Burning a VCD using iMovie

I need to make a video of myself teaching in order to finish my licensing for teaching in Indiana, but it appears the video needs to be submitted on a video cd instead of a dvd. I have iMovie HD 6 and iLife '08 (PowerBook G4 1Ghz), but I have not had to much luck beyond the "Burn Project to Disk" command in the File menu of iMovie. Is this action the method for burning a VCD or do I need to find some shareware or install my old Toast 6? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Does anyone know how to burn that to a VCD (or mpeg-2 to SVCD)?
Yes. Try Burn at http://burn-osx.sourceforge.net/ It's free. With Burn you can burn four kind of video disks. VCD, SVCD, DVD and DivX disks.
Is it as simple as burning the file to a CD?
F Shippey

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    How did you load it into iDVD?
    The recommended way is to
    1) in iMovie, use the Share menu to SHARE/MEDIA BROWSER in Large Size.
    2) Open the Media Browser in iDVD (at lower right) and drag in the movie you just shared.
    3) Set up any menus and such and burn your DVD.
    Is that what you did?

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    Another easy way to fix this.
    What I've noticed is that upon upgrading your projects and events to work with iMovie 10, initially it will work... Until you quit iMovie and reopen it again. Any events with hashtags will show up without the star next to the iMovie event. SO, if you happen to read this, after upgrading to iMovie 10 from its predecessor, immediately change the event name to NOT include a hashtag/pound symbol.
    Otherwise, if it's too late, you can either do the above or this...
    Hold down option and click on iMovie. This will prompt you Locate, Create a New Library, Cancel this window, or Choose a different library. What you want to do is create a new library, call it whatever you want to, this will only be temporary. After the program opens, it should be a blank Library. Then go to File > Open Library > iMovie Library (your original library) and proceed to change the name of your events. Quit the program. Go into your Movies folder in Finder, delete the library you temporarily created, and your back in business.

  • A few months ago, I purchased a new iMac. I recently created a movie using iMovie. Then I found out that iDVD is not included. So I have the problem that I want to burn a movie that I can play on my DVD player and watch on a television. i rang Applecare a

    A few months ago, I purchased a new iMac. I recently created a movie using iMovie. Then I found out that iDVD is not included. So I have the problem that I want to burn a movie that I can play on my DVD player and watch on a television. I rang Applecare and was told that I need a program called BURN.
    Is this correct? I can export the movie from iMovie in a m4v format, but I think I need to convert this to iso format before I can burn the disc.
    I know there are programs like TOAST that will do this, but it is expensive.
    I would be very grateful for any assistance.

    Burn will not do what you want, and there is no real substutute for iDVD.
    Why is there no iDVD on my new Mac?
    Apple insists that the entire world has access to fast broadband (and are prepared to pay for the considerable bandwidth usage) and wants to distribute home movies to friends and relatives via download (iCloud, YouTube, Facebook, whatever) rather than mailing them a DVD. The fact that in reality not all users do, has so far had no effect on this policy. If you scream and shout loudly enough down the phone Apple may send you a free copy of iDVD. Stating that they would return their brand new Mac unless they received a copy of iDVD worked for some, but that is now said to have been withdrawn by Apple.
    Also, you can complain bitterly via Apple’s Feedback link, perhaps suggesting that Apple could have provided a choice between burning DVDs and distributing home movies by other means. You may feel that Apple should not dictate how you destribute family videos or photos to distant relatives and friends, and should not assume that every user is prepared to pay for the excessive bandwidth usage charged by ISPs for huge downloads from the App Store:
    Whilst Macs with a Superdrive continue to be able to burn video DVDs, the software for so doing, iDVD, is no longer included in the iLife bundle that came with OS 10.7 Lion (which also omitted iWeb) or that comes with OS 10.8 Mountain Lion. And it is no longer included in the iLife 11 from the online Apple Store: http://www.apple.com/ilife/. Your only solution is to look on Amazon or eBay and try to get an older version that includes iDVD 7, i.e. iLife version 9 onwards. You should also do this if you plan to buy a new Mac anytime soon, as stocks of iLife that include iDVD will not be available for ever.
    However, the vastly more expensive FCPX can burn a DVD without iDVD or DVD Studio Pro involvement, but lack the themes etc of iDVD. Also, of course, there is Roxio Toast, which is the best software for burning anything but again does not offer the flexibility of iDVD.
    And if you think Microsoft are any better, their new Windows 8 operating system will not play DVDs, or burn them, unless customers buy an extra upgrade, the company has announced:  http://www.gizmag.com/windows-8-no-dvd-playback/22443/
    In other words, computer manufacturers have declared optical media as dead, long before consumers are ready to stop using them, which is fine as long as they offered us a choice, but they won’t even do that. Flexibility and intuitive use of a computer seems to be a thing of the past.

  • Hi I have created a movie using iMovie 10.0.6. I cannot save the movie as a complete file to be able to burn on to a dvd.

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    I have "shared" to a file and saved it to a named folder, but it just disappears into thin air. I cannot drag this file into an application because there is no file.
    This is very frustrating, Help.

    iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
    iOS: Unable to import photos to computer       
    You have a 2G iPod and the can play/sync only SD videos.
    If necessary use a converter app to convert to compatible format. I use the free HandBrake

  • I am currently experiencing problems burning a DVD using iDVD.  I have created a project in iMovie.  I have shared it to media successfully however when I try to burn it I receive a messaging advising there is insufficient disk space on assets.

    I have created a iMovie and wish to burn it to a DVD.
    I successfully shared media to browser in preparation to burn to DVD using iDVD magic.
    I am able to successfully preview however when I try to burn I receive a error indicating "Not enough disk space on assets"
    I am currently using a Macbook Air
    Version 10.6.8
      Model Name:          MacBook Air
      Model Identifier:          MacBookAir3,1
      Processor Name:          Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:          1.4 GHz
      Number of Processors:          1
      Total Number of Cores:          2
      L2 Cache:          3 MB
      Memory:          2 GB
      Bus Speed:          800 MHz
      Boot ROM Version:          MBA31.0061.B01
      SMC Version (system):          1.67f10
      Serial Number (system):          C02DRL8JDDQX
      Hardware UUID:          53310599-83EA-5F58-99A9-AE505506BBFE
    Capacity  60.32 GB
    Available - 2.49 GB
    The iMovie I am trying to burn is 45 mins long
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

    Reduce your burn speed to 1/2 the Rating of the Media.
    Disc Burner
    If more than one supported disc burner is connected to your computer, choose one from the menu.
    Preferred Speed
    When you burn a CD, iTunes automatically uses the best recording speed for the CD. However, if your blank CD is rated for a slower speed than the maximum speed of your drive, or if you experience problems creating CDs, you may want to change the recording speed to match the CD’s rating.
    Disc Format
    Choose the type of disc you want to burn: Audio CD; MP3 CD; or Data CD or DVD.
    Gap Between Songs
    Choose the amount of silence, if any, between songs.
    Use Sound Check
    To have all songs on the disc play at the same volume, select this option.
    Include CD Text
    To include information that CD players in some vehicles can display, select this option.

  • Can't burn dvd that plays on dvd player. seems to be in file format. do i need extra software? using iMovie and final cut pro trail..both same result. have macbook pro 2012

    can't burn dvd that plays on dvd player. seems to be in file format. do i need extra software? using iMovie and final cut pro trail..both same result. have macbook pro 2012

    NStrange wrote:
    ... confused about which video format(s) to use (e.g.: SWF, MPEG4, etc.), and whether or not I should use 3rd party compression software (e.g.: Sorenson Squeeze, Compression Master, etc.) along with / in addition to Final Cut Express (among other similar issues)...
    FC/e is based upon the Quicktime-engine; so, on 'Export using QT', you'll get all codecs & settings.
    but which one..
    due to sheer popularity, YouTube became a 'standard' - I'm happy with the convenience, YT and the 'embed'-code offers - excellent quality, automatic adjusted to the watchers connection&hardware.
    my export settings are 720p, h264, 6MBit/sec - gives a - imho! - superb quality.
    (example of a 'screen-test' from my latest project CLICK )
    for creating so-called 'flash video'/.flv, you need 3rd party apps.
    Sorenson Squeeze is more of an pro-tool, .. you need some background knowledge to get noticeable 'better' quality.
    .. and the question is: are you willing to pay $.$$$ for that 0.x% more quality .. ? does your source offers such a 101% quality, which needs such affords?
    if bandwidth is an issue, because you're hosting on your own servers, consider the free codec xh264, you can install as a free QT-plug-in.. with low or super-low bitrates, it offers a superior quality compared to h264 ...

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    My method is to use the DAW in standard recording mode, and set up the camcorder entirely separately.  After recording, I automate the audio mix with fader moves and effects, then export ("bounce to disk") a full-fidelity AIFF, 16-bit 48 kHz stereo file (most videos use 48, not 44.1).  I use iMovie '11 to import the video from the camera, then import the stereo audio file and match it up to the camera audio by dragging it into the iMovie Project.  Make the waveforms visible, it's not too hard to align.
    Then, use iMovie's "Export as Quicktime" feature.  Here, by going through the menus and options, you can control the audio compression (for example, 256k instead of 128, although 128 seems to be enough for YouTube).
    AppleMan1958 posted a YouTube video about controlling iMovie's export options that may help:

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    I made a slide show using imovie.  When I play it back on my imac, the slide show is crystal clear and sharp.   I burned a disc of the slide show using iDVD.  When I played the dvd the resolution is very poor.  Fuzzy and shakey images.  I tried various solutions, Apple tec told me to go to preferences on iDVD  and select "professional" to get higher resolution. Tried that but results still the same.  Any ideas?

    When you play on your Mac, you can have resolution up to 1920x1080.
    When you burn to iDVD you convert to 640x480.

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    Good Morning,
    My computer is using Snow Leopard 10.6.5 and has ilife 09 installed on an imac. I have been reading it is better to use imovie 06. When I tried to do a custom install from the 06 disk imovie and idvd were grayed out but had a checkmark. It would not let me deselect idvd. Not really knowing how to do this I quite the process. Can you or someone please advise me on how and what exactly to do in order to accomplish a custom install of imovie 06? Should I delete imovie 09 first? If so how is this accomplished. Perhaps it would be less complicated to purchase photo to movie? Really do not want to spend unless it is necessary since I only know a little about what I'm doing but enough to be dangerous to my computer

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    mChapters available from the App Store, will add chapters to the output file from iMovie. In the Finder, you may have to change the move file's extension from "mp4" to "m4v" as older Quicktime applications and perhaps some newer DVD creators may not recognize a chapter track in an mp4 container.
    In any event, the mChapters application will allow you to visually add chapters and name them as you like. You can save the file in-place (i.e. you do not have to create a new output file--just save to the existing movie file) which is quick. It is irritating that iMovie no longer has chapter markers, but this little application does not add much time to the move creation process.
    BTW, I have nothing to do with mChapters. I tried several applications, free and otherwise, until I settled on this one for my needs.

  • How do I copy video into iDVD to burn a DVD w/o using iMOVIE?

    Aloha from Hawaii! I want to make a DVD copy of the video tape on my Sony digital 8 camcorder. I initally tried using iMovie but the timeline could not hold the whole tape.
    I am trying to copy a pile of old family tapes. I want a single DVD of each tape so later (when I have the time) I could reimport them and make home movies.
    powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Hi theburlaon and welcome!
    I initally tried using iMovie but the timeline could not hold the whole tape
    Did you try to import the entire tape as one huge clip? Better to set it to, say, 5 minute clips.
    I want a single DVD of each tape so later (when I have the time) I could reimport them and make home movies
    Bad idea IMO. DVD is the final delivery format, not intended for editing. Converting back from mpeg2 (DVD format) to DV format (what iMovie likes) will result in a substantial quality loss.
    Just hang on to the tapes until you are ready to do the job properly, via iMovie and iDVD.

  • After bringing in the movie from a video camera in iMovie and enhancing it tiles and transitions etc how do you and where do you save the project for burning DVD's using iDVD?

    Where do you save a movie project for burning DVD's using iDVD?

    I recommend that you use SHARE/TO MEDIA BROWSER in Large size. Then in iDVD, you open the Media Browser and navigate to your project. You can drag it into your iDVD project from there.
    You can also use SHARE/EXPORT MOVIE and save to the location of your choice. You can then drag and drop into iDVD.

  • Is there a better workflow using iMovie?

    I run a small wedding videography business with my wife in Wisconsin and I'm wondering about a faster workflow for people using iMovie.
    Here is our current process:
    1.  I shoot the weddings using 2 Panasonic HMC40's which records on Class 10 SDHC cards in 720/30p
    2.  The next day my wife and I work on importing the footage into imovie, which obviously using the AIC codec to transcode footage into quicktime compatible footage into imovie, we import the footage in the "Large" resolution of 960x540 not the full resolution.
    3.  My wife and I both edit different aspects of the wedding, she typically edits the ceremony and reception, and I will film the rehearsal / rehearsal dinner, extras, limo coverage and getting ready footage, if the couple books our higher end packages that include these times.
    4.  After we're done editing each section, each project ends up being a little less than 2 hours long.
    5.  We Export the footage into 720p HD footage
    6.  We then open iDVD and create a new project and burn standard def DVD's as the final product
    We typically tell clients that we have the disks to them in 6-8 weeks, but in order to be more efficient I'd like to increase our turn around time.  I know one of our compeditors offers "same day edit" services, creating a trailer that's 3-4 minutes long to play at the reception, and it' edited and created between the ceremony and reception, which seems incredibly fast.
    I'm pretty sure that compeditor is recording to HDV tapes and is using final cut pro 7 for editing.  He might also use a preset storyboard / or time card slots or whatever it's called. 
    Our process has footage being filmed in AVCHD 720/30p (real time), then is transcoded usin the AIC to 960x540 editable iMovie footage (2x real time on my 2.4Ghz macbook pro w/ 2GB of ram and a 250GB hard drive), then exported back out at 720 HD (2x real time), then changing forms in iDVD (approximately realy time) to finalize in standard resolution DVD output.  With all the format changes that our footage is going through, I worry about the loss of quality, and about the general speed of our workflow.  A typical 2 hour chunk of footage goes through about 10 hours of pure processing time from start to finish on my machine, and about 5 hours of processing on my wife's macbook pro, which is a core i5 (2 core) macbook pro with 4GB of ram and a 500GB stock hard drive.
    Does anyone have suggestions to improve our workflow efficiency?  New faster machines aren't really an option, nor is moving to Final Cut because money is really tight right now, but I'm open to low cost ideas to increasing the speed of anthing along the way.
    Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

    Skip step 5. Since you're burning a standard definition DVD there's no need for any HD version.
    You may want to consider shooting in standard definition, too.

  • I can't burn a project from iMovie to a dvd why?

    my mac didn't have idvd untill i instaled it but when i try to burn a project from imovie, the dvd doesn't work on any other computer what can i do?

    What are you using to burn the movie to DVD? If you are using Finder, it will not work on other DVD players (not sure about other computers). In order to work anywhere, you need a dedicated video burn/authoring application such as iDVD, Roxio Toast, Burn, or many others you find by googling.
    Oops - I missed the fact that you said you installed iDVD? So did you use that or Finder?

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