BSP Applications and Validations

Hi Gurus,
To find all the  Custom  BSP Applications and Validations ,is there any table to get all that stuff.
Moderator message: please do some research before asking.
Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Mar 15, 2011 2:06 PM

Note #598860 has apparently been updated, and Firefox >= 2.0 is considered officially supported for DESIGN2003-based BSP applications.
Chances for official Safari support do not look good however.

Similar Messages

  • File Upload in BSP Applications and store in Application server

    Hi we have requirement to store the attachments from BSP application into the external/internal storage space connected to application server.
    I search for weblogs and all talking about <a href="">File Upload in BSP Applications and store in MIME Repository</a>.
    But our requirement is upload and store(no need to read the file content) attachments from BSP page into file server, and then make a link back in BSP page to open.
    I know we can handle documnets in R/3 using DMS, but our system is SRM.
    Please give a suggestion and solution.

    I faced a similar problem some time ago (uploading a file via BSP, storing it to the application server and then linking the archived document to a business object.
    Here is the coding I used:
    when 'SubmitUploadFile'. "OnInputProcessing
        DATA: data_fileupload TYPE REF TO CL_HTMLB_FILEUPLOAD,
              l_filename type string,
              l_archiv_doc_id type SAPB-SAPADOKID,
              l_content type string,
              l_file_ixos(100) type c value '/transfer/PV2/aus/IXOS/',
              l_file(200) type c,
              tbl_bin TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tbl1024,
              wa_bin type TBL1024,
              l_xstring type xstring,
              l_arc_doc_id type SAPB-SAPADOKID,
              l_doctype type TOADD-DOC_TYPE,
              l_filename_e type DRAW-FILEP.
    upload the file from the BSP web interface (e.g. file C:TempSUTestPDF_SU.pdf)
        data_fileupload ?= CL_HTMLB_MANAGER=>GET_DATA(
                                           request = runtime->server->request 
                                           name    = 'fileUpload'
                                           id      = ‘InputFieldFileUpload’
        IF NOT data_fileupload IS INITIAL.
          l_filename         = data_fileupload->file_name.
          l_content      = data_fileupload->file_content.
          l_content_type = data_fileupload->file_content_type.
    The uploaded file is returned as XSTRING, so we have to convert it to BINARY
    (or STRING alternatively)!
        l_xstring = l_content.
            BUFFER          = l_xstring
            APPEND_TO_TABLE = 'X'
            BINARY_TAB      = tbl_bin.
    split path for storing the file to the application server
        l_filename_c = l_filename.
            PF_PATH  = l_filename_c
            PFX_FILE = l_filename_e.
    write the uploaded file to the application server
        l_filename = l_filename_e.
        concatenate l_file_ixos l_filename into l_file.
        open dataset l_file for output IN LEGACY BINARY MODE.
        loop at tbl_bin into wa_bin.
          transfer wa_bin-line to l_file.
        close dataset l_file.
    store the uploaded file on the IXOS-archive
        l_doctype = l_content_type.
            ARCHIV_ID                = '2T'
            DOCUMENT_TYPE            = l_doctype
            PATH                     = l_file_arc
            ARCHIV_DOC_ID            = l_arc_doc_id
            ERROR_ARCHIV             = 1
            ERROR_UPLOAD             = 3
            ERROR_KERNEL             = 4
            OTHERS                   = 5.
    link the archived document to the business object ‘DRAW’
            ARCHIV_ID                   = '2T'
            ARC_DOC_ID                  = l_arc_doc_id
            AR_OBJECT                   = 'DRW'
            OBJECT_ID                   = g_object_id_arc
            SAP_OBJECT                  = 'DRAW'
           DOC_TYPE                    = l_extend
           ERROR_CONNECTIONTABLE       = 1
           OTHERS                      = 2.
    Remark: It´s vital to convert the uploaded file from XSTRING to BINARY. Otherwise the file cannot be stored/archived properly.
    The archived document can then be displayed by inserting the (IXOS-web client-)link to the BSP page (e.g.
    Hope this helps!

  • Table to store the list of BSP Applications and View Names

    Please let me know the tables used to store the list of BSP Application and the corresponding View Names.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Table name is O2PAGDIR.

  • SLCM BSP Applications and Firefox 2 Support

    I have looked through the Web browser support grid in the NW 7 documentation from the Product Availability Matrix, and also have read note #598860. From these I was unable to infer what the current and future status of Firefox 2 support is for the SLCM BSP applications, especially PIQ_AUDIT (and the Advisor UI that is supposed  to be available).
    Is there any definitive source of information about Firefox support in SLCM 6.x? (Firefox 2 support is broken for the PIQ_AUDIT application in SLCM 4.72, and I need to make sure that students with this browser can use PIQ_AUDIT for self-service in SLCM 6.x.)
    P.S. I saw the information about how Safari is treated as IE 6. But, it would be nice to know explicitly that this browser is fully supported as well.

    Note #598860 has apparently been updated, and Firefox >= 2.0 is considered officially supported for DESIGN2003-based BSP applications.
    Chances for official Safari support do not look good however.

  • Interfacing in BSP application and MS Outlook

    Hi All,
    I am working on an application that requires interfacing with outlook to retrieve mails.
    The exact requirement is:
    1. the application should be able to read all unread mails in the MS-Outlook.
    2. the mail contents should be analyzed.
    3. contents and the attachments should be posted to the application
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance
    Pragya Vatsa

    Hi Eddy
    Thanks for your response.I have followed the weblog. But my problem is still not solved.
    I did the following:
    1. I set the user.
    2. I configured the SAPConnect Node in Transaction SICF.
    3. I have created an exit as mentioned in weblog to      create reply mails.
       and also set that exit in SCOT-Settings-Inbound   Processing.
    but I am not able to recieve the replies.
    Could you suggest me how to debug and get to know whether my exit (that I have set in Inbound Processing) is being processed or not on receiving mails.And if that is not being processed how can I come to know the root of problem?
    Thanks and Regards,
    Pragya Vatsa

  • BSP application and IC WinClient - put parameters

    We are working with the IC WinClient (transaction CIC0),
    We know how we can get parameters from url:
    But, we dont know how we can PUT parameters from IC WinClient to BSP URL  p1, p2....
    for example we want put partner to URL from cic0.
    Does anybody know if we have to modify the standard transaction to do that? how? is there another way?
    Thanks a lot.


  • User validation for the BSP application

    I wanted a user to access the bsp application.
    I already have the user names maintained in the database who will be using the application.
    i am using the application class for my application.
    where should i do the user validation and how.
    i know tst if i would had used the model class then i can do it in the request method of the model class.
    but where to do it when using the application class.

    Hi Din,
    I assume that the usernames that are present in your Database also exists in the WAS Server.
    i.e. The database has a part of users that are present in the WAS Server.
    Your need is to allow only those users in the database to access your bsp application and not others correct!
    If your first BSP Page is a ...
    1.In the DO_INIT method of the Corresponding Controller Class populate the internal table that is present in the Application Class with the usernames that are present in the database.
    2. In the DO_REQUEST method of the Corresponding Controller Class check for the username who runs your BSP Application is present in the Database.
    You can get the username who run the bsp application using the system field...
    data: username type string.
    username = sy-uname.
    So if the <i>username</i> is in the database show your bsp page else show an error page.
    <b>You can directly check for the sy-uname is present in the database.</b>
    <b>Page with Flow Logic</b>
    It is same as MVC only thing is that method name changes...
    Place the code in the DO_INIT of MVC in onCreate of Page with Flow logic.(Populate the internal table of the application class with the usernames from the database)
    Place the code in the DO_REQUEST of MVC in onRequest of Page with Flow logic.(Check whether the sy-uname is present in the itab or directly in the database).
    Hope it solves your problem

  • Javascript error calling a bi 7.0 webapplication from a bsp application

    Hi everyone,
    This is the scenario we're facing a javascript error :
    Enterprise Portal is calling a custom bsp application ( via an iview in the enterprise portal ) in the bi system with a parameter "template_id" and a value, which is the technical name of a bi web application.
    The bsp application is evaluating the parameter by some custom code and creating a html page with a redirect or a maintenance message to the bi web application passed with the parameter "template_id".
    The html link to the bi web application is created according to this documentation :
    Purpose of the bsp application :
    in the bi system there is a database table to maintain a flag for each webtemplate and infocube, which should not be called via the enterprise portal for a certain time ( some kind of maintenance switch ). The bsp application then decides to show a maintenance page for the called webtemplate or to send the redirect page to the client.
    The process described above is :
    working with the bi 7.01 sp7 in the bi ( enterprise portal sp22 ) in the productive system.
    working in the Q&A system bi 7.01 sp8 with bi 3.5 web applications.
    not working in the Q&A system bi 7.01 sp8 with bi 7.0 web applications.
    The javascript error calling bi 7.0 web applications is :
    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
    Timestamp: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 09:11:04 UTC
    Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
    Line: 96
    Char: 11
    Code: 0
    We've opened a message. Support center is saying that this method isn't supported by sap. We should ommit the bsp application and the used functionality.
    Is there any way to find out, what is causing this object is missing ?
    Is there another way than a bsp application to use this custom maintenance function in the described system setup ?
    system components :
    production system
    SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal SP22
    SAP BI 7.01 SP 7
    q&a system
    SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal SP22
    SAP BI 7.01 SP 8
    Kind regards.

    Hello everyone,
    we did some further analysis on this problem und we think we found the problem.
    The error occurs while trying to execute the standard url for web templates inside a Enterprise Portal Frame, for example
    While executing the URL a HTML-Page with some embeded Javascript-code is sent back to the browser.
    In this Javascrip-Code, the method-call "dsmObj.registerAll" leads to a script error in Internet Explorer.
    dsmObj.registerAll("pcd:portal_content/", "GUSID:6FC9SuhGDPIMMLwOdeHEIg--_7WQud13yeLJDz2kYoQFSg--", "1307605928212");
    In SP7, the method "dsmObj.registerFullKey" is called instead of "dsmObj.registerAll". This has changed in SP8.
    dsmObj.registerFullKey("GUSID:iBPvyska9*xE_JBalkQG2g--YyKv2C3NToP0I79Mw7EO8w--", "1307606479963");
    The object "dsmObj" seems to reference the parent frame of the Enterprise Portal.
    Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas how we can fix this?
    Kind regards,
    Edited by: Matthias Keller on Jun 9, 2011 2:07 PM

  • Getting value from portal or bsp application to selection screen parameter

    Daer SDNer's.
                           Is there any possibility of getting value from bsp application and that value to be passed to selection paramater of bw query varaiable.
    concept as follows.
                                    report is based on vendor related information. particular vendor having user id in bsp or portal for accessing reports. if he selects bw query in portal or bsp dash board. that same vendor name or id shoukd be pass to default vendor selection entry in bi... so only that particular vendor details should display.....

    Dear Arun,
                      thanks for the reply. can i dynamically get the values to selection parmaters from bsp or else i need to mantain those user ids(vendor name) in bw. could you explain on it. if possible provide some sample code on it.
    Harikrishna N

  • Create a table view in my BSP Application!.

    Hi All,
    I am using CRM version 4.0 here i want to crate a new table view in my own BSP Application and want to display in the CRM_IC Application.
    The problem now i am facing is.. there is now provision to create the table view via the wizard. I tried to copy the BSP code, changed the code accordingly also i changed the inheritance for the context node class from
    i also copied the iterator attribute.
    still the view is coming with an error saying that page have some problem.
    can anyone suggest any easy method to create the table view!.
    or else can you tell me what i have to do further!.
    Thanks n regards,
    sudeep v d.

    The problem is not only at the .htm page!. I think some changes are required at the context node level. for
    here is the BSP code I m using for displaying the table view..
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
    <%@extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb" %>
    <%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
    <%@extension name="CRM_BSP_IC" prefix="crmic" %>
    <crmic:tray2 id     = "MoreFields"
                 title  = "<%= otr(crm_ic_appl/BuPaAccount) %>"
                 height = "100%,603"
                 width  = "100%" >
        <crmic:gridLayout cellSpacing    = "1"
                          columnSize     = "1"
                          rowSize        = "10"
                          height         = "100%"
                          width          = "100%"
                          widthPredefine = "TRUE">
        <crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "1" rowIndex    = "4" >
            <crmic:tableView design          = "STANDARD"
                             width           = "100%"
                             id              = "Address"
                             table           = "//Address/Table"
                             visibleFirstRow = "3"
                             visibleRowCount = "4"
                             selectionMode   = "LINEEDIT"
                             onRowSelection  = "select"
                             fillUpEmptyRows = "TRUE"
                             headerVisible   = "FALSE"
                <crmic:tableViewColumn columnName = "STREET"
                                       title      = "<%= otr(CRM_IC_APPL/BuPaStreet_t) %>"
                                       edit       = "TRUE" />
                <crmic:tableViewColumn columnName = "POSTL_COD1"
                                       title      = "<%= otr(CRM_IC_APPL/BUPAPOSTCODE_T) %>"
                                       edit       = "TRUE" />
                <crmic:tableViewColumn columnName = "CITY"
                                       title      = "<%= otr(CRM_IC_APPL/BUPACITY_T) %>"
                                       edit       = "TRUE" />
                <crmic:tableViewColumn columnName = "REGION"
                                       title      = "<%= otr(CRM_IC_APPL/REGION) %>"
                                       edit       = "TRUE" />
                <crmic:tableViewColumn columnName = "REGIONNAME"
                                    title      = " "
                                       edit       = "FALSE" />
    In the above code i have given
    table    = "//Address/Table"
    here the 'Address' is defined as a page attribute type ref to the context node class ( CL_CRM_IC_BUPAMOREADDRESS_CN01 ).
    the same class is used in the CRM_IC application works fine!.
    also i entered the attribute entry for the 'Address' in the _CTXT class the view.
    still the same error 'page  cannot be displayed'.
    what could be the problem anyone plaese help!.
    Thanks n regards,
    sudeep v d.

  • How to use GUI_DOWNLOAD inside BSP Application event

    Hi All,
    I am facing one issue while using GUI_DOWNLOAD inside BSP Application. When the processing goes at GUI_DOWNLOAD it gives me unknown error where as the same code is working when used in report program. My requirement is to save password into excel file at my local machine. I am using FM MS_EXCEL_OLE_STANDARD_DAT to save password in excel file but this function module fail when it reach at GUI_DOWNLOAD . Can you please help me out.
    Thanks and Regards
    Pradeep Kr. Rai

    Dear Pradeep,
    Find the below link which explains a simple data download to excel from a table view.
    Try to avoid the way your using in the BSP application and it is abdicable to use the standard methods / class available like "cl_bsp_utility"
    Hope this will be helpful.
    Edited by: Gokul on Oct 8, 2009 9:57 AM

  • Download out of BSP Application

    Hi @ all,
    I built a BSP Application and like to up- and download some files. Upload is no problem, because If got a BSP element for that.
    But how to handle the downloads, because in my opinion all GUI* methods should not work...

    Hi Matthias,
         I think there is no direct method to download.
         We can write a small code based on the requirement
         What type of the file you need to down load?
         if it is .pdf file you can use the following code
         Generally ( Smart form )
         If it is .xls or .txt file let me know
    You can crate a method and
    Import Parameters are :
    Code is
    data: l_pdf_xstring type xstring,
    lt_lines type table of tline,
    ls_line type tline,
    l_devtype type rspoptype,
    l_pdf_len type i.
    parameters for generated function module
    data: l_function_module_name type rs38l_fnam,
    ls_output_options type ssfcompop,
    ls_control_parameters type ssfctrlop,
    l_function_name type rs38l_fnam,
    ls_output_data type ssfcrescl,
    form_name type tdsfname.
    generated result: HTML with embedded CSS
    data: ls_xmloutput type ssfxmlout,
    lt_html_raw type tsfixml.
    data: l_xstring type xstring, "needed for HTTP response
    l_xlength type i,
    l_html_xstring type xstring.
    form_name = 'ZINVOICE'.
    get name of generated function module
    call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME'
    formname = form_name
    fm_name = l_function_module_name
    no_form = 1
    no_function_module = 2
    others = 3.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    error handling
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
    with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    activate XSF Output Mode
    get device type from language
    call function 'SSF_GET_DEVICE_TYPE'
    i_language = 'E'
    e_devtype = l_devtype
    no_language = 1
    language_not_installed = 2
    no_devtype_found = 3
    system_error = 4
    others = 5.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    error handling
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
    with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    set device type in output options
    ls_output_options-tdprinter = l_devtype.
    ls_control_parameters-langu = 'E'.
    ls_control_parameters-no_dialog = 'X'.
    ls_control_parameters-getotf = 'X'.
    CALL FUNCTION l_function_module_name
    CONTROL_PARAMETERS = ls_control_parameters
    OUTPUT_OPTIONS = ls_output_options
    USER_SETTINGS = space
    JOB_OUTPUT_INFO = ls_output_data
    SEND_ERROR = 3
    OTHERS = 5
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    call function 'CONVERT_OTF'
    format = 'PDF'
    bin_filesize = l_pdf_len
    bin_file = l_pdf_xstring " binary file
    otf = ls_output_data-otfdata
    lines = lt_lines
    err_max_linewidth = 1
    err_format = 2
    err_conv_not_possible = 3
    err_bad_otf = 4
    others = 5.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    error handling
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
    with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Fill HTTP request
    response->set_header_field( name = 'content-type'
    value = 'application/pdf' ).
    name = if_http_header_fields=>cache_control ).
    name = if_http_header_fields=>expires ).
    name = if_http_header_fields=>pragma ).
    some Browsers have caching problems when loading PDF format
    name = 'content-disposition'
    value = 'max-age=0' ).
    start PDF viewer either in the Browser or as a separate window
    name = 'content-disposition'
    value = 'attachment; filename=webforms.pdf' ).
    finally display PDF format in Browser
    l_pdf_len = xstrlen( l_pdf_xstring ).
    response->set_data( data = l_pdf_xstring
    length = l_pdf_len ).
    navigation->response_complete( ).

  • Using BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2 from BSP Application

    I am trying to add a document in DMS from a BSP application. The bapi_create_document2 works except that it will not upload a file from the client PC. The exact same code with the exact same parameters supplied works from within an ABAP program. I assume that this is because the web server is the presentation server in the BSP application and does not have access to the files on the PC.
    I know that I can use the  <htmlb:fileUpload> tag to move a file from the PC to the data object type ref to CL_HTMLB_FILEUPLOAD. The contents would then be in data->content. I am wondering if there is then some way to add the original file from the object using this BAPI or another one.

    I can tell you what we did.  When you use BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2 you can specify a SAPFTP or SAPHTTP destination.  These are RFC destinations where the sapftp or saphttp executable can be found.  We setup an SAP gateway installation on each of our global content and cache servers.  We then use the client IP address to determine the closest SAP Content server to the client.  We use JavaScript (and the filesystem object - note your server must be in the trusted zone in IE for this to work) to copy the file from the client machine to the nearest Content Server.  Then when we call the BAPI we specify the correct RFC Destination where the file is located and it is checked in correctly.
    Now if you don't use the Content and Cache Servers and only want to upload into the R/3 database repository, then I would just use the fileUpload and write the file to a local directory on the server.  Then point to the SAPFTP/SAPHTTP RFC that would have access on that server.

  • How to use iterator in standard BSP application BT115QIT_SLSQ

    Hi experts,
    I am new in BSP and my requirement is to put a checkbox icon beside the actions column (that has 2 existing icons already) of BT115QIT_SLSQ enhancement. I read a lot of article about iterators but I believe most of them are used in custom BSPs as we all know that standard BSP uses standard classes as well, which we cannot modify ourselves without access keys. Can someone help me how to use it in standard BSP? Or is there other much appropriate method?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Dear Pradeep,
    Find the below link which explains a simple data download to excel from a table view.
    Try to avoid the way your using in the BSP application and it is abdicable to use the standard methods / class available like "cl_bsp_utility"
    Hope this will be helpful.
    Edited by: Gokul on Oct 8, 2009 9:57 AM

  • How can I execute a query from a BSP application?

    How can I execute a query from a BSP application?
    I´m trying to execute a Query from intranet. I´ve been looking for examples, but the templates I´ve found doesn´t help me.
    does anybody has an example?

    Have you designed the BSP application ?
    design it first with one page
    page will have layout and Event handlers
    Design the layout with the fields
    in the event handler there are events
    in the event On Initiailization or ON inputprocessing write the select query similar to what we write in routine ABAp and fetch the data into ITAB and that has to be passed to the Layout
    see the doc
    To learn how to create Web applications with Business Server Pages, you can work through the simple tutorials that build on each other. You should be able to run through all of the steps described here in your own system.
    If you want to develop Web applications with BSPs, your system must meet the following requirements: Prerequisites for Creating Web Applications.
    The following tutorials are available:
    · First Tutorial: First Steps with Business Server Pages…
    · Second tutorial: A Small BSP Application and A Small BSP Application with HTMLB
    · Third tutorial: Our First Online Bookshop
    · Fourth tutorial: Further Developing the Bookshop
    · A small Tutorial is also available for your first steps with the Model View Controller design pattern.
    · For a more complex MVC tutorial based on the third tutorial, see: Our Little Online Bookshop Using MVC and HTMLB
    When creating BSP applications, note the browser dependencies described in Note 598860.
    1) start the transaction RZ10.
    2) now u u have to select Profile name, so select the INSTANCE Profile from the list of options given with the Profile parameter list.U may find multiple instance profile in the list, so select the profile in which ur server name is given.
    3) u will also find three options in the same window.
    Administrator data, Basic Maintenance, and Extended Maintenance. So select the last one from that.
    4) Now click on change button.
    5) here u will find parameter icm/host_name_full, so now set it as FQDN.
    6) Now copy ur settings with new version number.
    7) Activate that version.
    8) And now please restart ur WAS.
    So this will set ur FQDN, and also don't forget to login using Admin User.
    Now u also check for following service are active in your ICF setting or not,( just start transaction code SICF)
    /def ault_host/sap/public/bc
    /defaul t_host/sap/public/bsp/sap/system
    if not then activate all.
    check this link
    Read this weblog...
    it consists of screen shots also
    Check it.

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