BPM 11G comments and file attachments issue on human tasks

Hi all,
We have used JDeveloper 11G and SOA suite 11G + BPM (with PS1,PS2) to create and deploy a simple BPM process. The process consists of two swim-lanes ( Business Analyst and Snr Executive). The BA swim-lane has a human task which which initiates the process and the second swim-lane (SE) has a voting task. Both forms were auto generated.
------ Process steps ----
step 1. The initiator of the process( Business analyst) submits a document and adds comments on the form. (1st swim lane)
step 2. The task is received by the Snr Executive group and they need to accept or reject the document.
step 3. If any of the Snr Execs rejects the document, the process flow goes back to the Business analyst(the requester or initiator) for review.
(the voting group is able to share comments and the file attachments).
step 4. The business analyst receives a task on her list. This task list should have the comments made by the Snr Execs who rejected the document. ---This is where we are having a problem. The business Analyst, receives the task, but the document and comments are not updated. This still shows the original document and comments, she sent when initiating the process.
We have opened a SR with My Oracle support and it was suggested we apply a hot fix 9958661, which was done (see output below). Unfortunately this did not solve the problem.
1. Is the default behavior of BPM 11G ?
2. How can we change this behavior to do what we want ?
---------------------------------------opatch update output -----------------------------------------------------------
ApplySession adding interim patch '9958661' to inventory
Verifying the update...
Inventory check OK: Patch ID 9958661 is registered in Oracle Home inventory with proper meta-data.
Files check OK: Files from Patch ID 9958661 are present in Oracle Home.
The local system has been patched and can be restarted
I any suggestions would be welcome.

Ok, this is what i did:
- I have a Process Data Object called CustomComments with just 1 attribute called comments.
- I have added that object to my user screens (adf page)
- Changed its columns att to 65 and rows to 8 (i chose that layout)
- Used a tableLayout to add an icon next to this text area to allow the user to add comments:
<af:commandImageLink shortDesc="addCommentImage" id="addCommentImage" partialSubmit="true" icon="/hw_images/new_ena.png">
     <af:clientListener method="myFunction" type="click"/>
     <af:clientAttribute name="attributeName" value="attributeValue"/>
I use that clientAttribute to send the logged user to the javascipt.
- I added this after the af:document on top of the page to make the customComments readonly to the user (you need to do it here because if you set it in the properties the element is not updated later), so the user has to use the button i put to add comments:
<f:facet name="metaContainer">
     <f:facet name="metaContainer">
     <af:resource type="javascript">
          function readOnly(){
               var comms = document.getElementById("it1::content");
<af:clientListener method="readOnly" type="load"/>
- Somewhere i added the javascript the commandLink calls:
<trh:script id="myScripts">
     function addComment(evt){
          var commentArea = document.getElementById("it1::content");
var user = evt.getSource().getProperty("user");
var comm = prompt("Please enter your comment: ","");
          if (comm != null) {
               if (comm != ""){
                    if (commentArea.value !=""){commentArea.value = commentArea.value + "\n"}
                    commentArea.value = commentArea.value + "user.value" + " : " + comm;
After all this, you have an object that carries the comments from one screen (UI project) to another and is updated each time.
I know it may not be the perfect solution and that it could be improved a lot, but so far it does what i need so i use it.
If there is anything i wasnt clear enough, please let me know. Hope this helps.

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    It looks really good! I particularly like the last click to agree that highlights null mandatory fields - neat - JB influence. I like the colour scheme, but if it was me I would colour the buttons separately. A green tinge for positive action "attach file", "add milestone" and a red tingle for negative action "delete milestone".
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    Also just a few points (I hope you don't mind). I would underline Program Guide and have an invisible button over it with the full url for the guide. That way people don't land on the home page an have to find it. The url is probably too long to have written out on the form. I think some tooltips would help guide the user through the form (particurarly some of the technical stuff) and this would also get rid of the object names. It is personal preference but Caroline Jarrett's book "Forms That Work" would shy away from all caps.
    Good idea on the url - I'd meant to do something with that but nobody seemed to notice. They opted for supplying a guide vs tooltips and/or popup help...I'd meant to run through it and nuke the field name tooltips but didn't get time - ah well.
    We just got that book but I haven't had a chance to read it yet.
    Maybe the script could count the number of attachments and if the min. is not present, also throw up an alert.
    Good idea - I was trying to figure out the best way to check for the file attachments, but they decided there was the possibility that people might supply some information under separate cover - same reason we didn't make the expanding tables scripted mandatory, in case they left an extra row in or something.
    I wish I had another week to work on it but it's live now!

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    2) Transformation Step 2 is executed (but mapping encounters an exception so this is not successful)
    3) Transformation Step 1 is not executed already because of the exception, and therefore Send Alert is triggered.
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    I am using ParForEach.
    Can you kindly advise how to correct this issue?

    that was a very detailed explanation!
    But on Runtime, BPM triggers exception due to validation#2 failing which again is because all records of file seem to
    pass on both Forks. I want that when Validation#1 is true that specific record only passes in Fork#2 and not in Fork#1 also
    problem with your design...Fork seems to be working fine....you need to have a Switch block which will perform the validation and then route the message accordingly.
    I already created a mapping for this validation, and when I test the Interface Mapping for Transformation Step 3
    (consisting of 4 mapping steps) using an actual payload it is successfuly generating the message. - so no problem in this
    Interface Mapping.
    Mapping success does not mean that the BPM processing will be success.

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    Or post photos.
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    I've asked Reddit help but so far nobody has replied (r/bugs and r/help).

    Sounds that you are blocking JavaScript.
    Do you have security software that might be blocking JavaScript?
    Just to be sure: Java and JavaScript are different languages.
    To avoid confusion, see:
    Boot the computer in Windows Safe Mode with network support (press F8 on the boot screen) as a test.
    Do a clean reinstall and delete the Firefox program folder before (re)installing a fresh copy of the current Firefox release.
    *Download the full Firefox installer and save the file to the desktop<br>https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all.html
    If possible uninstall your current Firefox version to cleanup the Windows registry and settings in security software.
    *Do NOT remove "personal data" when you uninstall your current Firefox version, because this will remove all profile folders and you lose personal data like bookmarks and passwords including data in profiles created by other Firefox versions.
    Remove the Firefox program folder before installing that newly downloaded copy of the Firefox installer.
    *(32 bit Windows) "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\"
    *(64 bit Windows) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\"
    *It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
    Your bookmarks and other personal data are stored in the Firefox profile folder and won't be affected by an uninstall and (re)install, but make sure NOT to remove personal data when you uninstall Firefox as that will remove all Firefox profile folders and you lose your personal data.
    If you keep having problems then also create a new profile.

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    1 .doc file 78K
    1 .pdf file 2.1M
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    Internet Explorer cannot download largefile.doc from localhost
    Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.
    This has also happened to me in the past with large .zip files.

    I had wondered whether it was the websites issue: i've since managed to get the application-my friend downloaded it onto his phone over the internet and Bluetoothed it to me, so i've got it anyway. Just a bit strange, as i transfereed the file to my Mac and it decompressed into a folder again...
    Oh well-i'm not into fiddling around so it can stay as it is! Thanks for the reply!

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    C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_SOA1\bin>ant -f ant-sca-deploy.xml -DserverURL=http:
    // -DsarLocation=N:\RuleBasedProjectInitiate\deploy\RequestPro
    ject.ear -Doverwrite=true -Duser=weblogic
    Buildfile: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_SOA1\bin\ant-sca-deploy.xml
    [echo] oracle.home = C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_SOA1\bin/..
    [input] skipping input as property serverURL has already been set.
    [input] skipping input as property sarLocation has already been set.
    [deployComposite] created temp dir =C:\DOCUME~1\azeltov\LOCALS~1\Temp\deploy_cli
    [deployComposite] Creating HTTP connection to host:, port:7001
    [deployComposite] Enter username and password for realm 'default' on host 10.140
    [deployComposite] Authentication Scheme: Basic
    [deployComposite] Username:
    [deployComposite] Password:
    [deployComposite] Received HTTP response from the server, response code=200
    [deployComposite] clean up temp dir: C:\DOCUME~1\azeltov\LOCALS~1\Temp\deploy_cl
    [deployComposite] ---->Deploying composite success.
    Total time: 4 seconds

    You can always deploy the ADF web apps from the Application (top menu) deploy option. Just make sure you're deploying the EAR profile for the project. Deploying the web projects from the composite deployment wizard can be convenient. But I think it's often the case that you deploy them (the composite and forms) separately (e.g. you make a series of changes to the composite without needed to redeploy the UI projects).
    Bottom line is you don't have to delete the projects to be able to modify/deploy them.

  • Base64Binary OSB and File Adapter Issue

    Hi all,
    I am converting an xml to flat file after that i want to write the flatfile to a file using File Adapter in OSB.
    So using java callout we converted the binary content to base64 string and we are able to write the data using file adapter .
    But the file contains as extra line in between each line which my legacy system wont accept.
    I printed the base64 string in the output file and when i decode that file using the website as safe decode as text i am able to get the correct file.
    So where is the problem ? File Adapter ? Why i am getting extrace line in between each line . How to write safely using file adapter.
    If i use file transport of OSB i am able to write without any issues but i want to write dynamic location so i am looking for file transport of OSB.

    Hi Anju,
    Thanks for the response . If i decode the base64 binary data using this website if i use Notepad++ i cant see an extra line in the notepad++ it showing as below
    Its a fixed length file 1 to 513 then next line so for the file transport it showing as below
    ISA ............................
    1 to 513 CRLF
    For file adapter it is showing as below in the same notepad++ editor
    1 to 513 CR
    an extra CR so an extra line .
    I used MFL and converted the xml to non-xml ( flat file fixed length file) for file transport i am i created another proxy message type Text .It is working fine
    Added to the above problem i have another few questions on the file transport
    How can append to an exiting file using File transport ?
    How to change the File directory dynamically ?

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    When i click on the folder and go into properties it only shows camera options.
    I can't think what's the issue here.
    Please reply soon, it will be really helpful. Thanks

    You are using Xp SP3 and Windows Media Player 10 or later?
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

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    Dell Precision M6400
    Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU  T9900 @ 3.06 Ghz, 3.07 Ghz
    12.0 GB Ram
    Premiere ran fine for a while, but soon I've run into a problem where I try to export to the Media Encoder and I keep getting the error:
    "Could not read from the source. Please check if it has moved or been deleted"  over and over
    I have deleted recently imported media one at a time to try and locate what's causing it since it wasn't doing this before, but no luck.  So I restarted the program but now the Premiere project won't open.  The task bar loads until about 2/3 in and stops there indefinitely, I've left and came back to it 2 hours later and it hadn't moved.  I back tracked and found a previous save that will open, but it still will not export, it still says "Could not read from the source. Please check if it has moved or been deleted".  And as soon as I update anything and save a new file that one will not open either.
    I've tried recompressing each video file into a format I know works well with Premiere but still no difference. 
    This problem has plagued my workflow for a while now and I can't take it anymore.  I've had to restart clean project files to try to work around it but I lose so much progress, and the work around by rendering the premiere file through After effects hasn't worked either.  The error I get there says "Dynamic link server is busy".
    Here's what the problem is not:  It is not because I uninstalled CS3 or any other previous version, I've never had it on this computer.  It's not a plugin problem, I don't have any plugins on this install except for the default ones that Came with Adobe Master Suite for Premiere Pro. 
    Someone please help me, this is ridiculous that I have had to trouble shoot the program this much.  Both CS4 and Windows 7 have been around for over a year now and neither are in Beta Editions

    Wow, sorry, forgive me if I've seen most forums work with a lot less, and your dismissiveness led me to assume you hadn't read my post.
    All of this is new and up do date as far as Adobe and Windows updates go, that's Version 4.2.1.
    My projects for this are all in NTSC Widescreen DV 24P, the particular sequence that I render from is in that format as well, although regardless of which one I use the problem keeps occurring. 
    My renders for my recent purposes have been compressed in .h264, IPOD video Large.  The codec I'm rendering in also doesn't seem to matter, because I've tried this in .avi., .mov, .h264, .wav, etc. and all with various settings that I thought might help, but the encoder quits encoding 4 seconds in and gives me the error that it can't find the media.
    And I didn't mention the media type and what not because it seems irrelevent of what I use this problem keeps happening.  I'm pretty sure it's a problem with the project file or perhaps the media encoder or both.
    And I don't know what you mean by "disks"
    Do I have a Raid set up on my hard disk?  No, I have two 0.5 TB hard drives, Programs on one (C:\) Projects on the other (D:\). 
    What address am I saving the scratch disks to?  I use the default of "same as Project".  Have I tried Clearing it?  Yes.
    I don't think I'm getting at what you're asking.
    And I don't think I've ever used an .xlsm (which is excel?) file and I've definitely never used a Power point project (PPS?) file in my projects.  And they open in their respective programs, although I'm not sure why you asked about that.  Again I'm not sure I know what you mean.
    The Premiere Project (.prproj) file is what I'm trying to open when the progress bar stops at 2/3 the way through and forces me to terminate the process with the task manager to close it.
    It would help to mention that all my projects are animated and I use premiere to cobble them together, so no problems that relate to transferring media from a camera to the computer would apply here.  Most of the files I get out of Maya are in Default .avi or .mov files, and I also use a handful of .wav files for the dialogue and .jpgs for cards and placeholders. 
    I believe that this problem began when I updated a few of the files in my project, but I've been doing that for weeks without incident.  I've been updating them by saving over the old media file with the updated one of the same name, length, and type. 
    I don't work exclusively with Premiere, in fact it's not what I usually use, that would be Final Cut Pro.

  • Download backups and file numbering issue

    A while back I lost a lot of stuff when a backup went wrong.
    I have been slowly trying to sort out the catalogues which has often meant importing stuff from the downloads backups.
    Anyway what seems to exist and is making life hard is that there are 2 different file numbers for the same picture. So it may have originally be IMG_1033.jpg but the same picture in the downloads back ups might be IMG_ 2355.jpg
    While I know I did a lot of things wrong I am more interested right now in trying to tidy things up and get the library and backups matching so that I know I don't have dups and I do have all the originals I was able to recover.
    Is there anyway to do this.
    LR2 OSx 10.5.8

    So it may have originally be IMG_1033.jpg but the same picture in the downloads back ups might be IMG_ 2355.jpg
    How come that happened? As far as I know, Lightroom renames both files when you rename and backup on import.
    Did you renamed the files in Library module after importing? If yes, you can use Rename in Lightroom to restore the original filenames. If no, there's nothing Lightroom can do about it. You need a good third party program to help find image duplicates among files with different file names.

  • BPM 11g - Making comments visible to all interactive activities in process

    Does anyone know of a way to make comments from one interactive activity visible in a subsequent interactive activity within the same process?
    We need this visibility since there are multiple human tasks in the process and the comments are relevant to the instance as a whole as it travels through the process.
    I've attempted to create a process data object of type "TaskExecutionData" and use that to map the comments in and out of the data associations for the interactive activities, but ran into bpel faults. The first attempt just used simple data association mappings for the execData.userComment collection (array) - but that results in assignment errors at runtime if there are no comments present. Having seen these errors before and having resolved them using a XSL transformation, I tried that route as well to map the userComment collection using a for-each construct - however that attempt resulted in a different bpel fault at runtime referring to duplicate definitions of the same type or something to that effect.
    Any ideas?

    Yes, but this is in version 11g, not 10g or 6. The human tasks use the ADF task flows, as is standard practice in 11g.
    I've attempted mapping the userComment array from the task's execData to process variables, but that effort resulted in bpel faults at runtime.
    I managed a roundabout way (i.e. a hack) to get the comments into the new task from the previous one using the human workflow services API in a managed bean of the task flow, but I'm having difficulty getting the comment iterator of the data control to update and pull in the comments.

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    Here are my specs: - I have the new iPod 60 GigaByte hardrive version. - Operating System on my PC: Windows XP - CPU: AMD Athalon XP 1.8 gHz - My PC is several years old and has four built-in USB 1.1 slots. My iPod works on all of these USB 1.1 ports

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