Building a Universal Binary in Applescript Studio (Xcode 3.1)

Hello all,
I've been trying to configure Xcode 3.1 to build a UB of my applescript application, but I cant figure it out.
People tell me it doesn't even open on 10.4 or PPC macs (I have no way of testing it).
I've been going through the documentation for 2 days but I don't know what I'm missing for the life of me.
Can anyone help please?
Thanks in advance.

See my answer in your other thread.

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    AppleScript Studio is the old framework, and is deprecated in Snow Leopard (you can still use it if you really want to, though).  AppleScriptObjC is the new framework, and although you don't need to know Objective-C, it helps a bit to be able to read it, since most of the Cocoa documentation uses it (since ASOC calls Cocoa methods directly, Apple expects you to just use the existing documentation).
    There is an AppleScriptObjC in Xcode tutorial at MacScripter, and Shane Stanley has an excellent e-book available at Mac OS X Automation that will get you up to speed fairly quickly - definitely worth the investment.
    I also have a few example projects and references on my AppleScriptObjC web page that have been gathered from my various wanderings (there are also a couple of conversion examples from AS Studio and Obj-C).

  • Building a Universal Binary in Xcode 3.1 ... ?

    Hello all,
    I've been trying to configure Xcode 3.1 to build a UB of my applescript application, but I cant figure it out.
    People tell me it doesn't even open on 10.4 or PPC macs (I have no way of testing it).
    I've been going through the documentation for 2 days but I don't know what I'm missing for the life of me. And I have no idea what I'm supposed to do for it to work on PPC and Intel and 10.4 to begin with, since I've seen so many different things online ...
    Can anyone help please?
    Thanks in advance.

    oh the CMD + I does say it's a universal binary.
    However, if people tell me it doesnt work with 10.4, I need to find a fix -- and QUICK !
    I've been messing around with the build settings even more, tried again to reset all build settings to default -> still nothing!
    Here is my configuration :
    Thanks for the help, please tell me if me config is stupid !

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    If the name of theObject is equal to "myApplication" then
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    tell application "text edit"
    tell application "system events"
    keystroke x (x representing a variable)
    end tell
    end tell
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    Hi Kamprath445,
    Though this mentions iTunes, I think it has good examples you can use...
    More in depth... uide/conceptual/ASLR_variables.html

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    fails to be created, but there doesn't seem to be any information.
        It's pretty random.  When it fails, I can do a clean build and everything builds.  After a successful build, I can do another clean rebuild and see it fail again.
        The 32-bit version consistently builds fine.  I see the 64-bit problem regularly in any configuration (Release or Debug).
        I'm running VS2013 Update 2 RC.
        Any hints on how to debug this?  Is this a known issue for which there is a patch?

    Hi Anna, thanks for the reply.  Yes, this does reproduce in MSBuild if you specify a rebuild.  As mentioned previously, if you do a clean and build, even through MSBuild, the build succeeds every time.  
    There's no way for me to create a sample project.  Our codebase is quite large and this doesn't reproduce for simple example projects.  
    There is no error message when the iTunes.lib import library fails to build.  The import library is used in a dependent project and that fails in a way you would probably expect (complains about a missing .lib)...
    Here's the relevant section from my diagnostic build output.
    16>  Tracking command: (TaskId:92)
    /b MSBuildConsole_CancelEvent293fb138735a4f31a04ade4d72d60766  /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\link.exe"  /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT /OUT:"C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.exe" /INCREMENTAL:NO
    /NOLOGO comctl32.lib libcmtd.lib libcpmtd.lib shlwapi.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /NODEFAULTLIB /MANIFEST:NO /DEBUG /PDB:"C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.exe.pdb"
    /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /STACK:"1048576","262144" /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /FIXED:NO /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:"C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.lib" /MACHINE:X64 C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\intermediates\iTunesLauncher\iTunesLauncher.res
    16>  C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\intermediates\iTunesLauncher\AppleApplicationSupport.obj
    16>  C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\intermediates\iTunesLauncher\VisualStudioPrefix.obj
    16>  C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\intermediates\iTunesLauncher\iTunesLauncher.obj
    16>  C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.lib (TaskId:92)
    16>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.lib'
    Here's the relevant part of the build log from the linker step that should build iTunes.lib (the import library that fails to build).
    15>     Creating library C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.lib and object C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.exp (TaskId:92)
    15>Done executing task "Link". (TaskId:92)
    15>Task "Message" (TaskId:93)
    15>  Task Parameter:Text=iTunesDLL.vcxproj -> C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.dll (TaskId:93)
    15>  Task Parameter:Importance=High (TaskId:93)
    15>  iTunesDLL.vcxproj -> C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.dll (TaskId:93)
    15>Done executing task "Message". (TaskId:93)
    15>Done building target "Link" in project "iTunesDLL.vcxproj".: (TargetId:209)
    15>Target "MetaGenInputsOutputs" skipped, due to false condition; ('$(EnableManagedIncrementalBuild)' == 'True') was evaluated as ('false' == 'True').
    15>Target "ComputeMetaGenInputs" skipped, due to false condition; ('$(CLRSupport)'!='' and '$(CLRSupport)'!='false') was evaluated as ('false'!='' and 'false'!='false').
    15>Target "MetaGen" skipped, due to false condition; ('@(MetaGen)' != '') was evaluated as ('' != '').
    15>Target "ComputeLinkImportLibraryOutputsForClean: (TargetId:210)" in file "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets" from project "C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\iTunes\Projects\iTunesDLL.vcxproj" (target "_Link" depends
    on it):
    15>Task "WriteLinesToFile" (TaskId:94)
    15>  Task Parameter:File=C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\intermediates\iTunesDLL\iTunesDLL.tlog\iTunesDLL.write.1u.tlog (TaskId:94)
    15>  Task Parameter:
    15>      Lines=
    15>          ^C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\iTunes\Projects\iTunesDLL.vcxproj
    15>          C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.lib
    15>          C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\BuildResults\Debug64\bin\iTunes.exp (TaskId:94)
    15>  Task Parameter:Encoding=Unicode (TaskId:94)
    15>Done executing task "WriteLinesToFile". (TaskId:94)
    15>Done building target "ComputeLinkImportLibraryOutputsForClean" in project "iTunesDLL.vcxproj".: (TargetId:210)
    15>Target "AfterLink: (TargetId:211)" in file "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets" from project "C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\iTunes\Projects\iTunesDLL.vcxproj" (target "_Link" depends on it):
    15>Done building target "AfterLink" in project "iTunesDLL.vcxproj".: (TargetId:211)
    15>Target "_Link: (TargetId:212)" in file "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets" from project "C:\Users\psansone\iTunes\iTunes\Projects\iTunesDLL.vcxproj" (target "_BuildLinkAction" depends on it):
    15>Done building target "_Link" in project "iTunesDLL.vcxproj".: (TargetId:212)

  • Applescript Studio/XCode - NSPathControl to POSIX file with spaces

    I'm trying to get a value from a NSPathControl in my XIB and change it into a POSIX file, so I can manipulate it in the Finder (make a copy, rename, etc). My code works, but not if there are any spaces in the path. Any spaces are returned as %20, which doesn't translate into a POSIX file. Any ideas?
    on clicked theObject
    set theFile to (string value of control "sourceXML" of window "main")
    set theFile to (theFile as POSIX file)
    tell application "Finder"
    reveal theFile
    end tell
    end clicked

    Since you're using AS Studio, you may use NSString's method to convert %xx notation to character.
    Something like this :
    on clicked theObject
    set f to string value of control "sourceXML" of window "main"
    set f to call method "stringWithString:" of class "NSString" with parameter f
    set f to call method "stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:" of f with parameter 10
    set f to (f as POSIX file)
    tell application "Finder"
    reveal f
    end tell
    end clicked
    String Encodings constants are as follows. (See NSString's reference for detalis.)
    (I think 10 = NSUnicodeStringEncoding will be fine, but I may be wrong.)
    enum {
    NSASCIIStringEncoding =1,
    NSNEXTSTEPStringEncoding =2,
    NSJapaneseEUCStringEncoding =3,
    NSUTF8StringEncoding =4,
    NSISOLatin1StringEncoding =5,
    NSSymbolStringEncoding =6,
    NSNonLossyASCIIStringEncoding =7,
    NSShiftJISStringEncoding =8,
    NSISOLatin2StringEncoding =9,
    NSUnicodeStringEncoding =10,
    NSWindowsCP1251StringEncoding =11,
    NSWindowsCP1252StringEncoding =12,
    NSWindowsCP1253StringEncoding =13,
    NSWindowsCP1254StringEncoding =14,
    NSWindowsCP1250StringEncoding =15,
    NSISO2022JPStringEncoding =21,
    NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding =30,
    NSUTF16BigEndianStringEncoding =0x90000100,
    NSUTF16LittleEndianStringEncoding =0x94000100,
    NSUTF32StringEncoding =0x8c000100,
    NSUTF32BigEndianStringEncoding =0x98000100,
    NSUTF32LittleEndianStringEncoding =0x9c000100,
    NSProprietaryStringEncoding =65536
    Hope this helps,

  • Building a stand-alone AppleScript Studio application

    I’m taking a crack at building my first stand-alone application with AppleScript Studio. After many attempts to locate the needed “build” information in the various documentation resources I’m still pretty much poking around in the dark ...
    My application runs fine in the Xcode IDE. No problems. The application that Xcode saves in the project’s Debug folder runs too, (well, on the computer I developed it on) even if I move it out of its folder ...
    However, the app. doesn’t run on other macs. When double-clicked and it sorta fizzles without ever opening — wondering if the debug version relies on some resources within the project. I've installed it on a PowerBook and iBook, both running Mac OS 10.4
    I tried Build/Release. This also produced an application (in the Build/Release folder) which when failing to launch and causes the OS to burp, “You cannot open the application “My First App” because it may be damaged or incomplete.” This app will not run on my development computer or other laptops (PowerBook and iBook.)
    Build/Release also invoked three Xcode compiler error messages that seem to indicate that I need to change the NIB settings:
    /usr/bin/ld: warning /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.3.9.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Coco a cputype (18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7) for specified -arch flag: i386 (file not loaded)
    /usr/bin/ld: warning /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.3.9.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/AppleScriptKit.frame work/AppleScriptKit cputype (18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7) for specified -arch flag: i386 (file not loaded)
    /usr/bin/ld: warning fat file: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../libSystem.dylib does not contain an architecture that matches the specified -arch flag: i386 (file ignored)
    Also got this warning(?):
    /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    Also tried Clean All. Same result.
    I'm sure there's a simple step ... which I will remember well, 'cause I'm learning it the hard way.

    However, the app. doesn’t run on other macs. When
    double-clicked and it sorta fizzles without ever
    opening — wondering if the debug version relies on
    some resources within the project. I've installed it
    on a PowerBook and iBook, both running Mac OS 10.4
    You're right. You can't move a debug version of the app to another computer unless you copy the entire project folder. The debug version of the app requires access to other by-products of the build process in order to run.
    Build/Release also invoked three Xcode compiler error
    messages that seem to indicate that I need to change
    the NIB settings:
    The following errors are not related to your NIB file. They indicate you're trying to link against the 10.3.9 frameworks on an intel CPU. The 10.3.9 frameworks are PPC only.
    /usr/bin/ld: warning
    orks/Cocoa.framework/Cocoa cputype (18, architecture
    ppc) does not match cputype (7) for specified -arch
    flag: i386 (file not loaded)
    /usr/bin/ld: warning
    orks/AppleScriptKit.framework/AppleScriptKit cputype
    (18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7) for
    specified -arch flag: i386 (file not loaded)
    /usr/bin/ld: warning fat file:
    em.dylib does not contain an architecture that
    matches the specified -arch flag: i386 (file
    Take a look at the suggestions I made in this thread to make sure your project is set up to build a universal binary and to ensure that you're linking against the 10.4 universal frameworks.

  • Compiling a universal binary with GCC

    How would I go about building a universal binary just using gcc from the terminal? Also, how can I make it so the resulting binary can be used on other computers than my own?

    You have to add the following parameters to your compile and/or link step:
    -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4
    This will build for 10.4 or later on Intel. If you are really sure that your code can compile with all the same settings regardless of architecture, you could add "-arch ppc" to build a universal binary. A safer alternative would be to do:
    -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.3.9.sdk -arch ppc -mmacosx-version-min=10.3
    to give you a 10.3-compatible Universal Binary.
    Finally, lipo the executables together with:
    lipo -create <myapp>.ppc <myapp>.i386 -output <myapp>
    assuming, of course, that you have instructed your build scripts to append the architecture onto the end of the executable name, as in this example.
    To make sure your app can run on any machine, you could just link with static libraries. That might be difficult because most packages build dynamic libraries by default. What you can do is include your dynamic libraries with your application. MacOS X executables are actually folders with lots of files inside. Some of those files can be dynamic libraries. After you build your app, create a "Run Script" build phase to use the "installnametool" to tell the executable that its dynamic libraries are located inside its bundle. I have a more detailed write up if you want to try it.

  • AppleScript Studio apps not Universal?

    I am using XCode 2.3 on a PowerBook G4 running Mac OS X 10.4.7.
    I have an application I have written in AppleScript Studio in that the only code I have written is all AppleScript code.
    I have set the Architectures in XCode to include BOTH PowerPC and Intel and the Target SDK is Mac OS X 10.4 Universal. I am running the "Deployment" build.
    According to this should be sufficient to produce a "Universal Binary". However the resulting Binary stubbornly shows itself as Application (PowerPC) in the Finder instead of Application (Universal).
    What am I doing wrong? Or is it that pure AppleScript Studio will always result in PowerPC as the benefit from Intel nativeness is so slight.
    Ah ha! Found the answer, I had to select "Upgrade All Targets in Project to Native" in the Project menu. This was not mentioned in the Apple documentation above.
    Message was edited by: John Lockwood

    Found answer myself. Need to select Upgrade All Targets in Project to Native.

  • AppleScript Studio in Xcode 4.0.1

    I know in Xcode 3.2 (or earlier) you could enable it (AppleScript Studio) with the Terminal command
    defaults write IBEnableAppleScriptStudioSupport -bool YES
    but now that Interface Builder is gone, How can you enable it? Or is it impossible with the new Xcode.
    I guess I could use my old Xcode to work on these types of apps, but it would be nice to be able to use this...

    AppleScript Studio is deprecated. I believe all your old apps will work, but you'll have to make the move to AppleScriptObjC for any new apps you write. I never used Studio, but I understand ObjC is a much better way of getting things done.

  • Why won't XCode 2.2.1 produce a Universal Binary of my program?

    I know that it is unreasonable to expect any specific help with the information provided below, but I hope that someone can point me in the right direction for more effective troubleshooting than I've been able to do on my own. Perhaps there is something obvious I am missing.
    Here are the facts:
    Using Cocoa and XCode 2.2.1 to make a Universal Binary of a small application.
    1. The previously compiled PPC version (560KB) runs under Rosetta.
    2. A simpler version (108KB) was sucessfully compiled as a Universal version.
    3. The expanded version (identical program logic and form - just more of the same - additional variables, objects and methods) appears to compile with two prebind ignore warnings (despite having prebinding disabled).
    4.When the compiled app is run in XCode, the interface window correctly appears, but the app menu bar does not. Selecting an input field places the insertion point correctly, but typed input is displayed in the Run Log window, not in the field text box. Executing a calculation method via a button gives a result consistent with no data in the input fields.
    5. The app/build/Release/ file does not have a processor type tag in the Finder Get Info window (ppp or universal).
    6. Double clicking the file produces the error message "You cannot open the application "App" because it may be damaged or incomplete."
    7. The Contents of the App appear to be reasonable in number, names and size compared to the original ppc and simple versions.

    Thanks - I had earlier done what you suggested, with no effect. I finally decided to use a bigger hammer and copy the program files to a new project in XCode/Interface Builder. The most significant labor was re-establishing all the connections in the interface. This version compiles successfully as a Universal (ppc & i386) without compiler errors.
    I am troubleshooting some (now) obvious calculation errors in the original program code that do not affect the results in the ppc version (but should?), and do cause incorrect results in the i386 version.
    MacBookPro 2.16GHz Mac OS X (10.4.5)

  • Applescript Studio Ad Builder Demo

    Apple distributed a CD for Applescript with a demo for InDesign 2.0 called Ad Builder. Is there an updated demo for CS2 sytax?? It built Real Estate pages..

    AppleScript Studio uses Xcode for creating, editing, and compiling applications, and Interface Builder is for building the GUI part. I'd suggest taking a look at the Apple Developer Connection web site.
    In particular, there's an introduction to AppleScript Studio that may or not explain it all to you. There are even some tutorials there on building apps and gheir GUIs.

  • Xcode - Universal Binary

    I am having difficulties building my app as a Universal binary.
    I went to the Target inspector and selected both the Intel and PowerPC checkboxes in the dialogue that asks me what architectures to build for.
    When I built for PowerPC only, I had absolutely no errors. When I built for both however, I had one error and 6 warnings.
    I was given the following errors:
    cd "/Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller"
    /usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -o /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune\ Teller/build/Default/Fortune\\ Teller -L/Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune\ Teller/build/Default -F/Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune\ Teller/build/Default -filelist /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune\ Teller/build/Fortune\\\ Teller.LinkFileList -framework AppKit -framework Cocoa -framework CoreData -arch i386 -prebind -Wl,-Y,1455
    /usr/bin/ld: warning -prebind ignored because MACOSXDEPLOYMENTTARGET environment variable greater or equal to 10.4
    /usr/bin/ld: warning /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/AppKit cputype (18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7) for specified -arch flag: i386 (file not loaded)
    /usr/bin/ld: warning /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Cocoa cputype (18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7) for specified -arch flag: i386 (file not loaded)
    /usr/bin/ld: warning /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/CoreData cputype (18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7) for specified -arch flag: i386 (file not loaded)
    /usr/bin/ld: warning fat file: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../libSystem.dylib does not contain an architecture that matches the specified -arch flag: i386 (file ignored)
    /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined __keymgr_dwarf2_registersections
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined _cthread_initroutine
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined _atexit
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined _errno
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined _exit
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined mach_initroutine
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _NSApplicationMain
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined .objcclass_nameNSObject
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined .objcclass_nameNSURL
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined .objcclass_nameNSWorkspace
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _NSBeep
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _NSLog
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _NSRunAlertPanel
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _CFConstantStringClassReference
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined objcmsgSend
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _rand
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined .objcclass_nameNSObject
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined objcmsgSend
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined objc_msgSendfpret
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    /usr/bin/ld: warning -prebind ignored because MACOSXDEPLOYMENTTARGET environment variable greater or equal to 10.4
    /usr/bin/ld: warning /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/AppKit cputype (18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7) for specified -arch flag: i386 (file not loaded)
    /usr/bin/ld: warning /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Cocoa cputype (18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7) for specified -arch flag: i386 (file not loaded)
    /usr/bin/ld: warning /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/CoreData cputype (18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7) for specified -arch flag: i386 (file not loaded)
    /usr/bin/ld: warning fat file: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../libSystem.dylib does not contain an architecture that matches the specified -arch flag: i386 (file ignored)
    /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined __keymgr_dwarf2_registersections
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined _cthread_initroutine
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined _atexit
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined _errno
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined _exit
    /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/../../../crt1.o reference to undefined mach_initroutine
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _NSApplicationMain
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined .objcclass_nameNSObject
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined .objcclass_nameNSURL
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined .objcclass_nameNSWorkspace
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _NSBeep
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _NSLog
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _NSRunAlertPanel
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _CFConstantStringClassReference
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined objcmsgSend
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined _rand
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined .objcclass_nameNSObject
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined objcmsgSend
    /Users/andrewdanks/Developer/Projects/Fortune Teller/build/Fortune reference to undefined objc_msgSendfpret
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    Yep, long list of stuff that I don't understand.
    If anybody could help me, I would really appreciate it.
    12" iBook G4 1.33GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   Xcode 2.4.1

    In Xcode, select the top level project icon in the "Groups & Files" pane then click the "Info" button. In the Info window select the "General" tab and make sure the "Cross-Develop Using Target SDK" pop-up is set to "Mac OS X 10.4 (Universal)". The path below the pop-up menu should also read "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk".
    Hope this helps,

  • Fincal Cut Studio Universal Binary Question....

    hello all. just was confused on which final cut studio should i be downloading first on my MBP. i have two versions of final cut studio, one is not the universal binary, and the other is the older version, regular final cut studio. my friend said i needed to install the first final cut studio, non UB, before i install the universal binary version. is this true? also, what is this universal binary version? i don't quite understand it. i tried looking around for the answers, but i was just confused. thanks in advance.

    Friends don't help friends install software. Especially when they're wrong. Mostly because they ARE wrong.

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    Add an image well to your window in Interface Builder.
    You can also add an image file to the Resources group of your Xcode project and then set the image to be displayed inside the image well directly in Interface Builder. No AppleScript code is needed if the image is contained within your app bundle and can be set ahead of time like this.
    If the image is contained in your app's bundle but you need to set or change the image at run time then you can use a line of AppleScript to load it into the image well using just it's filename:
    set image of image view "yourImageView" of window "yourWindow" to load image "YourImageFile.jpg"
    If you need to load an image from an arbitrary location outside your app's bundle then use a path to the image file...
    set image of image view "yourImageView" of window "yourWindow" to load image "/path/to/YourImageFile.jpg"

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