Browsing in XMLTYPE field.

I've inserted XML into an XMLTYPE field in an ORACLE table.
Here's the data:
Now, I want to browse the XML and update a record for each CENTRAL_PRINTING_BATCH_ID, in this case i got 3.
I'm new to XML, any EASY way in PL/SQL to do this?
Please Help.

You can use UPDATEXML. For syntax and example, check here

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    values (g_province_q.nextval,'".$_GET['region_id']."',sys.XMLTYPE.createXML('".$xml_con."'),0)";
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    //----------This is insert test----------------------------------
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    //---------------Select end-----------------------------------------
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    Warning: save(): OCILobWrite: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE in /home/www/bigfish/sgtest/testclob.php on line 13
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    geng sun,
    Ora-00600 is an internal Oracle error. You will need to open a tar with Oracle.

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    i can set xml String to xmltype field with:
    $sql_insert_sql = "insert into g_province (p_id,p_regionid,p_provincenameobj,solt)
         values (g_province_q.nextval,'".$_GET['region_id']."',sys.XMLTYPE.createXML('".$xml_con."'),0)";
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    //create table articles (id number(11),content sys.xmltype);
    //----------This is insert test----------------------------------
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    echo "Insert default!";
    //---------------Insert end-----------------------------------------
    //---------------Select start---------------------------------------
    $sql = "select content from articles order by id desc";
    $stmt = @OCIParse($conn,$sql);
    echo "<br>Content is:\"".$rows[0]."\"";
    //---------------Select end-----------------------------------------
    run it ,display these errors:
    Warning: ociexecute(): OCIStmtExecute: ORA-22816: unsupported feature with RETURNING clause in /home/www/bigfish/sgtest/testclob.php on line 12
    Warning: save(): OCILobWrite: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE in /home/www/bigfish/sgtest/testclob.php on line 13
    Insert default!
    Content is:""
    Warning: Unknown(): ociclose_session: OCISessionEnd: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [729], [28], [space leak], [], [], [], [], [] in Unknown on line 0
    how can i set long content to xmltype fields??

    geng sun,
    Ora-00600 is an internal Oracle error. You will need to open a tar with Oracle.

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      <!-- Add registry here if required -->
      <triggers xmlns:c="">
        <actions xmlns="">
          <action id="MigrationProject.ApplicationScan">
              <property name="Name">${APPSCAN_TITLE}</property>
              <property name="MnemonicKey">${APPSCAN_TITLE2}</property>
              <property name="SmallIcon">res:${SCRATCH_COMMAND_ICON}</property>
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    Hi Steve
    Still no response?
    I am having same issue when querying a table with XMLTYPE.
    How is your XMLTYPE stored in the DB, as a CLOB or as a BINARY XML?

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    I'm not sure that it answers your question but under the tools menu there is an option called register schema with XDB.

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    3 xmlrecord xmltype
    4 )
    5 partition by hash(xmlrecord) (
    6 partition p1 tablespace skirandata,
    7 partition p2 tablespace testjamal
    8 );
    partition by hash(xmlrecord) (
    ERROR at line 5:
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    If you are using 11g release 2.0 yes you can ...
    Lower versions do not support partition with XML Type columns .......
    Go through this link
    Cheers :)
    Renjith Madhavan

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    select xmltype('
        <bug number="12345" description="Low severity bug"/>
        <bug number="67890" description="High severity bug"/>
    ') xmldata from dual)
    SELECT x.*
    FROM a, xmltable('bugStatus/status'
       passing a.xmldata columns
       status_code number path 'bugCode'
    ) x;
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    However let me change the data slightly.  I've tried to do something similar with this slightly modified XML data and I think I'm close, but not quite there.  Can you assist with this new scenario?
    WITH a as (
    select xmltype('
       <bugCode REF_ID="XYZ">
              <bug number="12345" description="Low severity bug"/>
              <bug number="67890" description="High severity bug"/>
    ') xmldata from dual)
    SELECT /*x.bugCode,*/ y.bugNumber, y.bugDescription
    FROM a,
            PASSING a.xmldata
               bugCode char(3) path 'bugCode/@REF_ID',
               mystatus xmltype path 'bugCode/status'
         ) x,
            PASSING x.mystatus
               --row_number for ordinality,
               bugNumber number path 'bug/@number',
               bugDescription varchar2(80) path 'bug/@description'
         ) y;
    I think I'm close on this one but still getting the error:
    ORA-19279: XPTY0004 - XQuery dynamic type mismatch: expected singleton sequence - got multi-item sequence
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    Now I wanted to know if there is any size limitations on the XML content to be inserted in the database XMLType field. If so please do let me know exact size.

    Good afternoon,
    The folks on the Oracle XDB forum might be able to better answer your question.
    Oracle XDB Forum:
    XML DB

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    I've created xml model and populated it with data.
    How can I save it directly to the XMLType field in Oracle 10g database?

    You only have the option of all or nothing, you don't have the option of writing one file for each of the root elements.
    See the Driver doc at:
    and specifically:

  • Browsing an xmltype queue

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    I'm currently trying to browse an xmltype queue using JMS.
    When creating the queuebrowser a CustomDatumFactory is expected.
    What should be put there ?
    The only thing i found to make it compile is the following:
    browser = ((AQjmsSession)q_sess).createBrowser(queue,new XMLTypeFactory());
    However, when browsing the queue i only get one message.
    Is this code ok or should another factory be supplied ?
    tx for any help,

    My first recommendation is that both of you open SRs at metalink and lets see if we can get Oracle to fix this rather than just starting a workaround.
    I haven't tried this but I wonder what would happen if you did the following:
    ALTER TABLE <table_name> DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT';Please let us know.

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    I have the Oracle table A, already mapped to Data Model A. This table has the following fields:
    field X (PK)
    field Y
    field Z
    field W
    I have a table B, already mapped to Data Model B. This table has the following fields:
    field X (PK)
    field V (XMLType)
    I want to extract the data from Table A to a XML file with the following structure:
    <X> yada yada yada </X>
    <Y> yada yada yada </Y>
    <Z> yada yada yada </Z>
    <W> yada yada yada </W>
    and then insert this file into the field V of Table B. How can I do that?

    You can use UDConnect to get from Oracle database in to BW
    <b>Data Transfer with UD Connect -</b>
    You have installed the SAP WAS J2EE Engine with BI Java components.  You can find more information on this in the SAP BW installation guide on the SAP Service Marketplace at
    Hope it Helps

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    Word: 2007
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    <xsl:value-of select="//ROWSET9_ROW[CATALOG='Product']/FIELD_NAME" />
    <xsl:value-of select="//ROWSET30_ROW[CATALOG='Product']/FIELD_NAME" />
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    those 2 are the only ways to modify the code as far as i know.
    yes i have read what u have written and if use field update method soon u update one field it will show all the fields in in the field browser .
    that why if u want to update it without error u can double click on code in field browser and it will open the form field in the template automatically.
    else copy your code to a new word document and update your code their using update method in field browser and paste the code in your orginal once the update for the code is done.

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