.disconnect(NMServerClient.java:276)
    at weblogic.nodemanager.client.NMServerClient.done(NMServerClient.java:138)
    at weblogic.nodemanager.mbean.NodeManagerRuntime.getState(NodeManagerRuntime.java:423)
    at weblogic.nodemanager.mbean.NodeManagerRuntime.getState(NodeManagerRuntime.java:440)
    at weblogic.server.ServerLifeCycleRuntime.getStateNodeManager(ServerLifeCycleRuntime.java:752)
    at weblogic.server.ServerLifeCycleRuntime.getState(ServerLifeCycleRuntime.java:584)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.modelmbean.WLSModelMBean.getAttribute(WLSModelMBean.java:525)
    at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.getAttribute(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:666)
    at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.getAttribute(JmxMBeanServer.java:638)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.domainruntime.internal.FederatedMBeanServerInterceptor.getAttribute(FederatedMBeanServerInterceptor.java:308)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase$12.run(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:326)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.getAttribute(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:324)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXContextInterceptor.getAttribute(JMXContextInterceptor.java:157)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase$12.run(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:326)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.getAttribute(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:324)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase$12.run(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:326)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.getAttribute(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:324)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.SecurityInterceptor.getAttribute(SecurityInterceptor.java:299)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServer.getAttribute(WLSMBeanServer.java:279)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder$5$1.run(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:326)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder$5.run(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:324)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.getAttribute(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:319)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.doOperation(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1404)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.access$200(RMIConnectionImpl.java:72)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl$PrivilegedOperation.run(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1265)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.doPrivilegedOperation(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1367)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.getAttribute(RMIConnectionImpl.java:600)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(ServerRequest.java:174)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(BasicRemoteRef.java:222)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl_1035_WLStub.getAttribute(Unknown Source)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnector$RemoteMBeanServerConnection.getAttribute(RMIConnector.java:878)
    at javax.management.MBeanServerInvocationHandler.invoke(MBeanServerInvocationHandler.java:263)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.MBeanServerInvocationHandler.doInvoke(MBeanServerInvocationHandler.java:504)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.MBeanServerInvocationHandler.invoke(MBeanServerInvocationHandler.java:380)
    at $Proxy138.getState(Unknown Source)
    at com.bea.console.actions.core.server.ServerTableAction.populateServerRuntimeTableBean(ServerTableAction.java:365)
    at com.bea.console.actions.core.server.ServerTableAction$ServerTableWork.run(ServerTableAction.java:498)
    at weblogic.work.commonj.CommonjWorkManagerImpl$WorkWithListener.run(CommonjWorkManagerImpl.java:203)
    at weblogic.work.SelfTuningWorkManagerImpl$WorkAdapterImpl.run(SelfTuningWorkManagerImpl.java:528)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:209)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:178)
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write ALERT, offset = 0, length = 2>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <close(): 316565651>
    <Apr 2, 2013 6:49:57 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLIOContextTable.removeContext(ctx): 316588026>
    error in bpel process:
    summary=<summary xmlns:def="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">Error on AIASessionPoolManager.bpel when attempting Get operation</summary>
    ,detail=<detail xmlns:def="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">Error on AIASessionPoolManager.bpel: Operation=Get.
    SessionPoolHost.getSession(Siebel,190001): SessionPoolHost.create() thread[weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@16670d1d]: Failed to obtain a session after 3 attempts. SPM cannot successfully connect to web server Login credentials [endpoint: https://<host>:443/eai_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=SecureWebService&amp;SWEExtCmd=Execute&amp;WSSOAP=1 ].
    java.lang.Throwable: SOAPException occured when requesting : javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
    javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure</detail>
    ,code=<code xmlns:def="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">Error</code>}
    Edited by: 909283 on Apr 15, 2013 12:08 AM

  • Error Messages:ORABPEL-10007 and ORABPEL-10056

    Can anyone please help in resolving these error messages. I get these error messages while validating the BPEL process.
    Error(20): [Error ORABPEL-10007]: unresolved messageType [Description]: in line 20 of "C:\OraBPELPM_1\integration\jdev\jdev\mywork\Workspace1\BPELTestProcess5\BPELTestProcess5.bpel", WSDL messageType "{http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/file/WriteoutputFile/}CustomerExistsResponse_msg" of variable "Invoke_1_Write_InputVariable" is not defined in any of the WSDL files. [Potential fix]: Make sure the WSDL messageType "{http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/file/WriteoutputFile/}CustomerExistsResponse_msg" is defined in one of the WSDLs referenced by the deployment descriptor.
    Error(27): [Error ORABPEL-10056]: missing reply to request-response operation [Description]: in line 27 of "C:\OraBPELPM_1\integration\jdev\jdev\mywork\Workspace1\BPELTestProcess5\BPELTestProcess5.bpel", Operation "CustomerExists" of portType "{http://www.wit.com/Connect/Customer}CustomerSoap" is a request-response operation. Need to respond with a <reply> activity.. [Potential fix]: Make sure you have a <reply> in the BPEL source to respond to the operation.

    You have to edit the wsdl to handle reply cases...have you checked in the demo/samples for case like this ?
    I have not used it.. but it means that CustomerExists operation is going to call back your application once its processing is done.
    To achieve this, you need to provide a call back point in your application.
    Can you please take a look at GoogleFlowWithSensors tutorial ?
    Anirudh Pucha

  • Databaseadapter & file adapter

    Hello evrybody,
    i am using version.
    i would like to take the data from the table (oracle 10g) and saved in .txt file.
    It is a local system.
    i used database adapter (select operation)
    i used receive activity
    i used file adapter(selected write operation and schema is opeque).
    i used invoke activity
    i used assign activity to connect both
    but i am getting the following problem:
    [Error ORABPEL-10056]: missing reply to request-response operation
    [Description]: in line 62 of "E:\jdevstudio10131\jdev\mywork\Application1\BPELProcess36\bpel\BPELProcess36.bpel", Operation "databaseadapterSelect" of portType "{http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/databaseadapter/}databaseadapter_ptt" is a request-response operation.      Need to respond with a <reply> activity..
    [Potential fix]: Make sure you have a <reply> in the BPEL source to respond to the operation.
    anybody can help me
    Edited by: user12251899 on Dec 8, 2009 10:52 PM

    And I would just add that if you really want an asynch process (or just a one-way process), it might be easier to start over and select that choice in the BPEL process creation wizard. Modifying the wsdl is not for beginners, IMHO.
    When I create one-way processes, I start with an asynch process - and just delete the "callbackClient" step that the wizard creates.

  • How to use multiple WSDL operations in One BPEL process Recieve Activity ?

    Is there anyway to attach multiple WSDL operations with a Single BPEL process ? How ?

    Thanks Melvin for your quick respond.
    When I create a BPEL process, It asks me to give the XSD as an Input. When I import the XSD it asks me to select an operation not more than one. Let suppose I select addRequest and finish the wizard.
    Now what I can see, It create Recieve activity with an Input msg of Add operation. Well what I understand from your statement is that, I remove the recieve activity and put the Pick activity.
    Now my question is How to mention the other operations like update and delete ? And how to test them ?? The link provided by you is just tell me what Pick activity can do for me, But its not telling me how to use it ?? and how the give the operation to it. Where should I need to change in the BPEL ???

  • TNS:Operation Timed Out error while trying to invoke BPEL Process from sql

    I am trying to invoke a BPEL Process from PL/sql code. When i try to invoke the process, I am getting the following error message
    ORA-29273 HTTP Request Failed
    ORA:06512: at SYS.UTH_HTTP at line 1029
    ORA:12535: TNS:Operation Timed Out
    ORA:06512: at line 18
    I have the SOA suite installed on my local machine...and the BPEL process that i am trying to invoke is deployed their.
    Any idea what could be wrong..following is the code piece
    soap_request:='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <soap:Body xmlns:ns1="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Test">
    dbms_output.put_line('soap_request: '||soap_request);
    utl_http.set_proxy('', '');
    http_req:= utl_http.begin_request(' '
    dbms_output.put_line('after Begin Request' );
    utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml') ;
    Please advise

    you are right the file adapter doesnt invoke any bpel
    process, instead it is polling the file from
    directory location?If it is polling for new files, shouldn't it create a new instance of the BPEL process automatically the moment it finds a new file? In other words, should a new file trigger an instance of the BPEL process rather than being started from PL/SQL?
    Can this file adapter not be invoked as bpel process
    in that case?The file adapter is part of a BPEL process. The BPEL process can be invoked from e.g. PL/SQL.
    In this case this file adapeter return to an RECEIVE
    activity...I think this receive cannot be invoked as
    a BPEL process rite?Can you explain what you mean with this?
    Also , will all synchronous request return "TIMEOUT"
    error, if tried to invoke from pl/sql?Only if the synchronous process instance takes more time to complete (and thus to return) than the value specified for a time-out to occur. If the instance completes in for example 10 ms and the time-out time is specified as 30 seconds, no time-out will occur.
    Regards, Ronald

  • Change the flow of the BPEL service based on WSDL operation

    I have a wsdl which has three types on operations:
    1) SOAP
    2) HTTP GET
    3) HTTP POST
    I have a BPEL process in which the flow need to be decided on basis of operation of the incoming message... i.e; If it is a SOAP then I should execute a particular flow .. similarly if it is HTTP GET or POST I need to perform different activities flows respectiviely.
    1) At the BPEL side can I implement this using PICK activity with different branches for different operations in Receive activity ?? If not, Please let me know any other alternative ...
    2) Since I have three different types of Protocols of operations (SOAP, HTTP GET, HTTP POST), how do I give input to BPEL through the same partnerlink ?? Should I use three partner links to invoke a bpel process (at Exposed Services side) to receive input from (two HTTP Adapters for GET, POST and one for SOAP operation) ?
    Edited by: bpeltechie on Jul 2, 2012 4:01 PM

    Can you make one thing clear please - Your bpel process by definition has 3 operations to start with, or you want to call a WS with 3 operations?
    See more information on using SOAP header here: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/dev.1111/e10224/bp_manipdoc.htm#CIHFCBAD
    If you need to call a WS with 3 operations, you have to use an invoke activity(x3). Meaning, you can:
    1. Seperate your process into 3, according to the needed operation. Each process will execute one operation.
    2. Use some logic and call the same partner link 3 times(3 invokes), each time with a different operation.
    A pick activity will help you when you want to receive one message or more, and/or you want to have time limitation on the receive.
    For understanding the pick activity - in your example, let's say the WS you are calling is a bpel process. Then, it will start with a pick activity, and according to the operation, it will execute the right flow.

  • Creation of BPEL with a WSDL having 2 operations with same name

    How to create a BPEL 2.0 from WSDL which is having the +2 operation with Same  name+ and we are planing to USE PICK activity but the BPEL is giving error while selecting the operation name
    can't create input variable.The selected operation does not have an input message.+
         <wsdl:portType name="ABC">
              *<wsdl:operation name="XYZ"*>
                   <wsdl:input name="Request1" message="tns:Request"/>
                   <wsdl:output name="Response1" message="tns:Response"/>
              *<wsdl:operation name="XYZ">*
                   <wsdl:input name="Request2" message="tns:Request"/>
                   <wsdl:output name="Response2" message="tns:Response"/>
    Can you please provide the alternate solution if the procedure followed by us is wrong
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Preetam,
    I believe it's not allowed, use different operation name.
    A wsdl:portType in a DESCRIPTION MUST have operations with distinct values for their name attributes.
    This applies only to the wsdl:operations within a given wsdl:portType. A wsdl:portType may have wsdl:operations with names that are the same as those found in other wsdl:portTypes.
    why do you need multiple operation with same message type?

  • Need  file adapter polling with read operation to be triggered by a BPEL without using synchronous read

    The scenario is:-
    Web Service Client -->input-->BPEL-->if input valid-->trigger file adapter with read operation--> receive file
    i am not able to stop the polling until it is required to trigger the polling.
    As soon as i deploy the composite the file adapter starts polling without waiting for input.
    Since i am using two receive activities, the second one which is suppose to receive file from file adapter is always showing pending state. (asynchronous callback)

    Hi there,
    IMHO the traditional read is used only as inbound operation, that means
    that it starts polling the input folder as soon as the composite gets
    deployed - which is the same you are experiencing.
    In your case you need an outbound operation that needs to be invoked at
    a certain moment. I don't know what are the reasons not to use sync
    read, but this is the only outbound read operation supported by the
    adapter. If you can not use the sync read, then you would have to design
    some custom solution where you call a web service or EJB for instance
    that reads the desired files.
    Another option I can think of, though have not use personally is using
    the adapters programatically in Java - take a look at this blog post as
    it seems related to this topic -
    Hope this helps,

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