Bulean switch for DO trigger

Hello everybody,
I am kind of puzzled regarding the problem I encountered in my vi. It does forces aquisition from a load cell and it records motion coordinates from my motion system.
I added a block for DO trigger, that sends TTL 5V signal to a PIV system, trigger does work, and I can read signal on both multimeter and PIV starts its sequence after it. What I am tryint to accomplish is to start recording to file and triggering at the same time.
I tried to wire bulean switch from my "write to file" control to digital bool <<data>> slot, but when I run vi, as soon as I push "record", labview freezes. If I create a dedicated bulean control for the trigger(which is what I have in attached file), everything works fine.
Can somebody sugges a possible solution?
Thanks in advance
Go to Solution.
loadcell_final_trig_qsw_28_07_2009.vi ‏298 KB

Oh, yeah, I should pay more attention to spelling
I'll update vi tomorrow, as I don't have access to Labview at home, but yes, record will be "write to file" switch that is wired to two "write to file" subVIs.
Basically I tried to wire it also to DO switch in order to achieve synchronous recording/triggering. Anyways, I'll update post tomorrow with appropriate file.
Thanks for the response Ravens!

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    I have an equally complex setup with a managed switch actually but I have never seen the TC have this kind of issue.
    What I do notice is you have changed the TC from defaults.. you are using a non-default IP range.
    I have run across issues like this where people move things from default.
    I would like you to start over.. factory reset the TC. That will set it back to default router mode.
    Do the min setup on the TC..
    1. Change all names from what you were using. That includes the TC name and wireless name/s
    Make them short, no spaces and pure alphanumeric because that is the correct way to network. Apple default names with spaces and apostrophes are fundamentally bad.
    2. With just the TC plugged into the switch.. and a single computer connected by ethernet. Power cycle the whole network.. this allows the switch to clear all the old MAC address.
    3. Test on the computer just ethernet. Turn the wireless off.
    The computer must use dhcp and must get an ip from the TC.
    It has to get the correct Router.. ie Gateway.. I wish apple could stick with proper network terminology.
    And it must get same address or valid DNS server address/es.
    If it fails.. please plug ethernet directly to the TC.. bypassing the switch.
    You should get the standard IP addressing and internet connection.
    If not please post the screenshot from the Mac of the network preferences showing the ethernet setup.
    I need to see what address it does get. I need you to make sure the ethernet is the TOP of the list. So rearrange the order of network connection. With the airport off it should just go to the top of the list.
    If it appears to be working .. but a browser cannot connect, open a terminal and ping an internet address.
    Ping the actual gateway address the ISP gives you and ping the ISP dns address.

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    iStatus = Timeout_Config(iDevice, lTimeout);
             iRetVal = NIDAQErrorHandler(iStatus, "Timeout_Config", iIgnoreWarning);
       //  configuration and selection of  signal trigger  
             iStatus = Configure_HW_Analog_Trigger(iDevice, ND_ON, iLowValue,iHighValue, ND_ABOVE_HIGH_LEVEL, ND_THE_AI_CHANNEL);
            iRetVal = NIDAQErrorHandler(iStatus, "Configure_HW_Analog_Trigger", iIgnoreWarning);
      iStatus = Select_Signal(iDevice, ND_IN_CONVERT, ND_PFI_2,ND_HIGH_TO_LOW);
             iRetVal = NIDAQErrorHandler(iStatus, "Select_Signal", iIgnoreWarning);
        iStatus = AI_Setup(iDevice, iChannel, iGain);
       iRetVal = NIDAQErrorHandler(iStatus, "AI_Setup", iIgnoreWarning);
       while ((iReadingAvail != 1) && (iStatus == 0)) {
     /* Wait until reading is available. */
             iStatus = AI_Check(iDevice, &iReadingAvail, &iReading);
            iRetVal = NIDAQYield(iYieldON);
           //  Acquire data from a single channel 
        iStatus = DAQ_Op (iDevice, iChannel, iGain, piBuffer, ulCount, dSampRate);
       while ((iDAQstopped != 1) && (iStatus == 0)) {
            iStatus = DAQ_Check(iDevice, &iDAQstopped, &ulRetrieved);
            iRetVal = NIDAQYield(iYieldON);
           iStatus = DAQ_VScale(iDevice, iChannel, iGain, dGainAdjust, dOffset,ulCount, piBuffer, pdVoltBuffer);
          iRetVal = NIDAQErrorHandler(iStatus, "DAQ_VScale",iIgnoreWarning);
       /* Set analog trigger mode back to initial state. */
           iStatus = Configure_HW_Analog_Trigger(iDevice, ND_OFF, iLowValue,iHighValue, ND_ABOVE_HIGH_LEVEL, ND_THE_AI_CHANNEL);
      /* Set PFI line back to initial state. */
           iStatus = Select_Signal(iDevice, ND_IN_START_TRIGGER,ND_AUTOMATIC, ND_DONT_CARE);
              iStatus = DAQ_Clear(iDevice);
     /* Plot acquired data  */
          iRetVal = NIDAQPlotWaveform(pdVoltBuffer,ulCount, WFM_DATA_F64);
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    tank you very mutch fo your help

    Please see the responses to this thread at the following post.
    Also, please only post one thread per issue.
    Sean C.

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    REP-0110: File testreport.rdf cannot be opened.
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    Edited by: user9093781 on 2011-08-23 06:50

    Not sure if this helps at all. I just went through a nightmare trying to get 11g forms/reports to work through the forms builder.
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    In my case, it wouldn't work at all until I put it right after the last "<engine id=" statement.
    Mine looks something like this (not that this is a snippet of the file in Windows, for running via Forms/Reports Builder):
    <engine id="rwURLEng" class="oracle.reports.urlengine.URLEngineImpl" maxEngine="1" minEngine="0" engLife="50"/>
    <environment id="default">
         <envVariable value="C:\Oracle\WLS11gR1U4\user_projects\domains\AISworkstation\" name="REPORTS_PATH"/>
         <envVariable value="AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1" name="NLS_LANG"/>
         <envVariable value="RRRR-MM-DD" name="NLS_DATE_FORMAT"/>
    <environment id="windev_xxxxxxxx">
    <envVariable name="REPORTS_PATH"
    I'm still figuring this all out too (although I did get it working how I need.. just not sure if it is the optimal solution), so I'm not sure how much this will help you. But for sure I can say that there is an order to these XML tags that I'm not so sure was the same (or maybe not enforced) in 10g.
    Good luck

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    case HEADER:
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    If you use the organizer, you need to buy the boxed version of PSE 12. You can usually find it at big box stores and online retailers for less than adobe's upgrade price, if you shop around. You need the boxed version because you get a serial  number that works on both platforms, and you will need to install PSE 12 in windows first, upgrade your catalog, then make a full backup to a removable drive and restore from that to the mac, after installing PSE 12 there.
    If you don't use organizer, it doesn't matter.

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    You can link the phone number to the iPad again, if you follow the instructions here.
    iOS 6 and OS X Mountain Lion: Link your phone number and Apple ...
    The relevant information for you will be at the end of the article. You may have to sign out of messages on the iPhone and the iPad and start all over again.

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    Do I have to clear and init AI everytime before occurrence config or is there a better way to make program wait for start trigger?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Matt99eo,
    Have you configured your device for triggering?  Although you have not mentioned your device specifically, the M series user manual provides a great explanation of digital triggering.  Using the DAQ Assistant, this can be configured from the triggering tab.  Hopefully this helps!
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer
    Digital Multimeter Resources

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