Browse dialog closes too quickly to select a file to upload

I'm on OSX 10.6.6
I am on any website and click "upload" to upload whatever type of file, and the dialog closes too clickly to navigate to and select a file.
Same thing happens when downloading files that the dialog box doesn't stay open long enough to select the location to save the file or name the file.
This started happening in the last version of 3.x and now is in 4.0x.
'''This does not happen in Safari and alas it is a deal breaker for using Firefox since I can't attach photos etc. in mail.'''

DOes the same thing happen if you start Firefox in Firefox safe mode? - [[Safe Mode]]

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  • Messagefileupload issue--"Please select a File to upload"

    i have created a messagefileupload item and display button in the oaf page .
    After i browse the csv file and click on display button, the messagefileupload item gets cleared out and i get an error "Please Select a File to Upload".
    can anyone tell me how to solve this?

    Hi Sandeep,
    Please find my controller code below:-
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    OAApplicationModule am = (OAApplicationModule) pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    // String fileName = null;
    // DataObject fileUploadData =(DataObject)pageContext.getNamedDataObject("ssofileupload");
    // fileName = (String)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, "sso.csv");
    // System.out.println("Filename"+fileName);
    System.out.println("Inside display");
    DataObject fileUploadData =(DataObject)pageContext.getNamedDataObject("ssofileupload");
    String fileName = null;
    String contentType = null;
    Long fileSize = null;
    Integer fileType = new Integer(6);
    BlobDomain uploadedByteStream = null;
    BufferedReader in = null;
    System.out.println("Inside try");
    fileName = (String)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, "sso.csv");
    // contentType =(String)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, "UPLOAD_FILE_MIME_TYPE");
    uploadedByteStream = (BlobDomain)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, fileName);
    System.out.println("After uploadedByteStream ");
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(uploadedByteStream.getBinaryStream()));
    System.out.println("After BufferedReader ");
    fileSize = new Long(uploadedByteStream.getLength());
    catch(NullPointerException ex)
    throw new OAException("Please Select a File to Upload", OAException.ERROR);
    String lineReader="";
    long t =0;
    String[] linetext;
    while (((lineReader = in.readLine()) !=null) )
    if (lineReader.trim().length()>0)
    linetext = lineReader.split(",");
    System.out.println(t + " - " +
    linetext[0].trim() + " - " + linetext[1].trim() + " - " +
    linetext[2].trim() + " - " + linetext[3].trim() + " - " +
    linetext[4].trim() + " - " + linetext[5].trim() );
    catch (IOException e)
    throw new OAException(e.getMessage(),OAException.ERROR);

  • Open File Dialog, Select either FIle or Folder, but Set the Initial Location to ftp://

    I want to be able to open a file dialog, set the initial location to an ftp:// address, and allow the user to select individual files or a directory.
    I can use the File Dialog express VI, and wire in a start path, but the problem is that the filepath constant does not allow you to input ftp://[IPAddress]. If you type it in it will automatically adjust the path to read . If you right click, and hit browse and go to an ftp site, the dialog will not let you select a file or folder. And no you cannot type the address into a string and then convert that to a path. If you do it will look just like the image above.
    I can use .NET functions as seen below, but it is not trivial to allow the user to select files or a folder. The same is true if I write it in C++ (although I haven't tried this yet, just googled selecting files or folders in a file dialog).
    EDIT: I just realized that with .NET if I select a single file, the FileName it returns points to a temporary internet folder on my computer for example: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\P01ODP0F\ni-rt[1].ini
    The FileDIalog Express VI has these very options.
    So what is the easiest way to have an initial ftp address path for a file dialog, and allow the user to select files or a folder?

    Have never had to do that before - that's a bit of a drag.
    Some thoughts.
    1) Can you map a drive to that FTP address and go from there?
    2) You could try rolling your own dialog via FTP - that's something I've definitely done before!
    In the following snippet, I start an FTP session on the NI FTP site, log in as anonymous, list the base directory files/folders and then close my session. I then unbundle the directory listings array and plug the name and item type into the item names of a multicolumn listbox.

  • Problems with shortcuts when selecting file to upload in BPS

    Hi all,
    We have a problem when the user is navigating through the directories for selecting a file to upload. When the user navigates between folders it is ok but if there is a shortcut to another disc the program interprets that as a file and then generates a lot of errors in BPS.
    This worked only a month ago and the only thing we have changed is a GUI upgrade from 640 to 710. Could this be the problem?
    We are using cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog for uploading files in the planning layout.
    We are on:
    BW: 3.5 Patch 17
    GUI: 710
    SEM: 4 Patch 8
    Thanks for any help!
    Best Regards

    Hello Pontus,
    maybe you are using the incorrect file/path separator. Check SAP Note <a href="">1266211[</a> on how to get the correct separator.
    SAP NetWeaver RIG

  • Network Access dialog box keeps popping up too quickly to click

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    While a batch is compressing, a dialog box pops up on the screen for a fraction of a second, way too quickly to read it or click on it. I see "Deny" and "Allow" buttons, so I am guessing it's a dialog box asking about network access.
    I found that it pops up at the same time interval I set in Batch Monitor's prefs for updating.
    I tried trashing Compressor's prefs and restarting it.
    The frustrating thing about this problem is that it interrupts anything else I'm doing. It interrupts typing, or a mouse drag. The only workaround I've found, so far, is to not run Batch Monitor at all.
    I'd reinstall, but that'll take days because I have to track down someone in the company who keeps the install media under lock and key. I'm hoping you know of a way to solve this... please? A search of this forum turned up nothing, so far, but I saw a user posted about this problem on another site... and the solution suggested there didn't work for me (not sure it worked for him, either).

    I was having the same problem and noticed that while hovering over a menu item, the popping box stopped popping up. I of course couldn't keep my mouse hovering over a menu item forever and do anything else, but luckily I tried selecting "About Compressor" from the menu and that stopped the box from popping up as well and let me go on to other applications. As long as you don't click the About Compressor box off the screen, the popping box problem is solved, at least for me it is working...
    I hope this helps you...

  • Every time i select the file i media browser it gives and error and closes

    every time I select a file from the media browser it crashes

    Are you trying to import it from an external hard drive?
    If that is the case, create a new folder in the hard drive and cut and paste all the other files to that new folder.
    Let me know if that helps.

  • I'm using an iMac running Os X Yosemite, Photoshop CS5 Extended, R2880 Epson printer  In the Print Settings dialog box, I can't select Color, Advanced BW or Grayscale unless I select "Printer Manages Color". The pull down menu is grayed out. Even with "pr

    I’m using an iMac running Os X Yosemite, Photoshop CS5 Extended, R2880 Epson printer  In the Print Settings dialog box, I can’t select Color, Advanced BW or Grayscale unless I select “Printer Manages Color”. The pull down menu is grayed out. Even with “printer manages color” the tif or jpg image comes out in color overlaid with black. (See example - printer1. image on left is close to what it should be). Photoshop has no updates pending. I’ve downloaded the latest Epson driver which was working fine just before the problem occurred

    Is your Photoshop CS5 updated to 12.1?
    Are you on Yosemite 10.10.1 or Yosemite 10.10.2?
    Did you apply the recent Epson software 2.1.9 update?
    What type of file is it (file format)?  What bit depth and what color space?
    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    a screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Exported fireworks loops too quickly

    I've used Fireworks to create several frames holding images
    and set the timings to be observed during the frames. Have tried
    exporting this to animated gif, swf and png and then inserted these
    resutling files into my dreamweaver page. The animation works
    correctly when viewing on my C drive, but once ftp'd to my site and
    viewing with a browser, the looping is too fast. No settings i've
    made seems to slow down the animation. Anyone know what I might be
    doing wrong?

    Hi Becky:
    They are photographic images - and relatively large
    dimensions - so GIF
    may not be the best option to begin with, as GIF's reduce the
    palette and are affected by image dimensions (bigger files).
    I'm not a Flash person, but inserting jpegs into a flash
    movie would
    give you better quality and I would think, more control.
    Both pages transistioned for me - although yes - incredibly
    fast. But I
    think this ahs got to do with the timeline in flash, as both
    pages are flash movies. I do not know if any frame delay
    settigns you
    use in an animated GIF file will be directly read or
    understood by Flash.
    If you want to stick with GIFS, also check to make sure that
    ALL the
    frames are selected before you input the timing. It's
    possible that you
    only applied the frame delay to one frame, rather than all of
    If a slide show is what you're looking for, have you tried
    out Alan
    Musselman's Fireworks Album Creator extension?
    Hope this helps!
    Jim Babbage
    rebasue wrote:
    > Thanks Alex....but I don't think I'm guilty of any of
    the 3 you mentioned.
    > Here is the page which is flipping too quickly in
    Firefox and Internet
    > Explorer:
    > I think I have the frame speed set to 300/100 sec
    because the help files said
    > that would display each frame for about a second?
    > and this page doesn't loop at all in Firefox or Internet
    > I have tried pasting in the HTML code from inside
    Dreamweaver using the
    > Insert....Fireworks HTML route.
    > I have tried inserting an image object and grabbing the
    swf file
    > AND I've tried inserting.....image and grabbing the
    animated gif.
    > Clearly I am missing something along the way. Which of
    the above 3 insertions
    > is correct? HTML, SWF or animated gif?
    > becky

  • Just downloaded the latest version of iTunes.  Can't find "Power Search" anymore to locate specific songs or artists?  Using "Browse" takes waaay too long.  Any suggestions?

    Just downloaded the latest version of iTunes, but can't find "Power Search" anymore to locate specific songs or artists quickly?  "Browse" takes waaay too long.  Any suggestions? wrote:
    A rather long winded way of asking if anybody knows if it's possible to have multi-windows open
    It's not possible.
    Suggestions here -> Apple Product feedback

  • ADFc: No view port found when using both Browser dialog and TF inline-popup

    Using JDev
    We have a table with data and two commandlinks. One navigates to a task-flow-call configured to "run as dialog" in a modal inline-popup. This opens a modal inline-popup that can be used to modify the data.
    The second command link navigates to view (using the dialog: syntax) that opens a second browser window, displaying a jspx that retrieves an image from a servlet.
    Both dialogs can be opened and closed multiple times if I use only one of them in a session, but once I have opened the browser dialog popup, opening the inline-popup gives an exception (see below).
    The inline-popup actually shows, but instead of the taskflow inside it it shows "The website cannot display the page".
    From debugging the source code, I see that the StateInstanceIdFromRequest (ControllerState:288) when opening the inline-popup is the ctrl-state from the main browser window address bar, r01nnp3js_9.
    Then when the taskflow inside the inline-popup is opened, the StateInstanceIdFromRequest is r01nnp3js_13. If I open and close the inline-popup multiple times, this instanceid stays the same.
    Until I open the browser dialog window with the second commandlink, the StateInstanceIdFromRequest for the view inside this dialog window is r01nnp3js_31, matching the ctrl-state from the dialog window address bar.
    After closing the browser dialog window and clicking the first commandlink, the inline-popup shows but the StateInstanceIdFromRequest for the taskflow inside it is no longer r01nnp3js_13, but r01nnp3js_31!!
    This is the InstanceID from the browser window that was closed!! This is incorrect and I think that the wrong StateInstance is looked up (ControllerState:304).
    This results in an NPE (ControllerState:330) because the CurrentViewPort (looked up from mAllViewPorts with the wrong currentViewPortContextId) is null.
    This is the stacktrace:<ControllerState><getViewPort> ADFc: No view port found with ID 'r01nnp3js_32'.
    <ControllerState><getViewPort> ADFc: No view port found with ID 'r01nnp3js_32'.
    08-jun 10:53:16 DEBUG     2/avravr001 (MnSessionContextFilter) ----- REQUEST START ----
    08-jun 10:54:31 DEBUG     2/avravr001 (MnSessionContextFilter) ----- UNCAUGHT UNCHECKED EXCEPTION DURING REQUEST: NullPointerException, null ----
    08-jun 10:54:31 DEBUG     2/avravr001 (MnSessionContextFilter) ----- REQUEST END ----
    <8-jun-2010 10:54:31 uur CEST> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101017> <[ServletContext@12329770[app:KlantbeeldPME module:KlantbeeldPME path:/KlantbeeldPME spec-version:2.5 version:V2.0], request: weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl@f0f81e[
    GET /KlantbeeldPME/faces/adf.dialog-request?_adf.ctrl-state=yg04i5vly_47&_rtrnId=1275987194538&__ADFvDlg__=true&_afrLoop=2956086037750&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=_adfvdlg HTTP/1.1
    Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, application/x-ms-application, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/xaml+xml, */*
    Accept-Language: nl
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Cookie: JSESSIONID=H5k3MTDDTCpbCqjPhf1pWyJ2tsl3JBC3PTDXpQVzh8Fx74BJdLk6!1966224151
    ]] Root cause of ServletException.
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.ControllerState.synchronizeStatePart1(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.application.SyncNavigationStateListener.beforePhase(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.lifecycle.ADFLifecycleImpl$PagePhaseListenerWrapper.beforePhase(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.internalDispatchBeforeEvent(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.dispatchBeforePagePhaseEvent(
         Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <8-jun-2010 10:54:31 uur CEST> <Notice> <Diagnostics> <BEA-320068> <Watch 'UncheckedException' with severity 'Notice' on server 'DefaultServer' has triggered at 8-jun-2010 10:54:31 uur CEST. Notification details:
    WatchRuleType: Log
    WatchRule: (SEVERITY = 'Error') AND ((MSGID = 'BEA-101020') OR (MSGID = 'BEA-101017') OR (MSGID = 'BEA-000802'))
    WatchData: DATE = 8-jun-2010 10:54:31 uur CEST SERVER = DefaultServer MESSAGE = [ServletContext@12329770[app:KlantbeeldPME module:KlantbeeldPME path:/KlantbeeldPME spec-version:2.5 version:V2.0], request: weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl@f0f81e[
    GET /KlantbeeldPME/faces/adf.dialog-request?_adf.ctrl-state=yg04i5vly_47&_rtrnId=1275987194538&__ADFvDlg__=true&_afrLoop=2956086037750&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=_adfvdlg HTTP/1.1
    Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, application/x-ms-application, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/xaml+xml, */*
    Accept-Language: nl
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Cookie: JSESSIONID=H5k3MTDDTCpbCqjPhf1pWyJ2tsl3JBC3PTDXpQVzh8Fx74BJdLk6!1966224151
    ]] Root cause of ServletException.
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.ControllerState.synchronizeStatePart1(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.application.SyncNavigationStateListener.beforePhase(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.lifecycle.ADFLifecycleImpl$PagePhaseListenerWrapper.beforePhase(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.internalDispatchBeforeEvent(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.dispatchBeforePagePhaseEvent(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.faces.lifecycle.ADFPhaseListener$PhaseInvokerImpl.dispatchBeforePagePhaseEvent(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.faces.lifecycle.ADFPhaseListener.beforePhase(
         at oracle.adfinternal.controller.faces.lifecycle.ADFLifecyclePhaseListener.beforePhase(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service( are my options here? How can I influence the ctrl-state of an inline-popup? Can a browser dialog window be disposed somehow and would that matter?
    oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.ControllerState is an adfinternal class, what is the best way to hook into this and fix it?
    Thanks and regards,

    Thanks Frank. I'm not sure how to do that, but I'll create a SR on the SID of my customer and refer to this thread.

  • How to prompt user to select multiple files in file dialog using scripts

    Hi, is there a way to allow user to select multiple files inside the file dialog using scripts? So not just something like "*.ai" or "*.eps" but where the user can actually use their shift key to select a batch of files inside the file dialog and then the script would process each one.

    // Main Code [Execution of script begins here]
    here's what I have so far. it would also be nice to not have illustrator stop at errors.. right now, it skips dialogs but on errors, it still stops.
    // uncomment to suppress Illustrator warning dialogs
    app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;
    var destFolder, sourceFolder, files, fileType, sourceDoc, targetFile, pdfSaveOpts, folderName;
    var fullPath = "";
    var finalSlash;
    // Select the source folder.
    sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the folder with Illustrator .ai files you want to convert to PDF');
    f = find_files(sourceFolder);
    function find_files (dir)
        return find_files_sub (dir, []);
    function find_files_sub (dir, array)
        var f = Folder (dir).getFiles ("*.*");
        for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++)
            if (f[i] instanceof Folder)
                find_files_sub (f[i], array);
                if (f[i].name.slice (-3).toLowerCase() == ".ai"          || f[i].name.slice (-4).toLowerCase() == ".eps")
                        //convert the array-listing to a string so we can manipulate it
                        fullPath = String(f[i]);
                        //find the position of the last / to indicate where the filename starts
                        finalSlash = fullPath.lastIndexOf("/");
                        //get the foldername by "slicing" from start to where finalSlash is located
                        folderName = fullPath.slice(0, finalSlash).toLowerCase();                   
                        sourceDoc =[i]); // returns the document object
                        // Call function getNewName to get the name and file to save the pdf          
                                                      targetFile_PNG = getNewName(".png");
                                                      if(targetFile_PNG.exists) {
                                                      } else {
                                                                pngExportOpts = getPNGOptions();
                                                                sourceDoc.exportFile(targetFile_PNG, ExportType.PNG24, pngExportOpts );
                        targetFile_PDF = getNewName(".pdf");
                        pdfSaveOpts = getPDFOptions();
                                                      sourceDoc.saveAs(targetFile_PDF, pdfSaveOpts );
                                                      targetFile_SVG = getNewName(".svg");
                                                      svgSaveOpts = getSVGOptions();
                                                      sourceDoc.exportFile(targetFile_SVG, ExportType.SVG, svgSaveOpts );
                        array.push (f[i]);
    getNewName: Function to get the new file name. The primary
    name is the same as the source file.
    function getNewName(ext)
        var ext, docName, newName, saveInFile, docName, finalDot
        var loop = 0;
        docName =;
        ext = ext; // new extension for pdf file
        newName = "";
        finalDot =".");
        while(loop < finalDot)
            newName += docName[loop];
            loop = loop + 1;
        newName += ext; // full pdf name of the file
              newName = newName.replace(" [Converted]","");
        // Create a file object to save the pdf
        saveInFile = new File( folderName + '/' + newName );
        return saveInFile;
    getPDFOptions: Function to set the PDF saving options of the
    files using the PDFSaveOptions object.
    function getPDFOptions()
        // Create the PDFSaveOptions object to set the PDF options
        var pdfSaveOpts = new PDFSaveOptions();
        // Setting PDFSaveOptions properties. Please see the JavaScript Reference
        // for a description of these properties.
        // Add more properties here if you like
        pdfSaveOpts.acrobatLayers = false;
        pdfSaveOpts.colorBars = false;
        pdfSaveOpts.colorCompression = CompressionQuality.AUTOMATICJPEGHIGH;
        pdfSaveOpts.compressArt = true; //default
        pdfSaveOpts.embedICCProfile = false;
        pdfSaveOpts.enablePlainText = false;
        pdfSaveOpts.generateThumbnails = false; // default
        pdfSaveOpts.optimization = true;
        pdfSaveOpts.pageInformation = false;
        pdfSaveOpts.preserveEditability = true;
        return pdfSaveOpts;
    function getSVGOptions()
              var svgSaveOpts = new ExportOptionsSVG();
              //just using defaults aside from what's written below
      //see ExportOptionsSVG.html
      svgSaveOpts.embedRasterImages = true;
      svgSaveOpts.sVGTextOnPath = true;
              return svgSaveOpts;
    function getPNGOptions()
              // Create the PDFSaveOptions object to set the PDF options
              var pngExportOpts = new ExportOptionsPNG24();
              // Setting PNGExportOptions properties. Please see the JavaScript Reference
              // for a description of these properties.
              // Add more properties here if you like
              pngExportOpts.antiAliasing = true;
              pngExportOpts.artBoardClipping = false;
              pngExportOpts.horizontalScale = 100; // scaling to 350%
              pngExportOpts.saveAsHTML = false;
              pngExportOpts.transparency = true;
              pngExportOpts.verticalScale = 100; // scaling to 350%
              return pngExportOpts;

  • Just bought Photoshop Elements 13...I'm trying to make a slideshow but can't figure out how to alter duration time that the slide is on the screen.  They presently move from one to another way too quickly...also need a different pan and zoom option.  Wher

    Just bought Photoshop Elements 13...I'm trying to make a slideshow but can't figure out how to alter duration time that the slide is on the screen.  They presently move from one to another way too quickly...also need a different pan and zoom option.  Where are all the options I had in PS10?  Also...Can I burn this to a DVD?

    The changes have brought improvements but also drawbacks compared with the old slideshow editor.
    The templates are now fairly fixed but I find the “Classic Dark” gives reasonable results with some panning and you can click the audio button and browse you PC for any track. Unfortunately there are only three speed choices linked to the music track. The improvement for most people is that you can now export to your hard drive at 720p or 1080p and upload to sites like YouTube and Vimeo.

  • Wanted a Folder Browse Dialog in Web Dynpro Application

    I am developing a web dynpro application.
    I want to select the location of a folder, which the user can select by a folder browse dialog .
    Vinay Bedre

    HI ,
      Try using FileUpload UI element.

  • Flash content in browser dialog is not getting rendering with IE10 - Windows 8

    I am trying to launch window popup dialog. The dialog points to HTML page which loads swf file.
    Everything works fine but in case of IE10 on Windows 8, the flash content is not getting rendering inside popup dialog.
    I have verified that .swf file loads but it is not showing its content. If I close the dialog, the flash file conten get diaplay for a moment.
    This isssue occurs if I open dialog using showModalDialog or showModalessDialog. Works fine if popup opened using
    Reiterating again - this issue occurs only with IE10 on Windows 8. It works fine otherwise with IE10 on Windows 2012, Firefox on Windows 8 and on both browser in rest of the windows version.
    Look at it get the clear idea -
    Requesting you to share your idea.

    Firefox does not use the same version of Flash as Internet Explorer, you need to download and install the version of Flash used by Firefox.
    Using Firefox go to to download the installer, then run this file to install Flash.
    This support article has further details - [[Install the Flash plugin to view videos, animations and games]]

  • Capturing a browser page close action

    Is there a way to capture a keyclick when a user clicks on the browser's close button (The X in the upper right corner), or selects file and then exit from the drop down list.
    I want to ensure the user is logged off of the application on the server side.
    I'm using uix from JDeveloper
    Thanks Steve

    This topic is closed. The following javascript snippet seems to work:
    var iX = window.document.body.offsetWidth + window.event.clientX ;
    var iY = window.event.clientY ;
    if (iX <=30 && iY < 0 )
    // this means the user clicked the X button, do whatever you want to do here
    I did have to specifically add the
    <uix:base onunload="javascript"> tag to get this to work.

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