Browser Check Please

This is a work in progress and a learning tool for me. I set
up this site using the html 4.1 transitional option in DW. This
page isn't done yet but I have been checking it on different
browsers and machines. This screenshot is what it is supposed to
look like:
The actual link is
It has been fine on all the browsers I checked, even IE on my
mac, but I tried it on a PC my friend has using IE and the "contact
verbage" is now center aligned, not left, the flash banner on top
(wineglass) is over to the left about an inch covering the logo a
little, and the form entry windows are not ligned up to the left
anymore, they are all uneven. Can anyone tell me if any of these
problems are happening on your browsers and maybe why?

This is what happened when I put it on and
what it looks like with windows XP:
See how the flash banner moved over on top of the logo, and
the verbage moved over to the left. Any ideas why?

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    Thank you Murry and P@tty for the answer yesterday. Here is
    the Link: The site looks best in the latest version of
    IE. There are
    few minor cosmetic problems in Firefox and others that I am
    trying to work
    out (things like the side bar headers dropping too low and
    too much space
    between graphic image and main text and title). But I figured
    that should
    ask the Mac users here to have a look at it first please. I
    am also
    interested to know if it is backwards compatible with earlier
    browsers. This
    morning I did validate the code in HTML 1.0 and everything
    checks out.
    Thank you for your time on this. Again I appreciate the help
    you all have
    given during this website's development.
    Best Regards

    I laughed this morning when I saw my typo in the subject line
    now)... after I had sent the message.
    Has anyone had a moment to see how this site renders on their
    Thank you.
    "Webdesigner" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:f31qen$rme$[email protected]..
    > Thank you Murry and P@tty for the answer yesterday. Here
    is the Link:
    > The site looks best in the latest
    version of IE. There
    > are few minor cosmetic problems in Firefox and others
    that I am trying to
    > work out (things like the side bar headers dropping too
    low and too much
    > space between graphic image and main text and title).
    But I figured that
    > should ask the Mac users here to have a look at it first
    please. I am also
    > interested to know if it is backwards compatible with
    earlier browsers.
    > This morning I did validate the code in HTML 1.0 and
    everything checks
    > out.
    > Thank you for your time on this. Again I appreciate the
    help you all have
    > given during this website's development.
    > Best Regards
    > Webdesigner

  • Browser Check please - Safari on IPad

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    Many thanks for your time.

    Not surprising given that Flash is not supported by iPhone, iPod Touch or iPads.  And that situation isn't going to change anytime soon. ?wprss=fasterforward
    Flash is noticably absent from certain other mobile web devices too although some run a stripped-down Flash Lite player that only handles simple Flash content.
    Flash navigation is a terrible idea anyway.  You should be using CSS styled lists.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    I had saved one copy as an .asp but then resaved it to .xhtml 
    I'm assuming this is a static web site.  Rename (F2) all your pages with .html or .htm extension. 
    .xhtml is not a valid extension.
    Nancy O.

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    See if you can find a NPPDF32.DLL files in the Firefox program folder (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\)
    You can see the installed plugins on the about:plugins page.
    You can set the pref plugin.expose_full_path to true on the about:config page to see the full path of plugins on the about:plugins page.
    It is best not to leave that pref set to true as it exposes that full path to web servers, so reset that pref to false after you are done with the about:plugins page.
    You can open about:plugins and about:config via the location bar, like you open a website (about: is a special protocol to access some build-in pages).
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    See Manually uninstalling a plugin:

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    == This happened ==
    A few times a week
    == Early this year

    See these KB articles:

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    I tried many time, and it really doesn't work.
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    After I upgraded to Firefox 5, I had the same problem and I did a work around temporarily. I went the tools menu, then Add-ons, then clicked the "Plugins" on the left side (4th one down). I "disabled" both Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat using the disable buttons on the right side. PDF files now open again. However they are outside the actual browser.
    My guess is that Adobe didn't catch up yet with a new update to work with Firefox or vice versa.
    Hope that helps!

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    Hi Oleg,       
    Thanks for your post.
    You’re using TFS 2013 Update 4 now?
    Please share your IE 11 screenshot within this error message here.
    Have you use the TeamCompanion in your TFS Server? If yes, please refer to the solution in this article:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    but instead got this message:
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    Ray Salgado, State of Maryland, 410.260.6083

    Thanks Don!
    Got that, that is great for the first step of the browser sniffing process. To get the browser type.
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    Please tell me how to fix this.

    Try to uninstall your current Flash version and update Flash to the latest version.
    Troubleshoot Flash Player installation for Windows:

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    The problem is there's a glitch in the javascript of
    There's a form element with an ID of "txtpassword", but in their validation function, they call it with getElementById("txtPassword"). Obviously a case issue, but it apparently works in IE.
    I created a workaround for a user I met in #firefox, a simple greasemonkey script that replaces the function with a fixed version.
    Here's the link:

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    [[Enabling and disabling cookies]] should work... if it doesn't, you may try
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