Bug with "FindFolde​r to LV Path.vi" on intel machine (OSX) - LV 8.2

there is a bug on intel machine
with FindFolder to LV Path.vi
which works as expected on PPC but don't give answer on intel machinesMessage Edited by PlBee on 11-08-2006 05:23 PM

Hello PIBee,
I just wanted to clarify - National Instruments does not fully support the use of LabVIEW on intel macs, so I do not have access to an intel mac in my department.  I was hoping to get a screenshot of the unexpected behavior and the error message that appears to include in a report to R&D.
Thanks and happy programming!
Janell R | Applications Engineer

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    Lots to be excited about. BUT...Just updated to 8.1 on one of my computers to test it out...
    Sadly, the following issue is NOT fixed for me. Is it with new projects only?  I haven't started a new project on 8.1 I've only opened an old project but the issue that I'm referring to which involves also a delay/freeze of anywhere from a few seconds to a MINUTE while the render bar goes from yellow to red and then back to yellow is still there. Boo.
    On the list above...
    Switching between sequences can turn the render bar red.
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    1) Create two sequences with multiple short clips (the more clips the better)
    2) Make sure GPU acceleration is enabled.
    3) Add warp stabilizer to the clips in both sequences. Again, the more clips the longer the delay/freeze will be as the render bar goes from YELLOW to RED and then eventually back to YELLOW again.
    4) Hit SAVE.
    5) Now, toggle between sequences. You'll hit a short delay with a few clips stabilized and a LONG delay with lots stabilized. In my case this delay is around a full minute. The render bar will go from YELLOW to RED and then back to yellow...eventually.
    6) Toggle back to the original sequence and the delay occurs again.
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  • 30EA3: German language bug with user defined reports still not fixed

    In 30EA2: Limited folder functionality with German language
    I wrote about a bug in 30EA2. Was this message noticed by the developers?
    The bug still exists in 30EA3.
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    3.1EA2 Old bug with German language settings still exists
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  • 3.1EA2 Old bug with German language settings still exists

    In the past I wrote several times about a bug in SQL Developer when running in German language mode. This bug is still not fixed in 3.1 EA2:
    In new folders for user definded reports only the options "Kopieren" and "Speichern unter ..." ('Copy' and 'Cave as') are available, when SQL-Deverloper runs in German language mode. Other options like "Bearbeiten, Neuer Ordner, Neuer Bericht, Ausschneiden, Einfügen, Löschen" (Edit, New Folder, New Report, Cut, Paste, Delete) are missing. A workaround is to force language to English with the line
    AddVMOption -Duser.language=en
    in sqldeveloper.conf
    I mentioned it first in Re: Folders with limited functionality about version and then in 30EA2: Limited folder functionality with German language 3.0 EA2 and German language bug with user defined reports still not fixed Beta Release 3.0 EA3
    Edited by: user1775992 on 22.11.2011 03:30

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    See if your Mac can run v10.9 Mavericks >  OS X Mavericks: System Requirements
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  • ICal bug with month view

    I primarily use week view on iCal, but sometimes i switch to month view for a larger perspective. Often, i use month view to check for any leftover events from the previous month in case i forgot to delete one or two.
    I just found a bug concerning this. If i click on "month" today, it'll take me to the month view for june 2011, and from there i can navigate forwards or backwards. However, may 2011 seems to have a bug. If i click on < from june, it does nothing; if i click again, it takes me to april 2011. Similarly, if i click on > from april it does nothing and if i click again it takes me to june.
    It doesn't end there. The june/may thing happens only when the selected day (the one shaded light grey on the month and week views and bright blue on the little month tab on the left) is after 04 june. If a day from the first week of june (i have my weeks start on sunday) is selected, the < button does take me to may, but several events which i deleted a long time ago are showing up.
    Now, i have an event set for today (04 june). Since the first four days of june are in the same week as the last three of may, the month view for may shows these four days, as any normal calendar app would.
    If i use the month tab to the left to navigate, i can access may 2011 by selecting any day on that month. However, iCal's behaviour depends on which day was selected previously. If the previous day was in april 2011 or earlier, iCal will show the month of may completely empty, which is great because i have no leftover appointments from may; however, the box for 04 june is also empty, which it shouldn't be. If the previous day was in june 2011, it'll show may with a repeating event on every sunday except the first, which is completely absurd, since i have deleted this event (and why isn't it showing on the first sunday in may?); the box for 04 june, however, will correctly show the event i have set for this day. If the previous day was in july 2011 or later, it'll show may with the repeating event on all sundays (including the first one) and it won't show anything on the box for 04 june.
    Obviously, there is a bug with may 2011.
    In case it helps, i do have a repeating event set to all sundays until the end of existence, but i have deleted all the entries from may and previously, since they have obviously already happened. Also, i had many other repeating events set to happen on different weekdays; these are to repeat themselves weekly until about halfway through june, and they started on april or may (can't remember right now). Like the sunday one, i have deleted all the entries from may because they have already taken place. Strangely (and thankfully), none of these appear when i visit may from june or later, as does the sunday event.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Or am i forever stuck with week view, which has so far proven to be bug-free?
    (I did a search on Google and another on the Apple forums for this issue but could find nothing, so i decided to ask the question myself. I apologise if somebody has already asked this question and i just couldn't find it.)

    I have a vague recollection of someone else with this issue but haven't experienced it myself nor encountered it recently.
    1.) First make an iCal backup: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2966.
    2.) Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches > com.apple.ical and / or "ical"
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache)
    Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.ical (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
    __NOTE: Removing these files will remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
    Once the computer is back up and running open iCal and test.
    Hope that helps!

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