BSS Architecture

I wanted to know if there is some more detailed documentation on designing JDE architecture with BSS?
I want to ensure that we get good performance for the external world to consume web services, but not sure how to plan for it i.e load-balancing, number of users, fail over and Application Specific variables which would need to be adjusted .. i.e connection pooling, caching, etc.
Can anyone recommend some documentation that addresses these points? I could read the whole application server doco, but if anyone knows how to address these issues, that would be much appreciated.

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  • I recently ran monolingual and removed all but the intel-64 bit architectures.  Now my iphoto will not open.  Here's the message  that I get. Process:         iPhoto [3543] Path:            /Applications/ Identifier:

    I recently ran monolingual and removed all but the intel-64 bit architectures.  Now my iphoto (along with Idvd, garage band, imovie) will not open.  Here is the message that I get.
    Process:         iPhoto [3543]
    Path:            /Applications/
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Build Info:      iPhotoProject-4750000~1
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [109]
    Date/Time:       2011-06-10 21:48:59.821 -0500
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    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread:  0
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      Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshow
      Referenced from: /Applications/
      Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
              /Library/Frameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshow: mach-o, but wrong architecture
              /Library/Frameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshow: mach-o, but wrong architecture
    Binary Images:
    0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4162b  dyld 132.1 (???) <1C06ECD9-A2D7-BB10-AF50-0F2B598A7DEC> /usr/lib/dyld
    Model: iMac10,1, BootROM IM101.00CC.B00, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.53f13
    Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4670, ATI Radeon HD 4670, PCIe, 256 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x8F), Atheros 9280:
    Bluetooth: Version 2.4.0f1, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Built-in Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
    Serial ATA Device: ST31000528ASQ, 931.51 GB
    Serial ATA Device: OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5680H
    USB Device: USB2.0 Hub, 0x05e3  (Genesys Logic, Inc.), 0x0608, 0x24300000
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8502, 0x24400000
    USB Device: External HDD, 0x1058  (Western Digital Technologies, Inc.), 0x0901, 0x26400000
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8403, 0x26500000
    USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x04500000
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    Please let me know when you find a fix. I did the same thing and have tried every suggestion I can find online. The message I get is...
    Process:         iPhoto [4991]
    Path:            /Applications/
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Build Info:      iPhotoProject-6070000~1
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [142]
    Date/Time:       2011-06-13 23:39:38.485 +1200
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.7 (10J869)
    Report Version:  6
    Interval Since Last Report:          -1643976 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           35
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   12
    Anonymous UUID:                      D4811036-EA8D-479D-8D9F-11E2FC8F6D4C
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshow
      Referenced from: /Applications/
      Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
              /Library/Frameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshow: mach-o, but wrong architecture
              /Library/Frameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshow: mach-o, but wrong architecture
    Binary Images:
    0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4162b  dyld 132.1 (???) <1C06ECD9-A2D7-BB10-AF50-0F2B598A7DEC> /usr/lib/dyld
    Model: MacBookPro7,1, BootROM MBP71.0039.B0B, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.62f6
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 320M, NVIDIA GeForce 320M, PCI, 256 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 2.4.0f1, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS545025B9SA02, 232.89 GB
    Serial ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898, 3.5 GB
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8403, 0x26100000
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8507, 0x24600000
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x06600000
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8213, 0x06610000
    USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x06500000
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x0236, 0x06300000
    I have reinstalled Mac OSX 10.6.3 and done the updates from there.
    I have reinstalled ilife 11 from disk and done the updates.
    I have deleted all the suggested files and then redone install and updates.
    I have tried just reinstalling iphoto and doing updates.
    Is there any way to get a replacement -  /Library/Frameworks/iLifeSlideshow.framework/Versions/A/iLifeSlideshow
    file with the right architecture?

  • What architecture is best for accurate data logging

    I'm desiging some LabVIEW code for a standard DAQ application that is required to plot about 100 variables onto the screen on several different graphs and numeric indicators, as well as perform some simple feedback control and log data into a file once a second.
    I've done this before, and used a simple state machine architecture, where one state takes care of my logging, and I have a timer vi in there that countsdown 1 second and then writes to file.  However, this method makes me miss a second every once in a while.
    I started looking into the producer/consumer architecture as a possible remedy for this.  Because I hear it's good for running two things at different times, so I"ll have my quicker loop handling data acquistion, plots and feedback control, and my slower logging loop, executing once a second.  But I don't see how to implement this
    1. is a simple producer consumer the right topology for my application?
    2. when I create my queue do I create it a 100 element array (my data for logging) and then enqueue that in my producer loop from my data acquistion, then pass that to the logging VI.... this seems wrong to me, cause I'm going to be enqueing alot of 100 element arrays... and will be de-queing them slowly at once a second..
    3. How do I trigger my consumer loop to execute every second, should I set it up as a timed while loop? or should something from the producer loop tell it to?
    I'm sure this is a pretty standard thing to do, I'm jus tnot sure how to implment the correct architecture.
    much thanks! 

    Ok, let's try this.  I've put together an example that should do what you need.  I put notes in the block diagram, but essentially it runs data in a while loop at whatever execution rate you specify, then sends the data to another graph (or in your case, a log) every one second.  Basically, I've used a 100ms execution rate for the while loop, then every 10th time (you can change this if you want), it sends a boolean 'true' to a case structure within the while loop that contains the enqueue element.  The graphs that I included show that it does indeed add a new point to the second graph once a second while the first one is adding a point every 100ms.
    The actual wiring of this Vi could be cleaner for sure, but it was a quick and dirty example I put together.  Hopefully this will help you accomplish what you're trying to do.
    Austin S.
    National Instruments
    Academic Field Engineer
    Enqueue array ‏28 KB

  • Single Sign on in a 3 tier architecture between SAP Netweaver CE and R/3

    Hi All,
    I am trying to implement SSO using SAP logon tickets in a 3 tier architecture between NW CE and R/3. But so far I have not been able to crack this.
    Let me describe the scenario in detail:
    We have two Java EE applications on Netweaver CE7.2 Application Server:
    1. UI: Just handles all the UI logic : js, jsp, css, html, extjs .It calls the Business Layer Java EE application to get data from back-end systems.
    2. Business Layer: Calls R/3 SOAP services does some processing on them and exposes the data back to the UI via a Restful JSON service (implemented using Java Spring framework)
    Both UI and Business Layer Java EE applications define login modules to be used for SAP logon tickets. So the architecture is like this:
    UI-RESTfull-->Business LayerSOAP->ABAP R/3
    So ideally when the UI link is clicked it prompts the user for authentication (uses CE UME) and then the UI applications calls the Business Layer which then calls R/3. This unfortunately doesn't work. The authentication between UI and Business Layer Application fails.
    However if you remove the Business Layer Java EE application and call the SOAP service directly from the UI. SAP logon tickets starts working.
    So I have been able to make SAP logon tickets work with the following 2 tier architecture:
    So my Question is:
    Is there a way to use SAP logon tickets in a 3 tier architecture between NW CE and R/3 (For the scenario described above)? Any help/pointers/documentation links would be great

    Hey Martin,
    To enable SSO I updated web.xml and engine-j2ee.xml for both UI and Business Layer application according to the login module stacks defined (the first one) in the following link:
    Initially both UI and Business Layer had the same entries for web.xml and engine.xml. But since this was not working I did all kinds of testing. For UI i used FORM based authentication and for Business Layer I was using "BASIC" authentication.
    I tested the following Scenarios:
    1. Without any changes to the above XML files: The Business layer rejects any requests from the UI . I checked the Browser and "MYSAPSSO2" cookie was created. Somehow UI doesnt use this to call Business Layer. Or the Business Layer rejects the token itself
    2. I removed authentication from the Business Layer application (Web.xml) keeping the UI same: The call went to R3 but returned a "UnAuthorized" error back. In this case also at the browser level "MYSAPSSO2" token was created but was not used by the business layer to call R3.
    3. The did all sorts of permutation and combination with the sample login modules provided (See link above) on both UI and Business Layer application . Nothing worked. All combinations led to two results which were the same as 1 and 2
    It seems all this is happening because of another application in between UI and R3.
    Hope this Clarifies.

  • Books about MVVM, architecture, design patterns for Windows Phone 8.1

    I'm looking for a book or books (or other resources) that explain how to develop an app with a proper architecture. I mean what each layer (bussines layer, data layer, network access) should do and how should it look like. I'm also looking for a book about
    Right now I'm struggling with how to create a layer for network communication - how to separate classes for requests and responses, how to manage requests and create some queue of requests and also to provide some way to cancel them when they are no longer
    needed, how to work with servers that use some level of security (cookies, certificates etc.).
    Another thing is caching - how to design a short-term cache or a persistant cache (database), what technologies I can use etc.
    Last thing that I'm struggling with is also naming. How to name classes in those layers, e.g. to distinguish between classes mapping data from some ORM database, for mapping on JSON in network communication. etc.
    I hope you got the idea :)

    Currently, I don't find a book about MVVM pattern for Windows Phone 8.1, but I think MSDN and some blogs have some useful samples and conceptions:
    And I think your question includes too much scopes, maybe you need to split it into some blocks and get help in the related forum
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help

  • So slow performance I can see bad code architecture!  Help!

    I've been a Mac user since 2002, I've resisted the dark side until then.   And I've never had the kinds of problems I am having for the past year and I can't figure it out at all.  I would really like to reinstall Mac OS X 10.7, but I have never used Timemachine to restore data and I'm not sure how the entire process works.  Can someone tell me or give me a relevant link for how to reinstall the entire OS cleanly, without keeping anything, and then to repopulate my home directory with the data from the most recent Timemachine backup.  Note that my backup sits on an external USB drive, which is partitioned so that the first 500GB is used by the Timemachine and the rest (about 1TB) is storage space I keep files on (which are obviously not backed up!).  So I'd need to restore from the first partition of the external drive.  I am really worried that I'll have to hunt down and reinstall all the other apps I have on the system, some of which may not be avilable for download any more perhaps?  Or maybe I'd lose some settings and preferences I like?  Does the Timemachine backup that type of stuff, too, along with the home folder?  I don't know..   I have relied on maybe 1-2 unix tools, too, but I think they are in my home directory, though I'm not sure! 
    The real solution is that I'd just like to speed things up a bit, and not have to go through the reinstall process.  It is a dual core 2ghz machine with 2GB ram.  It's a 13" Macbook mid-2006, so kinda old.  But it used to run flawlessly up unti labout a year ago!  I've run disk utility from Restore mode and it found no errors and there were no permissions to be fixed either.  Here is the break down of the symptoms this machine is suffering with.
    It takes 10 seconds for the hidden dock to appear when I move the mouse to the left edge of the screen, sometimes the beachball appears first.  The CPU monitor does not rise above 15% ever!
    Activating Expose by moving the mouse to the bottom left corner takes roughly 7 seconds or longer.  Beachball never appars, CPU never above 20% either!
    Double click on a desktop folder can take up to 10 seconds to highlight in blue the icon, and then a further 20-30 seconds to actually open the folder.  Sometimes beachball appears twice or three times, the CPU isn't above 15% ever either.
    Creating a new folder reveals a huge flaw in Apple's OS architecture due to the extreme latency of the system.  I can see the folder icon appear first, then a few seconds later the text to the right appears and it says "Untitled Folder", and then the text gets highlighted.  So they're wasting CPU time by showing it once and then highlighting it.  Then I type the new name and I press enter.  Instead of the new name appearing, I can see a further stupidity in design by Apple, because it reverts to "Untitled Folder" for about 5-10 seconds, and then the text is replaced with what I had typed.
    In iPhoto if I select Export and the dialog box is supposed to appear, it doesn't happen the first time I select Export, ever!  I always have to do it twice or three times, and then the dialog box appears.
    In TextEdit, when I select Save for an untitled document, the dialog box appears, but the "File Type" combo box is wrongly placed.  Half of it is on the modal dialog, and the other half is on the desktop.  If I resize the window, the jaggedly placed selection box remains attached at it's mid-point to the right edge of the dialog box, so always half of it is on the desktop!  This happens about 50% of the time.
    If I click on the TimeMachine menu icon (little circular arrow) I get the beachball and then after 15-20 seconds the menu appears!  If I click due to lack of patience many times, the clicks get queued up and then after 20 seconds they all get executed in rapid succession, so the menu opens and closes 3-4 times in a row! 
    The above happens for any menu bar icon, including WIFI, etc...
    Timemachine's "Preparing to backup" can take 10 minutes.  The actual backup takes about 15 minutes, even though it's only backing up 100MB.  And it's always backing up 100MB, every freaking hour (how stupid of Apple not to provide a human-friendly way to control the frequency!).  So for 30 minutes of every hour, Timemachine is backing up.
    I keep my iTunes library on my external drive on the storage partition.  When I'm playing music, all works fine.  When I stop playing music, the external driev spins down.  That's how it should be, to extend it's life.  But OS X insists on waking up the drive every 15 minutes or so even when no application is using it's data.  Unfortunately OS X is so terribly designed, that whenever an exteranl drive is being woken up the entire graphical interface completely and totally locks up for about 5-6 seconds.  Streaming music may continue to play, but nothing else reacts to user input.  Text typing freezes, mouse clicks don't work, things cannot be dragged, cannot switch apps, etc.  There are a ton of people affected by this problem all posting on various forums, so reformatting and reinstalling won't fix this... It's another Apple criplpling effect!  It's been present for at least 2 major versions now! 
    If I am typing an email in Chrome on, occasionally the browser tab freezes and refuses to let me type anything for 10 seconds, and when this happens, iTunes starts chopping out for a second or two several times duirng the 10 codn period, as if it can't handle the load.  However CPU stays below 15% during this whole time, too!
    50% of the time when I wake the system from sleep it does not connect to WIFI.  I have to click on the menubar and select my network and then it connects.  My router is not flaky, my other computers do not have this problem, ever!  I have every OS imaginable, too
    Despite all these problems, I have no problems running music apps such as Reason or Garageband, with one caveat.  Garageband struggles to playback songs I've composed on a 17" Powerbook G4!!!!  They have maybe 20 tracks of instruments/audio files, and that ancient CPU could play them without stopping.  This duo core 2GHZ with 2GB of ram periodically reports an overload and stops playback.  The CPU does not even reach 70% during this problematic portion.  Reason never complains, it's always below 10% no matter what I'm doing, and never gives me any problems whatsoever.
    Launching any application takes a full minute, or longer.  Chrome takes 2 full minutes to stop bouncing!  Apple's Mail app takes a minute or a bit longer!
    A basic Google search (typing text into Chrome's bar and pressing enter) takes 25-45 seconds to return results, despite the fact that I can download and acecss streaming and other content instantly from Netflix and other places without any delays!! 
    ***?!?!?!?    Is this a virus or something?!?!?!?  I only install software I buy from the App Store or at a store (beleive it or not there still are boxed softwares, those are super expensive though, hehe!)
    p.s. the third option I am thinking of is creating another user account and moving everything over.  But I don't know how to do that safely.  For example, I think iTunes doesn't properly store it's data, and even though I've told it to keep the library on the external drive, the "library" files (XML or wahtever) are kept on the local disk in the home directory?  I don't know, cuz I have two sets of those files, one in my user's directory and one in the iTunes folder on the external drive..

    You are surprised that Mac OS X 10.7 is running on hardware that Apple officially supports and says it will run on?  I find your logic unbelievably falwed.
    Not a single problem I've mentioned would be caused by "slow" CPU or "little" RAM.  How does iPhoto not bringing up the file dialog box have anything even remotely to do with the speed of the CPU or the quantity of RAM?  If what you say is true, then yes, performance would be bad, but it wouldn't be selectively bad.  I stated that apps such as Reason 5 run perfectly fine, even really well.  I can load 30-50 racks and synths and not even reach 50% of CPU utilization, Reason never freezes, etc.  DVD playback never freezes as well!!  Your logic is horrendously flawed, it seems you don't know much about computer architecture   Thus, unfortunately, your reply was of absolutely no help, sorry.
    p.s. the external disk spin up problem freezing up the entire graphical interface also has nothing to do with either my CPU/RAM or the OS version I'm running.  It is a known crippleware factor of Mac OS X that at least a thousand people are complaining about online and Apple has done nothing about! 

  • My g5 wont let me download anything. everytime i try it says cannot open because it is not supported by this architecture someone please help


    CS5 only runs on Intel Macs...
    Some parts of FCE 4 require an Intel Mac...

  • 2504 with new-architecture enabled breaks MAC auth for guest access

    We have (2) 2504 WLC running version 7.6.120. WLC1 is the local controller and WLC2 is an achor controller for guest-access. We need to incorporate a 3850 for use with the WLC2 anchor. The guest access is currently working with Mac-Auth and Mac-Auth-Fail to Web-Auth.
    When converged access is enabled on the WLC1 and WLC2, the MAc-Auth no longer works. That is, the previously authenticated user is now redirected to the Web-Auth page. The local controller shows the user as authenticated but the Anchor controller shows the state as WEb-Auth-REQD.
    Rolling back using "config mobility new-architecture disable" and rebooting resolves the issue.
    Does anyone what changes from the old to the new that would break this mac-auth/web-auth configuration?

    You should reach TAC for these sort of issues. Not many people deploying this CA setup yet & you may not get direct feedback immediately.

  • Performance issues with LOV bindings in 3-tier BC4J architecture

    We are running BC4J and JClient (Jdeveloper 9.0.2) in a 3-tier architecture, and have problems with the performance.
    One of our problems are comboboxes with LOV bindings. The view objects that provides data for the LOV bindings contains simple queries from tables with only 4-10 rows, and there are no view links or entity objects to these views.
    To create the LOV binding and to set the model for the combobox takes about 1 second for each combobox.
    We have tried most of tips in, but they do not seem to help on our problem.
    The performance is OK (if not great) when the same code is running as 2-tier.
    Does anyone have any good suggestions?

    I can recommend that you look at the following two bugs in Metalink: Bug 2640945 and Bug 3621502
    They are related to the disabling of the TCP socket-level acknowledgement which slows down remote communications for EJB components using ORMI (the protocol used by Oracle OC4J) to communicate between remote EJB client and server.
    A BC4J Application Module deployed as an EJB suffers this same network latency penalty due to the TCP acknowledgement.
    A customer sent me information (that you'll see there as a part of Bug# 3621502) like this on a related issue:
    We found our application runs very slow in 3-Tier mode (JClient, BC4J deployed
    as EJB Session Bean on 9iAS server 9.0.2 enterprise edition). We spent a lot
    of time to tune up our codes but that helped very little. Eventually, we found
    the problem seemed to happen on TCP level. There is a 200ms delay in TCP
    level. After we read some documents about Nagle Algorithm,  we disabled a
    registry key (TcpDelAckTicks) in windows2000  on both client and server. This
    makes our program a lot faster.
    Anyway, we think we should provide our clients a better solution other than
    changing windows registry for them, for example, there may be a way to disable
    that Nagle's algorithm through, in BC4J,
    or anywhere in our codes. We have not figured out yet.
    Bug 2640945 was fixed in Oracle Application Server 10g (v9.0.4) and it now disables this TCP Acknowledgement on the server side in that release. In the BugDB, I see backport patches available for earlier 9.0.3 and 9.0.2 releases of IAS as well.
    Bug 3621502 is requesting that that same disabling also be performed on the client side by the ORMI code. I have received a test patch from development to try out, but haven't had the chance yet.
    The customer's workaround in the interim was to disable this TCP Acknowledgement at the OS level by modifying a Windows registry setting as noted above.
    See Also
    "New registry entry for controlling the TCP Acknowledgment (ACK) behavior in Windows XP and in Windows Server 2003" which documents that the registry entry to change disable this acknowledgement has a different name in Windows XP and Windows 2003.
    Hope this info helps. It would be useful to hear back from you on whether this helps your performance issue.


    I have a Mac PowerPC G5 and i just installed the Version 10.5.4 to be able to install Virtual DjLE , and after I installed it, i try to open it and there was an error msg saying : " you can't open the application virtual dj le because it is not supported on this architecture"
    What can I do to resolve this? ... Can someone help me with this?? ..
    Thank you for your help!

    Hi, we're out of luck...
    MINIMUM system requirements:
    Intel® processor
    Mac OS X v10.5.x
    1024x768 resolution
    CoreAudio compatible soundcard
    1024MB RAM
    50MB free on the hard drive
    RECOMENDED system requirements:
    Intel® processor
    Mac OS X v10.6.x
    1440x900 resolution
    Multi-channel CoreAudio compatible soundcard
    2048MB (2Gb) RAM
    200MB free on the hard drive
    Additional requirements for Video mixing:
    ATI™ or NVIDIA® video chipset w/256MB of Dedicated DDR3 RAM
    Video must support dual-screen output
    Supported Operating System and Processor Platforms:
    MINIMUM: Mac OS X v10.5 Leapord on Intel processor platform
    RECOMMENDED: Mac OS X v10.6.x Snow Leapord on Intel processor platform
    Apple® Mac OS X 10.4.x Tiger or older are not supported
    Motorola® (PowerBook® G4) processor platform or older are not supported
    Might see if the still have version 6.x here...

  • I downloaded Firefox 4 onto my PowerPC G4 1.67GHz running Mac OSX 10.5.6. When I try to open it I get error message You cannot open the application "Firefox" because it is not supported on this architecture. I can't find my Firefox 3.6.16 I'm on Safari.

    I just want to download Firefox 3.6 again
    I downloaded Firefox 4 onto my PowerPC G4, 1.67GHz running Mac OSX 10.5.6. When I try to open it I get error message You cannot open the application “Firefox” because it is not supported on this architecture.

    Use Tony's suggestion. I am running it right now and it is awesome. I love Mozilla but they basically screwed all of those older Macs over. Come on Mozilla. These Macs still work, and there are plenty of people with them out there.

  • Can't open application...because it's not supported on this architecture

    Hello, and I apologize if I'm posting this question in the wrong place...
    I had a folder with over 30 gigs of music, videos, pictures, and other miscellaneous files that I wanted to password protect - something simple, when I clicked on the folder, I wanted a little window to pop-up prompting me for a password. I found such a program online, and it worked like a charm (I now can't think of the program's name and I wasn't able to find it again).
    I backed up my computer to an external hdd, deleted that folder, but was able to access that folder from the hdd just as I had when it was on my computer (meaning, clicking on the folder, when the hdd was connected to my computer, still prompted me for a password).
    I upgraded my hdd's software recently, and I'm now having problems with this folder. The icon no longer looks like a regular blue folder, as the icon now looks like a couple white pieces of paper, behind the Application "A", behind a white circle with a line through it. Clicking on this folder from my external hdd brings up the error message in my subject line. I moved the folder back to my computer's hd (icon remains the same - circle with line, etc.), and the same error message pops up when I try to click on it.
    FYI...looking at the folder's info shows that it's still the original size of my files - 30+ gigs. Here's some details on my computer and external hdd:
    Black MacBook 13"
    Leopard version 10.5.8
    2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor
    1 GB 6772 GHz DDR2 SDRAM Memory
    Western Digital My Passport Essential (240 GB, if I remember correctly)
    Using WD Smartware version
    I'm not incredibly computer saavy, so I'm sure I left out some information necessary to troubleshoot this problem. Please let me know what's needed or if anything needs a better explanation, and I'll try my best.
    Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered. I really don't want to lose my 30+ gigs of data!!

    One other thing to try....
    On this folder click on it once.
    Apple + I to bring up information on the folder.
    Scroll down to sharing and permissions.
    Set your account to Read & Write.
    Then on the little Gear icon at the bottom (to the right of the + - Icons) pull down that menu and Apply to Enclosed Objects.
    I have seen several cases where if you don't have Write access to an app (or something within) you get the Unsupported architecture message incorrectly. Changing permissions like this fixes the problem if this is the case.

  • Mac G4 w/OS 10.5.8, New download won't open-not supported on this architecture, worked perfectly w/3.6 & down load said it will support Mac OS 10.5, what do I do to not lose all my bookmarks, etc?

    I had 3.6 & the website said new Firefox, need OSX 10.5 or above. Now the icon in the dock has a white circle w/slash like do not enter & when I click on it, a box opens that says,"You cannot open the app Firefox because it is not supported on this architecture."
    How can I get my Firefox back without losing all my info on my previous version?

    The latest version for PPC users is 3.6.25 available at

  • Progmatically stop vi with producer/consumer architecture

    I can't seem to get my VI to fully stop, so that I can go on to do some more things in the program.  I am trying to progmatically stop the vi (pictured below), so that I can return to my main gui (not pictured).  The main gui just consists of a login, exit test system, and run test.  Once the user presses run test, the vi pictured below opens.
    I am using a producer/consumer architecture with a state machine.  The problem I run into is that when I press the "Main Menu" button, it should close the pictured vi and return to the main gui.  I tried using the vi server, and when the user presses the Main Menu button, it fires an event and then it goes to the Stop state in the consumer loop, which opens a reference to the vi's (one for the strip chart vi and another for the gage vi), closes the front panel using an invoke node and then closing the reference.  I also tried adding in the abort vi method after the close front panel and it still gave me the same result.
    Here is the catch, it does close the vi's, but it does not stop the while loops (producer and consumer), or it stops only one of the loops.  I thought of putting in a constant in the event structure for when the Main Menu event is fired, but that will stop the producer loop before the consumer loop reveices the info to go to the stop state, so the consumer loop does not end.
    I also tried a "dummy" control that was connected to the comsumer loop Stop terminal (for the while loop), and then progmatically changed the value in the stop case to true and then read that value in the producer loop to, hopefully, stop both loops, but it did not work either.
    I am sure that it is something so stuipidly simple that I cant see it right now
    test system.gif ‏252 KB

    Hi Kenny,
    I think of two solutions to your problem. First, use the message queue to pass the message "stop" or something from producer to consumer or second (and I think, better), use occurrences. I made a little draft how it could work.
       You have to pass the occurence- Refnum to both VIs, the producer and the consumer, when the producer finishes execution, then use "Set Occurence".
       In the consumer blockdiagram you react on the generated occurrence.
    If you set in the VI- properties "Open Frontpanel when called" and "Close if originally..." the VI Frontpanel should disappear itself when execution is stopped.
    Hope this helps,
    Message Edited by daveTW on 08-14-2006 04:53 PM
    Greets, Dave
    occurrence 1.png ‏1 KB
    occurrence 2.png ‏5 KB

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    Welcome to the Solutions and Architectures Data Center & Virtualization Community. We encourage everyone to share their knowledge  and start conversations related to Data Center and Virtualization  Solutions and architectures.All topics are welcome, including  Servers – Unified Computing, Data Center Security, Data Center  Switching, Data Center Management and Automation, Storage Networking,  Application Networking Services and solutions to solve business  problems.
    Remember,  just like in the workplace,  be courteous to your fellow forum  participants. Please refrain from  using disparaging or obscene language  or posting advertisements.
    Dan Bruhn 

    I have a question...
    I going to install two Nexus 7009 with three N7K-F248XP-25  modules on each one, I am planning to create 3 VDC, but at the initial configuration the system does not show the ethernets ports of these modules, even with the show inventory and show module I can see tah the modules are recognized and its status is OK. There is something that I have to do before start to configure these modules...? enable some feature or license in order to see the ports with show running CLI...?

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