Bulkloader script error in weblogicportal 10.3

We are using same bulkloader scripts which we have used in 8.1 to deploy content in portal repository for 10.3.The script which is fine 8.1 is giving errors in 10.3.
This bulkloader scripts loadcontent.java.I am facing the following error.
java.rmi.RemoteException: EJB Exception:; nested exception is:
     java.rmi.RemoteException: Error loading directory: /EMEA Exception: An error occurred while trying to find type name CM_FOLDER_BADGE.; nested exception is:
     com.bea.content.NoSuchObjectClassException: An error occurred while trying to find type name CM_FOLDER_BADGE.
     at weblogic.rjvm.ResponseImpl.unmarshalReturn(ResponseImpl.java:234)
     at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(BasicRemoteRef.java:223)
     at com.bea.content.loader.internal.LoaderEJB_uex06l_EOImpl_1030_WLStub.loadDirectory(Unknown Source)
     at com.bea.content.loader.bulk.BulkLoader.doLoad(BulkLoader.java:1018)
     at com.bea.content.loader.bulk.BulkLoader.doLoad(BulkLoader.java:969)
     at LoadContent.loadContent(LoadContent.java:361)
     at LoadContent.run(LoadContent.java:451)
     at LoadContent.main(LoadContent.java:470)
Caused by: java.rmi.RemoteException: Error loading directory: /EMEA Exception: An error occurred while trying to find type name CM_FOLDER_BADGE.; nested exception is:
     com.bea.content.NoSuchObjectClassException: An error occurred while trying to find type name CM_FOLDER_BADGE.
     at com.bea.content.loader.internal.LoaderBean.loadDirectory(LoaderBean.java:426)
     at com.bea.content.loader.internal.LoaderEJB_uex06l_EOImpl.loadDirectory(LoaderEJB_uex06l_EOImpl.java:201)
     at com.bea.content.loader.internal.LoaderEJB_uex06l_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
     at weblogic.rmi.internal.activation.ActivatableServerRef.invoke(ActivatableServerRef.java:85)
     at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$1.run(BasicServerRef.java:477)
     at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
     at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(Unknown Source)
     at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(BasicServerRef.java:473)
     at weblogic.rmi.internal.wls.WLSExecuteRequest.run(WLSExecuteRequest.java:118)
     at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
     at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
Caused by: com.bea.content.NoSuchObjectClassException: An error occurred while trying to find type name CM_FOLDER_BADGE.
     at com.bea.content.repo.internal.server.logic.TypeOpsLogic.findByName(TypeOpsLogic.java:290)
     at com.bea.content.repo.internal.server.bean.TypeOpsBean.findByName(TypeOpsBean.java:225)
     at com.bea.content.repo.internal.server.bean.RepoTypeOps_7sxbdu_ELOImpl.findByName(RepoTypeOps_7sxbdu_ELOImpl.java:1208)
     at com.bea.content.repo.internal.client.common.Type.findByName(Type.java:189)
     at com.bea.content.spi.internal.ExtendedObjectClassOpsImpl.getObjectClassWithName(ExtendedObjectClassOpsImpl.java:69)
     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
     at com.bea.content.manager.internal.delegate.LatestInterfaceVersionWrapper.invoke(LatestInterfaceVersionWrapper.java:72)
     at $Proxy61.getObjectClassWithName(Unknown Source)
     at com.bea.content.manager.internal.delegate.LatestObjectClassOpsDelegate.getObjectClassWithName(LatestObjectClassOpsDelegate.java:69)
     at com.bea.content.manager.internal.ObjectClassOpsImpl.getObjectClass(ObjectClassOpsImpl.java:224)
     at com.bea.content.federated.internal.TypeManagerImpl.getType(TypeManagerImpl.java:207)
     at com.bea.content.folder.internal.BeaFolderFactory.getDefaultFolder(BeaFolderFactory.java:145)
     at com.bea.content.loader.internal.LoaderBean.loadDirectory(LoaderBean.java:414)
     ... 10 more.
I am sending the load contet.java class file also.we have this issue while invoking
* Copyright 2004 Interwoven Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* LoadContent.java
* This program is used to load content to a BEA Repository using
* BulkLoader. It is used to load either all the files in a directory
* or the list of file names specified in a file.
import com.bea.content.loader.bulk.BulkLoader;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator;
import org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.*;
public class LoadContent{
     private String repository; // Repository name
     private String application; // Portal application
     private String adminUrl; // Portal application
     private String userName; // Portal application
     private String userPassword; // Portal application
     private String configFileName = "";//new String("config.xml"); // Configuration file
     private String deployedFilelistName; // File containing the list of deployed files.
     private String contentDirPath; // Content directory having the directories to be loaded.
     private String tmpStr;
     private boolean loadAllFlag;
     private DocumentBuilderFactory factory;
     private DocumentBuilder parser;
     private NodeIterator nodeIterator;
     private HashMap dirNameHash, fileNameHash, dirDelNameHash, fileDelNameHash;
private List deployedFilelist,
                    userArgsList; //List of arguments specified by user, that are passed to the BulkLoader constructor.
     * Constructor
     public LoadContent() throws Exception{
          System.out.println("1: ");
          factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
          parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
     * Process the arguments given by user and check for their proper usage
     private void processArgs(String args[]) throws Exception{
          System.out.println("2:Praveen ");
          String usage = "Usage: java -classpath $CLASSPATH LoadContent [-verbose] [-config <config filepath>] -all|-file <deployed_filelist path> \n\n"+
                              "\tverbose - Turns on the -verbose option of BulkLoader\n"+
                              "\tconfig - Config file where the configuration details are stored\n"+
                              "\tall - load all the content in the content directories\n"+
                              "\tfile - file containing the list of files that are to be loaded into the repository\n";
          loadAllFlag = false;
          deployedFilelistName = new String();
          userArgsList = new ArrayList();
          boolean argError = false;
     for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
               if ("-all".equalsIgnoreCase(args)){
                    loadAllFlag = true;
               } else if ("-file".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i])){
                    if (i + 1 < args.length){
                         deployedFilelistName = args[++i];
                    } else {
                         argError = true;
               } else if ("-config".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i])){
                    if (i + 1 < args.length){
                         configFileName = args[++i];
                    } else {
                         argError = true;
               } else {
          if(argError || (loadAllFlag == false && deployedFilelistName.length() == 0) || (loadAllFlag != false && deployedFilelistName.length() != 0)){
     * Process the configuration file to get the details required by the BulkLoader
     * such as repository, application and the metadata mappings
     private void initialSetup() throws Exception{
          System.out.println("3:Praveen ");
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(configFileName);
}catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe ){
System.out.println("File :" + configFileName + " not found");
          InputSource in = new InputSource(fis);
          Document doc = parser.parse(in);
          Node node = doc.getDocumentElement();
          Node tmpNode = null;
          Element elm = (Element) XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(node, "/bulkloader");
          repository = elm.getAttribute("repository");
          application = elm.getAttribute("application");
adminUrl = elm.getAttribute("url");
userName = elm.getAttribute("username");
userPassword = elm.getAttribute("password");
contentDirPath = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(node, "/bulkloader/content/@dirPath").getNodeValue();
     * Process the files in the directories represented by hierachyNodes and create a list
     * of files to be loaded to the repository by filtering out the unwanted files
     * (the ones that contain .iwmf.xml and .md.properties).
     private void processDeployDirs() throws Exception{
          System.out.println("4:Praveen ");
          deployedFilelist = new ArrayList();
FileInputStream fis2 = null;
fis2 = new FileInputStream(deployedFilelistName);
}catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe ){
System.out.println("File :" + deployedFilelistName + " not found");
InputSource in2 = new InputSource(fis2);
          Document doc2 = parser.parse(in2);
String xpath = "//item";
dirList = new ArrayList();
fileDirList = new ArrayList();
deletedDirList = new ArrayList();
fileNameHash = new HashMap();
fileDelNameHash = new HashMap();
dirDelNameHash = new HashMap();
dirNameHash = new HashMap();
          try {
// Get the matching elements
NodeList nodelist = org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc2, xpath);
System.out.println("5:Praveen ");
// Process the elements in the nodelist
for (int i=0; i<nodelist.getLength(); i++) {
// Get element
Element elem = (Element)nodelist.item(i);
String filePath = elem.getAttribute("path");
String fileType = elem.getAttribute("type");
String fileAction = elem.getAttribute("action");
String fileTarget = elem.getAttribute("trgDir");
fileTarget = fileTarget.substring(fileTarget.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
if ("DIRECTORY".equals(fileType) && "DELETE".equals(fileAction)) {
dirDelNameHash.put(filePath, "/" + fileTarget);
} else if ("DIRECTORY".equals(fileType) && ("ADD".equals(fileAction) || "UPDATE".equals(fileAction))) {
dirNameHash.put(filePath, fileTarget);
} else if ("FILE".equals(fileType) && "DELETE".equals(fileAction)) {
fileDelNameHash.put(filePath, "/" + fileTarget);
} else if ("FILE".equals(fileType) && ("ADD".equals(fileAction) || "UPDATE".equals(fileAction))) {
fileNameHash.put(filePath, fileTarget);
if (!dirNameHash.isEmpty()){
Iterator iter = dirNameHash.keySet().iterator();
//ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
while (iter.hasNext()){
String tmp = iter.next().toString();
String path = dirNameHash.get(tmp).toString();
String tmp2 = path;
StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(tmp, "/");
while (stk.hasMoreTokens()){
tmp2 += "/" + stk.nextToken();
if ( !dirList.contains(new String (tmp2)) ) {
System.out.println("DIRECTORIES " + dirList.toString());
// even if it is a file name, process the path and chop it into directories
if (!fileNameHash.isEmpty()){
Iterator iter = fileNameHash.keySet().iterator();
//ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
while (iter.hasNext()){
String tmp = iter.next().toString();
String path = fileNameHash.get(tmp).toString();
String tmp2 = path;
//strip out the file name
tmp = tmp.substring(0,tmp.lastIndexOf("/"));
StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(tmp, "/");
while (stk.hasMoreTokens()){
tmp2 += "/" + stk.nextToken();
if ( !dirList.contains(new String (tmp2)) ) {
     System.out.println("ADDING DIRECTORY " + tmp2 + " FROM FILE ");
if (!dirDelNameHash.isEmpty()){
Iterator iter = dirDelNameHash.keySet().iterator();
ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
while (iter.hasNext()){
String tmp = iter.next().toString();
String path = dirDelNameHash.get(tmp).toString();
String tmp2 = path;
//StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(tmp, "/");
//while (stk.hasMoreTokens()){
// tmp2 += "/" + stk.nextToken();
// if ( !dirList.contains(new String (tmp2)) ) {
//for (int x=0; x < dirList.llength; x++)
System.out.println("DELETE DIRECTORIES " + deletedDirList.toString());
System.out.println("6:Praveen ");
Iterator itr = fileNameHash.keySet().iterator();
deployedFilelist = new ArrayList();
deletedFilelist = new ArrayList();
String nxtVal = itr.next().toString();
deployedFilelist.add(fileNameHash.get(nxtVal) + "/" + nxtVal);
System.out.println("FILES " + deployedFilelist.toString());
Iterator itr2 = fileDelNameHash.keySet().iterator();
String nxtVal = itr2.next().toString();
deletedFilelist.add(fileDelNameHash.get(nxtVal) + "/"+ nxtVal);
System.out.println("DELETED FILES " + deletedFilelist.toString());
Iterator itr3 = dirDelNameHash.keySet().iterator();
String nxtVal = itr3.next().toString();
deletedDirList.add(dirDelNameHash.get(nxtVal) + "/"+ nxtVal);
System.out.println("DELETED DIRECTORIES " + deletedDirList.toString());
} catch (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException e) {
     * Process the file specified by the -file option and store them in a list of
     * deployed files and deleted files.
* Load the content to the Repository
     private void loadContent(){
// add all the fileList
// only if they are not already there
/** Taken care of in processDeployedFiles **
Iterator iterA = fileDirList.iterator();
while (iterA.hasNext() ) {
Object tmp = iterA.next();
if (! dirList.contains(tmp)){
** End of Comment **/
System.out.println("7:Praveen ");
String[] blArgs = null;
String depFilePath = new String();
String depDirPath = new String();
List blArgsList = new ArrayList(userArgsList);
/** Added by Jayant as our repo is filesystem repo **/
/** End of Add by Jayant **/
blArgsList.add(repository );
System.out.println("8:Praveen ***************************************");
Iterator itr = dirList.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()){
depFilePath = itr.next().toString();
blArgs = new String[blArgsList.size()];
//System.out.println("blArgsList.size() " + blArgsList.size() );
          System.out.println("9:Praveen ************");
          try {     
          BulkLoader bulkLoader = new BulkLoader(blArgs);
          System.out.println("10:Praveen ");
               //List of files to be ignored
               List _ignoreList = new ArrayList();
               bulkLoader.ignoreList = _ignoreList;
     System.out.println("10 AAA:Praveen ");
System.out.println("10 BBB:Praveen ");
} catch (Exception e){
     * Delete the specified content nodes from the Repository
     * At present, BulkLoader does not support this functionality.
     private void deleteContent(){
          System.out.println("11:Praveen ");
     // Get the list of files from deletedFilelist and remove them from the
     // Repository.
String[] blArgs = null;
     String depFilePath = new String();
     String depDirPath = new String();
// add all the fileList
List blArgsList = null;
Iterator itr = deletedFilelist.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()){
blArgsList = new ArrayList(userArgsList);
     /** Added by Jayant as our repo is filesystem repo **/
System.out.println("12:Praveen ");
     /** End of Add by Jayant **/
depFilePath = itr.next().toString();
blArgs = new String[blArgsList.size()];
     try {   
          System.out.println("13:Praveen ");
     BulkLoader bulkLoader = new BulkLoader(blArgs);
               //List of files to be ignored
               List _ignoreList = new ArrayList();
               bulkLoader.ignoreList = _ignoreList;
} catch (com.bea.content.NoSuchNodeException ne){
} catch (Exception e){
//     System.exit(8);
     * Point of control to other method calls.
     private void run() throws Exception{
          System.out.println("Begin: "+new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
          //Load the content to the repository
          if( dirList != null && dirList.size() >0){
          //Delete the nodes from the repository
          if( (deletedFilelist != null && deletedFilelist.size() >0) || (deletedDirList != null && deletedDirList.size() > 0) ){
          System.out.println("End: "+new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
     * main method.
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
               LoadContent lc = new LoadContent();
          } catch(Exception e){
Thanks & Regards

we are facing the issue with the following method bulkLoader.doLoad(); which is working properly in 8.1 is giving error in 10.3.We are using the 10.3 bulkloader scripts but invoking the loadContent.java wwe are facing this issue.

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    Sebastian Wiefett wrote:
    > Hi,
    > this looks for me as an error from the IE.
    > Try to delete your Cache please. Is the URL of your BO Server in your Trusted Sites list ?
    > Regards
    > -Seb.
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    Furthermore, the file "hosts" is set as follows:    dummy.com    PALATINVIRT1         PALATINVIRT1.dummy.com       PALATINVIRT1         PALATINVIRT1.dummy.com
    whereas PALATINVIRT1 is the name of my host installed with Win2008R2 and NW 7.02..
    Finally, ping tests are successfully for:
    All of them are replying with
    Instance parameter icm/host_name_full is set to "palatinvirt1.dummy.com" (checked via transaction RZ10).
    If I launch SE80, select "Web dynpro components" in order to check my view , I can open the view and click on tab "Layout" but I'm not able to see the generated HTML page as well as I don't see any UI element toolbar if I'm switching in edit mode. Instead, I will get a script error "The value of property " wdp_edit_on" is Null" and then "URL: res://iframe.dll/dnserrordiagoff_web_OC.htm".
    If I check some activated services, especially the tutorial webdynpro applications (I have activated them in SICF), I will get a typical error "Web page cannot be displayed". So, it looks like a generic error I have.
    Does anyone know which setting I have to check?

    Hello to All,
    I have found the reason for the error: resolution of my URL was not possible.
    If you get such errors, this does not have anything to do with service pack updates or so or ICF services.
    If you are driving a scenario virtual machine VMware with NW02 installed as well as SAPGUI installed on your physical PC (host PC) and you have no DNS server running on your host, then you have to define a mapping of your VM IP address to the FQDN.
    I also have installed the Microsoft Loopback adapter, assigned to IP address on my VM.
    In my case, palatinvirt1.dummy.com is the FQDN.
    Therefore, on VM the file HOSTS in directory c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc should contain:      dummy.com      palatinvirt1      palatinvirt1.dummy.com         dummy.com
    This will enable each kind of requests via WAS.
    On your host PC, it is also required to define a correct mapping for the palatinvirt1.dummy.com address, otherwise your host does not know where to look at.
    So, modify on your host PC the file HOSTS in directory c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc:      palatinvirt1.dummy.com
    This solved my problem.
    I also recommend to fix the IP address on your VM and not to use DHCP service on top, otherwise you are risking of getting different IP addresses next time you are starting new your VM.

  • Script Error in SE80 WDA Workbench WDYN Comp Layout

    Hello folks,
    I'm not sure whether to post this in the Basis Forum or somewhere completely different, but I'll try here first:
    We've got a strange occurence since today within TA SE80 when opening WebDynpro Components and Navigating into the Layout of a View. The following script error is thrown repeatedly:
    It doesn't seem to be a local problem since all co-workers I asked to check this were able to reproduce it. For some, me including, unfortunately, the error reoccurs infinitely, i.e. the error is thrown infinitley so that I can't even close the modus anymore and have to kill my SAP-GUI via the task manager. Naturally, developing is not possible at the moment :-/
    I haven't found any threads/notes (neither manually nor via ANST) concerning this particular problem yet. Has anyone ever encountered something similar?
    We are using WinXP SP3 with IE7 (please suppress the urge to tell me to use an up-to-date OS/Browser, I can't helpt it).
    Backend System: NW AS 7.03 ABAP Stack 731 Level 11, ECC 606 (EHP 6) with SAP_HR 604 Level 73 and EA_HR 607 (HR-Renewal 1) Level 24
    Cheers, Lukas
    EDIT: P.S. I haven't implemented any notes recently that could cause this and nobody else I have asked so far did so either.
    Message was edited by: Lukas Weigelt

    Hi Kiran,
    unfortunately the note is long obsolete for my system (see my opening post). I checked every MIME-Object (both those mentioned in the note and those that are not) for duplicates nevertheless - there are none.
    That you pointed me to this note got me thinking though. We have recently applied several UR-Notes up to Patch 731 ST13/II in consultation with the SAP DEV support for unified rendering (because we opened some messages concerning accessibility problems). Could this script error be a side effect of doing that? Up until now, there have never been problems applying UR-Notes higher than the actual current Stack, this would be the first time.
    I also checked for UR patches again today and found there now is one more patch available we have not yet implemented, i.e. Patch 731 ST13/III.... maybe I should implement that one as well, clutching at straws.
    In any case thank you a lot so far, Kiran, thanks to you pointing to the note 1608760 I finally know what to search for, i.e. "view designer" and component BC-DWB-WD-ABA. My next step will be searching for more notes concerning this component. I'll get back here and put down some feedback once I've searched a bit.
    Cheers, Lukas

  • Script error for IE7 on WD Abap development

    My browser is IE 7.0.
    I'm developing wdb dynpro abap application.
    When i select a view and press Show/Hide Layout Preview, script error occures and ie error page is displayed.
    How can i solve this problem?

    You can refer to SAP Notes 1008689

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