Bug 3645241 status update

Can any Adobe staffer monitoring this forum please help provide an update on the status of this bug ?
Not having any luck on JIRA
This bug is singlehandedly driving down our app ratings.
- Abey

Hi Chris,
Sorry to keep bugging you about this..but any updates on this bug?
We are really anxious to push out an update with the fix. Any info on how its progressing will be useful.
- Abey

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  • Nokia Social Status Update

    In the moment I'm using Nokia Social App v1.5...
    When I put a status update via this.., it shows only to a one friend list...
    How could I fix this...

    N8power wrote:
    Hi I was wondering if the social app version 1.5.215 will be updated further, Becuase it needs features like viewing Pages you liked, Groups That you've joined, Faster viewing and loading for albums and pics, when you press notifications it doesen't take you to the actual notification so whats the point ?????? and last but not least it needs FACEBOOK CHAT.
    Thanks for your time, 
    P.S if these things are implemented I will consider upgrading my N8 to the new 808
    but if not I thinks its the android road for me sadly since is the only timg that bugs me with my N8 since  Belle.  
     I'm not sure why you're bothering with the Social app when you can use one of the alternatives such as Facinate (sic), the officail Facebook app or Fmobi. The first two are free but Fmobi is a paid app and all are available from Nokia store.

  • Status update for MeeGo on the N900

    Here's a copy of the text sent by Harri Hakulinen from Nokia. He is the project lead for MeeGo on the N900. This message was sent to the MeeGo developer mailing list just now:
    Hello MeeGos !
    This is brief status update of "MeeGo to N900" project. This project is currently running as Nokia project, and I am Nokia project lead for it. The current closed mode of development is not the target for us at all, but rather transitional condition. As already discussed by Valtteri in TSG meeting, we are looking into going more open mode shortly. One reason why we have done this on this way is that at the same time we have been trying to handle opening of many currenly closed components that are needed in MeeGo and to build feasible MeeGo images for N900.
    However, a lot of related work is already done completely open, you can find more info from places like ofono.org, connman.net and meego.gitorious.org . So if you are eager to contribute or want to closely follow whats happening, please work on those.
    As you know, we have delivered working MeeGo images for N900 as part of first code drop in the end of March. At that state we were using older kernel version on N900 than on Atom side, as we used the same kernel (.28) than what is used in Maemo 5 based products today. We ended up doing that simply because lack of time to contribute and port all the drivers to the newer kernels.
    Now, for the upcoming May release of MeeGo, we are going to use the same kernel version (.33) than Atom based devices are using. For that we need to submit number of ARM-architecture patches to MeeGo as well, because many of the required ones have just been contibuted upstream kernel and were not available in .33 version originally.
    We have already enabled most of the main drivers, like LCD, GFX, Wlan and BT. Still, there is a lot to do in order to enable .33 on N900, like audio drivers, and modem subsystem including SSI buss driver, modem data and audio drivers etc. Our adaptation guys are in fact contributing those modem subsystem related drivers as we speak, and if you are following kernel mailing lists you can see how that goes on.  
    Besides of enabling the new kernel, we are working with number of smaller and bigger issues for N900. Starting from the beginning, we are now based on ARMv7 combiled code, so the code should be better optimised for N900 now. ARMv5 compilation that was in use for code drop will still be there, and it also seems to be used at least by community project that is planning to release MeeGo for good old N810 tablets
    Also, we are planning to enable dual booting of Maemo 5 and MeeGo for the upcoming release. So that will be offered as 3rd way to setup MeeGo to N900, including the existing "native" MeeGo only on N900 and chroot based MeeGo on Maemo 5 setups. Taking the dual boot mode into use likely includes upgrade to Maemo5 kernel as well, but that should not be big issue in the process of enabling that.
    As I don't want to go ahead of others working on MeeGo architecture and other issues I will stop now, but I will report again when we have more to tell about the subject.
    // Harri

    Here's another update..
    It seems that MeeGo on the N900 is not directly being driven by Nokia! It's an open project.. so the net result is MeeGo on the N900 may look and feel very different to Meego on the N900's sucessor
    Either way, I'm certainly greatful for their efforts!
    Hello Meego's,
    As indicated in my previous mail about "MeeGo for N900" status, we were planning to open up our MeeGo work around N900. Now I am happy to announce, that we are there
    First, to make it absolute clear for everybody: This is about open MeeGo adaptation to N900 device.
    Like any other MeeGo project, it is open source project for all applicaple purposes, and does NOT directly have links to any potential Nokia product or potential product plans. So, based on this or any other of my posts, please do NOT start or continue speculation of upcoming Nokia MeeGo releases. That is practically not helpfull, and mostly only takes our time when we need to explain our words and actions in detail to various directions. 
    From our part, we are trying to implement the open development model that has been discussed now so many times around MeeGo. On practical terms, we are trying to work based on proposal by Carsten Munk, see
    We have already created some resources that will be used by the team, you can learn about those and the upcoming ones from http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900. We have IRC channel for realtime discussion, we will use meego-dev mailing list for normal discussions and announcements, and we will have Gitorius project for code.
    We will evolve our practicies during the work, so if you are interested, stay tuned to those channels. I belive that soon we are also able to figure out, what is best way for community members to help us in development, and then effectively be part of the team. 
    I would also like to use this as opportunity to introduce the team behind this work (so far) and also thank them about their hard work and long hours. We have team that consist of some Nokia subcontractors and also growing team of Nokia personel:
    "MeeGo for N900" team (so far)
    - Cybercom Turku team; Marko Saukko, Jouni Peltonen, Sami Sirkiä, Jari Smura and Luka Milovanov.
    - Cybercom Tampere team; Kalle Lampila,Teemu Tuominen,Tuukka Mäkinen and Ville Marjusaari.
    - Carsten Munk via Nomovok
    - Jarkko Nikula via Atomide
    - Jan-Simon Möller from Linuxfoundation
    - Nokia team; Alexander Kanevskiy, Felipe Contreras, Markus Lehtonen, Ameya Palande, Sakari Poussa, Roger Quadros and me.
    In addition to official project team, many Nokia people have helped us despite their hectic daily work, even with their free time. Most of them are driven by the desire to open, repurpose and upstream all relevant sw that has been originally created for Maemo 5 based N900 product during previous years.
    Marko, Jouni, Sami & Luka and Markus were working with me already on last year when we did prototypes and interoperability tests of Maemo & Moblin stuff combined in different ways. Based on those we had pretty good picture of what we are doing and why. 
    And of course, we have had very good and productive co-operation with various Intel teams since those times. Anas Nashif and many others from Intel's MeeGo team have done a lot for us by enabling ARM stuff in MeeGo OBS and repositories.
    Last but not least, I want to give special thanks to Stskeeps (alias Carsten Munk . He has teached us how to operate on open, and he has also done respectable amount of this work since early days of Meego. In addition to that, I belive that his earlier work on Maemo community and on Mer project has in fact inspired all of us and shown a way to MeeGo alredy years ago.

  • Unable to run bapis for project status update and date update together

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement to update the dates and status of a project WBS at level 4. I am trying to do update the CJ02 Transaction using standard BAPI available. I need to do both Date update and status update in the same LOOP PASS   i am using the below mention bapi. when i am doing so i am getting an error Project 'A._____' has been currently processed by ID i.e. my id.
    I have tried putting  a wait for 2 seconds in the code but its still not working. please find the order below in which i am calling the bapi.
    Loop at itab.
    if  date_changed = 'X'.
          READ TABLE it_error WITH KEY message_type = c_e.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                      wait   = c_x
                      return = s_ret.
    if Status_change = 'X'.
          READ TABLE t_result WITH KEY message_type = c_e.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
                      et_return = t_ret.
                      wait   = c_x
                      return = s_ret.

    Try to use
    before each BAPI call.
    Did you try to debug through your code, leaving sufficient time between BAPI calls? If it does work like that, then the above statement might help.

  • Delivery status update in sales document at PGI

    Normally system updates the delivery status of sales document line level, when a delivery document is created with respect to that sales document line.
    But I want system to update the delivery status (in sales doc. line) when PGI is done for respective delivery document; not at the creation of delivery document. Below I have shown the status updating scenarios that I expect.
    Scenario 1
    Sales doc line qty: 100 PCs
    Delivery Doc qty: 50 PCs
    PGI: Not done
    Status in Sales document line should be A (Open)
    Scenario 2
    Sales doc line qty: 100 PCs
    Delivery Doc qty: 50 PCs
    PGI: 50 PCs
    Status in Sales document line should be B (Partially delivered)
    Scenario 3
    Sales doc line qty: 100 PCs
    Delivery Doc qty: 100 PCs
    PGI: 100 PCs
    Status in Sales document line should be C (Fully delivered)
    Can anyone propose a possible way of doing this (configuration/ user exits/ BADI etc,)?

    I dont know it with the use of  ABAP development, but by functional logic, can suggest you to configure the rush order sales configuration for your particular sales order.
    just check that availability of that particualar sales order is met or not prior to it.
    and then automatically when your delivery doc is created, PGI would be done and the status of your sales order would be updated with it.
    try it out on your development client, if it works out.

  • HT4314 hello i have an ipod touch 4 5.1.1 and i can't post status updates or have a profil picture what is the problem and my sister has it and we have the same itunes account in game center

    hello i have an ipod touch 4 5.1.1 and i can't post status updates or have a profil picture what is the problem and my sister has it and we have the same itunes account in game center

    And the answer is: 
    williamfromlongueuil wrote:
    we have the same itunes account in game center
    You need to have your own account...  DUH....

  • My JPEGS are no longer being copied over to Finder.  Only a random fraction are copied.  It use to work perfect.  Is there a bug in the updated versions of iPhoto?

    My JPEGS are no longer being copied over to Finder.  Only a random fraction are copied.  It use to work perfect.  I can move them 4 or 5 at a time, but it is very time consuming.    Is there a bug in the updated versions of iPhoto?

    OK - here is what I've done in the past.  As I want to be able to save my photos on  a DVD that can be read by both a PC and a Mac, I am burning them in Finder.  I start by downloading into IPhoto.  I'll flag and edit the ones I want to print or post to the web.  After that I want to take all the keepers and move them from IPhoto to various files I create in the document  section of Finder.  I've done it both ways in the past, copy and paste or just drag over, all the files would transfer over.  Now there may be dozens of pictures that do not move over - very random, in one case there were only 6 photos and the 3 vertical ones did not copy over.
    I'm wondering if this is a software issue or if there is just too much data being moved around.  FYI there are 2 Nikon cameras I use and the files from both do this.

  • Status Update of Service Order From Billing Document

    Dear Experts,
    I am told to change the User status of Service Order once the Billing Document is Generated.
    Here we are in CRM 2007 and i have done the status update of previous document but here
    Billing document is not possible to read through CRM_ORDER_READ (function module).
    Do any one have any idea how do i proceed.

    hi sa
    to change the service order user status , when biling document is generated
    make an implementation of bill_acc_if  bai and in the method ENRICH_ACC_DOCUMENT
    read order data using crm_order_read  and change the status using

  • Can´t access my files on Creative Cloud. "Page temporarily unavailable. We will return soon." "We are working quickly to resolve the problem and apologize for the delay. Check back later or visit our website for status updates. In addition, you can get he

    For a few days I have been trying to access my files on Creative Cloud web without success. I´ve got this message only:
    "Page temporarily unavailable. We will return soon."
    "We are working quickly to resolve the problem and apologize for the delay.
    Check back later or visit our website for status updates.
    In addition, you can get help in the forums of the Creative Cloud.
    Thank you for understanding!"
    (I used Google Translate)
    Somebody help?

    You do not need ?&promoid=KRUVP at the end of the url but it should not matter.
    One thing to check is if your hosts file is modified. Open the Command Prompt and type: notepad %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
    This will open a read-only copy of your host file in Notepad. Are there any entries in this file regarding adobe.com?
    The other thing you can do is open the Developer Tools in the Chrome browser. On Windows press Ctrl + Shift to open them. Switch to the Network tab. Reload the page by pressing Ctrl + r. Check for any 4xx or 5xx errors which should be colored red.
    Post screenshots of your results or send me a private forum message with the information.

  • Report on "Status updates history"

    i need to check if resource are updating task from "My Task". Is it possible to estract a report on "Status updates history"?
    I mean this type of data:
    Approval Date
    Task Name
    Actual Work
    Remaining Work
    % Complete
    Assigned To
    Approved By

    Hi Daniel,
    You will probably have to create a join with the MSP_ASSIGNMENT_TRANSACTIONS Table.
    See reference here:
    Hope this helps.
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

  • BBM status update is extra sensitive....

    I have been facing problem with BBM status update and display name screens.
    They are extar sensitive and change immediately before you actually decide to press enter.
    Any solutions?

    Good day
    Welcome to BB forums
    I never seen or heard of something like that happening!
    may I ask what OS your running now?
    Want to contract me? You can follow me on Twitter @RobGambino
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Ios 8 photos won't upload in safari to facebook status update

    Installed iOS 8. I use Safari to access Facebook.com. photos will no longer upload to Facebook status update.

    Stan, did they infer it only 'may' get fixed?
    Surely they Have to fix this very Major issue or they'll go bust!
    I'd never trust them again.
    Do you have the email address of Apple?
    Or know if they've made any public statements concerning this problem.
    the other issues, like caps coming on and off or slower speeds I can live with but not being able to upload images is a major problem. If not fixed it would render my iPad virtually useless to me.

  • Lumia 1020 Windows Key bug after Denim Update

    Hey guys,
    I recently updated my WP 8.1 OS to Lumia Denim. Looks like there is a serious bug in the update. Sometimes when an application is open like messages, whatsapp, cortana search and then when you click on windows button, instead of going to home screen the application is refreshing. Its really annoying. Please let me know how to fix this issue.
    I have recorded the issue I am facing. Please check the video here. 
    Phone : Lumia 1020
    Application version:
    Build Creation Date : 12-02-2015
    Developer account : No

    Hi, ssckm1087. Welcome to Microsoft Mobile Community. Have you tried checking if there is any update on the phone's system apps? You may try doing it by going to Store > ... > settings > check for updates. If this did not work, try performing the workarounds provided on this link: My phone does not work or respond as expected. Let us the outcome. Link is intended in the Philippines but it still helpful. 

  • Status updates

    How would i be able to delete my status updates on skype so that my parents wont see them when they have me log into my skype account?

    Ok, I understand.
    Open your BBM app.
    Swipe down from the top edge to Settings.
    Scroll down towards the bottom and tap on Blocked Contacts and Updates.
    Tap the Updates tab at the top.
    On the contact whose updates you have hidden, tap and hold on that contact, and tap the trash can icon (to remove the hidden status, this will not delete the contact)
    This will remove the contact from the Hide Status updates.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
    Join our BBM Channels (Beta)
    BlackBerry Support Forums Channel
    PIN: C0001B7B4   Display/Scan Bar Code
    Knowledge Base Updates
    PIN: C0005A9AA   Display/Scan Bar Code

  • Status updates history period default

    Is there any way to change the default status updates history date range from 3 months please?  Currently as the status approver for a major change program I'm getting several hundred tasks to approve every day across multiple project plans; the problem
    is that when I go in to clear down to run my weekly reports it lists every task submission for the last 3 months.  The thing is, IE can take several minutes before it displays the page in full as it chews through all of the data which is annoying
    to say the least.
    I'd quite like it to show only the last 3 weeks, not the last 3 months.
    Does anyone have any suggestions please?

    As far as I tested, changing the default 3 months range from the date range feature will unfortunaltely not be kept in your IE cache next time you'll navigate to the status update history page. Thus you'll have to set it again every time you access
    the page.
    I guess this 3 months default value might be changed programmabily but I can't help on this.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MCP, MCTS |

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