BUG ? in xmlparserv2 to output html

I have a problem to use XSLProcessor to output html for a space when it is in a href
a space is escaped in a '+' (plus)
but a '+' isn't escaped .
I think that it's due to XMLUtil.encodeURL() which doesn't do the work properly
Normally '+' must be escaped to %2B

What exact version of the XML Parser are you using when you see this behavior?,, Beta ?

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    <definitions name="HTTPGetService"
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            <part name="EndDate" type="xsd:string"/>
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    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
    import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpContext;
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              try {
                   HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8123),0);
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              } catch (IOException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
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              byte[] bBody = new byte[1000];
              int count = is.read(bBody);
              String sBody = bBody.toString();
              String response = "hello siegfried";
              t.sendResponseHeaders(200, response.length());
              OutputStream os = t.getResponseBody();

    For that kind of work, I wouldn't recommend this class ( sorry, my other reply is to your first question ).
    This is a SIMPLE http server. You would have to emulate an application server ( like Tomcat ) yourself if you want full-blown servlet / jsp functionality. You could define a simple jsp-ish domain specific language and parse it yourself, though.
    That might be an interesting exercise, but not one that would appeal to me.

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    I'm not an experienced user of it, but deployJava.js should offer everything you need for a javascript launch of your app, within any page you like; that should do the trick.

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    I ended up using Levels in Photoshop to bring the output blacks up to "5", saved the images as PNGs, modified the HTML from .jpg to .png, and that seems to have covered up the problem well enough.
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    You can use cfhttp to grab the generated html. Then save the
    content to a file, etc.

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    Captivate 5
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    Hi there
    Can you post a screen grab of what you are seeing? The instructions Orange_Sean provided should have done the trick for you. Even though you aren't using Borders, it still should have changed the HTML background color. Unless we have unearthed a bug or something.
    Cheers... Rick
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    Unfortunately the <%= tag doesnt work in methods.
    Here a code sample:
    public void processOrder()
    for(int i=1; i<10; i++)
    out.print("<td>Your Order:<td>");
    Isnt there a way to use a tag like <%= ?
    Or are there other constructs then methods which can handle <%= ?
    With PHP it would be no problem. So I wonder why there should be no way to do it with jsp.

    I generally put dynamic output in a separate class file; you can then either instantiate the class in a scriptlet and call the appropriate method (which can either return a string or do all of your out.prints) or use a jsp:useBean tag.
    Given the following class:
    public class myHTML {
       public myHTML(){}
       public String renderTable(){
          String s = "";
          s += "<TABLE>\n";
          s += "<TR><TD>some content</TD></TR>\n";
          s += "</TABLE>\n";
          return s;
    }You can then do either of the following in your JSP page:
       myHTML mh = new myHTML;
    %>2.<jsp:useBean id="somename" class="somepkg.myHTML" scope="request">
    </jsp:useBean>Either will work, and all of the redundant out.print or String concat lines are moved out of the JSP.

  • Output html filename

    i use forms6i and reports 6i. from forms6i and IIS i run the forms in a browser.
    i put a button in the forms and on which the code is to run_product...
    i make virtual directory for temp folder in forms..
    in which the html files of report output will be stored.
    now,the question is:
    if someone press the buton from form...in browser
    the report output will come and will be in html...
    good...exact repot...which needed...
    but the html file name is unique and generated by report...that is like s7p or s7p_1.....
    but i want this filename as one of the textvalue of report...
    like...in report there is srno field...and i want to make this html file..named as the value of the srno field.

    If you want to specify the name of the file generated, you have to use
    the DESTYPE, DESNAME and DESFORMAT parameter.
    It is possible to change the DESNAME in some reports triggers (not all !!!)
    :DESNAME := ....
    Then you will be able to display the file with the WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT builtin.

  • Output HTML to proper page

    I call a servlet from a second window(thirdWin) that was created/opened by the first window(window) in HTML. The servlet writes out HTML to the browser using the following code(note HTML$ is a java class that contains methods of HTML code lines):
    PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();
            HTML$.tableHeader("Murph");The problem is that the servlet writes/ outputs the HTML code to the third window(thirdWin). I want to call the servlet from the third window and write/output the new HTML to the first window. There must be a way of accomplishing this. One, by setting the browser window directory to the original window(first window) before the servlet is called so that the new HTML gets written to that page, or two, by setting the brower window to the proper window in the servlet before writing the HTML out to the window.
    The following is the code in the servlet that opens the thirdWin. It is a javascript function whose body is a Servlet that has been written it out to the browser page. Do not get confused with me calling it the thirdWin it is acually a second window opened by the opener, I have just called it thirdWin.
    out.println("thirdWin = open('', 'UserName', 'height=300, width=500 scrollbars=yes');");
          out.println("thirdWin.document.write(\"<TITLE>Enter UserName</TITLE>\");");
             out.println("thirdWin.document.write(\"<BODY BGCOLOR=white>\");");
             out.println("thirdWin.document.write(\"<FORM name='showEdit' method='post' action='showEditProfile'>\");");
             out.println("thirdWin.document.write(\"<table><tr><td width=120>User Name :</td><td width=300><input type='text' class='listRow' name='user_name'></td></tr></table>\");");
             out.println("thirdWin.document.write(\"<table><tr><td width=120>Password :</td><td width=300><input type='text' class='listRow' name='user_name'></td></tr></table>\");");
             out.println("thirdWin.document.write(\"<table><tr><td width=120>Search :</td><td width=300><input type='submit' name='showEdit' value='Show Profile'/></td></tr></table>\");");
            /**out.println("thirdWin.document.write(\"<table><input id =\"subfds\" type=\"button\" name=\"Submit5\" value=\"Enter Information\" onclick=\"\"/></table>\");");**/

    I have a database, it holds information of a user, my applet interacts with the database to retrieve/write etc. What i want to do is when some1 clicks a button to open a new Internet Explorer page and then output a record from the database. Just like System.out.println(forname + surname + date + score);
    I dont know how to open a new IE and then output the info to it.
    I dont have any code for this part as I havent written it and I dont think there is any value in posting code to retrieve from database. We can just treat them as strings? String forname, surname etc.

  • Bug? - Submitting page with html name attribute in content

    I use a modified version of Task Manager to track tasks in my group at work. I wanted a "non-standard" report to show the users the history of their task at the bottom of a page. Basically I created a PL/SQL function that returns preformatted HTML as I would like it to be displayed in a row of the report. The end result is great - a highly customized report layout with little effort.
    The problem is that recently a user copied and pasted some HTML from another web application into the body of a task and saved it. The next time the task was opened my report at the bottom displayed what they had entered previously. However, this time when the user clicked save and submitted the page, he got a page can not be displayed error. After a little digging, I found that the HTML the user had pasted previously contained an HTML element that had a name attribute. When I removed the name attribute, the page submitted fine which leads me to believe that the ApEx engine tried to bind the value of that item with an application item and it choked when no match was found - similar to the way it chokes if you submit a valid item that contains more than 32767 bytes of information.
    The fix for my situation is simple. I'll use regular expressions to find these name attributes when saving the page and strip them out. I only bring it up because it could possibly effect other users that might not be able to figure out what the problem is.

    Part of the data stream being emitted to the page is:
    < input type="hidden" name="_ctl0:_ctl34:_ctl0:dgCriteria" value="_ctl0:_ctl34:_ctl0:dgCriteria" ...
    Since your report does not escape the data, it gets interpreted by the browser as HTML -- a form input item in this case. And yes, modplsql complains because that name cannot be bound to a PL/SQL input parameter in the form-handling procedure.
    The correct way to handle this generic problem (second-order cross-site scripting) is to always escape output to the browser unless you control the content from origin to the time it is emitted.

  • UIX outputs HTML that is not valid XML

    I am "experimenting" with UIX in Devloper 9i and I have noticed that the HTML that is output is very far from being valid XML, as a matter of fact it is so far off that Tidy can't even clean it up.
    Are theere any plans in place to try to make the output be XHTML instead of "sloppy" html? This would have a number of benefits, one wich would be; One could percivably call an uix page into a xsql page.
    Kind Regards
    Ola Kvalvaag

    The architecture of UIX is actually very well optimized to switch
    between XHTML and HTML, as all output is pipelined through an
    OutputMethod interface that abstracts away the difference between
    the two. I believe our HTML is output is extremely well-formed
    HTML, which isn't the same thing as well-formed XHTML. We quote
    all our attributes, we close all elements that must be closed,
    we escape characters that need escaping, etc.
    Until this message, I guess we haven't had any complaints!
    I've yet to see a browser that prefers XHTML to HTML.
    What are you trying to do with the output that requires it to be

  • Create XML or Create XSL? Output HTML

    Which is the most logical/fastest solution? Creating a dynamic XML Document by an XSQL query and apply a master stylesheet to obtain HTML output, or Create a dynamic stylesheet(XML Document) and apply to a master XML Document to obtain HTML?
    Any suggestions or direction to this question would be of great help.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manish Mahajan ([email protected]):
    Which is the most logical/fastest solution? Creating a dynamic XML Document by an XSQL query and apply a master stylesheet to obtain HTML output, or Create a dynamic stylesheet(XML Document) and apply to a master XML Document to obtain HTML?
    Any suggestions or direction to this question would be of great help.
    IMO here the shorter path:
    - Designs your web page, with your favorite HTML tool, for example Dreamweaver.
    - Converts it with XSplit[url] utility from. It takes a standard html file with special tags for making dynamically generated tags, and generates the XSL,the XML example and the DTD.
    - At last, make the xsql page which generate the same XML generated by the XSplit as demo.
    Best regards, Marcelo.

  • UPK 3.1.5 player output - HTML file extention

    Does anyone know if it is possible to modifiy the HTML output in the Player deployment format? More specifically to change the filename suffix from HTML to HTM?

    I believe you can edit the HTML file directly after it has been generated; however, when you re-publish, you might have a problem.

  • Does APEX re-write output HTML from an application process

    I have a process which has the following line
    htp.prn('<input type="hidden" name="F05" value="' || l_submitted_previously || '"/>');this however is outputting the following html
    <input name="F05" value="N" type="hidden">as you can see the parameters in the tag are not in the order I specified and also the closing slash is omitted.
    Can anyone explain this?

    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    Unfortunately I doh't know the web server architecture
    Firefox v13
    Custom theme
    Custom templates
    Hidden item
    I don't think the last 4 items listed above will have a bearing on this because it's a dynamically produced item created by an application process. I have pasted the entire code for the process in case that helps.
         l_year_passed number := wwv_flow.g_x01;
         l_expenditure_value number;
         l_submitted_previously varchar2(1) := 'N';
         SELECT DECODE(COUNT(*),0,'N','Y')
         INTO l_submitted_previously
         WHERE FINANCIAL_YEAR_KEY = l_year_passed;
        for rec in (SELECT *
                    FROM l_service_group
                    WHERE service_designated_year<=l_year_passed
                    AND service_designated_year>0
              INTO l_expenditure_value
              FROM F_EXPENDITURE
              WHERE FINANCIAL_YEAR_KEY = l_year_passed
              l_expenditure_value := NULL;
              htp.prn('<tr><td><label for="F01_' || rec.SERVICE_GROUP_KEY || '"><span class="t13RequiredLabel"><img src="/i/requiredicon_status2.gif" alt="">' || rec.SERVICE_GROUP_SHORT_NAME || '</span></label></td><td><input type="text" name="F01" id="F01_' || rec.SERVICE_GROUP_KEY || '" value="'||l_expenditure_value||'"/><input type="hidden" name="F02" id="F02_' || rec.SERVICE_GROUP_KEY || '" value="' || rec.SERVICE_GROUP_KEY || '"/></td></tr>');
         end loop;
         if l_year_passed = 0 then
              htp.p('<p>Please select a financial year</p>');
         end if;
         htp.prn('<input type="hidden" name="F05" value="' || l_submitted_previously || '"/>');

Maybe you are looking for