Bulgarian keyboard for iPhone

I have latest iPhone 3G and can't find Bulgarian keyboard ?
in Settings -> General -> International Keyboard there are many others but I need Bulgarian keyboard.
any help is appreciated

iPhone language capabilities are listed in its tech specs:
Ask Apple to add Bulgarian via this link:

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    You could always use an Apple bluetooth keyboard Like this
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    Hakob Gevorgian

    Tom, nothing in this life is pointless.
    By the way, upon reading your suggestion I tried sending my message to apple using the feedback form. I don't think it worked, there were few problems.
    Could anyone please send my message (the message I posted earlier) using the feedback?
    Thanks in advance

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    Hi All:
    I'm happy to report significant progress toward solving this thread. After a 10-day or so hiatus in my usual web search for a 3g keyboard, I took a shot last night. And guess what I found? A lot!
    Since November 13th, our friends in the Land of Smiles have been prepping diligently for True Move's iPhone release. To the point of the thread, Quik Dict (Thai Edition) is now available in the App Store for $4.99, and it includes a Thai keyboard. See http://www.mobclix.com/appstore/app/299442281 for info.
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    In a prior post, my crystal ball said we'd see the Thai keyboard in next one or two firmware updates; v2.2 has now passed without it. My refined prediction is that we'll see the keyboard within the next four-to-eight weeks from a third-party developer, which will be duplicated by Apple in a future firmware update.
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    !http://a248.e.akamai.net/7/248/2041/1546/as-images.apple.com/is/image/AppleInc/ MB167?wid=185&hei=185&fmt=jpeg&qlt=95&opsharpen=0&resMode=bicub&opusm=0.5,0.5,0,0&iccEmbed=0&layer=comp!

    where is the hyperlink for your information ?
    This PDF link has a good explanation of BT profiles:
    https://techtrain.samsungwireless.com/tekweb/Misc/Main/Accessories/Bluetooth_Pro files.pdf
    The HID profile is the one needed for keyboard connection, and isn't included in iPhone 3.0 OS
    where do you know, that this is not in the new os 3.0 ?
    I know, because I have been using all the 3.0 betas. If you read the latest Apple site page listing the new 3.0 features, you won't see it there. Only stereo audio (A2DP) with audio/video remote control (AVRCP) were added.
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