Bug or Feature with SharePoint Surveys?

I was experimenting with different options to see if I could change how survey data got exported to Excel and something surprising happened that gave me exactly what I want.  My concern is that it might be a bug, rather than a feature; although I'm
hoping it's a feature.  This deals with the limitation that you only see the "Export to Spreadsheet" option when you are on the "Overview" view of the survey.
WARNING: I've been unable to restore my survey back to the original state after making these changes, so make sure you are using a new or throwaway survey before following these steps.  Of course, if it's a feature, I'll assume there is a way to reverse
it, but I haven't found it yet.
1.  Create a new simple survey with a few simple questions.
2.  Add a few responses to the survey.
3.  Go to the "Overview" view of the survey.  (make sure "Export to Spreadsheet" appears in the "Actions" dropdown.  If not, see other posts here to resolve that.  If you go to the "All Responses"
view, the "Export to Spreadsheet" option is not on the "Actions" menu.  That's by design; the limitation I'm trying to circumvent.)
4.  From the "Site Actions" dropdown in the far upper left, select "Edit Page."
5.  Over on the right side, in the white bar that's below "Add a Web Part," you should see a checkbox and, to the left of the checkbox, a little dropdown arrow.  Click that dropdown arrow to expose the menu (see graphic).
6.  Select "Edit Web Part."
7.  On the right, change the "Selected View" to "All Responses."  See graphic.
8.  Click Ok
9.  Click Ok again on the dialog box that appears.
10.  Go back to your survey.  Notice that the "Overview" view is now showing the "All Responses" view, even though you are actually seeing all the responses, and that you still see "Export to Spreadsheet" in
the "Actions" dropdown.  You can now add columns to your view and export those to the spreadsheet.  :-).  So, is this a bug or a feature?
"Six Sigma Black Belts know how to handle rejection"

all list view pages are just web part pages... which can be used for very powerful combinations (like having filter web parts connected to the list view web part, or replacing the default list view web part with custom forms)... just be careful not to delete
the default list view web part (minimize if you need), since it has some associations that can't be recreated.
You can also create basically the same thing by creating a new view, and choosing to base the new view from the "All Responses" view.
Scott Brickey
Strategic Data Systems - for all your SharePoint needs

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    "Lodewijk Spijker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
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    i am using Workshop 8.1 (GA release july) and i have discovered a bug (ora
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    import XMonad
    import System.Exit
    import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
    import qualified Data.Map as M
    import XMonad.Util.Run
    import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
    import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
    import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
    import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName
    import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers (isFullscreen, doFullFloat, doCenterFloat)
    import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
    import System.IO
    -- -xos4-terminus-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    myLauncher :: String
    myLauncher = "`dmenu_path | dmenu -fn '-xos4-terminus-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -nb '#303030' -nf '#959595' -sf '#FFFFFF' -sb '#606060'`"
    myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modMask}) = M.fromList $
    [ ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Return), spawn $ XMonad.terminal conf)
    , ((modMask, xK_p ), spawn myLauncher)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_c ), kill)
    , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask, xK_Down ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/decrease-aumix-vol.sh")
    , ((0 , 0x1008ff11 ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/decrease-aumix-vol.sh")
    , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask, xK_Up ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/increase-aumix-vol.sh")
    , ((0 , 0x1008ff13 ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/increase-aumix-vol.sh")
    , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask, xK_m ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/toggle-aumix-mute.sh")
    , ((0 , 0x1008ff12 ), spawn "/home/hardik/bin/toggle-aumix-mute.sh")
    , ((modMask, xK_space ), sendMessage NextLayout)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_space ), setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf)
    , ((modMask, xK_n ), refresh)
    , ((modMask, xK_Tab ), windows W.focusDown)
    , ((modMask, xK_j ), windows W.focusDown)
    , ((modMask, xK_k ), windows W.focusUp )
    , ((modMask, xK_m ), windows W.focusMaster )
    , ((modMask, xK_Return), windows W.swapMaster)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_j ), windows W.swapDown )
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_k ), windows W.swapUp ) , ((modMask, xK_h ), sendMessage Shrink) , ((modMask, xK_l ), sendMessage Expand)
    , ((modMask, xK_t ), withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
    , ((modMask , xK_comma ), sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
    , ((modMask , xK_period), sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_q ), io (exitWith ExitSuccess))
    -- , ((modMask , xK_q ), restart "xmonad" True)
    , ((modMask , xK_q ), spawn "killall conky dzen2 && xmonad --recompile && xmonad --restart")
    , ((modMask .|.shiftMask .|. controlMask , xK_c ), spawn "emacs ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask , xK_l ), spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock")
    , ((modMask .|. controlMask , xK_k ), spawn "python ~/pythonScripts/SwitchKbLayoutDesk/src/setNextKbLayout.py")
    , ((modMask , xK_b ), sendMessage ToggleStruts)
    [((m .|. controlMask, k), windows $ f i)
    | (i, k) <- zip (XMonad.workspaces conf) [xK_F1 .. xK_F4]
    , (f, m) <- [(W.view, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    -- , (f, m) <- [(W.greedyView, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    -- mod-{w,e,r}, Switch to physical/Xinerama screens 1, 2, or 3
    -- mod-shift-{w,e,r}, Move client to screen 1, 2, or 3
    [((m .|. modMask, key), screenWorkspace sc >>= flip whenJust (windows . f))
    | (key, sc) <- zip [xK_w, xK_e] [0..]
    , (f, m) <- [(W.view, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    myMouseBindings (XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modMask}) = M.fromList $
    [ ((modMask, button1), (\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w))
    , ((modMask, button2), (\w -> focus w >> windows W.swapMaster))
    , ((modMask, button3), (\w -> focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w))
    myLayouts = tiled ||| Mirror tiled ||| noBorders Full ||| simpleTabbedBottom
    tiled = Tall 1 (2/100) (1/2)
    myManageHook = composeAll
    [ className =? "MPlayer" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
    , className =? "IDEA" --> doFloat
    , resource =? "desktop_window" --> doIgnore
    , isFullscreen --> doFullFloat ]
    myStartupHook :: X ()
    myStartupHook = do
    setWMName "LG3D"
    spawn "xset -b"
    spawn "xrdb -load ~/.Xdafaults"
    spawn "xscreensaver -no-splash"
    spawn "numlockx on"
    spawn "eval `cat $HOME/.fehbg`"
    spawn "conky -c ~/.conkyrc_dzen | dzen2 -ta r -x 600 -bg '#303030' -fn '-*-lucida-*-*-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' &"
    spawn "conky &"
    -- spawn "conky -c ~/.conkyrc_time &"
    shortened :: Int -> String -> String
    shortened n xs | length xs < n = xs
    | otherwise = (take ( n - length end) xs) ++ end
    end = "..."
    main = do
    h <- spawnPipe "dzen2 -w 600 -ta l -fn ' -*-lucida-*-*-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -bg '#303030' -fg '#FFFFFF'"
    xmonad $ defaultConfig {
    terminal = "urxvt",
    focusFollowsMouse = True,
    borderWidth = 1,
    modMask = mod1Mask,
    workspaces = [" console "," dev "," misc "," browser "],
    normalBorderColor = "#303030",
    focusedBorderColor = "#55BBFF",
    keys = myKeys,
    mouseBindings = myMouseBindings,
    layoutHook = avoidStruts $ smartBorders myLayouts,
    manageHook = myManageHook <+> manageDocks,
    startupHook = myStartupHook,
    logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ defaultPP {
    ppCurrent = wrap "^fg(#FFFFFF)^bg(#606060)" "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppVisible = wrap "^fg(#FFFFFF)^bg()" "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppHidden = wrap "^fg(#55BBFF)^bg()" "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppHiddenNoWindows = wrap "^fg(#808080)^bg()" "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppUrgent = wrap "^fg(#FF0000)^bg()" "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppTitle = \x -> if null x
    then ""
    else "< ^fg(#FFFFFF)^bg()" ++ shortened 23 x ++ "^fg()^bg() >"
    ,ppLayout = \x -> "^fg(#FFBB00)^bg()"
    ++ case x of
    "Tall" -> "Tiled"
    "Full" -> "Full"
    "Mirror Tall" -> "Tiled Bottom"
    "Tabbed Bottom Simplest" -> "Tabbed"
    _ -> x
    ++ "^fg()^bg()"
    ,ppSep = " "
    ,ppWsSep = ""
    ,ppOutput = hPutStrLn h
    Last edited by rangalo (2010-04-22 14:52:13)

  • Environment Transformer - Randomize Pitch ::: Bug or Feature (Article)

    There are quite many discussions lately about the Logic Environment Transformer "Randomize Note Pitch" operation. By default it does not work as expected passing thru the original Note events data. That's why many Logic users think that it is a bug. Unfortunately this FAQ has never been answered correctly in all Logic forums, PRO training books/workshops, articles etc. As a result, many Logic users contacted the Audiogrocery (which is specialized into Logic Environment & MIDI FX developments). Here is a step by step explanation:
    Bug or Feature?
    It is a Logic self-protection feature! The Environment Transformer object is a complex scripting tool which consists of heavy codes created by the genius Emagic developers more than 15 years ago. There are hundreds of combo settings you can use but a few ones are Protected! The Note Pitch Randomization is one of them - why?
    The example  (Fig.1) shows a triggering note D2 which passes thru the Transformer Pitch Randomizer (Pitch Condition) without any result. The programing reason which blocks that is [B]Note Hanging[/B]!
    Bear in mind that this Transformer setting randomizes ([B]in force Mode - see below[/B]) the Note ONs and the OFFs in a different way causing hanging notes. The factory Script: Note receiving (Condition) & Pitch Random (Scale Operation Assignments) is designed to block such Combo setting because it requires perfect Note ON randomizing registrations followed by proper Note OFFs - see the last Macro tool shown in this article below.
    Force Mode - Note to P-Press (Example)
    Let's force that limitation (Fig.2). In this test you can set the Operation "Status" to Control Change, Fader, P-press etc . In my scenario I have set the Operation Condition to "P-press" status, keeping the original Pitch Random Range "C3- G3".
    [B]Note[/B]: The Transformer is forced and works as expected now! However the Monitor object shows P-Press (ON event F3) and (OFF event E3) which do not match each other and will cause Note hanging for sure - see below!
    Force Mode - Note to P-Press & P-press to Note
    Let's patch/cable one more Transformer object which will transform back the forced "P-press" randomization into Note events (Fig.3).
    This image shows clearly that the source triggered Note (D2) is randomized into D#3 Note ON (according to the 1st Transformer "Rand" setting) while the Note OFF is randomized to E3 which does not match the Note ON! This Environment "Forcing" scheme will cause "Note Hanging"!
    The main purpose of this article is to show that this "issue" is a Logic self-protection feature! However there is a forcing method alternative which can put that into work. As I mentioned before you can patch/cable a few Transformers to register the Note ONs event numbers during the randomization and use that register scheme to send proper Note OFFs numbers to the Instrument. Such complex Environment setup takes no more than 5-6 Transformers which can be packed into a Macro (Fig4).
    As you see the Note Pitch Randomizer example Macro shown in Fig.4 sends proper Note OFFs Numbers to the Instrument device.

    Hi Mark,
    According to your description, my understanding is that the Article Date column displayed with the value based on GMT0 in the Refinement web part.
    Microsoft SharePoint stores date and time values in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, but also named GMT or Zulu) format, and almost all date and time values that are returned by members of the object model are in UTC format. So the value
    of the Article Date column stores the date and time in UTC format in the database, and the search indexes the UTC value of the Article Date column after crawling the database so that it displays the UTC value in Refinement web part.
    The list column values displayed in the lists that are obtained through the indexer for the SPListItem class are already formatted in the local time for the site so if you’re working on current context list item and fetch a datetime field
    like so SPContext.Current.ListItem["Your-DateTime-Field"] you’ll retrieve a DateTime object according the specified time zone in the regional settings.
    More references:
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Collaborate on Excel workbooks with Sharepoint Foundation

    My company recently implemented SharePoint Foundation 2013 and our shared Excel workbooks are no longer allowing multiple users to collaborate at the same time. We have verified that all the settings and permissions are correct and that checking in and
    checking out is not required. Is this something that is not available with SharePoint Foundation? We are using Office 2013 installed on the clients, not Office online. Thank you.

    Co-authoring of Excel workbooks is only supported when all the editors are using the Excel web application, not the Excel client application.
    Microsoft's overview of co-authoring in SharePoint 2013:
    >"Co-authoring is easy to use from the end user’s point of view. When a user wants to work on a document in Word 2013, PowerPoint 2013, OneNote 2013, Visio 2013 or one of the Office Web Apps, he or she merely opens it from SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint
    Online, as usual. If another user already has the document open, both users can edit the document at the same time.
    One exception to this is that users can co-author in Excel Web App only if everyone uses the Excel Web App to access the workbook. If anyone uses Excel 2013 or Excel 2010 (the client application)
    to access the workbook, co-authoring in Excel Web App will be disabled for that workbook while it is open in the client application."
    >"The Excel 2013 client application does not support co-authoring workbooks in SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint Online. But, the Excel client application uses the Shared Workbook feature to support non-real-time co-authoring workbooks that are stored
    locally or on network (UNC) paths."

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    Each individual user should have the ability to have an aggregated view of a subset of these feeds. Which technology would be available for this?
    Thanks for any advice

    If you are looking for utilizing the OOB features of SharePoint Foundation, Discussion board is the only option which provides commenting on items.
    Raghavendra Shanbhag | Blog: www.SharePointColumn.com
    Please click "Propose As Answer " if a post solves your problem or "Vote As Helpful" if a post has been useful to you.
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

  • BUGS and FEATURES REQUESTED. Please add to it.

    I've been using the z10 for the past couple weeks and wanted to start a thread of comprehensive Bugs and Features Requested.
    I've labeled Bugs by letters (A,B,C...) and Features Requested by numbers (1, 2, 3...) so that others can add sequentially.
    (Not listed in any particular order)
    (A.) Contact App adds current date as birthday. When I edit my contact, the current date gets listed as the birthday in local contact.
    (B.) Duplicate telephone numbers listed. Telephone numbers show up twice in my Contacts (e.g.., if I have the contact's cell saved in (000) 123-4567 format and the person has the number listed in Facebook, I get a duplicate entry of +10001234567).
    (C.) Telephone numbers and emails are not actionable in Web pages. In webpages, I can't click on telephone number to call (e.g., I look up a phone number for a restaurant). I should be able to easily call or copy into the Phone App or E-mail App.
    (D.) Auto capitulation for words on the word substitution list is wrong. For example, when the word substitution contains more than one word. I have "ru" change to "are you" but if the first letter is capitalized (R) then both words become capitalized words (Are You). I used to have shortcuts like "mysig" to create email signatures with legal disclaimers but I can't do that now.
    (E.) Backspace delete doesn't work consistently. The Shift+Delete function seems only to work after moving the cursor. This feature is the Alt+Del action to delete words after the cursor.
    (F.) All Emoticons do not list. Emoticons do not all fit on the the two screens (lists) of emoticons. I.e., two columns are missing from view and can be seen when sliding (swiping) between the lists. Also, sometimes when I select an emoticon, it doesn't correspond with the picture of the one I intended. I believe this error is related. As a separate note, there should be a way to see the underlying symbols of the emoticon. (Often times, other people don't have BlackBerrys so I'd like to know what symbols would be sent--my prior 9800 would show the characters as i scrolled through them).
    (G.) BlackBerry keyboard doesn't always work in input fields. E.g., certain Web pages. (I found a work around; two finger swipe up from the bottom makes the keyboard appear)
    (H.) Sent messages stay unread. This seems to be an issue when an app sends an email (e.g., share article). The email with the sent indicator (checkmark) stays bold and I have listed 1 unread email. I can't mark as read/unread but if I delete the sent email, my unread message gets cleared.
    (I.) Contact already added but I get the option to add instead of view contact. For some contacts, I get the option to add to contacts in the action menu cascade when that person is already in my address book. This bug is for emails and text messages.
    (J.) Cannot call from text message. When I hold a text message and select call under the action menu cascade, the OS opens up the phone app but doesn't call.
    (K.) Composing messages by name. When composting messages, the input must be by first, middle and last name. It should be, instead, by string and include nickname. E.g., if the person's name is "Andrew B. Cameron" I must type the name in as such. I can't type in "Andrew Cameron" or "Andy Cameron."
    Features Requested and Suggestions for Improved User Experience
    (In no particular order)
    1)      Option to reply in different ways from the Call List. Be able to select a name in a call list and have options to call, text or email the person. The action menu allows calls to other numbers but I can't choose to text or email the contact instead. Sometimes, I missed a call and want to reply via text because I’m not able to talk. (Long hold on the Torch 9800 trackpad button brought up the action menu allowing me to call, text, view history, add to speed dial, e-mail, delete, etc.)
    2)      Option to reply in different ways from the Hub. Related to above, when selecting an item in the hub, have the option to contact the sender or caller with multiple different ways.
    3)      Only show number once in contacts application. Tap on the number to bring up the "action" cascade menu with options to call or text the number. Why is the same number listed twice (once to call and below again to text it)?
    4)      Timestamps for individual text messages. I can't tell exact time on individual text message if it comes in near the time of another text. All messages are in one "bubble."
    5)      Ability to select MMS or text for a message. Sometimes I write a text longer than 160 characters and I prefer it to be sent in one message (i.e., MMS mode) rather than being broken into one or more standard text messages. I had this ability with my 9800.
    6)      Send button should be moved for text messages!!! Why the heck is it right underneath the delete button?!? Or next to the period button? I often times have accidentally hit send when composing text. It's very annoying and embarrassing. (Also, what happened to the ability to hit enter for a return carriage to next line?)
    7)      Bigger magnifying glass. My finger is often over the area I need to place the cursor. I find it difficult and erratic to place the cursor.
    8)      Select all option. Add the option to select all text in action menu cascade.
    9)      E-mail recipients and message headers. Difficult to tell if you are one of many email recipients. Can we have a way to pull the email down to see the list of recipients rather than have to click to expand the header info? I know this request is a little picky, but that's how it was done in the previous BlackBerry OS which I preferred; it is easier and faster to pull the e-mail down and 'peek' to see which e-mail box received the message, message status, from and to fields. This change would be consistent with BB's flow/peek rather than click.
    10)   Browser navigation. Hold down back arrow to get a list of recently visited websites similar to a desktop browser.
    11)   Dark/Night mode. A night mode (maybe in the drop down menu) to change all the white and bright backgrounds to black or dark which would be helpful when reading/viewing things at night in bed/etc.
    12)   Number of contacts. Ability to see how many contacts I have.
    13)   What happened to groups or categories? I'd like to have back the ability to filter or see categories and also a way to contact everyone in a category. E.g., family or friends or coworkers, etc.
    14)   Shutter sound mute. I was at a wedding and wanted to take pictures during the ceremony but the shutter would was too loud.
    15)   East Asian Language Input. I bought my parents two Samsung Galaxy S3 phones over the weekend because they need Korean input (and the Kakao talk app). (BTW, S3 is a great phone but I prefer the Z10 after having the weekend to use the Android phones).
    16)   Ability to freely place icons on the homesreen. Currently, icons are forced top left-right-to-bottom. I prefer to space my icons out.
    17)   Add a contact to the homescreen. I'd like to place a shortcut (similar to a Webpage) to the homescreen for a contact which will open up the contact. Android allows this feature and so did my previous 9800.
    18)   Search Contacts by nickname. The contacts app doesn't allow me to search by, e.g., Andy, even if I have that as my contact's nickname. The previous OS allowed this type of search which was very helpful.
    Finally, as a note, I've been using the BlackBerry Z10 for the past 2 weeks and it's a great platform. I just bought two Samsung Galaxy S3 phones over the weekend for my parents so they could use the Korean language input and related features so I spent a lot of time with the Android platform, setting it up and teaching them how to use it. The S3 is a great phone too.
    I prefer, however, the way BlackBerry has done their OS 10 and the integrated management of messages.
    It's too bad that BB doesn't have Korean input and apps like Kakao Talk or I would have considered it for them.
    The BlackBerry 10 is a great platform and I look forward to the continual improvements that will only make the experience better.

    This is a great post.
    I couldn't have written it myself better.
    I'm also in dying need of Korean input as I can't communicate with my Korean friends.
    But I second every point.
    I hope the tech teams are reading this.

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    In Excel 2013, on the ribbon select the 'Data' tab and 'From Web' to import data from a web page. Navigate to a SharePoint 2013 site with a table on the home page and you will not see the table import arrow on the table. With SharePoint 2010 you would have.
    Any suggestions on a workaround/fix?
    One thing to note, in SharePoint 2013 be sure to disable the Minimum Download Strategy feature on the site or you will get script errors in the New Web Query dialog.
    Also, I realize this may belong in an Office/Excel forum so I have posted it there also.
    Thanks, Fintan

    Hi Fintan ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that the Excel table import arrow   disappears  in the  SharePoint 2013 page.
    For your issue , I can reproduce your scenario in my SharePoint 2013 environment. It should be caused by the Excel  Data connection from web page feature cannot identify the page layout  which is
    used by SharePoint 2013 . For a workaround, you export the HTML table using jQuery:
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Excel web app Review tab with SharePoint 2013

    Is there a way to get the review tab to show up in Excel web app with SharePoint 2013 on-prem?  Users want to be able to use the "add comments" feature while in the excel web app.

    That functionality isn't available in Excel Web App on-premise. I just applied the Oct 2014 CU to WAC and do not have it, so the feature just hasn't made it down yet.
    You can use the "add comments" tab in excel client. 
    Here is a similar post, you can take a look at:
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Using Excel 2010 with SharePoint 2013 Excel services

    What features are we missing when using Excel 2010 (rather than Excel 2013) with SharePoint 2013 Excel services?
    Jeff Gorvits

    Hi Jeff,
    You might want to read the articles below:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected] .
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Errors TF30162 and TF250025 when creating a New Team Project in TFS2012 with Sharepoint Site on Visual Studio

    Im having the following errors when creating a New Team Project by Visual Studio on TFS2012 with a Sharepoint Site... 
    This problem not occurs when i don't select to create a sharepoint site...
    My Sharepoint is 2010 with SP2...
    Here is the errors log:
    2013-12-05T10:06:10 | Module: Internal | Team Foundation Server proxy retrieved | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:10 | Module: Wizard | Retrieved IAuthorizationService proxy | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:10 | Module: Wizard | Project creation permissions retrieved | Completion time: 0.016 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:10 | Module: Internal | The template information for Team Foundation Server "srv-tfs2012\TJMTCollection" was retrieved from the Team Foundation Server. | Completion time: 0.047 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | New project will be created with the "Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2.2" methodology
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Engine | Retrieved IAuthorizationService proxy | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Engine | Project creation permissions retrieved | Completion time: 0.007 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Internal | Team Foundation Server proxy retrieved | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Internal | The template information for Team Foundation Server "srv-tfs2012\TJMTCollection" was retrieved from the Team Foundation Server. | Completion time: 0.005 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Exporter | Wrote compressed process template file | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Exporter | Extracted process template file | Completion time: 0.448 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Starting Project Creation for project "Teste" in domain "srv-tfs2012\TJMTCollection"
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Engine | The user identity information was retrieved from the Group Security Service | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard is starting to initialize the plug-ins.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Ms.Internal.LinksCreator.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Ms.Internal.Groups.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 50 | Entering Initialize in CssStructureUploader
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 50 | Initialize for CssStructureUploader complete
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Classification.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 50 | Entering Initialize in RosettaReportUploader
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 50 | Exiting Initialize for RosettaReportUploader
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Reporting.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: WSS | Thread: 50 | Entering Initialize in WssSiteCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: WSS | Thread: 50 | Site information: Title = "Teste"  Description = ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: WSS | Thread: 50 | Base site url: http://srv-tfs2012/sites/TJMTCollection/Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: WSS | Thread: 50 | Admin site url: http://srv-tfs2012:17012/
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: WSS | Thread: 50 | Exiting Initialize for WssSiteCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Portal.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 50 | Entering Initialize in GssStructureCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 50 | Exiting Initialize for GssStructureCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Groups.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 50 | About to begin the creation of project Teste on server srv-tfs2012\TJMTCollection
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.WorkItemTracking.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.VersionControl.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 50 | Initialization of Test Management Plugin for Project Creation Wizard succeeded. 
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.TestManagement.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Lab.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully initialized the plug-ins.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Process template XML loaded
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Starting Project Creation Engine execution
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Engine | Thread: 53 | Running Task "UploadStructure" from Group "Classification"
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Getting CSS proxy
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | CSS proxy retrieved
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | The uploading of the Classification Service has started
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Uploading CSS structure: "<Nodes><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Iteration" xmlns=""><Children><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle"
    Name="Release 1"><Children><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Sprint 1" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Sprint 2" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle"
    Name="Sprint 3" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Sprint 4" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Sprint 5" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Sprint
    6" /></Children></Node><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Release 2" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Release 3" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle"
    Name="Release 4" /></Children></Node><Node StructureType="ProjectModelHierarchy" Name="Area" xmlns="" /></Nodes>"
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Creating Project : Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Created Project Administrators group S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-0-0-0-0-1 successfully.
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | CSS structure upload finished
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Updating project properties for :vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Updating catalog settings for :vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Received 'Teste' team project entity object for :vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Updated team project description: ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Engine | Task "UploadStructure" from Group "Classification" completed with success | Completion time: 0.676 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Engine | Thread: 56 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | Running Task "GroupCreation1" from Group "Groups"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Entering Execute in GssStructureCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Getting list of structures for: vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-2757176466-3218051407-2887278433-795240796" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Replacing macros: @creator.
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Macros replaced: [Teste]\@creator.
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding the following identity to a group: [Teste]\@creator.  Group name: Teste Team.
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Creating application group for "Readers" URI "vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-903229747-404692801-3102686175-2727812972" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "VIEW_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-903229747-404692801-3102686175-2727812972" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-903229747-404692801-3102686175-2727812972" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "WORK_ITEM_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-903229747-404692801-3102686175-2727812972" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Creating application group for "Contributors" URI "vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "DELETE_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "PUBLISH_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "VIEW_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "WORK_ITEM_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "WORK_ITEM_WRITE" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_PLANS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_ENVIRONMENTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325"
    deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_CONFIGURATIONS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325"
    deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Replacing macros: @defaultTeam.
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Macros replaced: [Teste]\@defaultTeam.
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding the following identity to a group: [Teste]\@defaultTeam.  Group name: Contributors.
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Creating application group for "Build Administrators" URI "vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "DELETE_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "PUBLISH_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003"
    deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "VIEW_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "WORK_ITEM_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "WORK_ITEM_WRITE" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_PLANS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_ENVIRONMENTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003"
    deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_CONFIGURATIONS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003"
    deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Exiting Execute for GssStructureCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Engine | Task "GroupCreation1" from Group "Groups" completed with success | Completion time: 1.822 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Engine | Thread: 53 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Engine | Thread: 56 | Running Task "LinkTypes" from Group "WorkItemTracking"
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Synchronizing users and groups.
    2013-12-05T10:06:20 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Synchronizing CSS structures.
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | LinkType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\SharedStep.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | LinkType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\TestedBy.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Uploading link types from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\SharedStep.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Uploaded LinkType definitions from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\SharedStep.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Uploading link types from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\TestedBy.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Uploaded LinkType definitions from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\TestedBy.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Engine | Task "LinkTypes" from Group "WorkItemTracking" completed with success | Completion time: 1.717 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Engine | Thread: 53 | Running Task "WITs" from Group "WorkItemTracking"
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Task.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Bug.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewRequest.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewResponse.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackRequest.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackResponse.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Impediment.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\ProductBacklogItem.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\SharedStep.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\TestCase.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Task.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Task.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Bug.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Bug.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewRequest.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewRequest.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewResponse.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewResponse.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackRequest.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackRequest.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackResponse.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackResponse.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Impediment.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Impediment.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\ProductBacklogItem.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\ProductBacklogItem.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\SharedStep.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\SharedStep.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\TestCase.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\TestCase.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Engine | Task "WITs" from Group "WorkItemTracking" completed with success | Completion time: 2.825 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Engine | Thread: 34 | Running Task "Categories" from Group "WorkItemTracking"
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Engine | Thread: 56 | Running Task "Queries" from Group "WorkItemTracking"
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 34 | Uploading categories from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Categories.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Group [SERVER]\Project Collection Administrators was granted the following permissions: Read, Contribute, Delete, ManagePermissions, FullControl
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Project Administrators was granted the following permissions: Read, Contribute, Delete, ManagePermissions, FullControl
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Readers was granted the following permissions: Read
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Contributors was granted the following permissions: Read
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Build Administrators was granted the following permissions: Read
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\ProductBacklog.wiq: Product Backlog
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\ProductBacklog.wiq: Product Backlog
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\Feedback.wiq: Feedback
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\Feedback.wiq: Feedback
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query folder was found: Current Sprint
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query folder has been created: Current Sprint
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\OpenImpediments.wiq: Current Sprint/Open Impediments
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\OpenImpediments.wiq: Current Sprint/Open Impediments
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\BlockedTasks.wiq: Current Sprint/Blocked Tasks
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\BlockedTasks.wiq: Current Sprint/Blocked Tasks
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\WorkInProgress.wiq: Current Sprint/Work in Progress
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\WorkInProgress.wiq: Current Sprint/Work in Progress
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\UnfinishedWork.wiq: Current Sprint/Unfinished Work
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\UnfinishedWork.wiq: Current Sprint/Unfinished Work
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\SprintBacklog.wiq: Current Sprint/Sprint Backlog
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\SprintBacklog.wiq: Current Sprint/Sprint Backlog
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\TestCases.wiq: Current Sprint/Test Cases
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\TestCases.wiq: Current Sprint/Test Cases
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 34 | Uploaded work item types categories from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Categories.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "Categories" from Group "WorkItemTracking" completed with success | Completion time: 0.182 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 53 | Running Task "ProcessConfiguration" from Group "WorkItemTracking"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Processing element CommonConfiguration.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "Queries" from Group "WorkItemTracking" completed with success | Completion time: 0.431 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Processing element AgileConfiguration.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "ProcessConfiguration" from Group "WorkItemTracking" completed with success | Completion time: 0.589 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 34 | Running Task "TestVariable" from Group "TestManagement"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 44 | Running Task "TestResolutionState" from Group "TestManagement"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 39 | Running Task "TestSettings" from Group "TestManagement"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 37 | Running Task "VersionControlTask" from Group "VersionControl"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | <permission allow="Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, ReviseOther, UnlockOther, UndoOther, LabelOther, AdminProjectRights, CheckinOther, Merge, ManageBranch" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\$$PROJECTADMINGROUP$$"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Allowing permission(s) Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, ReviseOther, UnlockOther, UndoOther, LabelOther, AdminProjectRights, CheckinOther, Merge, ManageBranch to group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Project
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | <permission allow="Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, Merge" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Contributors" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Allowing permission(s) Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, Merge to group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Contributors
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | <permission allow="Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, Merge" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Build Administrators" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Allowing permission(s) Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, Merge to group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Build Administrators
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | <permission allow="Read" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Readers" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Allowing permission(s) Read to group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Readers
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Changing project setting ExclusiveCheckout to "False"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Changing project setting GetLatestOnCheckout to "False"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | User chose to create new empty folder $/Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | No xml nodes of type "checkin_note" were found in the task xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 34 | Proper team project 'Teste' permissions are added to group 'S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-4-1'.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 34 | Uploading TestVariable from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestVariable.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 39 | Uploading TestSettings from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestSettings.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 44 | Uploading TestResolutionState from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestResolutionState.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 39 | Uploaded TestSettings from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestSettings.xml'.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "TestSettings" from Group "TestManagement" completed with success | Completion time: 0.161 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 34 | Uploaded TestVariable from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestVariable.xml'.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "TestVariable" from Group "TestManagement" completed with success | Completion time: 0.174 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | Running Task "TestConfiguration" from Group "TestManagement"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 49 | Uploading TestConfiguration from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestConfiguration.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 44 | Uploaded TestResolutionState from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestResolutionState.xml'.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "TestResolutionState" from Group "TestManagement" completed with success | Completion time: 0.183 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 49 | Uploaded TestConfiguration from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestConfiguration.xml'.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "TestConfiguration" from Group "TestManagement" completed with success | Completion time: 0.012 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 56 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "VersionControlTask" from Group "VersionControl" completed with success | Completion time: 0.189 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 39 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 53 | Running Task "BuildTask" from Group "Build"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 34 | Running Task "Site" from Group "Reporting"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <ProcessTemplate Type="Default" Filename="Build\Templates\DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml" Description="This is the default build process template for this
    Team Project." ServerPath="$/$$PROJECTNAME$$/BuildProcessTemplates" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <ProcessTemplate Type="Upgrade" Filename="Build\Templates\UpgradeTemplate.xaml" Description="This is the upgrade build process template for this Team
    Project." ServerPath="$/$$PROJECTNAME$$/BuildProcessTemplates" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <ProcessTemplate Type="Custom" Filename="Build\Templates\AzureContinuousDeployment.11.xaml" Description="This is the build process template for continuous
    delivery in this Team Project." ServerPath="$/$$PROJECTNAME$$/BuildProcessTemplates" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="ViewBuilds, ViewBuildDefinition" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Readers" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) ViewBuilds, ViewBuildDefinition to account [Teste]\Readers.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="EditBuildQuality, ViewBuilds, QueueBuilds, ViewBuildDefinition" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Contributors" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) EditBuildQuality, ViewBuilds, QueueBuilds, ViewBuildDefinition to account [Teste]\Contributors.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Build Administrators" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions to account [Teste]\Build Administrators.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\$$PROJECTADMINGROUP$$" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions to account [Teste]\Project Administrators.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQueue, OverrideBuildCheckInValidation, QueueBuilds, UpdateBuildInformation, ViewBuildDefinition, ViewBuilds" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONBUILDSERVICESGROUP$$"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQueue, OverrideBuildCheckInValidation, QueueBuilds, UpdateBuildInformation, ViewBuildDefinition, ViewBuilds to account Project
    Collection Build Service Accounts.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="ViewBuildDefinition, EditBuildDefinition, DeleteBuildDefinition, QueueBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, StopBuilds, ViewBuilds, EditBuildQuality, RetainIndefinitely,
    DeleteBuilds, ManageBuildQualities, DestroyBuilds, AdministerBuildPermissions" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONBUILDADMINSGROUP$$" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) ViewBuildDefinition, EditBuildDefinition, DeleteBuildDefinition, QueueBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, StopBuilds, ViewBuilds, EditBuildQuality, RetainIndefinitely,
    DeleteBuilds, ManageBuildQualities, DestroyBuilds, AdministerBuildPermissions to account Project Collection Build Administrators.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions, OverrideBuildCheckInValidation" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONADMINGROUP$$" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions, OverrideBuildCheckInValidation to account Project Collection Administrators.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 34 | Creating site: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Task "Site" from Group "Reporting" completed with success | Completion time: 0.253 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Thread: 25 | Running Task "Populate Reports" from Group "Reporting"
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating folder: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Builds
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating folder: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Tests
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Backlog Overview
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Task "BuildTask" from Group "Build" completed with success | Completion time: 0.591 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Thread: 37 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Thread: 39 | Running Task "LabTask" from Group "Lab"
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: LabTask | Thread: 39 | <permission allow="Read, Create, Write, Edit, Delete, Start, Stop, Pause, ManageSnapshots, ManageLocation, DeleteLocation, ManagePermissions, ManageChildPermissions, ManageTestMachines" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONADMINGROUP$$"
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: LabTask | Thread: 39 | <permission allow="Read, Create, Write, Edit, Delete, Start, Stop, Pause, ManageSnapshots, ManageLocation, DeleteLocation, ManageChildPermissions, ManageTestMachines" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\$$PROJECTADMINGROUP$$"
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: LabTask | Thread: 39 | <permission allow="Read, Create, Write, Edit, Start, Stop, Pause, ManageSnapshots" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Contributors" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: LabTask | Thread: 39 | <permission allow="Read" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Readers" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: LabTask | Thread: 39 | <permission allow="Read, Write, Edit, Start, Stop, Pause, ManageSnapshots" identity="$$BUILDSERVICEGROUP$$" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Backlog Overview
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Builds/Build Summary
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Lab | Thread: 39 | <ProcessTemplate Type="Custom" Filename="Lab\Templates\LabDefaultTemplate.11.xaml" Description="This is the default Lab process template for this Team
    Project." ServerPath="$/$$PROJECTNAME$$/BuildProcessTemplates" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Task "LabTask" from Group "Lab" completed with success | Completion time: 0.559 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Builds/Build Summary
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Builds/Build Success Over Time
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Builds/Build Success Over Time
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Sprint Burndown
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Sprint Burndown
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Release Burndown
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Release Burndown
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Tests/Test Case Readiness
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Tests/Test Case Readiness
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Tests/Test Plan Progress
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Tests/Test Plan Progress
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Velocity
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Velocity
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Task "Populate Reports" from Group "Reporting" completed with success | Completion time: 3.176 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 44 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | Running Task "SharePointPortal" from Group "Portal"
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Language id: 1033
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Creating site with the following parameters
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Site Url: http://srv-tfs2012/sites/TJMTCollection/Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Site Title: Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Site Description: 
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Locale: 1033
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Template: Team Foundation Server Project Portal
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Owner Login: PJMT\23571
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Owner Name: João Vitor Paes de Barros do Carmo
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Owner Email: 
    ---begin Exception entry---
    Time: 2013-12-05T10:06:28
    Module: WSS
    Exception Message: Server was unable to process request. ---> Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) (type SoapException)SoapException Details: <soap:Detail xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"
    Exception Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.Channels.TfsHttpClientBase.HandleReply(TfsClientOperation operation, TfsMessage message, Object[]& outputs)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.Channels.TfsHttpClientBase.Invoke(TfsClientOperation operation, Object[] parameters, TimeSpan timeout, Object[]& outputs)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.SharePoint.SharePointTeamFoundationIntegrationService.CreateSite(String webApplicationUrl, String absolutePath, String title, String description, UInt32 localeId, String template, Boolean templateIsTitle, String
    ownerLogin, String ownerName, String ownerEmail, Guid applicationInstanceId, Guid projectCollectionId)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.SharePoint.WssUtilities.CreateSite(ICredentials credentials, Uri adminUrl, WssSiteData siteCreationData, Guid configurationServerId, Guid projectCollectionId)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.SharePoint.WssUtilities.CreateSite(WssSiteData siteCreationData, TfsConnection tfs, Uri adminUrl)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.CreateSite(WssSiteData siteCreationData, TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs, Uri adminUrl)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.HandleSiteCreation(WssCreationContextWrapper contextWrapper, XmlNode taskNode)
    --- end Exception entry ---
    ---begin Exception entry---
    Time: 2013-12-05T10:06:28
    Module: WSS
    Exception Message: TF250025: The following URL does not point to a valid SharePoint site: http://srv-tfs2012/sites/TJMTCollection/Teste. Verify that you have the correct URL and that it points to a SharePoint site. (type TeamFoundationServerException)
    Exception Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.Channels.TfsHttpClientBase.HandleReply(TfsClientOperation operation, TfsMessage message, Object[]& outputs)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.Channels.TfsHttpClientBase.Invoke(TfsClientOperation operation, Object[] parameters, TimeSpan timeout, Object[]& outputs)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.SharePoint.SharePointTeamFoundationIntegrationService.GetWebIdentifier(String absolutePath)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.SharePoint.WssUtilities.GetWebIdentifier(ICredentials credentials, Uri url)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.HandleSiteCreation(WssCreationContextWrapper contextWrapper, XmlNode taskNode)
    Inner Exception Details:
    Exception Message: TF250025: The following URL does not point to a valid SharePoint site: http://srv-tfs2012/sites/TJMTCollection/Teste. Verify that you have the correct URL and that it points to a SharePoint site. (type SoapException)SoapException Details:
    <detail exceptionType="TeamFoundationServerException" />
    Exception Stack Trace: 
    --- end Exception entry ---
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | TF30267: Exception: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.HandleSiteCreation(WssCreationContextWrapper contextWrapper, XmlNode taskNode)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.Execute(ProjectCreationContext context, XmlNode taskXml)
    ---begin Exception entry---
    Time: 2013-12-05T10:06:28
    Module: Engine
    Event Description: TF30162: Task "SharePointPortal" from Group "Portal" failed
    Exception Type: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.PcwException
    Exception Message: An error occurred in the New Team Project Wizard while attempting to create a site on the following SharePoint Web application: srv-tfs2012.
    Exception Details: The Project Creation Wizard encountered a problem while uploading documents to the following server running SharePoint Products: srv-tfs2012. The reason for the failure cannot be determined at this time. Because the operation failed, the
    wizard was not able to finish creating the team project.
    Stack Trace:
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.Execute(ProjectCreationContext context, XmlNode taskXml)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.ProjectCreationEngine.TaskExecutor.PerformTask(IProjectComponentCreator componentCreator, ProjectCreationContext context, XmlNode taskXml)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.ProjectCreationEngine.RunTask(Object taskObj)
    --   Inner Exception   --
    Exception Message: Server was unable to process request. ---> Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) (type SoapException)SoapException Details: <soap:Detail xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"
    Exception Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.HandleSiteCreation(WssCreationContextWrapper contextWrapper, XmlNode taskNode)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.Execute(ProjectCreationContext context, XmlNode taskXml)
    --- end Exception entry ---
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | TF30202: Task "" from Group "" will not be run because a prior task failed.
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from Build ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from Version Control ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from Work Item Tracking ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from TestManagement ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from Git ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from ProcessManagement ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from LabManagement ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from ProjectServer ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting Report Server files ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Warning. Did not find SharePoint site service.
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from Team Foundation Core ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | The project Teste was deleted successfully.
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Attempting to delete folder "C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp"
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | The folder C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp was removed.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you had Errors TF30162 and TF250025 when creating a New Team Project in TFS2012 with Sharepoint Site on Visual Studio.
    The Errors TF30162 seemed that the reports for TFS could not be uploaded due a permission problem. The fix was really easy.
    Go to your team foundation server 
    Open the administration console. 
    Click on Reporting
    Click on Edit
    Click on Reports Tab
    Enter the credential for the Reports
    Click on Start Jobs
    In addtion, the problem may be due to the caching done by Team Explorer in Visual Studio. Exiting the copy of VS on the client and reloading it will fix the problem as the updated team process settings will cached locally.
    To resolve the Errors TF250025, you will need to register a new internal URL for the SharePoint site using Alternate Access Mappings.
    Here are two great blogs for you to take a look at:
    If still no help, for quick and accurate answers to your questions, it is recommended that you initial a new thread in Visual Studio Team Foundation Server forums.
    Team Foundation Server – General:
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error occurred in deployment step 'Add Solution': A feature with ID '' has already been installed in this farm. Use the force attribute to explicitly re-install the feature.

    Hi I am getting the error
    Error occurred in deployment step 'Add Solution': A feature with ID 10495515-2482-41fd-98eb-3c87f739f54b has already been installed in this farm.  Use the force attribute to explicitly re-install the feature.
    when trying to deploy web parts
    question 1 - how do i use the force attribute when deploying from visual studio
    question 2 - am i deplying it to the right place, if i deply it to the
    url:port that points to my central admin tool it deploys but i cant seem to see it in any of my webs in my site collection, if i deploy it to the
    url:port that points to my site collection I get this error.
    im new to all this by the way :)
    thanks in advance

    If you are deploying from Visual Studio then please follow this post:
    Open the visual Studio and navigate to the feature XML file and add the bellow attribute.
    The <FeatureName>.Template.Xml output would be some think link this.

  • Bug list/feature observations for BB10 on Z10

    1. CRITICAL granular control of notifcations/alerts e.g. a different sound/volume/vibration per mailbox or alert type has been completely removed in BB10 and needs to be reinstated as an urgency
    2. support for BBM and Calendar in Landscape mode is missing. A workaround for BBM can be found via the Hub, not the BBM icon.
    3. the sound alert for a text message sometimes doesn't play. It seems to vibrate okay, but every 5th or so text message, it doesn't play the alert sound.
    4. CRITICAL if you set the display format for your emails to 'conversation style' (so that messages on the same thread are grouped - very helpful) but a folder which one of the messages is in isn't synced, then fresh inbox replies to that chain won't get shown to you in the Hub. It transpires that /GOOGLEMAIL/SENT ITEMS is a sub folder that's affected by this. It means any chain you reply to using your Blackberry, subsequent replies will not be displayed in the Hub. "Solution" is to disable 'conversation style' for thread display.
    5. WhatsApp, Bloomberg Mobile (not the terminal login App) and BeBuzz should be top App conversion targets.
    6. when you click the Text Messages icon it should take you to your text messages, not the Hub (which is what happens if you have an email open).
    7. the lock screen currently has just one icon for emails - ALL emails, regardless of mailbox. It has a fairly generic number for unread messages in ALL of the boxes combined e.g. "200 emails" - this needs to be split our per mailbox.
    8. opening a tenth App closes a previously opened App. It should ask you before closing the other App as it's a pain if the App it kills is Skype, Voice, Maps etc
    9. the current battery icon is too small to tell the difference between 30% and 15% (for example) - touching it should display the %, or something similar.
    10. the screen rotation can be extremely slow. Often you can count 1.. 2.. 3.. 4 before the screen switches orientation. Given how often you'll switch between orientations during use, it quickly gets annoying. 
    11. when the screen finally rotates (see point 10) the position your cursor was in in the previous orientation is lost
    12. it's not quick to put a question/exclamation mark into text. Fine, have a sub menu for general punctuation - but not these extremely common marks (which is exactly why comma and full-stop (period) are full-time keys)
    13. the super-useful "delete from device OR delete from device & server" has been removed entirely!
    14. using the browser in Landscape mode means "open in new tab" is in a sub-menu. As it's one of the most used features in any browser, and unlike Apple iOS you can't just hold a press to activate 'open in new tab', it really slows you down.
    15. sometimes numbers are included in the on-screen keyboard, sometimes not. Can they be made permanent?
    16. twice now my 'enter password to unlock' screen has appeared without the keyboard, meaning I couldn't enter my password. About 2 times out of 200, or 1%
    17. new messages - have some small icons in the status bar at the top of the screen rather than require a swipe UP&RIGHT to see the Hub
    18. in the Hub, the icons for each message don't show if the message was successfully sent. To check if an email/text was sent okay, you have to go into the message (2 levels)
    19. you STILL can't see when a text message you received was actually sent by the other party. Quite a basic function.
    20. you STILL can't swap email accounts when forwarding a message
    21. Calendar reminders often don't trigger the red LED. In fact, the LED is generally pretty inconsistent, often not flashing, or flashing only for a short while.
    22. the device supplied ring tones/alert tones are pretty terrible and you cannot set variable volume levels (see point 1).
    23. you can select .mid files for your ringtone even though these aren't compatible (when someone calls, your phone will be silent).
    24. there's an awkward 3 second pause between clicking Send and a text message actually sending. Why awkward? Because you then have to wait/waste 3 seconds waiting to see if your click was registered, and if the message was sent.
    25. GMAIL - boring standard message in the Inbox, no labels or anything funky - Universal Search won't find it if it's more than 1 WEEK old?
    26. The power-user controls for Universal Search seem to have vanished? Indexing, Extended Search etc? All you can choose now is "source"?
    27. Weird one this. The phone stopped ringing! Checked and double-checked all Notification settings, even did a reboot but nope, phone will not ring for an incoming call! A fresh reboot finally fixed it - I was using a 206kb mp3 which may or may not be relevant
    28. I'd love to know why G Maps is missing (assume aggressive move from Google?)
    29. it's sometimes tricky to clear Missed Calls. I think you might have to go into the Missed Calls menu and then sub menu? Seems to be more effort than it should be - previously you just clicked the Dial button once to view and presto, missed call indicator cleared. Hardly a huge thing but then as with a lot on this list, it's all about saving a second here, a second there = a big saving over the day or week.
    30. Contentious I know, and certainly not a 'fault', but the charging points are gone so I can't get a desktop stand (ironic given the battery life is now more of an issue)
    31. when composing a text message you'd don't see the conversation history for that contact until you've sent the new message.
    edit: numbering

    CRITICAL:  You cant control the image size for pictures when sending as attachemtns in email. In previous Os 6 & 7 you could select, "smaller, mide size, large or original". These options are gone.

Maybe you are looking for